The best horror movie created in the last 20 years.
The best horror movie created in the last 20 years
it was pretty good for people who don't like horror movies.
uh oh you're not allowed to say that
Try again. I’ll help you out here. It’s this one
what a joke
the worst post created in the last 50 years
this movie was terrible. i laughed way more than i was scared.
that's Martyrs, but I respect your opinion.
>inb4 basedjak poster
>t. jay
got high and fell asleep in the first 10 minutes, never seent
ikea horror
It was good, I liked it a lot
There are some eye-rolling moments like when Annie rummages through her dead mother's belongings, and finds a conveniently highlighted demon book so the viewer knows exactly what's going on
And the standard possession clichés of someone yelling "Get out!" and the Satanic cult stuff. But it's a well-made, effective and engaging horror, regardless of your ebin soi memes
Haunting of the hill House was better
why do so many people in Yea Forums hate this movie? It's genuinely good. Is is because reddit likes it or something?
that pajeet kid is actually a pretty good actor
he was good in My Friend Dahmer aswell
what a fucking trashy 2/10 flick. seek medical help.
Signs was scarier imo
Came here to post this.
Ya idk if it can be classified as a horror film, however
redpill me on A24, Yea Forums
what's with all the devil worshipping flicks they keep shitting out? surely the market for this schlock can't be that big
Hereditary was fine, 7/10.
The VVitch and It Follows are the best horrors of the decade, however.
They're trying to fit in with a bunch of tards who repeat what other tards have said
It's the way it's always been, sadly. Some people just don't mature properly
this fucking garbage didn't even have tits
I fully support the shilling of this kino
No, I think you'll find pic related is the best by a significant margin.
Which says a lot about modern horror films.
Do they fuck?
>It Follows
Lazy, utterly mediocre film.
Best comedy maybe.
Normalfags absolutely hated Hereditary (D+ CinemaScore), most of Yea Forums are normalfags that get really excited about Disney and superhero movies. It's not hard to figure out.
it's an assembly line movie like so many have been, specially horror
horror should be the genre where directors are allowed to risk more and create different narratives, but it's ironically the most cookie-cutter genre being made right now
apart from the witch, which I didn't enjoy fully but can at least respect the effort they made to make something different, all horrors play the same, no variation whatsoever, beat by beat, read their scripts and you can even compare scenes
it’s good sorry incels
this is a good theory
>it's ironically the most cookie-cutter genre being made right now
Horror is one of the most cookie-cutter genres ever conceived. Most of it is lame trash, but that friend with the greasy hair, brush-bristle beard and inexplicably wooly black hoodie loves it
Shit opinion on par with complaining about music you don't like or understand as "ugh it all sounds the same! :-("
Watch more horror movies or give up.
Yikes, you must have autism
>Watch more horror movies or give up.
lmao it's exactly because I watched many horror that I have this opinion, if you watched hereditary and don't feel you've watched that same shitty movie countless times before maybe you're the one who needs to get good
how was hereditary "beat by beat"? it subverts cliches of the genre which makes it extremely shocking and griping
Watched it again and noticed the demon (white shadow thing) this time so it was better than the 1st watch.
Hereditary peaks with the incident and severed head. The actual horror that comes after is just mediocre.
The only cliche it subverts is the odd little girl dying immediately - everything else is by-the-numbers.
And that subversion is about 20 minutes into a 2 hour film
Jay loved Hereditary tho.
>all these sõyguments(sõy arguments)
signs and the sixth sense are some of the best "horror movies" out there, they're genuinely packed with intensity and emotion
shambalamba really outdid himself with those movies
I watch a few hundred horror movies every year. You've seen a few hundred in your life. It's a movie about death cults and demons, ofcourse it's been done before.
If you can't judge movies on a case by case basis and instead bitch and moan about "waaah I've seen this before!" then again, just give up and go watch some other genre because this isn't for you.
The minutes were a red herring?
it clearly fucking isn't, if you watch 100+ horrors a year (lmao) and still find any merit whatsoever in this pile of garbage then you have bigger things to worry about in your life
a horror for marvel audeince
Damn. I thought Elle was pure.
no. it continues to subvert your expectations through out the movie. all the characters are doomed from the very beginning. this gives the film a real sense of dread like no other horror really has.
>ikea horror
10/10 description
the movie was very sterile, cardboard characters with onedimensional problems that were hammered down on the audience non-stop
at points it felt more like a parody of a horror than a horror itself, I managed to enjoy it when I realized I could have more fun laughing at the absolute state of some scenes and directions the movie took, specially the ending
to hereditary fans out there, watch that recent german movie about 2 twins + their newly disfigured mother and notice the difference
Can people please stop saying that about some completely average movie every fucking year?
>2014 - The Babadook
>2015 - It Follows
>2016 - The VVitch
>2017 - Get Out
>2018 - Heredditary
Do we have one this year yet?
Is Rosemary's Baby rebuild. The last 10 ten minutes are weird as fuck and not in a good way.
It's not a horror movie.
>I hate a genre
midsommar looks to be the new basedhorror, I still haven't watched it though and know nothing about it so no judging yet
Yes and on the other side of the fence: if you think Hereditary is in any way assembly line or cookie cutter you simply haven't seen enough of them.
>onedimensional problems
Retardation. The family dynamics alone are deep enough to the point where people thought the movie was going to be a metaphor for mental illness triggered by a sudden death.
Goodnight Mommy. I liked it but I don't see what it has to do with this. I felt that was more like A Tale of Two Sisters, or the shitty Uninvited remake.
Meh, it's the best this decade has to offer.
good thing it wasn't then, just a spooky cult
>characters being doomed is a subversion of horror cliches
Holy shit you Aster fans are fucking embarassing.
This couldn't be anymore cliche.
This. It has the same clichés as every other modern horror.
it wasn't a question.
Hereditary is a great pleb filter
Give a recent example.
Midsommar is a boring relationship drama not a horror movie. And it's definitely not based.
Kiki worshipping the fire was actually scary as fuck but you and OP meant this
I'll give you a perfect example:
The Cabin in the Woods is a horror comedy that pokes fun at the cliches of the horror genre. The plot involves a group of teenagers being sacrificed by a governmental organisation to appease Gods.
It presents the trope of bog-standard slashers where the characters are doomed to die. The director knows that this is what the audience expects, and wants, so orchestrates the film around this.
By claiming Hereditary subverts expectations by having characters that are doomed to die, you say this with the knowledge that an entire horror-comedy actually poked fun at how cliche that cliche is.
Yeah, that was cool shit. Remember the scene where Toni Collette is in a group meeting talking about her horrific family history and trauma and when she stops no one knows what to say to her because how the fuck do you respond to that? Then as the movie progresses and closes you realize that what she was talking about wasn't mental illness and a fucked up family tree but the death cult trying to execute their plan decades before and failing. Loved that stuff.
People like to shit on the third act of the movie when things go really fucking sideways but that might have been my favorite part, because it goes so fucking off the rails that there is no doubt that what is actually happening is occult demon madness.
Ok, you got me on that one but How is hereditary beat for beat the same as every other horror movie after the girl gets murdered? It's broken your expectations and the rest of the film is completly uncertain and anxiety ridden.
It Follows is a masterpiece.
Under the Silver lake was way better
Was that even a horror movie? Ithought It was more a mystery/ conspiracy movie
One horror scene in it, but sorry
>the best X of the last Y
Literally - and I mean literally - the most Reddit qualifier
The score is fucking fantastic
I know you're just trolling but the sad thing is that some people actually believe this
Better than anything in this thread.
I'm so experienced in my kino watching that I've never seen this and know it's horseshit
Why, because people on this board who dislike anything popular told you?
Yea Forums is literally contrarian plebs.
Because they're already making a sequel, what clowns want that? Dude, you have to be silent, PG 13, Emily Blunt is more talented than her husband and when that dildo is on something it's usually a fail
has to be bait
>2014 - The Babadook
>2015 - It Follows
>2016 - The VVitch
>2017 - Get Out
>2018 - Heredditary
Every single one of these is shit and they tried to say each one was the "greatest horror film of this century"when they came out lol
>most of Yea Forums are normalfags that get really excited about Disney and superhero movies. It's not hard to figure out.
What was even the point of these movie? It was just "oooooh dark satanism"
hereditary literally the only kino in that list
You can tell alot about an user when they think Hereditary is better than the Witch
t. hasn't seen a horror movie made before 1976
>the Witch
painfully shit flick desu
Hereditary hasn't aged well
Hereditary was so fucking good. It was easily the most bone-chilling, atmospheric, slow-burn kino of the past few years
>Hereditary hasn't aged well
I'm cringing on the other side of the world here
>all movies have to have a point
>painfully shit flick desu
How do you grow up on folk tales and not love the VVVVVVitch? If you're from some country where it's not the same that's cool too, but "don't go into the woods" were the still even the gist of every urban legend 400 years later when I grew up. Let alone the shit that actually happened like the witch burnings.
As Above So Below is decent
can't wait to see them on blackedraw
this movie was great. the head popping off scene was kino
It was so nice to have legit supernatural horror instead of the same old tired mental illness cliche' that became so prevalent.