When are we getting a biopic about the greatest war hero in American history?
When are we getting a biopic about the greatest war hero in American history?
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inb4 seething rebelcuck larpers
Literally who though dead serious
>dying for niggers
>dying for jews
>dying for israel
why are americunts so cucked?
Do we have an unironic plastic Dixieboo here?
yankee hitler
That's not George Henry Thomas.
Hopefully soon
Uncle Billy AKA William Sherman, a general in the union army during the American Civil War. He practiced total war tactics on the traitors and won the war, earning the eternal gratitude and love of all except the inbred dixiefags who still SEETH to this day.
That's not Nathan Bedford Forrest.
You will never be white.
lol a lot of those union generals went on to massacre scores of native americans right after freeing the slaves
Do it again uncle billy
So he did nothing wrong then? :^)
William Sherman, he fucking destroyed the south.. eventually causing them to surrender
>inb4 Cleetus comes in with "BUT ACKSHUALLY THE WAR WASN'T ABOUT SLAVERY!"
>greatest american war hero
>beat a bunch of incestual hicks
let me know when you mutts win against a worthwhile enemy
but the slaver states left?
imperial japan
It wasn't, and nobody thought it was until 2005. Revisionist libtard 'historians' have been raping the narrative for almost 15 years now.
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Choke on a Tide Pod, zoomer scum.
He really does deserve more recognition.
Such a shame that he was constantly passed over in favor of Grant and Sherman when he just as good, perhaps even better than the both of them.
kek, spoken like a true 15 year old edge lord
He was held back by moderate pussies. The original plan was to literally destroy the South. What we got was just a casual game of uncle compared to Sherman's true wrath.
>nuking a bunch of women and children
good job
Alexander Stephens said it was about slavery. I didn't know he was VP of the CSA in 2005.
based shelbyfooteposter
based xD
i'm sure we got some men too
>Sherman's true wrath
Anyone can have "true wrath" when you have unlimited supplies and more manpower than you know what to do with, against an army that has barely a fraction of that.
>He was held back by moderate pussies. The original plan was to literally destroy the South.
Then the CSA would have been recognized as a nation and the Union would have been vilified by the international community.
>Alexander Stephens
You mean that guy whose entire platform of beliefs went against Jefferson fucking Davis's to the point he was publicly shittalking Davis during the war? Doubt his opinion was asked when CSA policy was set.
Holy shit this picture is hilarious
To what degree is it shopped?
Presumably the largest group killed was men. The main reason Hiroshima was a target was because of the military presence there and Nagasaki was targeted because of the Mitsubishi factories there.
>no no no kids can't goof off during the flay prayer
lol it isn't
>the Yankees "won"
NY City = Majority Non-White
Chicago = Majority Non-White
Detroit = Majority Non-White
Baltimore = Majority Non-White
Philadelphia = Majority Non-White
Washington D.C. = Majority Non-White
Boston = Majority Non-White
Milwaukee = Majority Non-White
Cleveland = Majority Non-White
St. Louis = Majority Non-White
Cincinnati = Majority Non-White
Newark = Majority Non-White
Jersey City = Majority Non-White
Buffalo = Majority Non-White
Rochester = Majority Non-White
Yonkers = Majority Non-White
Providence = Majority Non-White
Hartford = Majority Non-White
ok now this is epic
>greatest war hero in American history?
more like psychotic civilian murderer
>He was held back by moderate pussies. The original plan was to literally destroy the South.
>Then the CSA would have been recognized as a nation and the Union would have been vilified by the international community.
What fucking difference would it have made if the CSA got recognized as a nation if it got utterly destroyed, what would be recognized? The charred bones of dixies?
but unironically
>historylet doesnt know VP was a largely ceremonial role until the 20th century
fuck off tyrone
>mub da mo bidda te dat tum gott dang bix nood cof bin dub ho tell ya hwut
user, I understand that you're a cold blooded murderer at heart, but you can't just go around indiscriminately killing POW's and civilians in war, not to mention that the south was also comprised of many free black people too, which would also fall under "charred bones of dixies."
What was left would rebuild and be under the protection and aid of France and Britain in such a grim timeline.
you do know there are multiple states in the present day that fight for the right to be internationally recognized? Taiwan, Georgia and until recently south sudan were never safe and could never recieve international help without being recognized it is a very big deal diplomatically.
Emilia Clarke as a gender swapped Sherman when?
the union supported tariffs, the south wanted free trade
how the tables have turned
>robert e. lee: I was white, and I was right.
>Sherman was not an abolitionist before the war and, like others of his time and background, he did not believe in "Negro equality". Before the war, Sherman at times even expressed some sympathy with the view of Southern whites that the black race was benefiting from slavery, although he opposed breaking up slave families and advocated teaching slaves to read and write. During the Civil War, Sherman declined to employ black troops in his armies.
>In 1859, he gained a position as superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy. Living in the South, Sherman grew to respect Southern culture and sympathize with the practice of Southern slavery, although he opposed secession.
Whoa, I guess Sherman was pretty based...
>but you can't just go around indiscriminately killing POW's and civilians in war
>war crimes in the 1860s
>comparing apples and oranges
so this is the power of negro banter......
Do it again, Uncle Billy
>respect Southern culture and sympathize with the practice of Southern slavery
The Union forever, hurrah! boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor, up with the star;
While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
just try again southern incels
i dare you
What people fail to realize is that you can simultaneously have a disdain for niggers and genocide seperatists at the same time. Neither of these two points are contradictory.
oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
good times there are not forgotten
look away, look away, Dixieland
>based Sherman thread
>foreign towelheads raid thread vying for Americhad attention
Why is the rest of the world so autistic, bros?
Keep in mind that Sherman is a general, and you wish that you were in his place.
Now as a general, try convincing your entire army to kill prisoners of war, woman, and children.
These enemies look like you, they share the same culture, they speak the same language, pray to the same God, born on the same national soil, and you want to convince men in your army to slaughter them for no reason other than "some 21st century macro image that inspired me."
not really the case 100+ years later with the benefit of hindsight
>Now as a general, try convincing your entire army to kill prisoners of war, woman, and children.
Wouldn't be that hard, just tell the soldiers the entire war is their fault, if the southerns didn't try to seceded and if the south didn't attack the north they could be home with their families.
So the sooner those pows, women and children die the sooner everyone can go home.
Sherman loved the south.
He had nervous breakdowns.
He was suicidal.
Had tons of respect and pretty much became friends with Johnston.
Also had respect for Nathan Bedford Forrest.
All points added to yours that are constantly overlooked.
Sherman really was a very complicated man and not just some black/white caricature like he's made out to be.
lmao it took these yankee fucks 4 years to beat a bunch of impoverished ragtag confederate hillbillies. the union had every advantage imaginable and were still getting blown out in battles so they had to resort to destroying the land and cities they were literally fighting to keep in their possession. absolutely embarrassing display.
>blocks your confederacy
Not Missouri, tgey were too busy dealing with the Kansas menace.
And then you'd get fragged or relieved of your command because many of the men under you still have ties to the south, some might even be southern born, and they're still human.
Remember that this is war between "brothers," not one with strangers.
I feel like clint has certainly refused to play sherman
Lincoln didn't go far enough. He should have unleashed Sherman, burned the south to the ground, and salted the earth.
>some might even be southern born, and they're still human.
zoom zoom
You might want to check the state's with the highest black populations before shit talking the north.
Well if you're meme'ing, then of course, but this was a real life historical event.
>Four days later, Sherman issued his Special Field Orders, No. 15. The orders provided for the settlement of 40,000 freed slaves and black refugees on land expropriated from white landowners in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Sherman appointed Brig. Gen. Rufus Saxton, an abolitionist from Massachusetts who had previously directed the recruitment of black soldiers, to implement that plan.[91] Those orders, which became the basis of the claim that the Union government had promised freed slaves "40 acres and a mule", were revoked later that year by President Andrew Johnson.
finish the section
and he fucking hated the south for thinking war was like gentleman sparring. he wanted to crush the spines the of the south and how they viewed society.
>Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late.
>All the powers of earth cannot restore to them their slaves, any more than their dead grandfathers. Next year their lands will be taken, for in war we can take them, and rightfully, too, and in another year they may beg in vain for their lives. A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence.
>muh traitors
why are yanks so butthurt over the supposed southern "treason" when they, as british subjects, rebelled against the crown themselves?
mcclellan did nothing wrong
maybe one day
Confederates lucked out early on, the guys in charge of tge union forces at the start were retards.
>No rebels shall be allowed to remain at Davis Mill so much as an hour. Allow them to go, but do not let them stay. And let it be known that if a farmer wishes to burn his cotton, his house, his family, and himself, he may do so. But not his corn. We want that.
sounds pretty fucking based
>Those people made war on us, defied and dared us to come south to their country, where they boasted they would kill us and do all manner of horrible things. We accepted their challenge, and now for them to whine and complain of the natural and necessary results is beneath contempt.
How do southerntards respond?
Macarthur was a piece of shit who got btfo in the philippines
We won both times so the losers can get fucked.
It's just boredom and something to bicker about.
Sort of like rivalry between the US armed forces.
>that part of the kino where sherman has a mental breakdown
would be based i think
>their country
so he admitted their right to secession?
Do you honestly need somebody to explain the difference to you?
>flat fields
the south is blessed with natural defenses it always seems to be glossed over
I'll kill that Yankee soldier
supposedly people hated wheeler's confederates even more, they basically acted like the villains in cold mountain
also sherman was criticized for being too lenient on the rebels after the surrender
Anybody who casts Sherman as a gung-ho anti-Confederacy crusader just has no idea who he was.
That he never won a single battle against the Confederate Army. That he had an 0 and 5 record against actual soldiers and that his entire military career consisted of terrorizing civilians.
I mean read that fucking sentence, he's trying to play the victim and justify an invasion at the same time. What a hypocritical sack of shit, at least Ghengis Khan was honest about being a monster.
is the fact that the yankees vs rebels shitflinging is still going on the reason they don't make civil war kino anymore?
war is just politics; no reason they take it personal
by all means, yankie boy
it is clearly not country as a nation but country as a land mass
Do it again!
We should have let the former slaves rape all the southerns out of existence. I hate those racist cousin fuckers.
>>Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late.
>>A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence.
holy based the man was an animal
The difference is the self vs the other. I wouldn't hesitate to blow your mug into smithereens, but I should avoid the same from you.
free state of jones?
>the self vs. the other
Wrong again, retard. Loads of colonists remained loyal to England during the revolutionary war.
>0 casualties
Literally lead to the death of 700k+ Americans...
And they lost.
Read a book sometime, retard.
We stood up to your shitty crown and won, they stood up to the union and got wrecked. So mostly we're just ashamed of them for starting a fight and losing it.
No. Sore losers will always exist following any historic war. The Civil War is nothing special.
OH NO NO NO wait till you see th-
The sad part of any civil war is that there are no winning or losing sides, just one loser.
really makes ya think
Southern politicians
>We're seceding for slavery
Southern declarations of secession
>We're seceding for slavery
Southern soldiers in their journals
>We're fighting for slavery
Revisionists on the civil war today
>Actually it was about ethics in states rights
Never forget that the southern states pushed for the fugitive slave act, the biggest attack on states rights in the history of the United States, or that the confederacy restricted states rights in its own constitution by taking away a states ability to abolish slavery within its borders.
the civil war was worth it just to kill as many yankees as possible
Towards the end of the American civil war the north was super booty blasted so they adopted scorched earth tactics rape and pillage and all that. The guy in the pic is the general who lead the infamous campaign
Then why'd you demand the South stay if you didn't want all those blacks?
yes it was about slavery, no it wasn't just about slavery.
>Southern soldiers in their journals
>>We're fighting for slavery
So how is the second Civil War going to look, once President Trump either wins or loses the 2020 election?
lincoln wanted to ship them all back to africa
*burns your family*
heh, nothing personnel cuck
Why do incels always identify with the losers of wars?
at what point does it stop being about politics and start being about protecting your land and possessions from an army that's chimping out and burning everything in sight?
God i wish shit balkanized
sick of the federal bs even as a new englander
it started being about protecting their land within weeks of starting the war because Southerners were too retarded to attack properly so most of the fighting took place in Virginia
Ear kino.
The moment you realize you fucked up and it's time to surrender.
Losers irl
>my music when some racist southerners try to start shit
Based cuck
>Southerners were too retarded to attack properly
umm sweetie we're talking about the war of northern aggression here
that took 4 years though because the confederates quickly found out what pussies the union army was and thought "hey maybe we can actually win this despite being outnumbered 2 to 1"
He defended a literal fascist regime and a dictator.
To save millions more.
Do you think he fucked good?
why do onions boys hate their own white skin?
Maybe don't start wars if you don't want your shit burned?
You will never be white.
Do it again uncle billy