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76ers Vs Raptors Game Thread - Playoffs Edition
Ian Cooper
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Grayson Evans
My wuffs made this the year of the upset
Let’s go rapties
Joseph Garcia
Nathaniel Fisher
Nathaniel Peterson
I have PTSD from this series. For the love of god this can't go 2 weeks
Nicholas Long
>Cameroon bros facing off
Michael Walker
It’s off to Barnes
Defended by Embiid
Is this the dagger?
William Collins
Asher Nguyen
fuck james larden
Angel Williams
I need them to cut off this shitty refball game and show the Sixers-Raptors game immediately
Carter Ortiz
Gary Trent missing a 3 what’s new
Jason Lopez
John Sullivan
Noah Moore
>sixers actually hitting 3s
If that keeps up they're almost impossible to beat
William Walker
holy shit I forgot about that. fuck harden, but damn that was hard.
Thomas Russell
/ourgirl/ is feeding us tonight
Ryder Scott
this doo embiid really just took the ball up the court and shot that lol
Chase Bell
I only watch like 3 games all season until the Playoffs. Do the Sixers have a chance?
Easton Richardson
Bentley Jackson
He's the x-factor. If he's bricking this series, it's over.
Easton Scott
Need her to sit on my face
Parker Scott
Zachary Richardson
>rapties really just took 4 v 5 on both ends and got a bucket while birch was dead
Adam Lee
The Rators should try not fouling the Sixers players
Nathan Hill
>embiitch elbows somebody
>reffies sleeping
>touch embiitch
Nathan Davis
fuck embiitch
Andrew Brown
Raptors have shot more free throws than the sixers
Grayson Brooks
okay now for the real game
Ayden Perry
NBA refs are by far the most absolutely terrible refs of all sports.
Nicholas Wright
He’s concussed
Daniel Campbell
Embiid gonna average 20 FTs per game this series
Adam Wilson
ja morant ended the game -16
Bentley Harris
masai apologists about to find out
Samuel Flores
Brody Reyes
Kek holy shit the calls Embiid gets are insane
Jaxon Ramirez
Lol hubbie using the word beast correctly
Parker Hughes
Any germans here streaming the match?. Vpn necessary?
Austin Howard
emBITCH what a pussy he got schooled by SIAKAM and then walk out like a faggot lmao....then VANVLEET fooled him again with those moves. that injured fagg joe emBLEED aka MEDICALjoe aka emBITCH ass nigga is the shaqtin a fool mvp for sure..what a choker....what a loser.....LMAO
Juan Gomez
kirk bitch status: SHOOK
Carter Lewis
Based Gary Flop Jr.
Two can play at this game, embitch
Jordan Hughes
He literally had 3 africans grabbing on him but GTJ bumps his ass on danny green and gets free shots and not a word
Aiden Garcia
Lucas Peterson
I really like the cut up snake on phillys floor. Looks really nice
Jaxson Rivera
this matchup is gonna take like 5 hours with all those calls, isn't it
Ethan Wood
You guys want to hear a joke?
>Ben Simmonds
Ian Ross
fuck these leafs
Christian Perez
at least theyre the best at something. sucking ratpig dick.
William Thompson
Nets-Celtics is tomorrow
Anthony Morris
Ryan Morris
So ponydelphia is just spamming 3s and freethrows? This is what NBA "action" is supposed to be?
Hudson Bell
Thats not the question cuz
Jack Mitchell
my sixies are winning
Easton Myers
>Join, or Die. is a political cartoon attributed to Benjamin Franklin. The original publication by The Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754,[1] is the earliest known pictorial representation of colonial union produced by an American colonist in Colonial America.[2] It is a woodcut showing a snake cut into eighths, with each segment labeled with the initials of one of the American colonies or regions. The poster focused solely on the colonies that claimed shared identities as Americans. The cartoon appeared along with Franklin's editorial about the "disunited state" of the colonies and helped make his point about the importance of colonial unity. It later became a symbol of colonial freedom during the American Revolutionary War.
Nathaniel Mitchell
there is a 400lb man who is sitting front row right next to the scorers table and manspreading violently
Jace Baker
So craptors are just spamming 3s and freethrows? This is what NBA "action" is supposed to be?
Zachary Clark
Manlet team
Ethan Robinson
Achiuwa needs to stop shooting contested 2s.
Michael Hill
Refs put 2 ticky tack fouls on Fred, the f irst one on the first possession because maxey was right in front of the ref and tripped so ref didn't see what happened.
Jaxson Harris
How are you Turkbro?
Isaac Sullivan
you just KNOW hes fugging the 3 cuties next to him
Josiah Edwards
Her Lakies :)
Angel Rogers
Embiid should be going off
Gabriel Baker
there is LITERALLY no reason to hate joel embiid
Noah Sanchez
I'm good brother, put wife to bed and watching my sixies while being very asleep, thankfully no work tomorrow
Dylan Hill
After watching Ant I hate embiitch and harden even more
Chase Wright
Reminder: the Raptors got their name as a marketing gimmick paid for by Jurassic Park when it came out, literally
The most contrived, soulless team to ever exist
Levi Collins
Ponydelphiabros I am a raptors fan. I come here in peace. I just hope to have a great series where emBITCH and Harbigmac choke on fat dicks yet again! Hopefully your PTSD from the Kawhi shot wont haunt you as much this time.
Let the best team (raptors) win. GG
James Adams
They've been doing the same to philly's players it's not like it isn't going both ways
Josiah Ross
same bro. same
William Wood
Raptors can't handle Sixers
I already told you guys
They only did good against them because it was regular season.
Jayden Watson
Explain the "Brooklyn" Nets
Nathan Sanders
Good to hear. I'm nervous about the draft, I think Howie is going to screw it up.
Brayden Baker
>mommy, I'm soulposting again
Matthew Green
Fuck embiitch
Noah Allen
>put wife to bed
Robert Jackson
Jesus how long are these ads. Im not paying but still being scammed wtaf
David Cook
Hudson Brown
Not against any Nick Nurse coached team
Matthew Lee
Jordan Turner
Ibaka and Gasol were 7'0
Christopher Lopez
Reminder: the city of Philadelphia got their name as a marketing gimmick paid for by the cream cheese when it came out, literally
The most contrived, soulless city to ever exist
Jose Evans
what's Zion's interest in this game?
Cameron Clark
I'd kick my dog off of it
Nathan James
Nah sixers will collapse as usual
Angel Parker
call answered
Andrew Morales
Carter Carter
She’s cute but those bogged lips are awful
Sebastian Hernandez
It doesn't matter, he's still got 3 african PFs coming at him every time he gets the ball
Dominic Scott
Do the Celtics stand a chance at getting out the first round?
James Baker
That's just not true at all. Why post nonsense like this?
Jacob Lewis
Evan Foster
Streamst du oder haste bezahlt brudi
Angel Taylor
We literally got him
Benjamin Howard
Toronto can't handle Embiid
He'll average 15 ft's per game
William Gutierrez
all pascal does is reckless spin around
Jackson Morales
lol stuck his ass right on the dick
Elijah Hall
They'll just double team
Brody Carter
Shut up Trudeau
Elijah Smith
I don't love the idea that we need to do a curry impression to stay in front of the raptors but I know my sixer are more talented, so I believe.
Ryan Morris
This is what the city is named after. Literally 0 history. What a shithole.
Thomas Smith
just don't foul him. easy
Cooper Morgan
Will Chokemaz get a single second play time?
David Lewis
why post face at all if you're gonna turn it into a graphic design student's homework
Alexander Cook
Ya seething?
Brayden Turner
you are a professional basketball team you have no excuse for not having a 7 footer
Asher Hall
He's too good
James Wright
Hab bis vor paar Wochen dazn geschnorrt aber das geht ja jetzt nicht mehr. Also ströhm ich seitdem.
Bentley Cox
Joel Embiid is a fucking tranny
Justin Moore
Philadelphia is named after an antique city which was named in the Book of Revelation.
Levi Barnes
hubie brown is annoying with nonsense comments and the other commentator is basically just talking over him with no regard for his words
Jose Carter
>iso to brick
Cooper Ross
Parker Rivera
Don't give leaf schizo (You)s
Austin Turner
Harden moment
Michael Williams
Auf der gelinkten redditwebseite? Benurzt du nen vpn dienst?
Austin Evans
Harden needs to not miss easy shots
Colton Smith
Scottie let's go
Carter Bell
yea great play by spinny p
Thomas Martinez
>that pic
Aiden Bennett
We got him
Jaxon Anderson
i dont think hubie brown completed a single thought in the first quarter
Jason Gomez
I don't think that's that well known amongst non-Christians so I thought it'd be good to share.
Ethan James
Samuel Stewart
Nein auf anderen Seiten.
Carson Jenkins
He needs to run pnr with embiid and just freestyle like their first 5 games together instead of doing the war crimes doc keeps cooking up