>tfw reddit can analyze films way better than Yea Forums can
Yea Forums eternally btfo!
Tfw reddit can analyze films way better than Yea Forums can
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yeah cause the camera is below him
I cannot believe they invented this new trick for endgame or infinity war or whatever this is
the color red symbolizes the blood on his hands bravo russos
>putting Marvel alongside the Academy Award Winning Suicide Squad
such analysis so deep much erudition
how many layers of retard is this picture on? I counted like 4 or 5.
because of the aspect ratio and camera placement, why is REDDIT SO RETARDED
>19k upboats
Damn... whelp I guess marvel is kino after all. Yea Forums utterly BTFO.
Because of the camera placement and body proportions of the cg model
I literaly tipped my fedora when this panel popped in my matinee screening. Truly exquisite.
it's a low angle. no shit
>He's a big buy
Imagine being a MCU fan
Reddit has a board called "shittymoviedetails" where they post ironic retarded movie takes like this, maybe that's where this is from?
Going to watch this again
This movie is so fucking good
>the space scenary
>thanos character development
>thor being badass and losing everyone
>the anime battles
its so good
Too bad Endgame was such a pile of hot steaming shit compared to Infinity War
he looks huge because we're looking up at him, filmmaking 101
Bait thread fromfaggot OP
Believe it or not, this shot was all done in one take. The Russos are truly the Citizen Kane of directors.
>rip off Berserk
>deserves an Oscar
>L: Lesbian
>B: Bi
>G: Gay
>T: Trans
But what's the Q there for? I get it means queer, but isn't queer just an offensive term for gays/lesbians?
Any amateur can do this shot retard.
It's literally textbook low angle shot to make everything bigger.
From my understanding it's just a catch all of future proofing since it was getting ridiculously long. Remember that for a momwnt it was actualy LGBTQIPA+
Owning their degeneracy.The funny thing is in Turkish iteration, it's LGBTİ, and İ stands for faggot.
naw it was reclaimed by tumblrinas long ago
it's a term basically just meaning "between hetero and homo"
don't try to understand it, don't try to dive deep into this gender politics/sexuality shit, believe me
they're all completely fucking retarded
Holy shit no way!
Go back, faggot
lol? Reddit's analysis boils down to "Look what a big guy, 4 u, Thanos is in this shot"
Soon P for pedophile
mark my words
Yes, it is, faggot
>it's a term basically just meaning "between hetero and homo"
....but isn't that just bisexual?
Is Reddit just a larger scale of Pavlov experiment?
Everyone getting trained to like every thing
>don't try to understand it, don't try to dive deep into this gender politics/sexuality shit, believe me
>moot:I sold Yea Forums
>image unavailable user: But what did it cost?
>Moot: Everything
admit it, I'm based!
No it isn't, Reddit. Go back
it is
this is the stpidest shit ever fucking kek
They couldn't do those kind of shot's but with Disney's new award winning CGI they can use low camera placement to make guys appear big and intimidating. Similarly, they can even make paul rudd look bigger than people he's shorter than, which used to be impossible.
Kes ibne
Wtf? I hate Yea Forums now!
Yeah I caught that too, shitty hollywood is always ripping off Japs.
They have no creativity.
>nothing to compare him to
I know it's bait but have they never heard of framing?
does it deserve an award for cinematography?
>I work here in this empty space with my old man and my son, Big Hoss
where the fuck is his penis
Hiding in the shadows... Waiting for the right moment to strike!
This shot looks like a PS4 game or something. Not the biggest movie of the decade. Why do they praise this cape shit so much?
>mandatory LGBT history class
>mandatory Holocaust class
>mandatory black history class
>mandatory women history class
meanwhile the average american is ignorant as fuck on most topics and american kids fall behind everyone else in stem education
>Those cavities
Oh fuck off, every nip sci fi anime from Akira to Ghost in the Shell ripped off Blade Runner.
ha ha have some Silver my good sir
Why did they replace Norton for this fag again? Norton was actually capable of more than comic relief
Wait, didn't Sam Hyde predict this would fucking happen or something like that?
Norton just wanted to do the one movie and then get out from what I understand
someone post the Toretto Hobbs standing
He didn't predict anything. It's happened in the past before.
Government mandated homosexuality.
I think he looks so huge because hes a very wide humanoid figure.
*tips reddit antana*
It's still a great shot. Does it matter if it was done easily or not? There are lots of shots that look spectacular that were probably easy to shoot. It doesn't take away from the cinematography.
It doesn't matter how they achieved the shot, the point is it looks incredible. It's still a great shot whether it took 2 hours to shoot or 2 minutes
>unironically calling any shot from the mcu great
should i even watch the second one? i just don't really care anymore
*blocks the audience's path*
You must be fun at parties. It's a good looking scene, dude. Go back to your autistic "ohhh this is sooo deep I love Kubrick and Drive" shit that just looks fucking the same with the same old long pan camera shot with nothing happening and just randomness and bright colors
Proof Yea Forums is full of NPCS who get triggered by liberals, Disney, and anyone who has a different opinion. The biggest safe space snowflakes on the internet lol "Ohhh I'm gonna doxx someone cause they are a pleb and voted for Hillary"
He was a big name, had an idea of what he wanted to do with the hulk, and RDJ wasn't fucking having it.
So, RDJ had Norton fired and brought in his fuckbuddy. Literal fuck buddy.
Well there's already a massive conservative movement happening with children and teens now. The next gen is going to be virulently homophobic race realist and spiritual.
It's happening already.
>not liking capeshit = /pol/
what the fuck are you on about redditard, I'm a left-wing Puerto Rican you spastic manchild
Wow great original joke, dude
>Yea Forums
But you still got triggered over it. You're getting outraged about outrage, you NPC. Yea Forums is a hivemind and you're part of it and you all just shit on people with different opinions.
The Thanos shot looks cool, get over it. If you don't like it, then fine. But we're not retarded for having different taste. It's all subjective
>So, RDJ had Norton fired and brought in his fuckbuddy. Literal fuck buddy.
You got a source on that, my man?
>outraged about outrage
>muh NPC
lmao I simply made fun of your post, /u/ofersadan. You're the one sperging out.
>If you don't like it, then fine. But we're not retarded for having different taste
ok pleb, go back now
This is you
oh how will I ever recover? you got me ofersadan
It's just conjecture.
But it makes sense from everything I've heard.
Problem is that the guy they got to play banner isn't all that bad. He's just...not directed well and doesn't have the balls to stand up and fight for the character.
Kind of like how the dude who plays thor is either being pushed to make thor an ineffectual fag or actually WANTS thor to be an ineffectual fag because he thinks he can keep his pussy male joke man niche going in his string of shitty movies he's failed to break out in.
>You must be fun at parties
They're just demons they're all demons.
A little p. Big P is for Pansexual.
I assume there's a little bit of tranny implied. Like bis are just willing to fuck men and dudes but still consider themselves whatever sex they were born with. Queers are just a grey, muddy ambiguity. I'm just guessing here. I haven't bothered looking it up.
You must be fun at parties.
Did you guys see the alternate end to endgame?
Blade Runner is the capeshit of sci-fi
>casual enjoys thing; hurts no one
>gatekeeper berates casual; implies Reddit affiliation
>casual responds with equal effort (i.e. none)
>gatekeeper has no response; resorts to childish tantrum
>unknown element enters the scene; sides with casual
>unknown element revels in gatekeeper's autistic defeat
P. good episode. Goes without saying, but Unknown Element stole the show. Vagabond as fuark.
O lawdy, iz dat sum insurgency?!?!