>Could shoot with left and right hand
>first player to put up 90 50 40 seasons
>smart guy, thinks faster than others can blink
>tall player that can shoot threes over most other guys
How much would he boss the NBA today
The knock on Bird is that he was a bit slow, which might be a hindrance in the modern game. But I'm sure with modern training, modern nutrition, and modern PEDs, he could help fix that somewhat.
yea he would do really good because back then it was a rough league, not a shooter's league, but he still shot like doncic, curry, whatever, are shooting today. imagine with today's protections, he woudl drop 50 a game. he would be like what maravich was to college baskertball, to the pro game.
Is Luka fast. Or Jokic?Thats just nonsense people say, to knock down Bird.
Imagine him playing in the 30's absolutely dominating the league Knickerbockers are you kidding? Or in 10 years from now. He would be the goat in that age for sure bro's.
Imagine Jordan getting a tranny operation and joining the WNBA. Would he be exposed? Or Imagine Magic Johnon without HIV playing in the 50's. He would hit assist records.
Imagine Karl Malone showing up on your driveway actually with a package from Amazon.
please tell to the houston rockets to change their name/nickname.
because the nickname/name of rockets is a reference to the phallic shaped rockets.
Long life to Vulva Spaceship
Holy shit
Kevin Love tier
This. Bird would dominate today, his skill and IQ were impeccable
Also his stone coldness in pressure situations. He had no weakness other than not being the fastest player.
Imagine Kareem Abdul Jabbar not converting. Would he be goat?
Imagine the Harlem Globetrotters joining the NBA, would they be exposed as frauds?
Imagine the Hernandez brothers sitting at a icehockeymatch instead, would theyve gotten away with it, since no one can see the puck, let alone them Hernandez bros.
>Hernandez brothers
No he wouldn't. Today's NBA is all about athleticism which bird severely lacked
The pussies today could not hang with 80s and 90s players. Harden might be decent
know-nothing zoomer. In todays rules Bird would be at the line 20 times per game minimum
he is outmuscled by every player in the league, and slower than nearly everyone. He would be shit.
If he was black, he would be just another nba player
American history and obsession with physical supremacy of the races during the Reagan years (where Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush a.k.a. the nazi inheritors) made him prime for marketing. And Magic Johnson was an alibi, that's why they "diagnosed" him with aids, which, who would have guessed, was the platform on which Anthony Faucci made his career. Strange how the two scientists who had shittalked Faucci about AIDS and called him out on his crimes both died within two years, one exactly before the covid measures, the other last year.
>World Class passing instincts
>Dead-Eye shooter
>Elite level perception of the game(ie, could adapt to many situations and deliver what was needed)
>Manic hustle
>No baggage(unless you consider autistic-level workoholicism a negative)
>Somewhat lacking athleticism(by the time the really good shutdown defenders arrived, Bird's back was starting to get fucked up. In the first half of his career few 'elite' defenders were around to slow him up)
>Manic hustle(not MUCH of a negative, but he'd crash into anything in the heat of the play and that makes him an injury risk)
Bird might be more limited by how binary NBA offenses have become these days. Back in his day the 3-Point shot was only getting started so teams used all sorts of ranges inside the arc to get baskets, which played to Bird's passing strengths. Now it's low-post or threes or nothing.
retarded post
Think he means Menendez
Where I said coachbabby was bantz. The rest is true. Stop your coping now.
This. The hyper athletic era is over. Modern game is about skill, size, and chucking.
He'd be ejected from every game he isn't suspended from for being ejected because he'd make the other team cry all the time. Could you imagine him trash talking the players in the league today? If he could bully people like he did in the 80's then he's probably gonna average 30-9-9 every season easy.
Poor man's Jokic
Both Luka and Jokic create their own pace, speed becomes irrelevant. Plus Jokic is lightning fast on post pivots.
jerry west was more prolific, he averaged 40something a game for a finals
>league where JJ Reddick was a career starter
>too athletic for Larry Bird
>Luka but stronger, tougher and better mindset
He would be MVP easily
Probably true, modern NBA is incredibly pussified
Imagine him being generous with the media thus earning him at least 10 MVPs in a row
89 pistons was peak NBA
RIP Kary Mullis
imagine if Slavko Vranes panned out
I calculated it and if Larry Bird in his prime 1984-85 took as many threes as Curry did in his prime 2015/16 (Out of Curry’s 805 FG made, 402 of them were three's or about 49.93%. Meanwhile in Bird’s prime 1984/85 only 56 FG of Bird’s 918 total FG made were threes or about 6.10%. In that same season Bird got 1892 non FT Points over 80 games, only 168 of these Points were from the three point line or about 8.87%. Meanwhile Curry got 2012 non FT points over 79 games in his prime with 1206 of those points from threes or about 59.94%. Curry therefore got around 60% of his points from the three point line while Bird only got around 9%, now if Curry were to only got 9 percent of his points from the three point line like Bird he would only get 178 points from three and only get a non FT total of 984 that season and a total of 1347 points that season which would average out to 17.05 PPG and 12.45 non FT PPG for his 2015/16 season. Meanwhile if Larry Bird were to shoot 60% of his non FT points from the three point line like Curry did he would get 1134 points from three which add up to a non FT total of 2858 and points total of 3261 (second most points in a season after the goat) which would average out to 40.76 PPG and 35.72 non FT PPG) Bird would averaged 40.76 PPG (third highest PPG in a season after the GOAT) and got the second most points in a season (again after the GOAT Wilt).
TLDR Bird would’ve been the second GOAT after Wilt had he played today as Curry plays and took as many threes. And Curry would’ve been average in the 80s.
Larry Bird was smarter than 99.9% of the league..put him in today's game and in a couple of games he'd own it. Athletic means breakdown and foul. Dunks are worth 2 points last i checked. ESPN hilites don't count either.
Great IQ. Great shooter. One of the best trash talkers. He elevates his game when challenged. Guy just suffered from a bad back. With modern sports medicine, I can only imagine how good he could have been for how long. He played in a much more physical time. He'd have a lot more space now.
speed is very overrated in the nba. it's a tiny court.
He would fit right in with the modern game, probably dominate even more because guys wouldn’t be able to beat him up nearly as much.
lmao this has to be bait.
For those who don’t know about the legend:
the modern game is sloppy and chaotic
he'd finesse the living shit out of it
>spewing "nazi" trash in a Larry Bird thread
Who could be behind this post, I wonder....
He'd be a spot up shooter, a role player
The fuck
Is there any conclusion to this interesting diatribe?
Can you give one example where grip strength impacts your daily life, and why anyone should care about this
Grip strenght is a strong indicator of overalk athleticism and strenght, similar to how a good long jump is a good predictor of speed and atheleticism.
>wait until he starts shooting with his right hand....
>shooting threes with his left hand
People dont even appreciate how insane that is
It's faggotball, Bird wouldn't even be playing the same game. Honestly he would probably call everyone a bunch of gay niggers and walk out of the room. Modern NBA is a soft af shitshow run by a pencil neck jew.
Todays NBA is about sucking dick and playing faggotball for the refs. Only things Bird would lack is the acting garbage and being a diva faggot.
>faggots falling on the floor and faking contact for calls
Damn you faggotball watchers really are the epitome of dumb zoomers. Only things Bird doesn't have like these players is the uncanny ability to suck dick and fish for handout points.
Good calculation. Yes, Birds numbers were insane. The players today are all trained monkeys with special trainers for every little thing.
With Bird's size and shooting he would obviously be a superstar today. People shit on his athleticism but they forget that he was also an elite decision maker. If there is a pest giving him fits on D that he couldn't just shoot over (and there are very few of those players in the modern NBA) he would find the right play every time.
Why? I didn't get that. Do you NOT consider the three aforementioned people inheritors of nazi geopolitics/post war colonialism?
He'd be like Joe Ingles with worse banter.
Are you one of those retarded Irish niggers? You sure sound like one, nigger. Cheap b8.
The greater athleticism of today's players would only make them fall for Larry's pump fakes in more embarrassing ways.
It's not as simple as scaling Bird's numbers linearly and giving him elite volume for free. Raising volume is not easy. It's easy to find one or two good looks in a game when the defense lapses or there's a transition. It's very hard to find 8 to 10 good looks in a game. That's why Payton Pritchard shoots 2 threes a game and not 20, even though he's making well over 40% from there.