/nba/ general - Playoffs Edition
>Clippers fans do all that talking
>Get shut up
>Grizzlies do all that talking
>Lose game 1 at home
Who is getting BTFO next? Soon you fans will learn to stay humble and stop jinxing your teams
Make your prediction. Explain your prediction.
hopefully sunsfans are next
Turns out after all this time, Memphis were the real regular season babbies
>Gets hung up on by the dawg department
>pat bev after this win
When My Wolvs win there are going to be hundreds of white women who celebrate their victory with their favorite activity.
is arod blacking up?
legend has it anthony edwards is the only human alive who can give white women that same feel...
this is such kissless virgin energy. also why do you post this multiple times a thread? very strange obsession.
playoff basketball is so much better hjoly shit
Jokic led the league in PER, VORP, OBPM, DBPM, Win Shares, WS/48, OWS, RAPTOR, O-RAPTOR, RAPTOR WAR, LEBRON, LEBRON Wins, RPM, EPM, EPM Wins, TPA, PIE, Floor Impact Counter, Kitchen Sink WPA, Total Rebounds, and Triple Doubles.
Make of that what you will.
I can't wait for him to drop a fat 0/2/0 statline so that people can shut up about this glorified instagram influencer
imagine thinking someone can come in cold after a year+ of no basketball and defend jayson tatum lmao, this retard can't get out of the league fast enough. he gets played off the floor every year and this year isn't going to be any different
I've posted that webm like 3 times all season. If others post it, that's their problem. I think it's a funny may may, that's all. Don't be so sensitive, bro.
Just took a wicked Toronto. Took 3 flushes to get down.
Raptiesbros how are we feeling? Easy w I think
1st round exit
We got a chance if Fred doesn't go back to his hero-ball tendencies.
harden better drop 30/10 if he pulls up looking like that
this turned me on slightly. source?
Since this game started theres been something close to 10 posts about this garbage and you're telling me none of those were you? Sure thing bud. Also you are a kissless virgin. Its ironic that you of all people are calling me sensitive when its you that feels the need to post this women/dog shit and then hide behind it saying its just "memes" and you do it because you've never been given the time of day, not that you deserve it because you are socially retarded.
man you're so mad someone would think your gf left you for a dog or something
nevermind. found it in like 10 seconds. so she's not kissing the wolf cuz shes horny or something, it's because it makes them comfortable with you and see you as a member of the pack
>"it did"
commentator seething
>no argument
I accept your concession.
what argument? you're just platinum mad. sorry you're a knotlet bud
>y-y-you're the mad one...
We're few hours away from Jokshit being put in prison by Draymond
Digits and Siakam gets a triple doube
please tell to the houston rockets to change their name/nickname.
because the nickname/name of rockets is a reference to the phallic shaped rockets.
Long life to Feminist and Vulva spaceship
Why is Ja playing so much heroball?
honestly i think i understand why white girls let dawgs fuck em
JaFeelOut game
based, fuck the sixers
>doesn't deny a thing
>claims the other person is mad
You lost dude just stop posting.
lol yer writing a paragraph based on a webm of a girl with a dog. who's the mad one here?
Edwards is unironically better than morantie
Just happy to see my team playing playoff ball again. I don't have too many expectations until I watch this first game and see what kind energy both teams bring
NBA needs more Ja, players who actually attack the basket and don't just memechuck and foulbait, it's actually fun to watch
bros look at 3:51 in that vid
There are already a ton of players like that
Raptors WILL win it all, Canada WILL win the Word Cup, Leafs...... WON'T win the cup
Name 20
clear path is fucking stupid
>one person shits on the virgin incel
>other person doesn't deny anything and just screams "u mad"
Really makes you think, huh?
thats a flop
nah you are
Digits and Pascal also gets a triple double
cuz u are mad, bro. I'm just chillin watching my Wolvies.
>game start time 6pm
>actual start time 6:30pm
the commentator just chimneyposted kek
you flipped out over a fucking white women joke dude you are clearly mad as hell
Why is he so hard to hate, bros?
Ja is a flopping ass bitch
>griz losing
As i predicted
*flops dick out* hows that for a flop haha
my rapshits :)
what a pickup pat bev has been my good lord
i thought the grizzshits were supposed to be the best in the west.../nba/ told me they would beat the suns
>refs calling these fouls
Looks like the fix is in for philly. sad
why are bear teams always shit and exposed
>consneeds again without denying anything again
Its really cringe that pointing out loser posts is "flipping out". Either way it brings me great joy knowing I called you a kissless virgin incel and we both know its 100% true lol. Just post another "u mad" because we know you will and we'll leave it at that.
whens the fucking sixers game starting?
Wolves moneyline smacking
Already started
who hurt you?
probably air bud
Everybody is a raptor fan this series
Man funny how Dallas tried so hard to get homecourt advantage only to have their star player hurt at the final game of the season. Mavs isn't winning the series against the Jazz, even if Luka plays he won't be a hundred percent and two even if he plays it's still going to be a 50/50.
ja morant is a weird dude
Rapshits getting exposed
Why did anyone think that they have a chance
Not everybody gets to grow up with a backyard
morant has more free throws than the whole wolves team.
these fools in memphis want none of the smoke
I think its a little better than 50/50 if he does
>doomposting / le i told you so after one game
pathetic. gg subwoofers
>Everyone ITT
Raps were down like 2-14 when they played Philly last week and they came back to win
we're watching the chimneys get smoked bro