Terror 2

Why is no one talking about this potential kino

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>First show about white guys and greater goods
>New season is about a Japanese internment camp
If you can't hear Yea Forums crying about white guilt that probably won't be there, idk what to tell you.

They miss the point why people liked the 1st season and change showrunners so this results in pretty lame and uninspired piece of TV. First episode was 3/5, not great, not terrible

We did this weekend and concluded it’s garbage.

based twitter poster

When do i watch Fire Walk With Me? After season 1 or 2?

Ecause it's going ticbe more bad, politically biased white guilting social justice garbage.

Season 1 was good because it was white men in boats exploring shit and fighting the elements and evil. The things that made it good will be completely gone in season 2 and we will get hamfisted political distribe supported by exagerrated and over the top treatment of Japs.


only 1 episode so far
i am trying to be optimistic, but we don't have much of substance to work with just yet
some performances were better than others, and did you feel as though they introduced the supernatural element a bit faster than they did in season 1?

don't remember but we immediately had people saying "omg ghost" within the first few minutes of the first episode

The Terror fans are all fags who don’t actually care about the show, they just want to masturbate to Hickey.

Because every time they push how political they are in interviews and leadup, it turns out to be garbage. Every time.

Why bother watching it? Who cares? Why talk about it at all? Its going to suck, we all know its going to suck, going "You don't know til you watch it" is pointless because every other time it sucked. Its a turnoff and a reason not to watch, so they just don't watch it.

The whole political angle has become a toxic indicator of quality.

>not Goodsir
You gay

jewishly trying to parlay a finished adaptation into more money is a no-go for me sempaiitchi


Not any amount of kino will beat the japs in their games like Siren

Don't listen to the other user. Watch it after the second season.

the first season was ruined by the retarded monster

Hickey was the true monster

>potential kino
Not even close.

The most fucking pleb tier opinion

Watch it after season two and then the Missing Pieces if you want which is just deleted scenes from FWWM and then you can watch the Return season

Yea Forums is basically /pol/ and if they admit they are excited for the new season, it means they have empathy for the Japense Americans wrongly held there, if they start to feel empathy, then their brain starts to collapse because Daddy is doing a similar thing illegal kids and they were programed to be okay with that.

>everything is SJW this SJW that WAHHH WAHHH
Give it a rest already.

I wish this was just contrarianism, but it's completely serious.

>as long as everyone is white, I would sperg out!


Why do you hate yourself so much?

>the terror and mindhunters are 2 of the only watchable, comfy shows in existence
>throw it away for 'fuck wypipo' in the 2nd season

They can never help themselves

Didn't know the first Ep was out, are they weekly from now on?

This season literally only exists because of "muh babies in cages"

>The people involved with this season aren’t shying away from the subject matter, either. “I’m deeply honored to be telling a story set in this extraordinary period,” said showrunner Alexander Woo. “We hope to convey the abject terror of the historical experience in a way that feels modern and relevant to the present moment. And the prospect of doing so with a majority Asian and Asian-American cast is both thrilling and humbling.”

>Executive producer Max Borenstein added: “As a history-buff and genre geek (not to mention a conscious American today), it’s clear that truth is always scarier than fiction…This season of The Terror uses as its setting one of the darkest, most horrific moments in our nation’s history. The Japanese-American internment is a blemish on the nation’s conscience — and one with dire resonance to current events. I’m thrilled that AMC is giving us the chance to use that darkness as the inspiration for what I hope will be a trenchant, terrifying season of TV.”

Fucking yawn, glad to know I can skip this shit.

>What I expected: Letters from Iwo Jima with supernatural horror elements
What I got: evil whitey show #174

>Why is no one talking about this potential kino
It's low budget trash.

Yes. AMC

Oh just shut the fuck up.

>S1 was about how nature was the real nigger all along and how men have to fight to survive in the most hostile environments
>S2 is full on about ghosts 'n shit
Not feeling too hopeful.

because it's just not good (yet)
uninteresting story, boring setting, bad acting, uninteresting characters, the horror is pretty awful as well. Maybe it's because the first season is actually set in a horrifying, isolated setting, but nothing clicked with me when I watched ep. 1. It was just dull and boring.

Because its a dumb concept and the production team has advertised it explicitly as a "woke" anti Trump pic. If you enjoy watching ham fisted propaganda and conform to whatever inane establishment left politics Hollywood is pushing then you might enjoy it. If you want a decent follow up to the Terror a series that was essentially about how men face death with honor or with cowardice then it has nothing to offer.

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Why do you hate fictional minorities so much?

Nice argument, self-hating American.

>S1 adapted from a book
>S2 .................

I haven't seen it yet but it seems they missed the whole point of the first series.
The Terror s1 was about a real historical event that is shrouded in mystery, such that we can more easily suspend our disbelief at the supernatural elements as a form of artistic license.
The Japanese internment camps however were not shrouded in mystery. They were well documented and recorded and certainly nothing that lends itself to a supernatural explanation ever occurred.
They should have picked historical events where mysterious things occurred... events like the Dyatlov Pass incident.

This sounds pretty reasonable.

They didn't miss the point, user; they specifically wanted this season to be anti-white/anti-American propaganda.


The first season was garbage. The second season has nothing to fuck up.

If a we were together facing down a polar bear god I would cut my tongue out and feed it to him so I could control him and make him call you a faggot.


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you do realize that mindhunter season 2 is about a crime a black guy committed, right?

Sundog never forget.

Exactly this. Jews literally think we're retarded not to notice them pushing this garbage in a time when "mah Mexican internment camps!" is making the waves.

This series will blow away like a fart in the wind now because they just couldn't help themselves. Its the same as shoehorning season 2/3 of True Detective with niggers & women. No one wants to see it.

>change showrunners
didn't know about this, but after seen the first episode of the new season its pretty clear

not only the obvious, the budget got a lot smaller, but the casting, the dialogue, the acting itself plunged in quality

>and did you feel as though they introduced the supernatural element a bit faster than they did in season 1?

100% this

felt very formulaic for a new seasons with a whole new take on things

I would have loved if the series continued the mysterious historical events shtick it had going. If Yea Forums had to pick what season 2 would have been about what would you have picked?

for me it would have been the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

>3 Roman Legions
>On a campaign at the very edge of the Roman empire
>Setting is spooky forest
>Getting ambushed and encountering Druids and other crazy shit
>Surviving romans trying to escape the forest while being hunted by druids, barbarians and forest spirits

Attached: Battle-of-the-Teutoburg-Forest-The-Destruction-of-Three-Legions.jpg (1024x659, 144K)

It's trash. Nothing to do with S1 and I don't mean historically. Should have made a new nip supernatursl.show not try to attach it to The Terror.

i was excited for the new season knowing it was about the camps of jap murricans during ww2

but was very let down with its premiere, major drop in quality

Try dilating

Why yes, I found this post based. What gave it away?

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>wrongly held

Unironically when I saw the poster I thought it would be a horror story set in 20th century east Asia during Japanese occupation and got excited. Now I’m somewhat crestfallen


its the other dan simmons book about lost expedition on everest.

Did they already show this episode?

>implying honorrabu samuri are the same as some dirty spics

Dilate tranny

fuck off, newfag

Yeah, they were.

Main characters mom is a milf

>being /pol/ level IQ and wrong about virtually everything in life

Lol do I need to give you an argument? You're the one literally obsessed. Your life would be more relaxed if you didn't care about this pointless shit in the first place.

I'm watching it now and all I can sa-
Oh. Hold on. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnnnn
There were go.

I'm looking forward to Lodge 49.

Holy shit, these people are fucking insane.

In fairness, I’m white as one can get and I think you’re retarded too

How? Japanese internment was bad, unless you are some revisionist faggot who thinks it was a vacation or some aspie shit.

Oh, and the majority of Americans hate what is going on with these detention centers too. You know, the ones so badly maintained, they are due for a shutdown soon?

Is “holy shit” the incel mating call?

>>Executive producer Max Borenstein added: “As a history-buff and genre geek (not to mention a conscious American today), it’s clear that truth is always scarier than fiction…This season of The Terror uses as its setting one of the darkest, most horrific moments in our nation’s history. The Japanese-American internment is a blemish on the nation’s conscience — and one with dire resonance to current events. I’m thrilled that AMC is giving us the chance to use that darkness as the inspiration for what I hope will be a trenchant, terrifying season of TV.”
I wade out into a white sea.
Waves of onion milk buffet me
My balls shrink and retreat into my torso.

No. Do Song of Kali.
Or if you have to do something original, set it during Stalin's Great Terror

>break the law and trespass into a foreign country
>you are not kept in a 5-star hotel while you await processing and deportation

wow, holy shit, nazis amirite guise?

nobody cares about illegals bro, not even former illegals.


It's almost as if they shouldn't have illegally tried to enter our country and exploit our generosity and economy for gibs that are paid for by actual working americans. They're criminals they should be treated as such. And if you actually think these detention facilities are as bad as the media would want you to believe you're so fucking dumb it's frightening.

>Hello, fellow whites!

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Not that guy but early show information actually did raise some flags in that regard. Show runners saying that its an experience of terror that "feels modern and relevant to the present world", spoken at the height of the "child camp" debacle from last year

Oh someone said it way better than me Also the show runner guy being Japanese American himself and piggybacking off of an entirely different first season sounds narcissistic as hell

Didn't they call it The Terror because one of the ships was literally called, The Terror?

>possible misdemeanor criminals that haven't even been tried in a court of law, deserve unfair treatment and I'm swamped-brained to shit so I actually don't accept any information that says these detention centers are poorly run
You're brainwashed mate. Ever consider, that these detention centers are terribly run? What evidence would you accept?

You need to be tried in court to be a criminal, user.

It was supposed to be a one season miniseries
It's just AMC being retarded as usual.

>>First show about white guys and greater goods

Are you retarded? The first show was about white guys getting themselves killed because they are fucking retarded. They literally killed themselves on purpose, for no reason at all.

Maybe you should stop putting babies in cages, then.

>not 3.6

god damnit

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Anyone who thinks the internment camps were a bad idea is retarded.

maybe you are and Japanese internment was a suspension of their rights as American citizens? But what do I know? I don't like the State's boots for a living.

Rent free.

what you do with them then faggot? please enlighten us.
>what evidence would you accept
pictures that weren't staged, or, you know, something tangible and not just your retarded, baseless whining.

I love that you can just ask a question about Twin Peaks in the wrong thread & get legitimate answers without anyone calling you out.

i love that youre obviously some tourist that should go back.

>what would I do with them?
hire more immigration judges for one, and make sure that we are staffing these places with the proper personnel and sanitation conditions.
>all the pictures were staged
over 4 different watchdog groups including ICE whistleblowers have posted pictures of how fucking disgusting these places are so either you're aware of this and pushing an agenda, or willfully ignorant at this point.
>there is nothing tangible
there is, you're just a moronic goofball to the point where I need to actually explain to you that the government is fucked up.

Imagine being such a naive zoomer. You have no clue what happened after 9/11 do you?


Go back. Idiot.

prove it the. im still hearing a lot of baseless whining. i dont see any proof but id be more than willing to start posting staged photos

you are correct about needing more immigration judges and more ICE personnel in general though

>everything I don't agree with is staged abloo abloo
>Daddy government is good, it wouldn't punish minority peoples in their for-profit run detention centers
imagine being you, in the year of our lord 2019 and not doing even cursory research. Pic related was taken by DHS.

Cope, swamp-fag.

Attached: DHS picture.png (1072x672, 1.4M)

Maybe in general, both you and the administration are on the wrong side of facts? That ever enter your fucking pea-brain?

That was under Obama!

>Literally a picture taken in July, 2019
This was a 2 months ago, conditions are actually worse now according to watchdog groups. But hey, some /pol/nigger autist is the expert amirite?

pic related is from a Texas detention center. MAGA and all that! Who cares about law and order when we have pepe memes?

Attached: Texas facility.png (1600x1600, 2.39M)

oh, here's an article talking about the report from fucking Homeland Security too


But who knows, maybe Homeland Security is full of libcucks and soiboys amirite fellow r/the_donald posters?

Are you guys still talking about this stupid fucking show?

Great take plebbitor

I truly couldn't care less that they have to live in these conditions. Fuck them.


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they're used to living like that

they could always go home

I hope that shut your retarded fucking bootlicking faggot-ass up.

no one cares

Is /pol/ right again?

>I like, don't care bro!
>they like dude...could just go home :D
>they are uh, used to living like that broski
this is what we call a case of cognitive dissonance. At least you don't outright reject facts anymore, we are getting somewhere. Now you're just rationalizing absolutely criminal treatment of people.

You're get out of it eventually, just like America did with Iraq and the whistleblowing on Guantanamo Bay.

>yeah, fuck these kids who get dragged here by there parents because they lost their homes and their country is garbage haha! They should literally die in cages

not really. i agreed with a couple of your points and yet you just sat back and called me a retard for being willing to hear your side. but in the end people really dont care about these people, and they shouldnt. they could have never tried to sneak into our country or, you know, just go the fuck home sweetheart.


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Japanese-Americans and foreign, alien peoples who crossed the border are not the same thing. The latter do not belong and have to go back. The fact that detention centers are overcrowded is caused by the open borders faction flooding the groups that agitate border crossings to go into overdrive, so that the detention centers get filled up and then faggots like you cry "humanitarian crisis!" when it was you that caused the problem in the first place.

but I thought their countries were great like haiti

why are you so passionate about american issues when you arent one though?

I'm glad to see you're ok with being allied with Nazi's, you're with frens here

I called you a retard for rejecting the objective reality around you and they didn't "sneak" in, over half of these are either asylum claims from months ago that haven't even been processed, new asylum claims from the caravan or leftovers from the Syrian crisis who have never seen the fucking light of day and have committed no crime after being literally invited here.

You're a disgusting person and I think you know that inside.

>quick call him an incel

No, I called him a columbine kid. Try again.

i just dont care

asylum is really just a loophole for illegals to eventually stay forever; they're still illegal though, and can be sent back at any time. people that have been here 40 years have been sent home.

1. None of these people still awaiting trial are technically illegal criminals
2. you can seek asylum at any part of the American border, it does not have to be a legal port of entry
3. The US actually is bound by international law to maintain proper sanitation maintenance for detention centers (I know, we don't have to follow it, hur dur)
4. They are being overcrowded on purpose because it's cheaper than building adequate facilities to house asylum claims

Gee, whiz. It's almost like you're on the side of for-profit bootlickers and you've justified it through obvious right wing talking points?
>it's your fault that people are willingly coming to America after America advertised itself as the "city on the hill" and the golden land of opportunity

Fuck off, /pol/tard child.

>I called you a retard for rejecting the objective reality around you and they didn't "sneak" in, over half of these are either asylum claims from months ago that haven't even been processed, new asylum claims from the caravan

They damn well know that they have no asylum claim. They are told to claim asylum to clog up the system. These people are not going to embassies or border crossings to claim asylum, because they will be rightfully turned away. They are not refugees. Their claims are false and are a political tool to generate a crisis at the border in an attempt to overwhelm it.

Asylum from fucking what?

what do you mean criminal treatment. they'd be sleeping on top of each other in a motel 6 anyway.

No, you are only considered an illegal alien if your asylum claim is rejected and you undergo deportment. You aren't guilty until proven innocent.

I can't wait until America makes documentaries about you in 40 years.

>They damn well know that they have no asylum claim
That's not for you to decide, faggot. So either you care about law, or you want the law to bend to justify partisan beliefs

I dont understand why mexicans are seeking asylum

Yea why wouldn’t they were their kids kidding skullfucked with a screwdriver by some cartel asswipe

Or you know, there isn't a nefarious and organized plot to "generate a crisis at the border" and our system is just woefully understaffed and underfunded because the administration rather use the lives of immigrants as a bargaining chip for 2020 rather than actually process them? Gee fucking whizzzzzz, it's almost like one of the CEOs of the largest for-profit detention center company, is part of the Trump Admin? Woah, that can't be real...haha, that's a conspiracy.

it is for me to decide when they steal the keys to my house to try to break in later. still working on locating them so they will be ICE'd.

>internment camps
Reminder that Japanese immigrants assistant downed Japanese pilots following Pearl Harbor. This - and this alone - was the reason the Japanese were put into these camps.

>better drag them through a desert led by some coyote on a cartel payroll thats probably going rape them while illegally entering the most powerful nation on earth then

>every person at the detention center is a violent thug that wants to personally fucking destroy ME
this is what we call in the business, a boogeyman.

>a few nights of danger = whole miserable life in shithole Mexico

>1. None of these people still awaiting trial are technically illegal criminals

They still don't have permission to be in America. They have to be detained. You know full well that they will just disappear if you let them go.

>2. you can seek asylum at any part of the American border, it does not have to be a legal port of entry

It's way more trouble to do so after crossing the border illegally. If they had real claims they would do it the easy way at embassies or border crossings>3. The US actually is bound by international law to maintain proper sanitation maintenance for detention centers (I know, we don't have to follow it, hur dur)
>4. They are being overcrowded on purpose because it's cheaper than building adequate facilities to house asylum claims

That costs money and money comes from congress, which the Dems have control over. They don't want the border to work. They sabotage it at every turn, they are fifth columnists.>>it's your fault that people are willingly coming to America after America advertised itself as the "city on the hill" and the golden land of opportunity

Trump's America is the least welcoming it has been in decade, yet the people still keep coming in larger and larger numbers! It's NGOs that agitate the people to cross. They recruit, organize, bus, inform and coach these people to cross. More people are coming because as a response to Trump, the NGOs are receiving way more money know. It's a fake, constructed crisis and the open borders faction that built this kabuki show.

it's mostly central american subhuman potato people now

Mexico isn't nearly as bad as you'd be led to believe. Sure it's corrupt but applying for asylum as a Mexican is a fucking joke.

>illegally entering
You keep saying this and not understanding that the reason they aren't immediately deported, is because they are in line to be processed for their claim
This isn't 2016 anymore, faggot. That's fake news, it's not happening even a tenth of one percent of the time.


personal experience isn't a boogeyman kiddo. I tried to be nice, but it didn't work out.

>Maybe you should stop putting babies in cages, then.
These aren't cages you psychotic fuck.

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>Or you know, there isn't a nefarious and organized plot to "generate a crisis at the border"

People cross because NGOs recruit, organize, bus, and inform them to cross. All while the anti-American, fifth columnist, Democrat politicians invite even more of them, openly. Openly saying America has no border and that it is a free for all. That is the open borders faction.

The setting is literally the only good thing about season 2

>That's not for you to decide, faggot. So either you care about law, or you want the law to bend to justify partisan beliefs

The US should cancel it's international agreements regarding asylum. They were made after WWII and aren't suited to this current time.

there is no reason to claim asylum status as a mexican

>is because they are in line to be processed for their claim

If they want to flood the system with fake claims to clog it up all because NGOs told them too, they can sit in there and rot. Fuck them.

>They still don't have permission to be in America.
...lol permission now? You can claim asylum literally anywhere at the border. Again, they aren't guilty until proven innocent.
>they have to be detained
Then do it properly instead of jamming 900 of them in a Texas facility because it's cheap.
>they will disappear if you let them go
Probably less tax dollars to let them go, user.
>It's way more trouble to do so after crossing the border illegally.
Again, I think you're retarded; it's not illegal to cross anywhere at the border for an asylum claim. It's the literal main reason they aren't immediately deported.
>they can only have real claims if they do (this thing that I want them to do, here)
reality isn't black and white, the caravan didn't have time to stroll into an embassy at the US border.
>that costs money
yeah, money Trump doesn't want to spend. Sure is funny why.
oh, you're a conspiratard? They just gave into Trump's budget request, I know you don't pay attention, but they have given Trump every demand he's asked for in terms of money. He's armed ICE to the teeth, given them near carte blanche to enter homes and businesses and turns a blind eye to detention center conditions because one of his goons ran the for-profit companies that made the centers. Think, retard.
>it's all an elaborate conspiracy to generate a crisis at the border
You're an insane type of person.

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hes right about everything he said you fucking queer. try not being wrong about literally everything for once

Thank you for the summary from an InfoWars article you read, you really opened my eyes.

he's not, cope harder bootlicking cuck.

>possible misdemeanor criminals that haven't even been tried in a court of law, deserve unfair treatment
The ones not asking for Asylum are getting misdemeanor trials.
The ones asking for Asylum, their trial is their background check and asylum claim being verified.

Detaining people while we make sure they aren't the people who did pic related torture massacres isn't unfair treatment.

The most sacred duty of ALL countries not just America is to protect their citizens from outsiders. If I enter Mexico I should be background checked for the safety of the citizens of Mexico. That is neither unfair or self hatingly racist.

Attached: 26 - PJnCitV.jpg (1412x1556, 336K)

get fucked, shill

Yes and people go to fucking jail while waiting for their trial.

People in jail usually have access to legal consul, proper food and water, have access to bail and aren't jammed with 900 other people in a confined space to the point where the only available blankets are foil wraps.

>it's not unfair treatment because (this bad thing) once happened so like, it's okay to mistreat them and put children in cages and watch them actually die

The kids are required by law to be released to a family member in the states or to child protective services after exactly 20 days. The people not asking for Asylum will be deported WITH their children well before the 20 day mark.

75% of women who cross the border are raped by fellow illegals or by the Cyaotes who took them across, I would happily spend a few days in those cells then out in the desert with no food/water and cartel rapist running around.


>The kids are required by law to be released to a family member in the states or to child protective services after exactly 20 days.
newsflash, this isn't happening. Have you been paying attention?
>75% of women who cross the border are raped by fellow illegals
source? That's a ridiculous number.

>...lol permission now? You can claim asylum literally anywhere at the border. Again, they aren't guilty until proven innocent.

They can wait in Mexico then. If you let them go into America they will just disappear, because they know their claims are total bullshit in the first place

>Then do it properly instead of jamming 900 of them in a Texas facility because it's cheap.

Responding to changes takes time. There is way more people coming now because of increase money flow to agitating NGOs, exactly what you want.

>Probably less tax dollars to let them go, user.

You'd never see most of them again, until they police pick them up.

>Again, I think you're retarded; it's not illegal to cross anywhere at the border for an asylum claim. It's the literal main reason they aren't immediately deported.

You are retarded. A real asylum claimant would do it the easy way rather than paying a coyote thousands of dollars and walking through the desert. These are fake refugees that only claim asylum because they failed to sneak in. You know this you dishonest faggot.

>You're an insane type of person.

Tell me why when America is supposedly more hostile to illegal aliens that the numbers of border crossers keeps going up. It's not a conspiracy. A conspiracy is centralized and secret. It's completely open. There is an assortment of groups that function as a faction that works toward dismantling US sovereignty, the border. They are the Democrat political party, university departments and NGOs on both sides of the border. NGOs like Pueblos Sin Fronteras. This is all completely in the open. Pelosi openly says that it is immoral for the US to maintain a border, sovereignty.

>75% of women who cross the border are raped by fellow illegals or by the Cyaotes who took them across

People should stop recruiting women to cross the border then.

>Yea Forums is basically /pol/
Yea Forums is basically uncensored and all uncensored forums trend to the right because faggots like you can't defend their positions and either convert or leave.

kys nigger lovers

>they know their claims are total bullshit in the first place
Again, not for you to decide.
you should really settle down, or maybe prove your conspiracy theories.
>you'd never see them again, until the police picked them up
again...that's probably cheaper than this.
>they are fake refugees
so again, even if they are/aren't, you can seek asylum literally anywhere at the border. There is no federal law saying otherwise.
>Tell me why when America is supposedly more hostile to illegal aliens that the numbers of border crossers keeps going up
Because it's an outlier event due to the caravan, not a trend.
>There is an assortment of groups that function as a faction that works toward dismantling US sovereignty, the border. They are the Democrat political party, university departments and NGOs on both sides of the border. NGOs like Pueblos Sin Fronteras. This is all completely in the open. Pelosi openly says that it is immoral for the US to maintain a border, sovereignty.
Take your tinfoil hat off or go back to /x/ you easily manipulated faggot. You got any sources even to remotely back up your ramblings?

>have access to bail
When they are legal citizens and are known quantities. People who we have no fucking idea if they are genocidal mass murderers like don't get released into our country until they have been background checked which takes time. Period.

Detaining people for the safety of hundreds of millions of America until a background check is done is factually not unfair or mistreatment.

>"uncensored forums trend to lean right meme"
lol no, not really.
>you can't defend your positions
Which positions do you think I have that I can't defend?

Imagine defending /pol/ and being so new, you don't know how you've been the subject of mockery for a decade?

>newsflash, this isn't happening.

>Detaining people for the safety of hundreds of millions of America until a background check is done is factually not unfair or mistreatment.
They have bad food, poor sanitation, overcrowds...that isn't fair treatment under the law, no amount of mental gymnastics is going to sway most of the American public away from all the whistleblown facts that there is mistreat in these facilities. I'm not sure why the facts bother you?
>they could be da worstest person everer, that means it's okay to let the kids die
this has essentially become your logic. Trump has broken your cult-brain so hard, that you're defending this sort of shit.

It's an internment camp in America?
Not Unit 731? Oh this show sucks

What do you think DHS has been talking about? What do you think the report I sent you earlier from Homeland Security was about?

Absolute wew, I can't understand how people get as stupid as you.

lmaoo shut up you fucking nerd

why are youtube, facebook, twitter all going on a censorious tear, deplatforming any dissident presence that gains a significant amount of followers?


This is more staged than the charade the nazis pulled for the Red Cross

Gib stream link

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>muh asywum seekers
the only reason they're allowing them in is because corporations want the right to freely move labor around the planet. Wherever wages get too high, they want to flood the market with cheap workers. That's why the media and politicians push this agenda. What's it like to think you're some fight-the-power, Gandhi revolutionary type when you're actually a useful idiot brainwashed into licking the balls of international finance and their totalitarian government lackeys?

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Why would there be "white guilt"? You were at war with the fuckers

maybe because they are a private company and can deplatform anyone they want? Especially those who flirt with literal neo-nazi groups who end up shooting Walmarts, pizzerias and concerts?

I don't know, maybe nobody fucking wants you around near polite company or something? But that's not addressing anything I said.

your conspiracy theory doesn't even make any fucking sense
>the corporations wants to flood the market, to ruin the market, that they are involved in
Why am I even bothering? You're clearly mentally handicapped.

Why did they even bother naming this shit the Terror S2? Just to ride the coat tails of S1? The subject matter isn't even remotely similar.

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>when you're actually a useful idiot brainwashed into licking the balls of international finance
Yeah, you tell him! Now make sure to give your billionare Wallstreet President another 30 dollars so that he can campaign properly in 2020 and just ignore how Goldman Sachs wrote a tax bill and that the largest for-profit detention centers are run by a Trump Admin!

You're the real "redpilled" agent of truth around here!

>no wild Mr. Hickey shenanigans

What's the point?

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It is true that NGOs really oversell the USA as the land of milk and honey. Fear of gang violence is not an accepted reason for asylum.

Who cares about all this shit, just post more Hickey.

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nice projection. Please show me where support for Trump is stated in this post

Mexicans arent claiming asylum, people from the devils triangle in south america are. Mexicans are getting in the normal way as braceros.

Still waiting on sources, Alex.

You're regurgitating "nothing to see here" about the detention centers, which is a playbook of the Trump Admin...who benefit from the detention centers...

You're politically clueless as to who the bad guys currently are. I bet you think Jews run Hollywood too.

>internment camp in Colorado
>local town plays football game with them
>no one gets killed

Woah scary!

Go ask them yourself what they were promised about America and who told them so.

Patiently waiting...

Because it literally makes no sense why it would be called Terror 2 based on the first one

How would flooding the market with cheap labor ruin the market for rich megacorps? Did all those plantation owners suffer from that free slave labor?

The Camp Amache residential area is spread atop a low hill, which prevented the flooding and mud problems which plagued other WRA camps, although the area was prone to high winds and severe dust storms.[4] It was surrounded by barbed-wire fencing, with eight machine-gun towers located all around the camp. However, all eight towers were rarely manned at one time, and the guns were never used. The Project Director, James G. Lindley, allowed internees to take day trips to the town of Granada, located within walking distance of the camp, and although some locals remained hostile to their "Jap" neighbors, most eventually warmed to the internees, with many business owners hiring Japanese Americans and stocking goods catered to their Amache customers.[4]

The high school was completed in June 1943, but plans to construct two additional schools for elementary and junior high students were abandoned; middle schoolers shared the Amache High building with older students, while elementary school classes continued in a barracks in Block 8H.[4][6]

Sources indicate that the high school football team lost one game in three years. One noteworthy event was when the Amache football team played the undefeated football team from Holly, Colorado, which is located just 11 miles (17.7 km) east of Amache on U.S. 50. This game was unique because Holly actually agreed to come up to the camp and play Amache on their home field. One of the Holly team players was Roy Romer, who went on to become Governor of Colorado. The Amache team won this game by a score of 7-0, the only touchdown coming from a trick play, thus the Amache team can claim to be undefeated on their own field.[ci

>crytpo-white supremacists and nationalists on youtube keep pushing The Great Replacement meme
>Mass shooter names his manifesto "The Great Replacement"
I wonder why

I don't understand why rich megacorps want to ruin the market, for themselves? It's almost like you're a retard.

We were at war with Japan. We interred Americans.

I’m looking forward to it but if it doesn’t match the utter sense of despair, desperation and ultimate predictable loss of season 1 then this will fail

so if people discuss empirical data, and some crazy people break the law using the empirical data as justification. all discussion of that empirical data should be censored?

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>changing demographics over time is a literal plot to replace white people specifically and there is "empirical" data to justify calling it The Great Replacement
Let everyone know the next time you shoot up a Walmart, you schizoid.

>woah, we are just trying to discuss empirical data here friend


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Isn't that the credo of the multiculturalist? Too many white people living somewhere is a problem, that problem is a lack of diversity, the solution is to increase the population of blacks, browns and yellows in the area. If the white people disagree, they are uneducated, hateful bigots. Their political resistance must be criminalized, their children brainwashed and the 'cultural enrichment must be imposed through undemocratic means.

How else do you think multiculturalism makes inroads? Do the people in white majority countries go, "Shit! You know what would really be great and in totally our interests? If we became a racial minority in this country! Yeah! We should ask our politicians to do this for us!"

>wonders why he gets deplatformed

yikes, you people are literally mental patients.

Yeah I know it's crazy right? We need more Africans to enter Israel to end Jewish Supremacist racism.

you are the worst sort of second



Also this guy:
>”securing borders is bad, we are all human beings and we know that humans that aren’t the same gender/religion/skin tone as me are by default good people :)”
LMAO, imagine living life like this retard

Portraying America as a bad guy makes sense in terms of profitability; most people that waste their time and spend all day watching tv shows instead of working/socializing/etc are the type of edgy that also love hating their own country

cause its trash

Main actor is shit, head writer is a nepotist jew.

Why is this even consider a "season 2" of anything? Should have made it a one-off, not an anthology.

>your country doesn't ever do anything terrible or bad

Do you have a manifesto, too?

>Japanese military pilot is the same as a Japanese American-born citizen who works in a mailroom down the street
The lengths you faggots go...

Imagine if it was set in a remote Japanese farming settlement on the frontier of Manchukuo on the eve of the Soviet invasion in 1945. Now that would have been kino. Like Human Condition Part 3 but with supernatural elements.

Post settings which would have been 10000x better than an internment camp
>on Okinawa haunted with japanese spirits
>Tunguska event
>James Cook in Hawaii

Last voyage of the Russian Fleet en-route to Tsushima.

Was the Japanese internment that bad or what? From what I gather it was not great but not truly inhumane neither.
Also I like how he puts all Asians in the same basket because Asians all fucking hate each other because of WW2.

lol way to prove that you didn’t read it

>This season of The Terror uses as its setting one of the darkest, most horrific moments in our nation’s history

would've been better if it were the Trail of Tears

Ponce de Leon in Florida.

I...did? Are you actually retarded or something?


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>it was not great but not truly inhumane neither.
That's because you're poorly educated and possibly underage.

Dyatlov pass would have been appropriate but I feel like it also is to short of a story to tell and can't span a 10 episode season.


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Are you? Because that captured pilot was freed by japs that lived on the island

That's great and all, that still has nothing to do with Japanese Americans in the US. I feel like you're a genuine autist. The event was used by propagandists to justify Japanese internment but I'll repeat for you...you're comparing a member of the Imperial Japanese military, to your Japanese American neighbor.

You might have reading comprehension. The pilot was helped by 3 Japanese-Americans, including one who was born and raised in US territory.

I think you are brainwashed, they were Imperial sympathizers who lived on a remote Hawaiin island who had military ties, who freed a military pilot right after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

So in your drug-addled brain, please explain to me how this somehow relates to the thousands of American born Japanese citizens who literally did nothing to aid Japan? You know this isn't a real argument, right? Or are you that fucking retarded?

Quit while you're ahead, bud. It's embarrassing. Next you're going to start quoting WWII propaganda that all Japanese people are subconsciously going to defend the Empire.

The japs were all far more recent immigrants, and from a much different cultural and ethnic background than European immigrants.
If you can’t see why they were considered a real risk for espionage then you’re just delusional

You're a schizophrenic retroactively defending an action that our government has already apologized for publicly you stupid faggot. Yeah, all those Japanese spies...tell me again how many a congressional investigation proved? All those women and children and their homes repossessed for "national security reasons bro" that weren't returned to them.

Yeah, I'm the delusional one. Since you're fine with turning on your own fucking citizens because of fear mongering. You should be ashamed if you ever called yourself a nationalist.

Being a /pol/tard must honestly be exhausting, you're defending Japanese interment just to backdoor defend the Trump Admin.

It really is a cult, absolutely is fascinating. I'm going to say it, it's like the Hitler Youth.

>defending an action that our government has already apologized for publicly
Not relevant
>Yeah, all those Japanese spies...tell me again how many a congressional investigation proved?
Takeo Yoshikawa
Not that I need actual proven cases of espionage. Most were imprisoned and thus we can’t know how many may have committed acts of espionage.
The Incident just proved that when push came to shove they assisted a foreign power we were at war with.
>Yeah, I’m sure he delusional one
Glad you can acknowledge it
What does it have to do with Trump?

Wait, did is this pro-Japanese internment retard really come back just to repost the same shit and get bombed on again? Definition of insanity.

Citation needed

>everyone that disagrees with me must be the same person, surely more than one person couldn’t possibly think I’m wrong

>Not relevant
They acknowledged it was wrong, so why are you defending it?
>>not that I need actual proven cases of espionage
yes, yes you do.
>they were all imprisoned and none of them were actually proven so I win
You are godawfully retarded. That's essentially pre-crime logic.
>The Incident just proved that when push came to shove they assisted a foreign power we were at war with.
It was a single incident, in fucking Hawaii. Not an entire community of literally innocent Japanese Americans who did nothing but "be Japanese bro". You're a disgusting fucking person. What if we did that to whites? You'd be up in arms.
>well, whites commit the most mass murders, maybe we should intern them just to make sure we are safe!
It's generalizing based on fear, it's not logical. You lost, the US admitted it was wrong, they gave Japanese Americans restitution for it.
>what does it have to do with Trump?
Come on.

You're a retard. Stop posting.

>The Incident just proved that when push came to shove they assisted a foreign power we were at war with.
Yes, a handful of Hawaiian Japanese...that must mean that LITERAL THOUSANDS are culpable to crime. Flawless logic, zoomer. Truly spectacular.

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based and truthpilled, fuck nu/tv/

>oh noes! Some asians were mildly inconvenienced after a nation took reasonable steps to protect its white majority during wartime
>this is an atrocity, never forget the six million internment camp 'prisoners'
>this is why whites are evil and we need open borders!!!!!

t. been here for 3 months

>Not relavent
Having your government admit to wrong-doing in a discussion on whether or not they're actions were wrong is very relavent, you imbecile.

>Not that I need actual proven cases of espionage
You do. The principles in which America espouses to the rest of the world states that we do not treat our citizens as enemies when they have not demonstrably committed any crime. Innocent until proven guilty, not detained so you can't commit a crime. Dummy.

Can't wait for the government to start rounding up white supremacists on the basis that a couple of nutjobs got trigger happy. I'm sure you'll be singing about free speech or Miranda rights when that happens.

I feel bad for the other kids that are going to have to deal with you during summer school.

t. came here in 2016, says shit like "Yea Forums is /pol/", crossposts, gets angry about black Ariel and is legitimately pissbaby mad about politics

Can't tell if strawman or just retarded.

>mildly inconvenienced
go kill yourself.

>Next season is about amerifat Japanese internment camps

Fuck I hate that Americans ruin everything
Should have been about the Roanoke Colony or something.
The Japanese barely had any trouble when they were put in the internment camps, hell if it had been about the Japanese labour camps or Bioweapons the japs used in china it would have been more thematically appropriate but instead we have Amerifats trying to claim that being locked up in nice camps for security reasons was as bad as dying in the freezing arctic wastes.


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>They acknowledged it was wrong
Why do you think that’s relevant? I don’t care that people apologized for something they didn’t do well after the fact
>yes, yes you do.
No, I don’t. They were interned so they couldn’t commit espionage. Are you retarded or something?
>You are godawfully retarded. That's essentially pre-crime logic
I don’t see what that has to do with preventing acts of espionage
>It was a single incident, in fucking Hawaii.
So? Was there another incident where they were able to help the Japanese military and didn’t?
>Japanese Americans who did nothing but "be Japanese bro". You're a disgusting fucking person
Yeah, that’s was the thought process behind why they would hinder the war effort against their home country, which had a literal God-Emperor.
You sound super mad
>What if we did that to whites? You'd be up in arms.
Why would we do that to whites? They were loyal to the US and many participated in the invasion of their own mother country
>It's generalizing based on fear, it's not logical
It literally happened. It seems the fear was justified
>You lost, the US admitted it was wrong, they gave Japanese Americans restitution for it
See above. Btw repeating shit like you lost comes across desperate and pathetic
>Come on
Ugh just like come on he’s like a total nazi

how would the Japanese have treated 120,000 whites if they were residents in Japan during wwii?

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>everything this country does is evil and must be told to everybody how evil it is
You spoiled ungrateful literal soi boi. You literal have more freedom and opportunity than most people alive today and you spend all the time bitching about “how hard you have it”
I wish you could go to an actual shit hole and stay there to realize how useless you were and still are as the locals laugh at you

desu I hate Trump people and I still didn't like black Ariel because it was just dumb

take your own advice

So how many acts of treason should be allowed before it can be decided they need to be isolated?
Or does every jap that thinks the emperor is a fucking god get one shot in because we can’t make assumptions based on culture?


>showrunner Alexander Woo
literally Woo

Shattered glass rods in penises, bamboo splinters in fingernails, rape, and beheadings

This may be surprising to you, but military actions in an actual fucking world war are not based on how offended you are on the behalf of others

You're talking like a fag now

This isn't the sort of thing that you can change with a battle of attrition or by fatiguing people into not wanting to argue with your anymore. Your own government has recognized it's fuck up, apologized for what is considered a black spot on the country's history, and still you want to argue the point. It's time to get a clue, and find a more worthwhile hill to die on.

>They were interned so they couldn’t commit espionage
That's not how due process works...wew.
>I don't see what that has to do with preventing acts of espionage
Because generally, it's accepted that you need concrete evidence that a crime has taken place, or even reasonable suspicion other than "they are Japanese or Japanese related".
I'll ask again, how does that make thousands of American born Japanese, culpable to fucking espionage?
>you sound super mad
because you're defending how the US wrongfully targeted its own natural born citizens. Why wouldn't I be mad?
>why would we do that to whites?
Well for starters, whites commit the most hate based crime and mass shootings in literally the entire first world. By your own logic, that should be more than enough to intern them. Why not?
>the fear was justified
No evidence was ever produced that even a fraction of the population interned, ever posed a threat to the security of the US during wartime. Cope, bootlicker.
>he's like a total Nazi
You're only on this autistic hill (and dying on it) because of the detention camps. We all know that. You are transparent.

Donner party would be a 10/10 setting

It’s not relevant because the people who apologized for it didn’t have anything to do with it. The government isn’t one person.
>You do.
No, it’s impossible to prove whether or not the internment prevented acts of espionage
>The principles in which America espouses to the rest of the world states that we do not treat our citizens
You shouldn’t get citizenship just because you’re born here

>truth is always scarier than fiction
get it right retard 'fact is stranger than fiction'. conflating "truth" (his truth obv.) with "fact" is all you need to know, its garbage

How else will the faggots complain? If not this, they’ll white knight for women who in most cases are bad people rightfully getting critiqued, islamophobia, how anything traditional is oppressive or cry about anything really
They only care about themselves, and how they appear; so they can go on for days like the losers they are

>non-white access to white communities is a human right under all circumstances, even if it will likely result in whites being harmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why not make it about Japanese internment camps in the Pacific instead of the boring white guilt camps??????

Bro, I hate SJWs like you; but come on now. “White unity” doesn’t exist, and white people in America are as individualistic as they come. You’re coming off as a cringe LARPer

>because you're defending how the US wrongfully targeted its own natural born citizens. Why wouldn't I be mad?
But most of them were first or 2nd generation immigrants

MUH CONSTITUTION isn't an argument when "naturalized" Japs in Hawaii were siding with the enemy and trying to kill Americans

>>everything this country does is evil
Nobody said that, but I don't live in a fantasy world where I just gobble up what the State says and accept it as fact.
GEO Group and CoreCivic get major leeway from the Trump Administration to profit off of the construction of detention centers, fucking cuckold. GEO contracts with the Trump Admin.

Read a fucking book.

>2nd generation immigrants

Is this code for "natural born citizen"?

gweilo is chinese
takei, being japanese, would use gaijin

>But most of them were first or 2nd generation immigrants
right, American citizens, with legal citizenship status. What are you smoking?

Neither do I. You love complaining in a country that allows you to do so, and achieve nothing. You’re a loser and you are too stupid to change


This was more than enough reason to justify locking them up.
Should have locked up the Italians and Germans too but that would have been logistically impossible

Should have been about Unit 731 and their human/animal hybrid experiments.
That's a real terror.

I accept your concession then, Trumpfag. Your President is a billionaire shill for international corporate interests with a Wallstreet address and is the farthest removed from your /pol/nigger idols as you could possibly dream.

>citizenship =/= American

World war against a fanatical empire that canabalized the countries they occupied and had entire brigades of suicide bombers at the ready.
Look, I know you think “white america = bad and racist and mysognist and ” but you have to be retarded if you think there wasn’t a basis for being cautious.

>The government isn’t one person
And the act was not decried as a gigantic fuck up by a singular person, but many. So many so, in fact, that a public apology was made.

>No, it’s impossible to prove whether or not the internment prevented acts of espionage
Yes, the lack of evidence further lends itself to the internment being a mistake. Not that hard to put two and two together here.

>You shouldn’t get citizenship just because you’re born here
I suppose we're lucky that the government isn't just one person here, eh?

>a single isolated incident is reason enough to lock up thousands of your own citizens.

>everyone that disagrees with me supports
Down voted
Go complain some more

>That's not how due process works
Sometimes freedoms are lost or restricted in times of war or crisis
>Because generally
Generally we aren’t being attacked
It was isolated because the rest were interned
>Why wouldn't I be mad?
So you are mad
>Well for starters, whites commit the most hate based crime and mass shootings in literally the entire first world
No kidding, really? The First Word (which is white) has mostly white people comitting hate crimes?
Does that also include race motivated crimes in which prosecution does not pursue hate crime charges because the offender isn’t white?
>No evidence was ever produced that even a fraction of the population interned, ever posed a threat
They were considered a threat based upon their ethnic and cultural ties to a country with a fucking god emperor. There was no practical way to vet individuals to determine threat
>You're only on this autistic hill (and dying on it) because of the detention camps
lol did you just (and that’s a good thing) your own post?
Lmao, anyway I fail to see how the topics are related

Kill yourself, nigger scum

Nice strawman you got there, schizoid.

All those people died and you only want more to do so too because you want to look caring. That’s you

>Sometimes freedoms are lost or restricted in times of war or crisis
No, they aren't Mein Fuhrer.
>The First Word (which is white) has mostly white people committing hate crimes?
specifically white males, aged 20-29, yes. That's three rungs more specific than "Japanese-ish", it's literally more precise. So why aren't we rounding them up?
>lol did you just (and that’s a good thing) your own post?
No, that's not how the meme works.

Look, you got btfo so just go to bed. You have school tomorrow.

I think the phrase is:
“You googled easy to look up facts, and that’s racist”
Speaking of racism, did you know that the Japanese empire had tons of korean comfort women that they raped and stole from home to help the soldiers “feel stress relief”? I’m sure you could look that up, but saying other groups of people outside of your own are capable of racism is beyond your depth of understanding


>Look, everyone! I found a couple of white blackbirds, thus proving all blackbirds are actually white!

That's you.

>And the act was not decried as a gigantic fuck up by a singular person, but many
But not those who were responsible for it. So their belief isn’t any more valuable to the topic than yours is.
>durrr you can’t prove that anyone was guilty that means that all 120,000 of them were totally innocent
>birthright citizenship
Awful, just awful.

You're just having an argument with yourself now. Why do you leave /pol/? It's never comfortable for you. You people never actually win any arguments. The site just gets more and more exhausted.

>guys, birds tho
How many retweets and follows senpai? I bet it’s sick

>you need to literally prove that thousands of people were innocent
No faggot, you need to prove they committed a crime in the first place. Holy shit, your brain.

Who'd you vote for, pal?

>No, they aren't Mein Fuhre
They literally are you fucking retard
>specifically white males, aged 20-29, yes
Shit, you’re blowing my mind. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that most of the criminals in Africa are black
>No, that's not how the meme work
Lol it is though. And now you’re going back to that pathetic “ugh just stop like I can’t even” talk
What a faggot lmao

You don’t, though. That’s why they were put in camps

>/pol/ boogeyman
You also forgot to use the other buzzwords like “trump” “incel” and “racist”
On a more serious note; Looking up facts about an oppressive empire is something anyone with half a brain can do; it’s hilarious how you ignore all the war crimes of this place simply because you want desperately to believe that they are somehow the victims

>b-b-but /pol/
good lord! Resorting to the /pol/ boogeyman as a valid counterargument

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Where’d your arguments go, retard? Lol

>>durrr you can’t prove that anyone was guilty that means that all 120,000 of them were totally innocent
Okay. Prove to me 1/100 of those who were detained were guilty.

>Awful, just awful
I suppose we're lucky that the government isn't just one person here, eh?

>They literally are you fucking retard
>Maybe in your Islamic hellscape, sure.
Next thing you’re going to tell me is that most of the criminals in Africa are black
You people are never consistent. It's not that "all white people commit more mass shootings" it's that, MORE WHITE MALES, AGED 20-29 do. So I ask again, why are we not interning them? For our safety?

We're literally in a bait thread (probably yours) about Japanese interment camps that is really just a smokescreen to talk about detention centers and the usual shtick is happening, that has happened for the last fucking decade: /pol/ shits the place up, gets called retarded, now you are shitposting until archive.

Every day.

Repeating that the other person is losing an argument over and over and over again usually means you lost he argument

Seriously, I'm curious. Who did you vote for?

Holy shit, able-bodied males ages 20-29 are the biggest criminal demographic?
No way, you’re blowing my fucking mind right now

most mass shootings are committed by niggers though

So the retardos at /pol/ (favorite place of yours, so I’ve seen) believe Jews are the basis for the worlds problems
Retardos like you believe /pol/ is the basis of the worlds issues
What’s next? Is there a deeper level of stupidity that surpasses even you two?

Refute it or shut it, dork.

The Japanese internent was unjust, US government publicly apologized and no evidence of mass espionage was ever found, the current detention centers are poorly maintained and the treatment is unfair, there is no "great replacement" plan happening...

...and you're a faggot.

you're wasting your time. Why would anyone sane vote for the left when they just declared open borders and free healthcare for illegals a few weeks ago?

Also, complaining about taxes is pretty pathetic at this point, how do you fight or start a trade war with china if you don't make it as attractive as possible for businesses in the United States. Arguing with you people is like fighting with an ADD ridden hamster, just throwing out talking points with no deep thinking.

>Retardos like you believe /pol/ is the basis of the worlds issues
I've never said that. You aren't even a real majority outside of, well anything. You're a small subset of the unironically mentally ill that just so happens to have some political leanings that align with the extreme fringe of the American Right.

So I take it you have none, which would have been easier to say

They weren’t able to commit treason because they were interned ;>)
>I suppose we're lucky that the government isn't just one person here, eh?
Really? Repeating yourself? That’s not at all completely childish.
Why are you so defensive of birthright citizenship? Did your mom sneak across the border while 9 months pregnant?

Lol, there’s nothing to refute if you think I’m part of a grand conspiracy you literal moron. Do you want me to lie and say I too think everything is racist like you? Come on man, give me something here

> there is no "great replacement" plan happening...
The GR is like white privilege, certain races can't perceive its existence because of their position in society and past experiences

>but da left though...
yes, you're favorite boogeyman. I guess you could just ignore everything I said like the cuck you are because it doesn't jive well with your bias. Meanwhile, the Koch Brothers fund every right-winger talking head and the Sinclair Group is the largest media propaganda monster in the US.

But yeah, da ebul liberals with their moobies and things they say that make me pee pee hurt real bad!

I’m pretty sure you’ve referenced /pol/ more times than your actual point; which is pretty typical among your easily offended ilk
Kinda wish they were as big of a threat as you make them out to be, I bet they’d be more entertaining to deal with

It's Trump, right?

>but Ella Kanahele received no official recognition
she probably sat back and watched

>just throwing out talking points with no deep thinking.
Trump literally moved most of his business overseas and relaxed regulations on tax havens, which one of his most recent "suicided" buddies used often. But yeah, sometimes a Democrat says a dum dum oopsie that make you real mad!

Pretty sure it’s pronounced “drumpf” you shit lord. Do you even reddit?

This is literally a "/pol/ argues with everyone then pretends to be retarded" thread.

so yes? You voted for Trump?

I’m pretty sure there are more people that shit themselves over /pol/ than actual people from there. Y’all tend to overreact, which is why everybody seems like Nazis to you lmao

So open borders and free healthcare for illegals is
>a dum dum oopsie
But lining your own pockets is worse?
I mean, really? In comparison to the first I literally don’t give a shit

Would that change the fact that you’re too retarded to stick to a single point? If so, I’ll do anything I can to help your diminished condition

I see. The bird analogy was too complicated for you. Can't say I'm surprised that something so simple flew over your head, you dope.

the reason you think everyone here is /pol/ is because every other place you frequent online is heavily censored so you never encounter opinions that significantly diverge from your own faggoty takes on the world. You'd probably be screaming /pol/ just as loudly on facebook if they stopped policing political speech

You people are literally the most uninformed burgers in the entire country, you fall for any disinfo. Remember when you swore up and down that the Charlottesville hit and run guy was "actually a minority and didnu nuffin because reasons"? kek, He got over 100 years in prison and the jury ruled based on multiple camera angles, showing clear intent to kill dozens.

You are always wrong. I'm not even going to bring up PizzaGate, because you'll get really embarrassed and probably start throwing a fit.

Even when you try to condescend, it’s hard to take seriously when you have the emotional temperament of a 3 year old with no life experience and the vocabulary of a white knight who always wonders why treating women chivalrously never gets you laid lmao

No Democrat is for open borders and the question was "do you think universal healthcare covers non Americans and aliens", to which most replied yes.

Very different framing, but you're used to these tactics.
>Democrats having opinions on things I don't like, is worse than a literally crony system of morally bankrupt Wallstreet goons controlling my country and writing tax policy
wew, you're a retard.

I don’t see how that’s relevant.
He was riding his brakes and only accelerated after someone hit his car with a pipe, though

Or you know, we're in a /pol/ bait thread?

>people shit themselves over /pol/
kek, I'd be laughing if I didn't already know you are completely serious and believe that.

Yes, someone working to line their own pockets is a lot less egregious than trying to give fucking illegals free healthcare.
And you faggots always claim it’s only this, they won’t go further than that. Meanwhile mainstream politicians parrot stupid shit like abolishing ICE

Or you know, your close minded attitude to the world is the main reason why nobody seems to be able to connect with you

>He was riding his brakes and only accelerated after someone hit his car with a pipe, though
Nope, literally fake news. Sorry retard.

You’re doing it right now tho?

Don’t worry, others laugh for you as you pretend to not care about the group you spent all this time screaming about

>I don't care that my billionare President is possibly a criminal, who had his charity shut down for fraud, his closest friends either "suicided" or put in prison, and him tax cutting his literal bffs
>that's nothing compared to Paco getting healthcare
>wahhh, don't abolish ICE
ICE hasn't even been around that long. Your priorities are way out of fucking whack.

He’s retarded. Give him a break, he’s used to rules and basic common sense not applying to him

Unjustly, which is why the government publicly acknowledged its wrong-doing.

>Really? Repeating yourself? That’s not at all completely childish
Watch out, fellow adults, he's breaking out the sarcasm. More repeating your sentiments, actually. I suppose they're only your sentiments when they suit your argument, though ;^)

I'm not the one with fringe /x/-tier opinions.

Trump is literally hitler
Doesn’t he remind you of hitler?
Are you kidding me?!?

It’s on video, sweety

Have you ever considered that your opinions are just poorly informed or possibly even wrong?

Somehow, you’ve surpassed that
I’ll be waiting here till page 10 now on your explanation on how this comment is somehow “like, a personal attack or something??”

The government isn’t one person. The people who apologized didn’t do anything.
>More repeating your sentiments
I repeated the sentiment. You literally just repeated yourself like it was a valid argument the first time.
So ill ask again, how far along was your moms pregnancy when you crossed?

>over 100 years in prison
Yeah, it's on video. The jury is in, he's sentenced you dumb faggot. He's never seeing the light of day. Hope he kills himself. That will make you mad. Honest to god, hope they prank him, dress up as an Orthodox Jew and just strangle him and leak those pictures directly to /pol/. Just for the crying.

Why? Because practicing totalitarian levels of censorship proves that instead of debating?
My grandpa grew up in the Soviet Union and he told me dudes like you were the biggest cock suckers to authority

You're getting called names and mocked. Nobody is "spooky spooky spooked" by you or mad. You have dopey opinions, as usual. You can't take a hint that you aren't welcome, so you have to register it as "ha, everyone is so totes mad right now ;) I'm really crushing these libcucks in my head".

Fuck off.

ICE exists because there are way more spics crossing now, and an organization doesn’t exist to fill the job that they do.
Also it’s nice to see you completely fail to address how serious these issues are compared to allegations of corruption.
Ones that you should be aware no one takes seriously because of how often you cry wolf about literally everyone that disagrees with you

Nobody is censoring you. Do you need that explained?

I've had more sex this week than you have in your entire life, and that's just counting the 3 holes for 1 special your mom is running. Jokes aside, you're hard to take seriously because you've already proven yourself to just be painfully stupid.

You sure sound very well adjusted and totally experienced in life beyond what a bunch of insular communities and people pleasing tendencies for an easy way to avoid pain in life could muster my dude, totally lol

I already got someone to admit that they were mad.
And for like the third time, repeating how much you aren’t bothered and how wrong someone is looks really pathetic

ICE exists because the Patriot Act allows the government to supersede your own sovereignty, privacy and civil rights, in order for national security protocols. So I hope you're happy, being a Statist cuck that is.

Lmao did you think this bait was any good when you typed it?

I guess all that profound compassion and empathy you feel for those poor brown children in the detention camps doesn't ever extend to whites.

A more conspiratorially minded person might surmise that you don't even feel compassion for the brown kids and are just using them as a weapon to attack whites - which you obviously hate

He literally is in prison, cope. You fell for InfoWars memes.

>but sex tho
Congrats, you’re even more retsrded than I thought
The original comment you replied to talks about how censorship occurs outside of here, and you then said “but that’s ok cuz you say mean thing”
You’re a dick sucker, and proud as the ruskies say

Better theory: I don't have empathy for politically brainwashed murderers who look for soft targets to do maximum damage with. Fuck off, apologist.

I've never even said there was censorship outside of here, I'm not agreeing with you.

You must see a lot of yourself in him then; since you only care about people that make you look compassionate and he only cares for those he thinks will immediately give him safety and support simply because they look like him

Lol, of course not; you’re too stupid to be self aware

Except now they primarily deal with spics. There isn’t an agency in place to fill the void that would be left.
The only people that want to abolish ice are spics and white liberals that want to signal how progressive they are to the brown hordes

>Jews and Democrats and NGOs' are trying to destroy the white race and it's okay to suspend your rights if you are a Jap and I don't like you

You don’t get to pretend you didn’t just type that shitty bait

When reddit, twitter and other monopolies of communication take down opinions for being “extreme” because you interpret that way, you are no different than Stalin’s yes men
Probably suck better dick than them too I bet

>if you don't defend a literal murderer, you hate the entire white race
This is your mushed brain on propaganda. Congrats.

> I don't have empathy for politically brainwashed murderers who look for soft targets to do maximum damage with
so I presume you're against antifa?

>there is no agency that does what ICE does
You're a literal zoomer underage...
>only my strawmen want this removed
I want the entire fucking Patriot Act and all of its tendrils to be abolished, cuck. It's Anti-American garbage that has costed the American people actual liberties in a post-9/11 world.

>dude, you must be /pol/ for disagreeing with me
Well. Adjusted.
I don’t care about races like the other guy, I just know that you and him are shitty in two different ways. You’re less honest about your awful nature tho

I'm against all extremists. ANTIFA doesn't have a kill count though.

I mean, adding that last part makes you seems really unlikeable. Like, bruh what are you doing?

You mean, when private companies refuse to host your content? You can't be censored by free to use platforms you don't fucking own, bud. This gets explained to you constantly. Youtube and FB aren't a public square.

I’ve had become specialized and no other organization could do what they do.
Faggot cities in my state outright refuse to deport spics. Who else would do it? You get rid of Ice and now you need another federal organization to do it. Functionally you would just be recreating them underneath a new umbrella