Any films about raising a family in the social media generation?

Any films about raising a family in the social media generation?

Attached: kidssocial.jpg (477x254, 34K)

Man I remember eating worms
I was holding these wriggly fucks and though fuck it imma eat these

what the FUCK is wrong with you

Wait about 10 years

Waylon will grow up to be a spree killer

Why are people sharing this kind of shit with other people?


Attached: 1563303050827.png (513x834, 410K)

modern "mommys" now only get happiness from how many links and retweets and comments their kids get on social media. its pretty sad really

Attached: bennet.jpg (517x455, 65K)

Didn't you hear?
Kids are stupid.

you can't name a kid fucking Waylon and publicly shame him then expect him not to skin people in his basement or some shit

>modern "mommys" now only get happiness from how many links and retweets and comments their kids get on social media. its pretty sad really

>take photo of your baby
>spend the next two hours glued to your iphone checking for likes and shares while your baby crawls around unnoticed and unwatched

>baby is 4 months old
>already 1000 pictures of it on facebook
fuck this shit. if I ever have a kid my wife isnt using it for social media points


Why are these millenial/zoomer names so popular?

Why was she leaving her two year old unattended in the first place while she was in the shower?


Imagine being this kid in 10 years, having his entire class know about this

Nigga I'm 35

Probably a good 95% of those kids will also have equally embarrassing stories posted on their parent's social media page that it won't matter.

Will this be how bullying gets eradicated? By everyone having dirt on everyone?

Social media was such a fucking mistake.