Why are Liverpool fans allowed to fly a communist flag that references Mao and Stalin at their matches with zero punishment? Don’t the FA and UEFA normally ban political symbols such as these? Imagine if any fan base brought a flag that referenced fascist insignia, they’d be banned instantly. But communist is okay?
Why are Liverpool fans allowed to fly a communist flag that references Mao and Stalin at their matches with zero...
Scouse rats deserve nuclear fire
socialism =/= communism
>references Mao and Stalin
>Don’t the FA and UEFA normally ban political symbols such as these?
no. If they did, most if not all banners would be banned from the Old Firm, Israel, Italy, Germany...
Agreed. But that doesn't alter the fact that OP is a ginormous faggot.
It's based on this.
because 95% of scousers can't read. they don't know what communism is, they just think it's "we should get lots of benefits for fags, cans of stella and sky sports to watch THE REDS LAAA"
Why are soccerfags allowed to be massive faggots and post garbage threads with zero punishment? seriously you all spend your life watching grown men kick a ball around, you all desperately need to have sex and get some good hobbies or kill yourself and give some oxygen to someone deserving
great guys
would vote
> Imagine if any fan base brought a flag that referenced fascist insignia
Láziooooo do meeeeeeu coraçãaaaaaao
Second from the left looks like hitler to me
If this ever happened in England the whole club would receive a stadium ban immediately.
Literally none of those people are Mao you dumb tory manc.
yeah because your entire country is soft and for faggots, we know
Half of the melodies used in football chants are derived from church hymns. Does this mean those chants are directly referencing Christianity?
Most motifs/aesthetic templates are derivative
imagining a soijak saying this
what if they did it while kneeling
>the whole club would receive a stadium ban immediately
When has this ever happened?
See Imagine if any club flew a banner which appropriated pictures of their managers or players onto imagery derived from a fascist flag. They wouldn't be able to fly it for long without having police intervention, that's for sure.
would still get decapitated because England is an Islamic colony of social justice
never because all your right wingers are too afraid to speak since they're cowards
It’s Bob Paisley, he took over from Bill Shankly (on the left) and they won 6 league titles, 3 European cups and the Uefa cup under him.
t.insecure snowflake
You fucking cunt, don’t play dumb if you knew anything about ideology you would know that socialism is a way to achieve communism, a socialist society can’t exist as socialism’s goal is to achieve communism, socialism is merely the way to communism, and no Labout aren’t socialists they’re social liberals.
This flag is clearly a reference to a famous poster used by the CCP during the cultural revolution.
>muh muh based on
So fucking what? there supporters are called the ‘red army’ and they’re making a parody of it, get a fucking life.
Fucking rattled holy shit
Not all socialist are Marxist you yank retard
>there supporters are called the ‘red army’ and they’re making a parody of it, get a fucking life.
Why the double standards, though?
Do you think any club in this country could get away with flying any sort of flag or imagery that made even the slightest reference to fascism?
Man United has done this too. Pic related, Rio Ferdinand with a literal communist flag after Moscow UCL final 2008.
>your coping because you aren’t shitting yourself someone put a star on a flag
Get back to your nigger with an orange ball sport thread.
not everyone's a retarded leftoid like you, rent fucking free, we own your sorry ass, you do what we say, yanks LITERALLY own England
>double standards
What double standards? It’s literally just a parody not an actual political statement.
And even if it was, who the fuck cares?
Mao and Stalin killed millions of communists. Good guys.
wish thatcher actually killed people in Mersey, the UK would be way better off and our colony would be a bit stronger and not have to pay the retarded leftists there
>Do you think any club in this country could get away with flying any sort of flag or imagery that made even the slightest reference to fascism?
Like the "No Surrender" daubed on countless Rangers and Chelsea flags?
>It’s literally just a parody not an actual political statement.
Would anyone be allowed to bring a banner to a match which parodied a Nazi propaganda poster or used a swastika or SS skull on it?
I agree with you but I don't want to be angry
Are you simple? The post explains the double standard - similar fascist imagery wouldn't be allowed.
"No surrender" isn't anything to do with fascism.
The actual Chelsea headhunters gear and flags that used SS skulls on it would be banned at matches today, yes.
they wouldn't, you don't have any free speech in England so no one could do this
What is the fascist connotation there?
There’s one goal that all socialistic ideologies share, to create a classless society. You’re not a socialist Nigel, you’re a social liberal. If you don’t want a classless society you’re not a socialist. And a classless society=Communism. Not that anything of what I said matters, as this ideology and every other “extreme” ideology is just mental masturbation.
uniting countries under a union jack is heckin colonialist and fascist
>if there is one thing socialistic ideologies share it's a complete retarded fantasy
This is the real communism, and the inevitable endpoint of their actual policies is the not-real communism.
OP has a good point. I could wear a Stalin t-shirt to uni and people would be totally fine with it. But on the other hand if I would wear a shirt with some right wing guy on it people would freak out.
Our society is more and more turning into a neo marxist cesspool.
Don't listen to the delusional faggots itt
>"No surrender" isn't anything to do with fascism.
A slogan used almost exclusively by far-right groups has nothing to do with fascism?
If you're not a retard or a schizo then you are being disingenuous. In any case, you are not worth another moment of my time.
>you are not worth another moment of my time.
>A slogan used almost exclusively by far-right groups has nothing to do with fascism?
It isn't exclusively used by far-right groups. It's an anti-IRA slogan.
>A slogan used almost exclusively by far-right groups has nothing to do with fascism?
What are you talking about?
>England for genuinely spooked by a bunch of paddies with molotovs
You’re don’t understand, the end point of these “socialists” isn’t communism as they’re not socialists, they’re just liberals flying the flag of socialism to gain votes. Pure socialism is and will continue to be dead.
>Pure socialism is and will continue to be dead.
As it should, because it's absolute fantasy garbage.
>m-muh true socialism
>I NEED to give money to Africans!!
imagine thinking being anti-IRA means "fascism"
I thought you fags walked and biked everywhere?
I’m not defending socialism you retards, I’m just pointing out the idiocy in believing in any left wing parties spouting socialist ideas or ideas of the working class. Although that doesn’t mean I don’t like some elements of the left, but I do need to stress that heavily matters on the people that these elements effect.
how to spot a commie? they dont know Coventry City last won the FA Cup in what year.
>"No surrender" isn't anything to do with fascism.
Maybe not, but it's absolutely a political statement, which was your original point no?
DEFENDING SOCIALISM ON /Sports and shit/ fucking twink
Yeah, and anti-facism is neither political statement nor "socialism" as well
>A slogan used almost exclusively by far-right groups
Bro we sing it in the national anthem at every england game
You faggots kneel for niggers. No surprise there
Fuck off to /talents/, you retarded bloater
Look, all I'm saying is the IRA were based and the English are cringe. Kill All Huns.
you fucking clowns spend decades fighting each other, that's why we're the leaders of the fucking world now. obsessed, rent free, continue buying more US Dollars en masse just so you can buy oil KEK
>rent free, he says, sperging on in a brit footy thread