Reminder this is who you’re discussing movies with

Attached: 1B393F32-C55E-49BD-971C-3F0A51048566.jpg (750x816, 347K)

yikes.... time to grow up and stop coming on this pathetic website

>posts RLM thread

30 year old boomer here
do all generations grow to hate those that follow?

Attached: 2352366234.jpg (404x424, 26K)

I feel so bad for the kids today, everything today marketed for kids is so fucking shit.

The internet would be so much better if it was somehow restricted to people aged 18 years and over, possibly 21.

I'll stick to rlm thx

Yeah and one of them is also a janitor

They’ve got a better setup than a lot of youtubers.

>This is their future

Attached: 1562101718288.jpg (1000x444, 125K)

me in the middle spamming Emma roberts

>Dude let's bully literal children lmao
The STATE of Yea Forums

Where's this bullying that you speak of?

I miss the old table.

Kill yourself reddit transplant faggot

these kids are unironically better than RedditLetterMedia

why are you so insecure that someone called you out for your shit mate?

why do I hate this term so much especially when zoomers use it.

Attached: 1548603454695.jpg (527x578, 56K)

Whoever drew this is a shitty artist and probably a gigantic faggot (literally). Why is Jay drawn to look so handsome? Same for Mike. Why the fucking HAIR on Rich?
The only one that hits the mark is AIDS Moby.

You really think someone would dare do that? Knowingly break the rules of 4channel by posting while being underage??

your feelings are overrated

> WAAH... WAAAH... Everything is bullying! Why can't people be nice to each other all the time???

Go drink some onions you absolute faggot.

Go back

>Why is Jay drawn to look so handsome? Same for Mike.
you're seeing what you want to see there, bud

It's actually mostly bitter unemployed 21-30 year old meets. You are thinking of Yea Forums

its kind of adorable

Overwatch? Heh...I liked it better when it was called Team Fortress 2! *sips*

Kierkegaard spent his final years pondering whether or not Fortnite was overrated so fuck you

>Can't pickup traits and signs of attractiveness for both women and men
Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

What kind of faggot actually spends their time watching YouTube “reviews”? This is how you form your opinions? No wonder this board is so utterly beyond redemption

been here longer than you mate, mind you Im not the type of faggot to go down without a fight, no not me

How are any of his features different than IRL, if anything they just made his nose bigger

fuck off you underage retard

i was a kid when I was lurking the internet and playing mature video games but I was self aware enough to not post anything or use a mic. God, I wish kids today weren’t so fucking stupid

How do you drink an onion?

I got attacked at 13 for making a lets play. It was 2008 youtube and my videos would only break 500 views. The one where 4 mid 30 year olds made fun of me got 200,000. Shit sucks. Kids shouldnt post, but also to attack them when they do is just as wrong.

I didnt get the confidence to post online again until I was 20, and now have a moderately successful channel making decent money for a side gig. I just wonder where I could’ve been if I wasn't stunted creatively at 13 by those guys.

Tl;dr leave the kids alone

>Mike smiling