Palmeiras is losing, kek
/copalib/ - traitor edition
fuck a.nal
palm trees bros...
"Show weakness when you are strong, and strength when you are weak"
focus in the plan
T-minus 3 hours and 28 minutes until Union gets atropelated
>mentioning Palmeiras in the op making sure it's a schizo thread from the very first post
Good job, bro
prepare your ass guaranifags
Literally how do I stop cumming so fast
masturbate while standing up, I gained longevity by doing this
Im in love with a cute teen that I think have no friends and live 100 mts from my house
Palmeiras 20 years before Parmalat:
>6 Brasileiros
>2 Libertadores finals
>1 Mundial (the greatest one)
>only club to crush Pele's Santos
>only club ever to play a match as Brazil National Team (we beat Uruguay 3x0).
I don't know, man... Still looks bigger than sccp and spfc for me...
nice work
punch your balls as hard as you can
Mundial (the greatest one)
bro you're not gaslighting everyone into believe your delusions, sorry
Forza Baia Mia Sborra
Bellintani OUT
this but instead of who ate the curros, is who did breed chilindrina
holy cope
If you will:
>6 national titles
>the first intercontinental club tournament ever
Is this ok for you? Are names really important?
>coomer chilean
i rather have the palmeiras schizo
funny because palmeiras is the team i root for in brazil
abel doesn't know how to play against big teams
surprising to absolutely no one
>be Abel
>gets outplayed by a smarter coach
>bailed out by the individual talent of a player or some fuck up
Happened with Gadjardo, Renato and Cuca
Palmeiras is so sloppy today. Players have to realize that we're face Goiás, not random shitters that concede 4 goals in a final
memeas pooreira gave abel a 2 year millionaire contract
it's the type of game goiás will treat like a world cup final, you can't go all out like this, it's just dumb
>até o palmeiras empatar
what year is this?
you fucking jinxed it op
>inb4 it gets VAR'd
i hate this soi narrator
what did they meant by this
2022 the year flamengonand Corinthians finally stopped being the teams that benefited the most from refball (they're still in the top 5)
>>only club to crush Pele's Santos
1966 Cruzeiro?
Ate o palmeiras empatar
they do be coping hard tho
é só parar com a cera kkk
lol this palmeirense didn't even see the 2018 brasileirão
era foul on weverton
era foul on tadeu
0-0 on my book
Just arrived, palmeiras destroyed Goiás right?
These people are seething, fuming. Anons, football shouldn't take a toll on your mental health like this, rest a little bit please.
I blame Gogeta for not paying the rent of living in their heads
Yep, Palmeiras is evil.
List of evil clubs:
Atlético MG
Atlético PR
Sport Recife
Great, now the palmeme schizos are irritated
he truly mindraped the general
You forgot Vitória
Sorry, no scaloneta for you garnacho...
Yea Forums need IDs
no IDs and no flags
what the bottom two did?
>Crefisa without Palmeiras
literally who? They grew up more than 90% after they started sponsoring us. Everybody knows them because of Palmeiras
>Palmeiras without Crefisa
we would barely notice it, they are only 13% of Palmeiras' budget. Even we made a deal only half as good as them, it would be irrelevant
pls return to reddit
I blame op for enabling this. No Palmeiras ir w*man op, it's always a shit thread
Give me a break
Palmeiras was on a drought
>we would barely notice it
KEK, you were saved from the 3rd relegation in the last game of brasileirao by your rival
i'm tired of these schizos shitting up the thread
not even 2019 flamenguistas were this annoying
If you're not happy, leave.
>Palmeiras is losing, kek
fala o que quer, ouve o que não quer
atura ou surta mongol
plastic brs were always annoying
yes, i know you're weak minded and cant take banter
what else is new
Please God, let me meet Alaskkag. All I want to is to find that perfect girl I know exists. She’s sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself. The girl who won’t secretly think I’m a loser, the girl I can cuddle with (even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Someone who can reciprocate the love I put in, the girl who I can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and can fill this gaping, empty void in my heart.Please, just let me find this person. I’ll change everything about me if that’s what it takes Please, I just can’t take the loneliness anymore.