T wolves up 51-51 2nd quarter
Grizzlies Timberwolves Gamthread #2
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Can you guys see my comment?
*scatters pamphlets all over the game thread*
I never give yous and only post bait to harvest yous.
If the Grizz bench Ja the entire series they go 4-0
If the Grizz keep playing him they lose 0-4
Simple as
fuck the grizz
Going to maccas soon lads what should i get
anyone have a webm of the fliers the fan threw
i believe in my moranties
why must my wuff always be afflicted with weird shit
do we know if this was the same type of protestor as last time?
KAT needs to lock in at halftime
did Pat Bev just duck that smoke?
>espn looking for way to mention lebron
*holds ur team back*
Yep I'm thinking wuff
why are the grizz committing these retarded fouls at the rim
can I get your number or discord link?
was it the same protestor?
nah he just got out hustled
get me some hotcakes and a strong coffee.
two mcchickens, triple cheeseburger, medium fry, large cola
What is happening with memphis? Is Ja not sharing the ball enough?
For me Timberwolf
ja hustlin
A McDouble, some fries, and a chocolate shake :)
holy kino defense
also I'm glad kat is actually showing up. that clippers game had me concerned
3 big macs and 3 large fries
ESPN is terrible right now. They just displyed Morant's stats with KATs name
Ja is playing heroball, when he's off the Grizz play much more efficient team basketball
they should shorten the game clock to 20 seconds and im tired of pretending that they shouldnt
Wolves need a proper PG.
he's literally not though what the fuck are you smoking he has 8 shots and 4 assists
2 filet o fish, a large fry, and a coke
Kek the Wolves already crumbling
That's what is going to lose them this series
Most plastic teams in order
sheeken nugget y un banilla millshay
>Grizz fans quit booing Pat Bev when he has the ball
certified pussies.
i think the wolves might win this but they are obviously riding off the high of the play-in meme victory
remember when steven adams was crushed in the playoffs by penis freedom cancer. why is he bad in playoffs
it's ok to admit you're not watching the game, he only has 8 shots because he's been to the line 5 times already.
post women
What is up with these crazy Minnesota passes
adams is a assist/dish center first kind of like jokic but iwthout crazy passes and score second
yall just get on here any say anything lol
Literally every team does this for players they dont like.
Let's fucking go Ant
kat is terrible wtf
oh yeah getting those free throws are a detriment to the team great insight retard
Ant vs Ja is so kino
yeah Ja is gonna grind his joints to dust
Ja is straight trash they’d be winning by blowout without that bum
They winnin doe?
>Announcers get excited only when one team does thing
What did Adam "prisoners running the prison" Silver mean by this?
Minnesota likes their Beasley's
backyard training
>this fat blimp getting carried out by her arms and legs
Kat driving is legitimately hilarious to watch, lmao. Get this bum off the wolves and hand the keys over to Edwards.
Who had the bright idea to field a Cat and an Ant?
nobody cares about the announcers you sperg
At least he's getting paid millions to do it, I do that for much less
Grizz are legit better without Ja. He’s literally Russel Westbrook but no rebounds and even worse defense. Get rid of this bum ass inefficient PG, they’d be 10000% better with a pass first defensive PG, literally no question. Imagine what they could get for Ja, seriously, any players they wanted. But instead, they will get BTFO in the playoffs for as long as Ja is there cause he’s a fucking bum.
Shut the frick up
>wolves literally giving the ball away all game and the Grizzlies still can't keep up
Lmfao isn't a 2 seed supposed to be good?
he's fine. He does the black version of knees over toes
Lol yeah I love all of the REAL big market teams
beached whale
Heroball doesn't mean he's making the team bad, it means that the team is entirely reliant on Ja when he's on the court. If he's playing well then it's fine. They just have a more reliable style when he's off.
The face of the NBA! I love Embiid!
Ja Moranlet is my least favorite kind of player
Towns is trash and needs to sit. If he stays in then Minny is trying to lose.
Imagine how many rings the Grizzlies would have with CP3 instead of Ja
its simple. if you don't like ja morant, you don't like basketball.
Grizz were propped up into that second seed by Ja being out for a long ass time. Now that they insist on playing that dead weight, they are more like the 9th seed and shouldn't even be in the playoffs.
Ant and Ja rivalry is sooo kino
already broken
I don't lurk or post in /nba/, what's this meme where you post pictures of young white girls photoshopped with hats?
Ja makes me seethe
Kek this bitch is crazy
>its simple. if you don't like ja morant, you don't like trans.
Media is actively rooting for the Grizzlies
ja morant ended the half -11
It really is that simple
the people who hate on ja are usually advance stat nerds
do rapties have anyone who will talk shit to embiid?
You wouldn't get it
and his team is only down 3, kek
Why are white women so uncivilised?
Still zero. CP3 can't into rings
if they bench him they'll win by 20
Don't use an apostrophe to form a plural noun
its simple. if you don't like ja morant, you don't like basketball
PS5 for 50 cents lol yah okay buddy
Ah Jokicels
Was going to say I like players who create new coalitions among the retards who talk about sports, but I think the exact same kinds of guys liked/disliked steve francis
lick my ball's
>Just wish I had Ben back...
The media needs the Grizzlies to win because they need one of the dumbest players to be the face of the NBA (Morant).
This is how they get power over you. You have to respect retards now if they are good at basketball.
Everybody laughed when Ant said he was going to win MVPs but he legitimately might get one sooner than later
>t. advanced stat nerd
>sorry mom won’t make it for easter
we have nba on tnt at home
my lord she is beautiful, and I despise coom posters.
he is so insanely explosive and at only 6'3" and lives in the paint.
What advanced stat is it when your team wins more without you playing?
I didn't mean basketball dumb. I meant room temperature IQ dumb
Someone created a bunch of them for every team and people just post them now
I should of seen that coming
Pascal and Trent will get under their skin easy
The LEBRON rating
please tell me someone got a screenshot or picture of that outfit Harden was wearing. what a fucking fag. after the sixers underwhelm in these playoffs that could be the nail in the coffin for him.
illiterate basketball player attempts to dress self
w-wins are an advanced stat
The Patrick Ewing per Game or PEG.
Ayo hold up what happened to Luka?
what the fuck was hanging off of harden?
What's wrong?
based harden wearing his 3rd grade teddy bear "Binky" on his fit
Yeah they're gonna lose
uhh nothing forget I asked
Yfw you'll be exposed yet again
noooo my nigga what you doin
Shit teams
You wouldn't get it
All teams are shit except the Suns
fat bitch is apparently protesting against animal cruelty. Makes sense, she's afraid she's gonna be next.
aw he brought his stuffed animal to class
wtf is that on his shoulder?
The sweep is coming
oh no another glen taylor protester LMFAO
I haven't jerked off in 5 days, I think it's time bros