Why does this get so much shit when its literally one of the better MCU films?

Why does this get so much shit when its literally one of the better MCU films?

Attached: ultron.jpg (1200x680, 144K)

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it ultimately failed to explore the likely consequences of a rogue AI and the complete societal shutdown that would follow, as well as there being no actual "age" of ultron

Attached: y4wbsg.png (501x508, 259K)

He doesn't do anything

Ultron quipping

Instead of being Ultron he is robot Loki personality-wise that gets manhandled by everyone and never feels like a threat

the only good thing in the movie is Spaders voice

The Avengers treat their mistake like a weekend vacation. They never suffer meaningful consequences for Ultron. Tony should've died in this film, not Endgame.

>dude lets make the genocidal mechanical nightmare a stand-up comedian doing a tony stark impression lmao

Daily reminder Ultron should've had Thanos's motive

Don't remember anything other than Quicksilver dying in this movie

that part where he turns into sonic the hedgehog was kino, I clapped.

>They never suffer meaningful consequences for Ultron.
Did you even watch Civil War?

>Absolute kino trailers that completely fucking lied
I was so disappointed when i saw the movie bros.

Tony's reaction to accidentally creating a psychopath robot is to create another Ultron but with a twist. Also this Missed opportunity desu

They kinda shoehorned that in there to force the drama between Tony and Steve.

Trailer editing and movie editing are two different things

i remember getting so bored and turning it off




but also it's just okay.

It replaced any depth with quips.

There's more to that.
Tony agrees to them as atonement for creating Ultron.
Steve disagrees because he's become distrustworthy of the government after Winter Soldier.

You are brain damaged.
Pic is.

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Tried doing too much, little reward.

And do you remember why Tony created Ultron?

I'm just saying, there should have been a shot of Tony looking at the destruction he brought to that place but no, the film ends triumphantly with nary a consequence in sight. Shit, they even gained new companions. It's half the reason there had to be a scene in Civil War where a woman confronts him about it.

>Pure evil villian bad!

Not even joking, dumbasses think all villians have to have some kind of deep philosophical belief, in order to be good now.

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>the film ends triumphantly with nary a consequence in sight
And then Infinity War happened.

The MCU makes more sense when you look at it collectively

Tony mentions the an armor for the world when he came back from Titan, but, could Ultron being more efficient than Avengers in keep the stones away from Thanos?

Because they wasted James Spader

And that's not even the worst part. Ultron's desire to exterminate mankind to rebuild it stronger makes sense.

Who wouldn't want to cull the weak?

All Thor movies(excluding Ragnorok because I haven't seen it) are boring, forgettable schlock

how the fuck are you supposed to factor in future installments when you're watching this shit in the cinema and it ends without dealing with the issue in a satisfactory manner

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I don't get what you mean. What happened in Ultron that is relevant to Infinity War? Does Ultron actually stand a chance against Thanos and Captain Brie?

His personality is radically altered from his comic book counterpart in a negative way. Also, they changed his design to look less intimidating and robotic in favor of giving him moving eyebrows and lips for some fucking reason.
Pic related is what he should have looked like. If they wanted to differentiate between Ulton and the bots, then they should have gone with either his liquid face, or the 6 eyed version of the character.

Attached: Ultron-645x370.webp.jpg (645x370, 62K)

That is a really good cause I can get behind.

Euthanize all the retards and trashy people.

Only keep people with actual talents or at the least, show potential.

Ragnarok is an entertaining schlock at least. They did well hiring Taika to direct it. He knows how to time and frame comedy right.

Let's be honest here. The fact that we're posting on the dedicated cunny board means we're going to get culled too.

And reminder that in the comics, ultron won. He takes over the entire planet in a few days and the only people alive are the most resilient and hyper intelligent. And it featured time travel as the way to defeat him.

Exactly. Ultron should never have been a one and done villain.
He's a humanity ending event.

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