He killed two people.
He killed two people
Other urls found in this thread:
he married a horse
To save billions...
I thought they were Irish?
He killed two people and only got charged 175 bucks
should have played Jim in The Office
How the fuck is that justice? 175 for killing two micks? He should’ve been paid way more.
>rich person does bad thing, gets charged pocket change
>poorfag does bad thing, put on death row
For some reason manslaughter by car is always a light sentence in a lot of countries.
I can't watch his movies because of that. I couldn't live with myself if my actions somehow led to the death of people.
look at this sweet boy
he dindu nuffin
those Irish belonged to the estate of a wealthy Englishman and destroying someone else's property is a crime
was one of them his career? it went nowhere
Tiocfaidh ar la
Jewish priviledge, two teen kikes high on coke drive and kill a woman and her daughter, no charges, back to (((hollywood))).
you sound liek a pussy, in a world of six billion people and all the countless possibilities of this physical reality there's always a chance you'll end lives, whether it be car crashes or even deliberate. Killing yourself just makes more dead people, it's pointless.
>Matthew "drive in the wrong lane, Micks feel the pain" Broderick
I didn't mean it like that as in killing yourself. I meant I couldn't go on with my career if people had died because of me and I got a away with a small fine. Many people are just careless drivers such as those people who text and drive, they cause accidents just because they are wreckless.
In the US not usually. Unless you're filthy rich.