Don't eat meat Lmaooo

>don't eat meat Lmaooo

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completely forgot the movie till now. Can I get a quick rundown?

Based Jake carried the movie with a hilariously over the top performance. The scene where he makes the bull pig rape the hero pig was kino.

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h-he did what?

they are eating fish at the end

that was not the point of the movie. But yeah, we should reduce the meat consumption. It would solve a lot of problems.

and at the beginning also

Don't buy supermarket dogshit Walmart meat and buy local small farm proper meat.

>>don't eat meat Lmaooo
It's anti-industry. not anti-meat, also yes, reduce your meat consumption, eat meat only twice a week and prefer protein products that need less water.

This too, also don't be afraid of liver or kidneys. Eat the whole animal.

Shut up hippie faggots.

>It would solve a lot of problems.
It would mitigate some problems at best

But i have a rabbit farm and supply to restaurants in my area. I'm not a hippie, i just want to continue to eat meat instead of making the market collapse in 10 years as both water supplies for grain goes to shit and chinese demand grows.

That’s peak hippie

There's nothing inherently wrong with eating meat.
It's BEEF that's the problem. Beef is fucking disgusting, and the extreme proliferation of cattle farms is one of the leading contributors to greenhouse gases in the US.
Fuck Beef Eaters and Fuck Vegans.

This movie was a joke, and honestly worth a watch just for the laughs.

It’s he most Kek worthy scene in the whole movie. Quality garbage.

Literally the only fine Netflix thing I've ever seen.

We should stop overpopulation, not eating meat.

what are you? a chink?

>muh cow farts

I have no strong feelings on pork.
The only meat I eat is chicken.

Yeah he was great in it.

There's a bit where the company regains ownership of the pig and they perform a slew of tests on it. Ones you would expect like taking blood, checking for health & diseases, if it's safe for consumption, chopping bits of it off to cook up for taste testing. Stuff like that. But also for some weird reason they bring out a male pig to basically rape the regained pig? It's not even to like, breed it, since that's not the purpose. It kind of just happens, like they're testing for "How will it respond to being mated!" or something.

Post it

>don't pollute lmaooo

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The fuck is that

These x10.