Pickelson commits to US Open.
/Golf/ - RBC Heritage
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bought $400 worth of REALLY shitty gear, anyone wanna see?
Sure man, post it.
>Cantley -11
>Varner -11
>Lowry -10
>Van Rooyen -10
>Wise -9
>/Speef/ -7
4 clubs (driver putter 4&7 iron), a bag, a glove, shoes, balls, tees, chip basket, and green
Noname 7 iron but just needed some clubs to start with. Might go back and get a hybrid 3-iron, was considering it but decided against it in the end
That R9 looks to be in really good shape. I was envious of anyone that had one back in the day.
yeah the face ain't bad, only a couple marks and no imprints. $80, I'm gonna need a new longer putter at some point but for $20 to dink around my apt I don't care
Speef Chads, we're back.
speefbros we are looking good this week. once the putter comes around i think we're looking at at least 2 more majors this year
You at least need a wedge user. Shooting around the green with a 7 iron as a beginner is going to kick your ass.
Speith honestly has a better chance of winning if he starts Sunday a few shots behind
Checked, Yea Forumseef to win @ 16 under, screencap this post
Why is Amanda doing play by play? She's good for the puff piece interviews but play by play. Come on.
The false swing makes me worried. No comfortable golfer has that in their pre shot routine.
Alright I'll go back and get a wedge and a 3
need a wedge for this
>Ball strikers paradise
>Speef is balk striking
Let's go
this is the essence of being a speef fan
That's why I'm hoping Scottie is the real deal.
>Thankfully for Scheffler, he has a wife who knew exactly what to say.
>“She told me, ‘Who are you to say that you are not ready? Who am I to say that I know what’s best for my life?'” Scheffler said. “So what we talked about is that God is in control and that the Lord is leading me, and if today is my time, it’s my time. And if I shot 82 today, somehow I was going to use it for His glory.
He's already making atheist fags seethe.
jesus christ jordan
>3 putt from 8 feet
>speith putting
You now remember that Robert Streb has 2 wins. For fowler fags that's 40% of Rickie's win total.
Anyone else play gloveless? In 10 years of playing I've never liked the feel of them
I feel like I get a better feel for my driver with a glove, anything below a 5-iron I could probably do gloveless and be the same
When I used to have soft wraps on my clubs I would play gloveless. I'm currently using firmer grips so I use a glove now.
I play in an environment that can get quite hot and humid. At times I feel like I could use 2 gloves but don't want to be a faggot.
Saw this dude on #8 of my course. Absolute unit
cute guy
What state are you in user?
North Carolina
strange course
Phone posting is gay
Damn that is beautiful.
how many times a week are you bros playing?
i'm at the point in my life where i have way too many hobbies, thinking about going full blast on golf from now until the grave
I live on a course so as often as I can when I'm not stuck working midnights
I worked at a course in Uni and played 5 times a week. Now that I'm graduated and working a real job and interested in other stuff I'm lucky to get two 9 holes rounds. Sounds like you should join a club, user.
as said. get a wedge. also get a 9 iron too.
i probably play like 2-5x a week now. im hooked. played as a kid and took a 15 year hiatus and now im loving it.
>graphite shafted putter
since when this abomination is a thing?
What caused your hiatus and return?
what's the difference between a wedge and a 9? Once for sand one for short distance?
Face angle
Yeah but what are you trying to do with a 9 iron vs a pitching wedge
9 iron, for me, is good for about 150-160 yards. Pitching wedge is 130-140 yards. Also use a pitch wedge around the green for chips.
Going to the range tomorrow lads
gimme a tip
Just take it slow and keep the tempo of your take away and follow through. Keep your head down and watch the impact of the ball and club to keep from topping it.
watch out for those kitter hazards
Grip it n rip it
Hahah based handicat
Still plays faster than DeChambeau
no turning back
be yourself
truth and checked
I don’t know anything about golf but your female players are some of the most attractive of any sport for some reason
>first round of the year shot 95
felt pretty good out there, think i'll break 90 for the first time once i get some actual practice in (and considering i took 5 shots to get out of 2 bunkers)
because they're white, affluent, and take care of themselves
fuck yeah I used to have an R9 as a teen
this is probably the best tip that you don't have to pay for.
then we're gonna head on down to tempo town
>driving range is closed for Easter
kill me
This is great advice, basically the arm swing is the default hole of bad habits that people fall into, same thing as not getting hips involved in baseball. I can make that work.
Also man couples has such a nice swing