How does Yea Forums feel knowing that The Last Jedi made BILLIONS of dollars for Disney and was a massive financial and...

How does Yea Forums feel knowing that The Last Jedi made BILLIONS of dollars for Disney and was a massive financial and critical success?

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It made just one.


The Phantom Menace was a financial success too.

It’s legacy remains the destruction of Star Wars and for that it has my respect

No, you're forgetting all the merchandise and all the companies that paid Disney just so they could put TLJ stuff on their merchandise.

Daily reminder that Disney, the biggest entertainment company, is losing money with Star Wars, the biggest franchise of all time

>Force Awakens Total Gross: $2,068,223,624

>Last Jedi Total Gross: $1,332,539,889

Nearly a 50% drop in revenue between movies. Thats not a good sign

What about the other who don't give a shit about it or completely lost interest because of it?

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Starwars merchandise is losing money at the moment, retard.

Of course a Star Wars movie will make money. No matter how bad it is, the brand will carry the movie. The question is how much more would it make if it was well made?

>Yea Forums still does not understand opportunity cost

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Empire tanked hard too

>was a massive financial and critical success
I know! That's why Disney capitalized on their success by releasing all those new movies, games, and books, since TLJ came out...

The real success of TLJ is seen after the Skywalker has been released. Then again, if Skywalker tanks, it can be turned into a narrative stating how the fans were just disappointed that Rian didn't return as a director.
On the otherhand, if Skywalker soars high, it can be turned into a narrative of how Rian rose expectations really high and not because JJ returned to helm.

It wasn't well received

Every Starshitter new or old should be put against the wall

>opportunity cost

>everything star wars is suffering since TLJ

full on denial

Didn't it also have the biggest 2nd week drop off of all time? Or was it if any Star Wars movie?

TLJ is all that and still shit.

Just put them in a pain amplifyer for a few years

formerly impetuous

That's why Galaxy's Edge is packed.

why are toy sales down, especially when 30+ year old children buy more nerd culture shit than ever?
why is the new park under performing? (though only having one ride and two 'spend x on overpriced toys' attractions factor in)


it clearly underperformed for a SW movie by any standard measure, had an anomalistic critic-audience approval ratio, and the following movie in the franchise bombed historically
not to mentionmost of the arcs are being reverted for the followup main film

Opportunity cost is like... Your friend offers you 100 dollars to help him move the whole day. But going to work you would have made 200 dollars. So in a sense you earned 100 dollars but factoring in the opportunity cost you lost 100 dollars.

Box office numbers don’t mean shit anymore. They’re so inflated now with overseas gross. Pretty much any established franchise will gross a billion or close to it.

The fact that interest in SW has declined since that piece of shit is all the proof needed

do you value helping your friends for an afternoon at $100?

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Yeah Solo and Galaxy's Edge sure are making billions thanks to TLJ lmaooo

You know the movie is pure shit and deeply hurt the brand because they're defending it two years later.
Remember how journalists and critics had to write tons of articles with titles like "The Last Jedi is a divisive film and totally different from the rest of the saga - that’s a good thing!" about Infinity War? No? Because it wasn't necessary since IW had some merit.

Just an example autist

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Less than force awakens and rise of skywalker has hype at an all time low.
It only made money only by virtue of it coming after the half decent 7

This is some extreme jew thinking right there, you can't lose something you never had in the first place.

they couldn't just get an audience, they needed to maintain a certain level of audience engagement. only an engaged audience is going to buy toys every and go to theme parks. the strategy of buying the property without having a script ready and then playing it safe was completely misconceived.

They're still not even halfway to making back the cost of buying Lucasfilm on Box office takings.

No idea how much the toys made them though.

>No idea how much the toys made them though.
As far as i know, nobody buys nuwars toys.

don't care doesn't change my opinion on the film's shit story and characters

That not an argument.

>the date
weird, most TLJ shitters should be de-brainwashed by now. guy must have a low IQ.

people didnt know it was shit going in

>No idea how much the toys made them though
Not a cent. They lost money on the toys. Actually, the toys sold so ludicrously badly ever since Disney bought SW that they brought the entire Toys'R'Us firm down with them.

Lel doesnt mark hamill hate the new SW because it taints his legacy ?

my friends and I make a lot of money so yes they offer to pay me for my time if I'm helping them move
if you ever making closer to $100/hr and socialize with ppl that do you might understand

also it was a hypothetical you fucking loser

what the fuck. go away you reetaaaaaard.

>Of course a Star Wars movie will make money. No matter how bad it is, the brand will carry the movie.

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don't bother. most people don't understand the terms of their own mortgages.

But it really isn't. It is "well-received" in the fact that the majority of viewers didn't have much negative to say about it and probably did enjoy it. But the majority of viewers are fucking normalfags who also can't wait for the new Transformers movie.
It definitely was not "well-received" in the sense that it's going to become a cult classic that people in 2 decades will still watch and talk about. It's pretty much already forgotten, the only people talking about it are the vocal minority defense forces that argue against the (now) vocal minority of actual SW fans.

>toys bombing
>games bombing
>parks bombing

Yeah, okay.

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TFA toys were apparently very successful, Lego in particular made a fortune from them. Disney don't seem to do a breakdown of Star Wars merchandise though, they bundle it with the merchnadise for all Disney products.

They did say however that The Last Jedi merchandise sold less than the Merchandise for Rogue One which kinda indicates it was a pretty big disaster.

>all the merchandise sold
>mfw this movie sucked so much dick it legitimately killed toys r us and to this day my Walmart has a dust covered Rose figure rotting on the shelf

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>muh vocal minority


Oh yeah, I remember people lining up for the release of the 3.5" Rose Tico fig.

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>tfw your movie is such a trainwreck that an entire unrelated major firm gets actually, unironically destroyed in the process
What happened to Toys R Us is just fucking sad. They had every reason to think they landed a great fucking deal, they only needed Star Wars to generate even a moderate amount of hype, which seemed unavoidable at the time. Instead they literally went bankrupt because Disney Wars ended up being an unmitigated disaster.
They should sue Disney desu.

any profit they got from this they put into the shitty disneyland park which is also failing

They wanted to avoid the whole "why no Black Widow toys?" thing so they made sure they had huge amounts of stock for Rose figures.

No one thought "hang on, why are kids going to want to play with a figure of a character that does nothing but tazer a character, then later crash their ship into him.".

Imagine being Toys RUs and just fucking go broke because Star Wars just imagine saying this in 2007 to anyone

this means the opposite of what you want it to mean, retard

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post Reys

Sure, then Solo bombed, Galaxy's Edge bombed, Disney is fucking scared of releasing a trailer for Episode IX. It's all a coincidence

Well, it's Star Wars
Just like how the incredibly meh movie Captain Marvel was very succesful thanks to being part of Marvel.
Says something interesting about the critics.
Ha. No. It split the fandom like never before, it's impact is even worse than the prequels. The prequels may be considered bad, but it still expanded the universe and laid the foundation for a shitload of toys and vidya. TLJ did neither, in fact it made toy sales plummet and very likely killed interest in the next movie, Solo.

Was there even a TLJ video game? TFA had one.

>humanity exists for millenia

There are literally already rumors about them rebranding Galaxy's Edge. I cannot believe how bad they fucked this up

>Ha. No. It split the fandom like never before
TFA split the fandom, TLJ just make sure the retards that still had some faith in Disney saw the obvious true

Not him but you're fucking retarded. I wanted you to know that.

>making decisions based on quarterly reports of visitation

Oh my jesus I never even realized until you pointed this out
TFA had a Lego game but TLJ didn't

Fuck me they pump those games out so fast they must cost 10c, how fucking low were the TFA game's sales?!?

I thought they pushed back the date to 2020 without me noticing but it's still this year apparently

>park literally just opens
>no one goes
>Universal has record breaking attendance for Potter world

Cope more SHILL

Most of us very much understand opportunity cost and have made entire threads breaking down how mind-blowingly ass-destroying the Star Wars experiment has been for Disney on that basis and many others.
It's the fucking reddit tourists and summerfags making threads like these who don't understand


>TFA had a Lego game
the TFA lego was as bad as the movie and with almost to 0 gaps because the movie was already a comedy just like the TFA robot chicken parody

R u OK retard?

Lots of bad movies do well

You mean they're pretending it's a massive commercial and critical success and literally every single person i know or have talked to about this either doesn't care about star wars or isn't buying it?

How is that sad? There has probably been over a hundred different movie reboot attempts by hollywood in this decade alone and every single one of them have been terribly recieved and immediately forgotten. Betting you're company's life on the next attempt somehow breaking from this incredibly well established pattern is just plain stupid and a company deserves to go bankrupt if it is going to make decisions like that.

Solo bombed for a reason.

Statistically, most people rent, not own.

It's hilarious really, the adverts just make it seem like what it is - Nu Wars.

People know what Star Wars is, and both the prequels and new trilogies are hollow reflections of the original's charm. I wonder if that charm is impossible to replicate, but it's hard to know since nobody has fucking tried.

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Just because they keep saying it, doesn't make it true. I'll happily settle on Star Wars still being huge if TROS is an absolute success that even beats TLJ in ww box office.

This is after Solo bombed and they shifted goal posts for that, wonder if they'll do that again for when IX doesn't meet TLJ in revenue. Keep in mind the fans go by the model that the final movie makes half way between TFA and TLJ

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Can we fucking ban Twitter shitposting on here? Yeah we all know Star Wars sucks, stop giving these fags on Twitter attention.

Graph related. Check out these trends, idiot.

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Feels better knowing they lost hundreds of millions on Solo

Is this "brandon" aware the he posted a photograph of Mark Hamill, who famously hated the movie? It doesn't really help his case.

Yeah, everyone knows what opportunity cost is. So what exactly does this have to do with The Last Jedi?
They already made the money they paid Lucas back already. The Force Awakens made like 2 billion dollars in box office alone, and then there's toys, merchandise, video games, costumes and cosplay, yada yada yada.

The star wars hate was fun at first when Alex Becker made the initial videos but the bandwagon videos got pretty repetitive and cringe, especially the Geeks + Gamers ones. Good God the cringe from that dude is palpable.

Imagine being this much of an autist

Who doesn't want to have a Finn action figure?

you're knowledgeable on the subject
you get a random 50 year old CEO and tell him Disney wants to do a Star Wars thing with you and you'd immediately cream your pants seeing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I love a cowardly idiot bumbler janitor action figure! I'm sure little boys do, to--*record scratch* to shreds you say?

uber driver detected

Overall it lost a billions but Disney didn't report it
Mcu made up for it

>They already made the money they paid Lucas back already. The Force Awakens made like 2 billion dollars in box office alone, and then there's toys, merchandise, video games, costumes and cosplay, yada yada yada.

Do you fucking think box office just gets funneled directly to Disney? Theaters take their cut. These films have budgets, and marketing. Disney likely is FAR from having made a profit off of Star Wars yet. I mean Jesus Christ, Solo LOST money. It was a factual bomb that's caused the company to reconsider their direction with the franchise.

Not to mention Star Wars Land, which cost a BILLION unto its own. Look at how that's doing.

you have produced a thread based on a post from a literal viral marketer twitter account. his account says it right on it. no one without a financial incentive believes this

>Solo: A Star Wars Story
>Production Budget: $275 million

Jesus Christ, yeah I have a great suggestion for Disney. Stop pumping this much money into a shitty spin off that nobody wants to watch.

>the biggest franchise of all time
That used to be true but it seems clear at this point that the MCU has dethroned Star Wars, god help us all.

Idk, never saw it

Eh, I still like those guys. EVS always cracks me up. But goddamn Alex Breckers vids were great, shame he took them down.

I'd have watched it if it was CGI'd young harrison
I'd have interest in the new trilogy if they had real heroes and villains instead of this trilogy of nonanswers and dead ends

They should just cast Scarlett Joahnsson.
I'll watch anything with Scarlett Johansson.

Was Galaxy's Edge a billion just for California, or did that include Florida too?

Well, as little as I know the movie was a mountain of shit. That's all that matters.

Get a load of this hardcore butt fuck.

Stupid people, maybe.

Why not hire movers at that point?

I think it's a billion each, could be wrong though

That scene was one of if not the worst scene in TLJ. Jesus christ it was terrible.

>it made moneyz so it gud

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1,332,539,889 people worldwide saw the movie. So yeah I think it was pretty good.

good god are you an ape
opportunity cost, a basic idea even a child should be able to grasp, is 'extreme jew thinking'?
you're one stupid nigger, nigger

A hundred million people experienced the bubonic plague in the 14th century, but it probably wasn't something many of them enjoyed.

Nice analogy, retard

Alright Disnose influencer, you get your pay, but your takes are literally so dead wrong that you made me respond. Starwars merch is literally such a liability that it's losing money even among the target audience of prematurely balding pencilneck men.

Same but ROTJ


The MCU isn't even as big as Pokemon. Fuck off.

It also has the distinction of killing off a large portion of it's fan base's interest in the franchise.

I don't really care that much

>coping this hard

yikes I had to check and this shit really has 91% on rottent

Wouldn't uber drivers be people who buy into that opportunity cost line of thinking? They go out and drive around for money in their free time rather than spending that time doing something that doesn't earn them money.

i feel that you're basically a woman who needs to feel like she's safe in the majority, like a 40yo cat lady still stuck in high school

Why did he take them down?

Meanwhile Lord and Miller went on to write and produce Into The Spider-Verse.

Why is Kathleen Kennedy still in a job? Has she really shat in her chair so bad no one else can ever sit in it?

Feels good knowing that they managed to
>Kill the hype
>Kill the toys
Heck, one might imagine that all the accusations Hollywood and industry analysts had been putting on the Series was blatantly false. Perhaps Star Wars wasn't just an empty brand name with toys attached? Maybe running with bogus cope from envious leeches wasn't such a great idea?

People are dumb, water is wet ect

Do people ally think it was a good movie? I don’t care about SJW stuff or lore and it was just bad, especially formerly dead leia flying thru space

was it autism?

It has an A on Cinemascore so that means it's good!

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Must be embarrassing seeing a movie you tried to ruin turn out to be a gigantic success

He said in a new one he felt they were unprofessional. I get were he's coming from but goddamn they were funny

>1,332,539,889 people worldwide saw the movie
>each ticket is one dollar
Are you retarded?

The absolute state

I'm sure there are some normies who genuinely liked it. Neurotic leftists on Twitter defend the film so ardently because it got signal boosted hard by the media as being a progressive film, due to the diverse cast, strong female characters, and most of all the way it deconstructs existing Star Wars tropes and the mythology of Luke Skywalker, the white male hero of the old films. So to them defending this movie is essentially a way of toeing the party line, I doubt many of them actually like it that much.

>The Phantom Menace was a financial success too.
Yes, and?

And it didn't kill the franchise, dumbass

>BO: 2.068b
>Studio gets 65%, 1.344b
>minus budget (258m) and marketing (200m)
>made $886m total

Rogue One:
>BO: $1.056b
>Studio gets 686m
>minus budget (220m) and marketing (100m)
>$366m total

>BO: $1.321b
>Studio gets 859m
>minues budget (~250m) and marketing (150m)
>$459 total

>BO: 393m
>Studio gets 255m
>minus budget (300m) and marketing (100m)

So all in all they have made a just over $1.5b on the movies not taking into consideration home video sales, and merchandise is a whole other ordeal.
Real fucking great return on that $4 billion investment.

She's make up their own narrative. Nothing to see

Reminder that it made literally half the money TFA made, squandering the momentum and starwars magic, made Solo flop, there's zero hype going into TROS, and Galaxy's Edge is literally fucking dead. So yes, in a vaccuum, TLJ was successful, but in the long term, it fucked up everything else starwars related.

The Phantom Menace before re-release made almost a billion. Attack of the Clones made 650 mil. Revenge of the Sith made 850 mil. The Rise of Skywalker might do just fine if this trend is repeated.

I don't base what I like on how much money it makes for rich people because I'm not a cuck

Disney has to outsource their shilling to ESL countries to save money.

>It wasn't a 50% drop
>Empire had maybe a 5th of the budget that Last Jedi had
>Empire is widely regarded as a cultural classic, while Last Jedi has, at best, a mixed reception that has steadily gotten worse
>Not an argument

>extraordinarily basic and fundamental principle of economics and human behavior
>extreme jew thinking
oh sweaty

lol no. It was a smash hit with critic and fans, brainless zoomer.

Only one man can save them now...

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I’m not a fat chick so I don’t watch Star Wars

>Attack of the Clones made 650 mil. Revenge of the Sith made 850 mil.

If anything this trend proves Star Wars fans will forgive a dog shit movie provided it's follow up is slightly better.

It killed the franchise, said it day one and so far I've been correct.
I really doubt it user, people are really wanting it to bomb to shake things up at Lucas Film

EP3 had massive hype going into it because Lucas had everyone by the balls narratively speaking. Fucking everyone wanted to see the Birth of Vader, the twins, The Empire, Padme's death, the emperor fucking blasting yoda off his feet in the trailer, the fall of the Jedi, etc etc. EP7 has literally NOTHING to look forward to, story wise.


It's not even true. TESB was one of the mots well-receieved films in cinema history rivaled only by RotJ as far as SW films go. There are videos on youtube now that show people lined up for blocks and blocks to see it again and again.

That's not the fucking point you absolute, smooth brain autistic fucking nigger.


1 billion ain't fucking 2 billion now is it? And again, I emphasize this point to you, IT'S A 50% DROP IN REVENUE, which means, in simpler terms, half the fucking audience didn't show up for round 2.

On top of that, the following movie, Solo, became the first Star Wars property that failed to make a profit. The single largest sci fi franchise of all time, and one of the biggest brands of all time, lost money, and in every other venture besides movies, is suffering from aboslutely anemic revenues, to the point that Disney shareholders have gone as far as to suggest that buying said massive franchise was a mistake.

I forgot to mention the toys. The lack of sales made toys r us bankrupt. TLJ destroyed the entire franchise. But uh yeah, at least it's well received by all those people who don't buy starwars merch.

The Emperor/Death Star stuff seems really interesting. Also we’ve only seen a teaser so far. Once marketing ramps up they might throw out some really good stuff.

if rise of skywalker does well this place is fucked, you know that right? There is no way anyone is gonna care that tlj is an objectively bad movie if the new one does well. It's like the only thing that can official say these were bad movies

The front-loaded hype going into TFA was massive though. It was positioned to make that much. Not to mention a lot of people did repeat viewings. I saw TFA 4 times in theaters. TLJ only once. TROS might have the same repeat appeal since it’s the final Skywalker saga film.

Does someone have a link to the youtube video of the people lining up in 1980 to see The Empire Strikes Back? One reporter even offered to buy a ticket from a guy and he was like "no".

You are a moron

Rian is a great director, to make Luke looked as miserable as possible, he made sure to turn Mark's life into hell and to kill every single thing that could've give him a semblance of happiness while TLJ was being filmed.
Look at Luke's face. Those eyes of comtempt and misery are not acting, they're real.

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Disney has unintentionally started a sci-fi renaissance for killing star wars
>dune in production
>40k series in preproduction

Guy named Luke. His life wasn't going well. He decided to put an extra U in his name. L-U-U-K-E. Luuke??

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This fag has completely backpedaled and is now saying "It doesn't mater how much it makes, just as long as you like it."

Why the fuck would you see that garbage 4 times in the theater? What the devil is wrong with you?

The only good things that have come out of the Disney Wars are the porn parodies.

Now I'm convinced you're on the mouse payroll, unless you have a meth addiction....

The hype was equal, but it dropped because it was such a massive disapointment

You will never find one of these bots saying "Reminder that The Last Jedi was a good movie."

Star Wars toys have been reduced to 1/3rd of a single 4 foot section at Wal-Marts.

Fuck luke skywalker. Fuck han solo. Destroy all boomer icons and franchises

>the return of a villain who was already the villain for 6 fucking movies so they can dweep snookie under the rug seems interesting
>the 5th movie featuring a deathstar related story seems interesting

as someone who thought Rogue one and Force awakes were quite good but bland. Solo I stopped watching after 30 mins and I think there is another which I can't remember at all. Should I watch the Last Jedi?


I liked it. The Star Wars high hit me strong. Also I didn’t see you guys shitting all over it until after TLJ came out and it became the meme to do so.
It’s called being an excited Star Wars fan who was happy to see the franchise back. TFA, while I thought was too safe of a film, was fine.

you should watch it if you won't freak the fuck out at the sight of a black charachter and angrypost for years about it

>The front-loaded hype going into TFA was massive though.

TLJ had a 10 million dollar difference in opening between it and TFA, it literally came juuusst shy of having the highest opening weekend of all time.

That opening weekend accounted for more than one third of the entire domestic gross. One out of every three people who watched this movie watched it on the opening weekend and then it was followed by the highest weekend drop of all time. It beat batman Vs Superman. It beat Dawn of Justice for the most people who just plain did not come back for the next weekend. It had all the strengths of TFA going in, the return of a beloved character, massive hype, all that publicity, and it paid off for the opening weekend.

You're right, there were much less repeat viewings because people didn't fucking want to go back, and they went to see Jumanji instead.

Last Jedi is mind-bendingly nonsensical.

>Should I watch the Last Jedi?
I am honest to god not exaggerating in the slightest when I say it's one of the worst major box office movies I've ever seen. There isn't a single logical decision made in the whole flick, the writing and quips are fucking godawful, the entire plot accomplishes nothing besides making the entire universe as boring as possible, and there isn't a single bit of character progression.
Also it starts off with a fucking prank call and yo mama joke. It is IMPRESSIVELY bad.

We still don’t know Snoke’s relation to the overall story. He could have some connection to Palpatine that gets revealed in this one. We have no idea. The crashed Death Star is cool. Don’t care that it’s been used as a plot point as much as it has. We’re not destroying another one at least.

Why is your entire generation retarded?

>Also I didn’t see you guys shitting all over it until after TLJ came out

I do not believe you have been to this website more than three times.

Nigga I'm their friend. I don't give a shit how much they pay me or how much they make for a living. I'll do it for free because I care about them and because I know they will do likewise.
Fuck outta here.

no nigger, uber drivers think only think in the short term which is why they do a job that pays slave tier wages and has no upwards mobility whatsoever. They might make $100 if they drive around all day but they don't understand the concept of spending their time working towards a more prosperous future.

Hgnnnnn, yea fuck me against the wall DADDDY kyaaa~~

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that not only is the prank call the first thing we get in the movie, it is a TACTICAL MILITARY MOVE used to destroy a mega star destroyer

Nothing. Because people who actually watch movies know that it’s shit compared to kino that is never talked about. Pic related was released the same year and has a better cult following than that schlock.

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Been lurking since 2014 and started posting consistently in 2016. All I saw was “it’s a lot like ANH”.

There's supposed to be an upcoming Lego Skywalker Saga video game next year, supposedly incorporating Episodes 1 - 9.
How the fuck will Traveler's Tales even attempt to make anything from TLJ fun in any capacity?

Leaded gas fumes, for the most part

It was shit on pretty heavily

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TFA and TLJ probably sold a lot of Blurays, but because they were on sale and a lot of stores want to get rid of them. Rian will probably succeed in his movies as long as they remain low budget.

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>to save TRILLIONS

I still don't understand why people damage control for this movie so hard.

You know, I was gonna bash you for being a disney cock gobbler, but fuck it, if some people still have a glimmer of light in them, I'm not gonna snuff it just because mine is gone. Good luck user, I hope the movie is good for your sake, and that your light isn't wasted.

To be fair I was mostly on Yea Forums during that time so I only saw their opinions for the most part. Don’t remember seeing anything bad about it here though.

>Why is Kathleen Kennedy still in a job?
Because it's current_year.

How did it make solo flop? Marvel was successful but there wasn't a whole lot of hype going into ant man and ant man 2, solo had more to do with it being a story nobody wanted to see unfold

Leaded gas was gone before any of them were born.

Fuck off

It gets worse. They paid $2.025bn for Star Wars, the rest was in Disney shares to Lucas.

If Lucas cashes in those shares, he's taking a lot more out of Disney than just $4.05bn now. They have to pay him dividends too and he has royalty rights on existing films and characters which if consistent with ScreenWriters Guild rules is around 25%.

We don't actually know how much money Disney is going to have to continue to pay to Lucas. On top of that, paying $2.025bn in cash in 2012 is more money than $2.025bn is worth now. Disney are not chasing a fixed-target: US inflation is making that target move too.

The pace of game releases for Star Wars is also at an all-time low, thanks to the idiot who thought giving EA and exclusive license to release the same game twice in in two years was good idea.

As much as Disney has mishandled this franchise, giving EA exclusivity with the license is probably the absolute worst thing they did. We should’ve had at least 5 games from various studios by now.

>lorefags hate it
>space battles fags hate it
>action/choreography fags hate it
>toy collectors got nothing of value from it
>SJWs should despise how it treats its characters (black dude is useless comic relief, asian girl can't drive, female figure of authority gets her people killed) but actually enjoyed it and defend it to this day

People whose entire personality revolves around "geek culture" defend it to validate their existence and sometimes their ideologies (sjw or otherwise). Normal people who like star wars but arent defined solely by their fandom can point out bad things about it and can handle criticism about it.

Pokemon is the biggest media franchise though

It was

Kathleen Kennedy must be the dumbest cunt in the history of film making

>reading comprehension

Wouldn't it be a better idea to get people who actually were fans of Star Wars movies as writers instead of people who think "the Jedi sucks"?

yeah bro I'm sure Chuck Wendig would really kill it

They’ve already got Filoni and are just now letting him loose in live action. Should’ve happened 5 years ago.

It made 700 million less then The Force Awakens.
Considering Disney had projections it was going to make more then TFA.
In that aspect it is a financial failure. Also Star Wars merchandise is not selling like it used to and their new theme park is doing so badly, they are laying off staff.

How did Kylo not recognize the lightsaber he had shattered 5 minutes ago

The gave Lucas what, $4 billion for the rights? Plus another $300 mil per ST movie, half that or so for the side stories, and $1 billion per theme park? How the fuck is $2.4 billion combined gross of ST film plus a half a billion more on the spin offs (if that) going to pad out the disinterest in the theme park and the abysmal merchandise sales? How's the enthusiasm tanking going to negatively effect the next box office? If the movies are a financial success, then why is the mouse blowing wads of cash on shitty shills and social media influences in order to convince everyone that water is wet and fire is hot? Shouldn't that stand on it's own merits?

They took something he loved and had great pride in being a part of at made his character an unlikable shit heel, what's he supposed to be happy about it?

Mark Hamill is retarded.
On one hand he cant keep his mouth shut bagging the new movies, and then he backtracks and stands up for the new movies.

Typical progressive

>losing money

Three movies made more than 4 billion dollars. Can you be trying to cope any harder? Not only have they gained that money, but there is further financial gain from Disney scheduling all their mega blockbusters to not step on each others' toes. They have maximized the market for several years now and no one comes close.


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Star Wars did 775 million while Empire did 538 million. Consider that, adjusted for inflation, Star Wars did about 3 billion and Empire did 1.6 billion. Which is about 50%. It didn't do as well. Still great, but not quite on the original's level. The ending was controversial. It is now recognized as a classic and most people's favorite, but it was not the phenomenon that IV was at the time.

It took time to be acknowledged as the better movie by fans who were enamored by the simpler initial entry

fuck twitter that site is actually worse than Yea Forums i want to wake up one day and see twitter wiped from the face of this planet

lol no

God have mercy these people vote.

>biggest franchise of all time
That would be Pokemon

At least we learned this:

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>disney profits down
>cutting hours for park workers because it's a failure
>massive drop from other films
>massive fan backlash

These are all things that are facts. This rere can spin it any way he wants for retweets but he's wrong and stupid for it.

Look user, the problems is not that the movies make a lot of money, the problem is that half of the box office goes to Disney, while the rest of goes to the theater chains. From that half they need to write off marketing and production costs. That and if you watch the four SW movie's box office numbers there is a clear downward trend, with the Solo outright losing money to the company, and that is worrying on a company level. If you look at marvel stuff they are consistently turning up a profit. Rise of Skywalker will probably bring in more money than the TLJ but after that I have no idea how they'll cope with this damaged brand.

Lmao why would they pay you to help them move if they're so wealthy? Like nigga, hire movers. How retarded of larp can you come up with hahahahahahaha

Imagine Seething this hard over the new SW movies.

It sold almost 50% less tickets.

It sold about half the DVD's TFA did.

Toys/Merch sales got cut in half after it came out.

Solo bombed. The first star wars film to lose money in 40 years.

Galaxy's Edge is empty and staff are getting laid off.

I personally won't be going to see IX because of it.

If this is a success, I'd hate to see what a failure looks like.

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mark hamill is a child abuser

You're so fucking stupid

I don't get this rational, Han Solo seems like one of the most popular characters of the entire canon and a decent treatment of his backstory could have been a big money maker. A space noir movie with a charismatic rogue could stand on it's own separate the franchise if you had a decent story and a noteworthy actor. They even had that normie bait magical negro for Lando. They just should have written a better story, let Lord and Miller pick the actor instead of Stephen Spieldberg picking a guy based on a funny video he saw at a Bat Mitzvah (seriously, that's how Ehrenreich landed the role) and kept the quip shit that Lord and Miller would have stuffed in there. Would it have been kino? Fuck no. Would it have been financially successful without Last Jedi sucking all the air out of the room and replacing it with a rancid fart? Yeah. Yeah it would have been.


The only moron is you, cuck. TLJ killed the franchise, and if everything that's happened still doesn't make you believe that then you are a KEK

>Stephen Spieldberg picking a guy based on a funny video he saw at a Bat Mitzvah (seriously, that's how Ehrenreich landed the role

He's literally in a dress wearing makeup in that video, singing. Not making that up. Spielberg saw it and said "that's our Han Solo!"

>was going to post "I-It only made 1 billion retard!"
>"hurr wat about de merchendize"
>merch is currently sitting at a loss
You just took us from damage control to a win. Thanks for moving the goalpost for us retard.

>Rise of Skywalker will probably bring in more money than the TLJ
What is even the logic behind this statement? TLJ did worse the TFA *before* everyone knew it was a flaming shitpile, how does that reaction net more viewers for the next installment when all the spinoff titles did even worse?

>purchasing lucasfilms cost just over 4 billion
>4 movies have GROSSED less than 5 billion

lmao they're still probably 1-2 billion behind breaking even.

Because it sucks and is objectively the worst Star Wars film of the OT. Overrated shit, literally the Ocarina of Time of Star Wars movies.

>I personally won't be going to see IX because of it.
Dont worry, I'll see it 5 times for you :)

Dude are fucking serious right now? The DEATH STAR stuff sounds cool to you? How fucking idiotic do you have to be to saying something like this? And the inclusion in palpatine is honestly just pathetic at this point. They know their sequel characters aren't super popular so they're trying to pander with a villain that was already defeated once and was liked by fans. Shut the fuck up. You're the reason well keep getting shit star wars films forever.

That is the most jewish thing I've read all day.

It's funny, I remember people saying the exact same thing about Solo.

How'd that work out.

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Oh please just stop. Don't sit here and pretend like that was a problem people were complaining about the most you're just being disingenuous. You disgust me. You disgust everyone.

It doesn't bother me one way or another. I have no vested interest in the Disney corporation.

Why are you lying?

Comparing a spinoff to the conclusion of the saga
Nah. It'll make 1.75b

>What is even the logic behind this statement?
It's the last movie in the trilogy, more people will probably go and see it. Return of the Jedi made more money than Empire Strikes back and Revenge of the Sith made more money than Attack of the Clones.

He was also in "Hail, Caesar" and his acting was fucking dreadful. When gossip about an acting coach being brought onto the set of Solo in order to train an actor everyone here assumed it was for Emilia but honestly next to Ehrenreich she looks like Dame Judy Dench in comparison.

>rabid Star Wars fan since I was a kid
>bought all the toys
>enjoyed the prequels
>beat Jedi Academy and KOTOR so many times
>years playing SWG, TOR
>read tons of EU books
>Disney buys Star Wars
>euuughhh oh well lets see what happens
>retcons EU and all my favorite canons
>TFA is boring trash with stale characters
>Rogue One was bad
>no desire to even watch TLJ or Solo
>probably wont watch the finale or this KOTOR spinoff
Never trust the mouse.

Disney would have made more money putting that cash into an even spread across the Dow and S&P. Keep telling yourself this is a great return on the money.

>I liek star wars the best cauz it waz le self-contained simple fantasy flick :)

They were predicting a 150 million dollar opening weekend for solo and 220 first week.

It didn't make that it's ENTIRE RUN domestic.

>It'll make 1.75b

lmao, are you ever in for a rude awakening. Honestly this is gonna be healthy for you guys.

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>>Rogue One was bad
Yikes. True shite taste

>movies are made for free

They didn't make over 4 billion dollars?

Thank Trump for that

Reminder never to listen to anyone at any time, EVER
everyone's opinion is shit but yours, even if they agree with you


You don't know Disney apparently. They're notorious for requiring 90% of ticket sales in the weeks the movies make most of their money.

Yeah and they sure as shit wasted a lot of opportunities by making underwhelming sequels, underutilizing their aging OT actors, and failing to create fun and interesting merch. Fucking bungled the whole brand, jesus christ.

1.Disney bought the critics. Even bought the drunk movie reviewer guy and other youtube shills

2.They basically forced many companies to get TLJ stuff because Disney.


SW has been a complete fucking disaster since the force awakens. There are litterally still TFA toys littering the shelves. TLJ was made to look bad and become a horrifying dumpster fire to cover up for how badly the first debacle of a movie did.
And it didn't really work.
There are still more TFA toys out there and the star wars park?

Time to wake up and smell the failure my nigga.

So if we shouldn't listen to a group because its small, why should we listen to all these other small extremely vocal groups of whiny titty babies?

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Meanwhile the same toys have shelfwarmed for over a year

Based orban

yeah if you went up to 5 old people and showed them a pic of an avenger hardly any would know who it was. show em a pic of pikachu tho and it would spark a memory

You're not thinking like a CEO. If they spent 4 billion, its because they had it to burn. Which Disney did from its other billion dollar franchises. That money is gone. They measure success based on quarterly profits and long term gains. Having 3 movies make 4 billion dollars is a win. Solo was a loss but that was because no one cared, plus the development hell.

I had never seen SW toys in massive clearance sales before the TFA and TLJ movies. And I do mean all the SW toys.

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Empire and AotC were both better films than their predecessors and genuinely created hype for their respective next installments. TLJ was panned by fans after a luke-warm reception to its previous installment. Just glossing over the fact that neither Empire not AotC had interstitial spin-off titles that did worse than the movies they came after. There is Z E R O chance nu-Wars 3 does more than 2.

Kyle Katarn is cringy fanfiction

Can't wait for grimdark tv.

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>AotC was a better film
>AotC created hype

The delusion in this post

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AOTC as a whole movie is pretty mediocre but the last act created major hype, if you disagree you weren't there

Na, you're a dumbass.

Let me guess, you're unemployed?

Star Wars has never had this much competition before. It was THE MOVIE kids wanted to see. Now kids want to see the next Avengers. Its a crowded market.

Not trying to defend Disney and I hope the new movie tanks, it's just these were the tendencies for the previous trilogies.
The only thing I don't get is that even if KK and the gang wanted to infuse the new trilogy with gender/identity politics how the fuck they didn't plan out the trilogy when they knew full well that they wanted three movies. How can a company that had success managing a major franchise can fuck up something this basic? Not to mention that since they fucked up the previous movies nothing related to the franchise sells.

No you fucking brainlet.

>be Lucas
>get my ass pressured by white slavers aka the mouse to sell them Star Wars or my ass is bummed
>Sure nigga, I'll sell you star wars only if I get 25% of profit from OT and PT based stuff
>yfw Lucas outkikes the kikes.

Nobody gave a shit until Revenge of the Sith. Granted, I wasn't polling 8 year olds at the time. But AotC was one big "meh" all around. It didn't create hype. III created its own hype

I agree. And it clearly shows how weak the sequel SW is compared to the competition.

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user, they had to publically admit that star wars is a fucking failure.
NONE of the merch is selling or has ever sold and is directly responsible for fucking toys r us closing
The movies have all been box office disasters since the force awakens leading disney to BUY tickets like it's been doing for all of it's box office disaster movies. Like captain marvel, and the lion king and live action disasters.

user, disney not only fucked up 5+ billion dollars. They fucked up an IP that PRINTED hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

They could have made back the money from buying star wars and that fiasco of a star wars theme park within a few fucking years.


The prequels were contemporary with LotR and Harry Potter.

>The movies have all been box office disasters

Man what drugs do you take to get this delusional

How does OP feel knowing that so far, Star Wars after TLJ has been a financial failure?

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>name branding sells
wooooow now tell me how apple products are great


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How would you feel if I was fingering your anus?

You're right, but not necessarily for the correct reason. Friendship can have a value that does not necessarily translate to a financial value. For instance, would this friend give you an alibi when asked by police, no questions asked? That's worth way more than $100 lost due to opportunity cost.
Since this is Yea Forums it is quite certain 90% of anons here have no friends, so they wouldn't understand.

They didn't have the rights to the OT and PT when they started building the park. Now Disney owns Fox but it's too late to include those things and they STILL haven't made back the 4 billions. 1 extra billion to start construction too.

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If it was so successful then why is there need to remind people of how successful it is? Reminder the new Star Wars movies all suck. See, I don't need to remind people that, because they already know this.

Adding to this reported 553 millions they are technically losing by pulling their content from Netflix when their streaming platform hasn't even launched yet.

Yeah. And new Star Wars competes against the Hobbit , the MCU (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc), X-Men, Fantastic Beasts, the DCEU (only one big billion dollar hit, but the others take up space)...what else am I missing? There are massive franchises going here that Star Wars has become one out of many. Its not that Star Wars changed. It really hasn't. Everything else has though

Fair enough. I'm just saying people that beat off the mouse about box office returns don't realize the money they spent buying the series, and the money they lost out on mismanaging at every fucking step of the way. They purchased the formula to turn lead into gold, and then they managed to let their pride fuck with the formula because they thought they knew better and now they're turning gold into shit.

International gross was 65% or so, domestic was closer to 80% but they did not earn 95% of $1.4 billion.

Second grade math.

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While yes, Disney Wars has been decently profitable, how much more profitable would it have been if they were actually good movies?

Even the prequels made shit loads of money and at least their merchandise was actually good.

Not the first time he did it, I bet Fox is still seething about the merchandising deal.

If you're going that far, the prequels were also contemporary with X-Men, Spider-Man, The Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean and probably other shit I'm forgetting too.

Take that back nigger.

There was still a story though. People went to see Ep III so see how the trilogy would conclude.
>how will Anakin become Vader?
>what will happen in the Clone War?
>how will Obi Wan survive?
Seriously, what questions are worth $20.- to see Rise of Skywalker? Who is there to care about? What looming threat is there for Rey (who always wins) to overcome? How much of a threat is Darth Schoolshooter compared to Sheev scheming in the background, or Vader and The Emperor in the OT?

user, Han is only worth knowing about when he's adjacent to the other characters in the OT.
On his own, he doesn't have anything going for him at all.

TFA Killed the franchise, and Toys R Us.

Hey. If you're a masculine looking man then you have to wear a dress or do something super gay to make it in hollywood.
Black men have long known that they either have to fuck or get fucked and appear in a dress or a gay role in media to get ahead.


>Shares ofWalt Disneyare up 15.6 percent since last year and more than 127 percent since Disney purchased Lucasfilm six years ago today.

Nothing in the early 2000s compares to the MCU now. Nothing.

That's why I want to go, man. I have no idea what's going to happen. That's way more exciting than Star Wars has been since the end of IV

>and more than 127 percent since Disney purchased Lucasfilm six years ago today.
How much are George's shares worth now?

>Hey. If you're a masculine looking man then you have to wear a dress or do something super gay to make it in hollywood

He is the least masculine looking man imaginable, and he came out as openly gay to the media the week before the movie opened.

user, the new movies are disasters.
The first only ONLY made any money because Disney bought everyone I mean EVERYONE and silenced any critics or desenters in media.
They also forced theatres everywhere to show TLJ as well.
They fucked up all of that good will with a terrible TERRIBLE movie that not only the old school fans hated but no one under the age of fourty gives a shit about.
I don't have to tell you that the TFA merch is still rotting on the shelves and that Disney pretty much forced TRU to carry their trash or they lose the disney toys and what not.
Not only did Toy R Us die but Hasbro is seriously wounded and might not make it.

user, SW is fucking RUINED.

>disney made 3 bil profit in 4 months
One of those sources is lying.

Also Disney's profits would be much higher without Star Wars. That is a factual statement.

You said they were box office disasters. That's only true of one. You're objectively wrong

Fox owned the distribution rights of the movies. Not the likenesses of the OT and PT characters.

Disney could have paid ol' george his 25% and given him a little directors chair and had the original writers and directors who helped him sit around and talk to him and talk him out of some of his "brilliant" ideas.

Could have had the original trio back in the first movie and started off from there.
Nope. Paid JJ to pull a star trek and make their own shitty disney flavored sw knock off and WASTED this amazing once in a lifetime oppoertunity for pure fucking platinum.

Disney will never be able to make a single thin dime off of SW now. Both because of how it's treated the loser SW fans and how it alienated the new gen with their creepy unfunny and fun loser brigade new star wars rejects.

>Disney Wars has been decently profitable,
Disney is losing money on SW.
They are talking about closing the SW park and making it an ALADDIN PARK I shit you not.

Yep, has nothing to do with the fact that they bought Marvel

Absolutely nothing to do with this. Or them starting their own streaming service. Nope.

Post your own source. Surely Forbes or someone can describe the net loss? I've seen articles about declining toy sales but not the overall losses vs profits of the whole franchise

user, that's true of all of them.
Every SW movie has been a box office disaster.
Every single one.

Disney buying tickets and critical praise means nothing.

I will never understand why socialists cheer for rich men making millions of dollars.

>It sold about half the DVD's TFA did.
good, maybe people finally got bluray players

>Could have had the original trio back

You nostalgia fags are why we ended up with bullshit like Solo

this. It's a case of pyhrric victories. The Star Wars franchise is now on its knees considering Solo lost money due to people realizing the rest of the movies will ALL be shit.

Sorry, but I just disagree. Han Solo was basically the only of the OT characters that could have an interesting origin story separate the other characters. What did he do to earn a Wookies life debt? How did he get the Millennium Falcon from Lando? What fuck up caused him to owe a shitload of money to Jaba? There's interesting stuff to explore there with a charming bastard of a character and you could take his character's traits and put them in a different universe and people would find it watchable. The fact that they fucked up his back story so badly as to flop a Disney movie is a pox on Disney's house, not on Han.

user, Disney has a fucking warehouse full of TFA and TLJ and Solo and Rogue One toys.
It's mostly fucktons of TFA toys because they quite honestly thought they were going to make tens of billions on their Diz SW shit.

Because they're sheep. Upper middle class white kids being socialists is laughable as hell.

>Disney buying tickets

No matter how often you repeat this, it won't make it true. Prove it, user. Disney taking 90% of ticket sales for billion dollar movies that make most of their money up front means that they're pocketing a lot of that. Repeating Yea Forums conspiracy theories isn't going to erase the facts here

My local toys r us was around for 40 years, when twa came out they had a massive banner of fins face above all the star wars toys.
A few months later it shut down.

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It's simple math, genius. Taking the generous assumption here that the CNN report is correct (it isn't since it's looking at total box office revenue but whatever) it took 6 years to replace money spent. You don't think they couldn't have invested that money into another IP that would turn a profit quicker? Christ 4 bil keeping pace with the market for 6 years the DOW grew 15000k pts during that time. Star Wars was an atrocious investment vehicle.

user, solo Han solo books didn't sell back then.
It was always han solo from the OT action sets and the like.

Han is not able to sell anything on nis own.
Even the SW fangeeks knew that a Solo movie was a very very very bad idea.

I know you think you're going to get people here to shut up about this.
But, do you really want people to start pulling threads on this and outright exposing this?
I'm serious.

Prove it

You act like I am asking who really killed Jeffrey Epstein. Prove that Disney buys their own tickets. Do it for Star Wars, Avengere, or whatever other retarded franchise Yea Forums decided isn't good enough to make money despite the public lapping the shit up.

Are you fucking retarded?
SW made money hand over fist with minimum fucking investment. It never lost money even with the much maligned Prequel Tragedy.
The IP was pure goddamned gold and all Disney had to do was get a handful of GOOD writers and directors who liked the source material to make all of ONE fucking movie with the still living original cast. An update on what happened to the universe 30-40 years later.

A follow up to the series that acts as a book end and opens up the universe for their Disnehy theme parks and movies and tv shows and toys.

Could have even gotten Lucas to direct a few small shorts and movies to show on their streaming service. Tales of the Jedi in the new star wars. Shit like that.

Had JJ pull a Star Trek and FUCK IT ALL UP.

TFA nor TLJ sells merch.
There is no positive attention online from the normies for these movies despite them making billions.

Where were you when every student and organisation were all getting "gifted" free tickets for Black Panther?

Disney buying their own movie tickets to bolster sales is literally fraud. You can't just increase spending and net that as an asset gain. No one would ever do that, especially not a media behemoth like Disney.

It wouldn't even be misrepresenting their numbers or violating GAAP procedures, which are minor offenses in their own right. This would be fraud on the levels of Enron.

cash gain**

What you mean when rappers were buying tickets? Is everyone affiliated with Disney? Is Disney in the room with you now? Are thet telling you to hurt yourself or others?