Would you forgive her?
Would you forgive her?
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yes because she reminds me of gianna michaels for some reason (I also loved the sarah silverman show)
that blackface stuff is retarded asf
how do you let niggers do this
Post the shower pics
Those kind of stockings are my ultimate weakness, they shouldn't be allowed for girls to wear in public as they make me want to jack off and turns my brain into a cumbrain
>forgiving a jew
depends. how's her foot game?
>Long Legs
>Stocking socks
Kino even on an old ragged jewess.
why lads?
zr is a top tier fetish
Nah, she's average looking and a jew.
Die in a fire.
She's probably happy since this is the behavior she advocates for.
what is zr
I used to hate her. And then I realized I was just tsundere to have my tongue inside her ass.
its surprising she hasn't hit the wall that hard.
She did nothing wrong (besides her horrible politcal beliefs) so theres nothing to forgive. I would however laugh and point out the glaring irony of the situation. You really do reap what you sow.
They really nailed the soiboi stereotype, one decade ago.
Out of any pornstar she looks like joanna angel. Porn corrupts the soul though, stop watching it.
Didnt she get caught lying about a comedy club owner paying women less and she was ready to gut him until he brought a recording of the conversation? Nobody should ever believe a single thing this jew says without proof.
zettai ryouiki
the kike needs a good beating with hammer
>mrw she looks better with clothes on
here you go lads
I want to eat a Jewess's hairy butthole as she calls me a dirty goy
Thigh high socks can turn even the most repulsive goblin into something I want to pork.
I'm pretty sure its a tranny, if you go to her younow and listen to her captured moments, she sounds like he smokes 40 a day yet she's only 18
Reap what you sow, racist cunt.
>Didnt she get caught lying about a comedy club owner paying women less and she was ready to gut him until he brought a recording of the conversation? Nobody should ever believe a single thing this jew says without proof.
Yes, but she apologized FOR USING HIS REAL NAME.
I would give her the Dutch nationality and invite her for Sinterklaas.
>insane leftoids get eaten by their own
Every time.
Rober Down Syndrome jr. got away with it.Maybe she's just an unlikable bitch or making up a fake controversy to be relevant again. I think it's the latter judging by the way this shit is shilled here.
most women do, that's the purpose of fashion
you reap what you sow
"a comic collective if you will"
"sounds like some fuckin commie gobbledygook"
mock jesus
go broke
what you mean? soccer?
because she hit the wall before starting. you can't hit a wall twice.
was she actually being serious in that moment
if so she's such an uncreative hack
how the fuck do you fumble your words pitching your own circlejerk YT comedy channel that has no direction
Based brethern.
Her backpedaling is so strong she could win the Tour de France backwards.
Evil jewess deserves everything that comes to her.
top kek
These anons get it, I got an accidental boner before I realized who it was.
Look closer and get glasses.
i want to fuck her throat
No. She deserves an extreme amount of shit for all the hypocritical jewish shit she's been allowed to get away with. Fuck her. She should be done.
She looks a right filthy whore.
Das it mane, das it.
Cool, does this mean they will be coming after Kimmel next?
it's kind of insane how she's openly anti-white all the time but gets shit because she put black ink on her face once
shoo shoo smelly jew
It's not that insane, though. They've been working overtime to fill the military with trannies, fags, blacks, and beaners. It's pretty likely the military of 2040 will in fact answer to someone like Silverman.
those big foot an lil balls hanging out
Kill it with accied then burn it alive
You need to start t.civil war ..
I understand the trans boogeyman but she has a uterus.
>lil balls
You're so brainwashed by Yea Forums you're seeing trannies in the shadows.
Take a break, bud.
95% chance you do too.
>but she has a uterus
>not wanting to impregnate the woman (girl) you love
There is nothing wrong with blackface.
They are called stockings fucking retard
What quality was the blackface?
She will get away with it. The only jewess to not get away with something was Winona.
The fact that she was a vocal part of cancel culture calling for people to lose bookdeals over opinions she disagreed with means she has this and more coming. She's a hypocritical cunt that's every bit as self righteous and deluded as the twitter mob executing her now. Shame considering her old stand-up was actually pretty decent.
Dumb kike can rot but how is blackface hateful? Is this just Americans being pussies yet again?
she could never do those melons lol these niggers need to stop being so precious , they live the land of the Free an steal all shiiit .get cops support
I would rape her but I would not have consensual sex with her.
Who else has gotten hit by a karma bomb on this level? Only one I can think of is this slag.
The fetish isn’t for the stockings, it’s for the bit of bare thigh between where the stockings end and the skirt begins.
>jew woman does black face
>gets fired
>white dude does black face
>continues to get roles and faced little backlash
BASED Ted Danson
Being this bath water buying sad sjw incel liberals
Dan Rather
Nope this is naked part between skirt and stockings.
>that was a turn on when I was 8yo too
Bro, I'm just here for the pantyhose and stockings.
plump white thigh
stop killing animals anons , its a felony an you Been WARNED !
I don't think she ever did this
>so much better places for this
> listen if you love trannies thats ok if thats your thing ok but here they are Men ok
Not trying to be judgemental at all just a fren
I'd forgive anything with tits that big
Can I get LITERALLY ANY sauce on this repeated claim that Sarah Silverman has been an active participant in cancel culture?
Not "trust me bro", but an actual link.
No. The ugly old monkey can go fuck herself, she’s human garbage for many reasons.
Are you ok bro?
>umm I guess liberals are gonna get in trouble, maybe all that cancel/outrage culture stuff was wrong!
In a week she'll be rehired for the movie
Not sure she's been part of the cancel culture but definitely part of the liberal cancer movement.
is google really that hard? news.com.au
I thoroughly dislike that pretentious faggot but that doesn't change the fact that she was a vocal part of cancel culture and is thus a hypocritical cunt.
Here you go -
>Spoonfeed me!
KYS newfag.
No just remember its women in stockings
I want a foul mouthed jew mistress
I'd hatefuck that vile jewess.
shed be into it, these kind of butch jew women are all kinky as fuck