For me, it's London.
For me, it's London
Who would Milton Keynes support?
Watford isn't in London, we're a Hertfordshire team. Please correct your image. Thanks in advance.
MK Dons, but in actuality Milton Keynes is full of a lot of Londoner immigrants who support Chelsea, Arsenal or Spurs.
Why don't Chelsea and Arsenal have a bigger rivalry than Arsenal and Spurs?
for me, it's the London Spirits
Imagine if they had a London FC for the whole city
>tfw raised in Barnes
sorry but I'm a lifelong chelsea fanatic
Among millennials they do, because Spurs were shit and irrelevant in the 90s/00s.
The North London Derby is mainly a boomer and zoomer phenomenon.
Watford is a shithole regardless
look at all those literally who worthless nobody teams, god I'm so fucking glad our sports aren't like this where NYC would have 40 teams
That would be based though. There’s nothing wrong with intercity rivalries and you’d actually have a club you’re connected to.
If NYC had enough people that it could support and have a fanbase for 40 professional teams, then why the fuck would you be opposed to that?
Far better than your plastic franchise model where the owners can relocate the team to another city on a whim.
>3 pro clubs in Hammersmith & Fulham
whats the point
Because fuck New York
Chelsea is basically the only one that has ever mattered.
Chelsea were shit for most of their history until Russian oil money. They have a bigger rivalry with Spurs than Arsenal
Americans are so fucking pathetic Jesus christ
>They have a bigger rivalry with Spurs than Arsenal
Because of the cup final in the 60s. Plus Spurs actually had a hooligan contingent that could go toe-to-toe with Chelsea's. Arsenal has always had a limp, middle class fanbase.
If your club doesn't have an official Linkin Park AMV on youtube don't @ me
>clowntown pathetic
For me, it's The O's
absolutely terrible map with 3 or 4 shades of blue virtually the same
fucking hell
This source has 17 baseball teams on Long Island/in Manhattan, and it doesn't include the 2 MLB teams and the 2 in-city farm teams they have, and I think there's at least one A-AAA team in New Jersey too but idk. So it seems like there are 21 total baseball teams.
(I do not know how the level of worthless nobody-ness compares between these teams and the literal whos in OP's image)
Serious question, will in future many mid to smaller London teams struggle financially or go bankrupt because London is becoming less English and English? That means there would be no traditional community loyal to local clubs filling the stadiums and all the immigrants settling there would glory hunt by supporting big commercial clubs like Arsenal, Tottenham and Chelsea, maybe West Ham
It wasn't just the cup final. In the late 60s/early 70s both had good teams fighting for top 4 but as the 70s went on both got shit and ended up in a relegation fights with on another.
At the end of the 75 season both meet in a game at WHL which would basically see the loser relegated, Chelsea lost and went down and there was a pitch invasion and massive fight among hooligans.
Yes, probably, as an immigrant living in London I support United with all my friends.
Can I get a rundown on these teams and which ones are cool and which are proper bellend teams
What was Justin Edinburgh like as a manger?
Simple as.
My history teacher from school suported them, and I remember seeing them get spanked 3-0 by Liverpool as a kid
I live in Hackney and no one cares about Spurs here.
>working progress
just another doggy dog day
Too big for that nonsense
NYC is smaller than London you brainlet.
>socker gangs
These mistakes are a diamond dozen
I can watch inner city rivalries of NYC on sidetalk or CNN after subway bombings
Having too many teams is for drooling retards, you only need 2 max for a city for a given sport
Kill yourself mohammed
Minor league is a different story
Didn't ask pakoid
>no Streatham Rovers
No one cares about this team
You do not have even Underground. Finished borough
>forcing 120,000 people to an early grave when it was necessary to balance the books
What is this?
Wimbledon and west Ham and Millwall also have stalwart fans
Idgaf if you asked or not you fat piece of shit. London could easily have 60+ clubs.
Forcing people back to work through Covid
And all of them would be supported by faggots
The biggest faggots here are the ones that watch your handegg nonsense. The average footy fan would probably roll your fat cunt of a being into a ball and roll you down a hill you silly shithead.
I live in MK. Basically everyone supports a london club, arsenal/chelsea mostly
The average faggot soccer fan in England is a fat miserable Vitamin-D deficient loser that would be out of breath if they tried to fight a football fan
They're a newish club to be fair, until they get far in the FA trophy cup or go up to the championship they're not going to get much of a look in. I don't mind their stadium though
Pipe down and be glad we don't care about soccer after you choke against the USA AGAIN and lose group to the USA AGAIN.
It's not coming home.
Nice stadium for such a small club. I try to support them when I can
>bongs make fun of americans for their teams up and moving
Good post
England is my city
You always knew West Ham were playing away as the crowd was bigger at Dag & Red.
Even used to advertise in the West Ham programme to come over the daggers if you couldn't get a ticket.
MK dons and Wimbledon are distinct clubs for me, nobody that supported Wimbledon woudl support MK Dons
Yeah, the map overstates Spurs' support in Haringey and Hackney, which are overwhelmingly pro-Arsenal these days. In my experience most Spurs fans are white people who moved to places like Enfield, Southgate, Chingford.
want a cat like this
Which one of these is the most ghetto hoodrat team ?
London doesn’t really have a team like that. West Ham are the typical east end working man’s team but you wouldn’t call them ghetto. I guess the closest answer would be Arsenal cause like 90% of niggers support them
Arsenal is for whatever reason the team that 99% of black people in London support.