What would be Yea Forums's consensus if they made Rocket gay in the next GotG?
What would be Yea Forums's consensus if they made Rocket gay in the next GotG?
I don't watch capeshit so I don't care
Yiff in Hell furfag
Normalfag filtered
>furgins desperately trying to pretend they are at all weird and strange to people on the internet
is this their new cops strategy after “everyone’s secretly a furry!” failed?
Rocket meets his creators
Drax's daughter is alive
Peter and Gamora get back together
Adam Warlock starts out as a good guy then turns evil
Not really, furfags are literally normalfag kryptonite. Literally posting anything related to them sends normies and NPCs into a blind rage
yeah which is why they dominate normalfag social media sites yet any fringe one like here hates them
why the fuck you think people are freaked out by cartoon porn in a place where CP and gore gets spammed I don’t know, maybe think a little more creatively, maybe it’s because you fags are obnoxious and annoying?
That would be nice because it would mean more gay lewds of him.
Holy fuck I thought furfags died out like 5 years ago?
>first gay marvel avenger is a literal animal
>replying to them
You must know from shit like /fur/ how insecure these people are, just ignore them and like the attention starved normies they are they’ll move on.
Nice samefag
Try giving a single argument as to why furries are normies, just give me something.
>why the fuck you think people are freaked out by cartoon porn in a place where CP and gore gets spammed
Maybe in 2003, literally nobody does that anymore because redditors have invaded this site, now even talking about wanting to fuck animals gets redditors like you in a fit.
Because they can’t handle getting made fun of on the internet? You fags have always been hated here because you are normalfags, the fact that you think getting off to dog men separates you from that is hilarious. To even label yourself a “furry” you have to be peak normalshit, even more so to actually get offended when people react to your embarrassing spam. Go back to r/furry where people actually accept you fags.
>muh samefag
>waaahhh why can’t this be a reddit safespace that applauds me for my liberal slippery slope animal rape!!!!
>I’m not a normalfag!
>makes marvel threads
I personally think it would be pretty based, especially since he's so sexy
You seem to constantly repeat the same things over and over even when you tell yourself not to reply. I reccomend getting professional help, user. This is not healthy for you.
I'll click off this thread now, hopefully you will take my advice
Ohhhh NONONO seething furgin!
Most kino GotG scene?
> when they enter knowhere and David Bowie starts playing
>zoomzoom is so asshurt he used inspect element
Have sex
>mass replying
I thought you were leaving the thread? Or are you still irate over your little special fetish club being made fun of on Yea Forums? I know you normies need groups to identify with but come on
>so mad you go through every post
trying having sex furgin
>Implying I wasn't also telling the furfag to have sex
That's a yikes from me dawg
>actual seething and projecting normie
>no you don’t get it!!! I find cartoon dogs hot so I’m part of the “furry” group online who are my friends because we like cartoon dogs!!!! It’s super weird normies like you wouldn’t get it!!! Please don’t make fun of it
>he’s still mad
Awwww I thought you were leaving the thread? Guess your little tantrum got in the way?
>samefagging this hard
cope, cringe, dilate, have sex, seethe
its a cyborg...its sterile.
>less than a minute apart
now he’s posting redditfrog to try and cope
1/5 of this board or more would masturbate
Genuinely have sex though, furgin
Yeah I’d say that many are from reddit, accurate
>I hate furries
100k+ subs
oh noooooo
absolutely based
Imagine being such a normalfag you have a folder of this shit
Someone post loli to scare this fag away
>replying to himself after cracking open his normie porn defensive seethe folder
t. reddit
disney is lost, nothing matters now
>he doesn't know furries are the biggest internet sub group on earth now
i wish i lived under your rock bro. all the great purge of 09 did was scatter them from their 2nd life safe spaces and into our communities.
haha lets go for the epic loli win 4bros!!
No matter how hard you seethe, no matter how much you cope. Furfaggotry will never be normie.
I unironically believe you are a coping furfag yourself desperately trying to justificate your degenerate fetish
>I-I'm totally a normie guise!
Yeah, kys
literally everyone who isn't a fat retard stuck in 2007 is a furfag now
zootopia was literally made by a gay furry
Imagine the mental gymnastics you need to unironically post “heheheh LE NORMIES can’t stand dog cartoon dick!” And then react like this to loli (which is unlike furshit actually banned from reddit)
>Someone post loli to scare this fag away
So you really are a coping redditor, give me some guro instead. But you're too much of a faggot for that so you'll probably click off the thread like the numale you are
>we are totally normal guys! everyone is us!!
>stop trying to pretend we are normal!!
im not a furry also the only other post i have made in this thread is
Problem is, loli is fucking gay, it's for people too pussy to post CP or guro
>everyone I don't like is the same person
oh so you’re 12, guess I should have known considering you think furshit freaks people out
the real reason people here don’t like them is this insecure behaviour you display
nobody dislikes furries, people just post them because unhinged pedophiles on Yea Forums throw a fit whenever they passively exist near them
>Adam Warlock starts out as a good guy then turns evil
They already did that shit with ego
I see through you, furfag. Your sick fetish will never be normal, just stop trying. Not even kikes want to normalize you.
right but all marvel movies have the exact same plot soo......
How can he be gay if he's a racoon?
people walk in fursuits and dog masks in gay pride parades and everyone, even kids love em
you already lost
>nobody dislikes furries
>still samefagging with memefaces
Ohh noooo
>people walk in fursuits and dog masks in gay pride parades and everyone
that humanpup shit isn't furfag, retard
Kids get raped by them more like according to the news
Nice false flag btw
>samefag accuses others of samefagging
classic deflection
>>nobody dislikes furries
>>still samefagging with memefaces
>Ohh noooo
well human pups go to furcons all the time so clearly there's overlap
2. fursuiters walk in gay pride parades anyway so your point is moot
straight people rape kids actually, sorry breeder, maybe learn to control yourself
>1 reply
You have, and you are aware of it, been samefagging and seething because someone made fun of your mainstream dog man fetish. You are just another anecdote of the modern low test betamale mans obsession with labels and communities over literally everything, because you’d have no identity otherwise
>söyspamming to defend THE most sóy thing on the internet
t. assblasted reddit cuck
Thanks yify 10/10
all you can do is project
look at all the seethe over someone making fun of what is inarguably autistic shit
>>söyspamming to defend THE most sóy thing on the internet
>all you can do is project
>look at all the seethe over someone making fun of what is inarguably autistic shit
yikes someone's seething
try having sex
I think we’ve mindbroken the reddit migrant furgin
Wait, first you said it normie and now it's autistic shit?
Pick one you stupid fuck
Says the furfag
Literally all of you are ugly as fuck lmaoooo
>autistically spam a thread by yourself from your phone
>u-uh..."we" got him boys h-haha
How can something not be autistic and normie shit? Look at weebs, and furfags
I've been here for longer than you've been alive friendo. But keep on seething.
This is literally you though lol
Simple, try acting like a complete autist in from of normies and see if they want to be your friend.
Call Gunn a bisexual pedo like he admitted in his tweets. I’d also never forgive him.
>delusional boomer furshitter
>I-I’ve been relentlessly made fun of and hated, and seethed here for years about it!
Good job lmao
listen user, not everyone is a fat loser trying to relive the "good ol days" of furry hate in 07
I think it's time to stop samefagging and just grow up because everyone else already moved on
furries are hot, deal with it
>alll this projection
God you are so mad over internet name calling
This is genuinely serious to you isn’t it
user it's time to stop, it's ok you don't have to be so mad at others anymore
Except all the mentally ill dog larpers on Twitter have thousands of normie followers
Your “underground weird subculture” stopped being so years ago, and the internet isn’t a secret club anymore
Grow up
>just parrot me and desperately claw for the last reply
Since it matters so much to you just take it, you’ve already been samefagging an hour over this shit
Look at pictures of “furcons”
Btw, you are also a faggot out of desperation, “jail gay” as they say
dude it's ok, you can stop projecting now
>guardians 1 has rocket as a sympathetic character with a traumatic past but will do the right thing in a pinch
>guardians 2 he is just a fucking asshole, everyone is a fucking asshole, fuck you asshole
Whew nearly had a minor character upstage the main character for a moment.
Again, try acting like a complete autist in from of normies and see if they want to be your friend.
Stop trying to avoid it, do it right now and tell us your expierence.
>Except all the mentally ill dog larpers on Twitter have thousands of normie followers
No, they just have other dog larper followers.
imagine basing your personality around the fact that you jerk of to cartoon animals
Except I don't. I just like the porn.