What are some good 90s shows for a 90s kid born in 1999?
What are some good 90s shows for a 90s kid born in 1999?
Post -93s are zoomers
t. born in 93
That's the most reassuring post I read today, thank you
post 97 are zoomers, moron
Do zoomers really drink coconut water?
I'm a zoomer, and I used to drink white Monsters until it became a meme
>The generation known for being born after people came home from the war
>Born 1980-1999
You literally cannot be this retarded.
Nah, it's post '96. You cannot refute this.
Why do zoomer memes only ever get made by millennials? They're embarrassing themselves it's like they're trying to act like they're still hip with the kids to ignore the fact they're all aged and disconnected
Boomers are tombers and gen x'ers are now boomers.
epic memes dude
if youre parents are gen xers, youre a zoomer; if youre parents are boomers, youre a boomer
Average source will tell you that 1998 was the first year of zoomers.
Essentially this
Stop lumping me in with 90s kids.
Someone post the chart with all the generations and the associated toys/cartoons
Hahahah, just wait until you run into your first post of *CRACK* *sssssiiiiiiippppp* while they reminisce about PlayStation 1 games
t. born in 97. Most sources say 95 or 96
Is it true that k-pop is popular with zoomers in the west?
Post 85 is zoomer
only really creepy teenage girls and gays
If you were born in 1999 you never had to deal with dial up internet. No way this 1999 born faggots lived the same lifestyle as someone born in 1982.
t. Boomer cope
Calm down boomer.
I liked
Moville Mysteries
Growing Up Creepie
The Buzz on Maggie
Oggy and the Cockroaches
My Gym Partner is a Monkey
"Boomer" born in 1984 here. We don't do that. We don't say shit like "now that was a game". We don't consume shitty energy drinks either. Is that what zoomers actually think we do?
Millenials ends at '93
1994-1997 are Doomers
Too old to be a zoomer but too young to be a millenial
Zoomers are the generation that will decriminalize *close-age* “child porn” charges from sexting.
>my face when remember when anybody born post-80's wasn't welcome here
>mfw every 20-something now claims to be an oldfag
>tfw nobody uses mfw anymore
wtf i love zoomers now
What an absolutely fucking retarded travesty of a statement. There was never a single point in human history where teenagers knew what the fuck they were doing.
>tfw nobody uses mfw anymore
Both those abbreviations used to signify newfag cancer and came from the first phoneposters.
When I came here in 2010 people still said mfw and they had the roodypoo/candyass filters. I feel like I just caught the last bit of an older era before things got a lot different in 2012-13
lrn to label generations
Fucking christ, why do the dates for this shit keep moving? make up your minds
>mfw pre 90s
>mfw been here for literally more than a whole decade
>mfw a zoomie calls me newfag
>mfw no face
Speak for yourself faggot. 34yo boomer here drinking an orange monster on my lunch at work. Gonna grill up some tri tip tonight and blast Steelheart for my zoomer neighbors.
do american adults really drink energy drinks?
Twin Peaks
Early Simpsons
Zoom on outta here, this place ain't for you.
I was born in 1993 (Millennial) and PSOne (released 1984)was my childhood. I'm pretty sure we should have been having nostalgia for it years ago.
Exactly how old are you?
>tfw too old to even be a boomer
Why is 93 the Millennial cutoff? Explain
The Mask Animated Series
You were ten in 2003. Someone born in 1983 was ten 1993. Completely different culture and life experiences.
Seeing millennials, it wouldn't make too much of a difference if the age to vote was lowered to zero.
Anyone who doesn't remember what they were doing on 9/11 is a zoomer
Nobody outside of america can do that.
I can because it was the same day my granddad died, I was 6
>Stop lumping me in with 90s kids.
Even if you were born in like 85, you ARE a 90s kid, retard. Your actual conscious childhood (ages 5-15) took place IN THE 90S.
i'm dutch and i still remember
i was 16 and your typical edgy counter-strike teenager, went damn and laughed at it for a bit with my online friends and then went to pubstomp again
After leaving school (a few kids got picked up early, most like me did not) I went home to watch the new episode of dragon ball on toonami where goku and krillin deliver milk
My condolences user was he one of the hijackers?
Luckily a Boomer
Sorry to hear that Ahmed
>nah man it’s post year I was born
Zoomers don’t have memories of the 90s.
I've been here since 2006. Originally on Yea Forums until it became a porn board, so migrated to Yea Forums
actually it's anyone post -50s
seriously, just imagine being a zoomer and browsing Yea Forums, absolutely pathetic.
is there a name (apart from old) for someone born before 1980. 1976 was a good year for cinema.
Reply to this post if you were born in 2000 or after.
I won't judge you, friends. I'm just curious to see how many of you are out there.
Sure you did, zoomer. More like shit your diaper and fall asleep.
I can't imagine being a zoomer. Literally your entire childhood is the internet. It must be a horrible experience. No wonder so many of them are mass shooters.
How do Eastern Europeans rank on 30yo-boomer/doomer/zoomer scale? It seems like every show came 10 years late here.
Eastern Euros are doomers by default
Don't call me a zoomer you piece of dog shit
I was born in 98. I have a very faint memory of my mom looking at the news concerned and a man with a turban and a long beard being shown on the tv. Guess I'm a boomer.
Stoinks pau-pau
Watching the Final Fantasy CG movie
Soundtrack aside, that shit was awful
a combination of boomer and doomer depending on the weather.
A memory of 9/11 is the metric. A small handful of zoomers are actually older than equally small handful of boomers due to different rates of cognitive development.
>When you realise its not an age but a state of mind
I was drinking a Monster and mowing my lawn. The report interrupted my classic rock radio station, I think AC/DC was playing.
Anyone born post-86 is a zoomer and probably a tranny
Which are you?
Early millennial. I still have all my pogs
we stan a king
This but unironically. So many zoomer faggots it's unbelievable.
I drink horse urine. What am I?
Your age group was universally considered the downfall into shit 4 years ago, but now you're trying to cram yourselves into the "old school"
94-96 is the cutoff point and it can entirely depend on your upbringing; whether you're the youngest or eldest in the family, whether you kept up with the latest trends, whether if you had older/younger friends/siblings, etc.
I was born in 2001
Late millennial, I still got my premium Magician of Black Chaos card lying around somewhere I got from the Yugioh movie
have sex
Yeah I'd say so too. There are still some '93 zoomers but I think it depends on who they hang around.
course they can. Irishfriend here. I can tell you my whole day, beginning to end.
can't get enough of those faggots who can't fathom the fact that time is in motion
I'd say the cut off point is tv shows chip and dale, darkwing duck, alvin chipmunk, older disney animated stuff. Space jam. If you haven't seen space jam around time if came out you definitely a zoomer.
I was born in 95 but we only got internet in 2005-6, so I'm more on the boomer side
If I grew up with internet I'd be more on the zoomer side I think
13 years ago people used to say 1997 borns were part of the cusp, despite numerically being late 90s rather than mid. But now people like you say 1997 borns have no memories of the early 2000s like zoomers born in 1999