Choose your waifu edition (now in HD)
Thank you webm poster for these btw sub edition
Choose your waifu edition (now in HD)
Thank you webm poster for these btw sub edition
Other urls found in this thread:
friendly reminder if you hate tripfags you're white knighting incels
>three names for one general
Damar at the wormhole. His eyes wide open.
It's less autistic than having multiple interchangable threads clogging up the catalog at the same time
Webms are the new charts!
Kill yourself, VF
Here's a good one. SD vs HD.
Each one has its own purpose
No. They are all the same and have the same people posting in them.
Can't see shit captain
Retard alert
You're really putting the work in, generating these.
Star Trek 4 & further Kelvin timeline films...
> Drop the time travel plot line, both Kirks & the Enterprise & have a small scientific mystery oriented mission set while the Enterprise was being rebuilt at the end of Beyond. Cast is Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu (maybe), Carol Marcus & Jaylah. (Both females are sexualized just as openly if not as randomly as Marcus's bra scene in Into Darkness)
> Classic Birds of Prey are used, ideally for more then just a cameo.
> Klingons if used look as perfect as they did in Into Darkness in terms of make up.
> A Young General Chang played by Paul Bettany?
> The next villain isn't wasted like Elba was.
Picard's Show...
> While still flashy & impressive, the sets & art design look very different from Discovery.
> Kim Cattrall returns as a much older Valeris.
> If the Romulan's are used, both the Valdore & D'deridex class Warbirds are used.
> Is much more subtle, nuanced & mysterious then Discovery. Especially in regards to SJW-ism. No Trump or modern American political metaphors. There is no chance in the depths of hell, modern leftist writers will handle it with nuance or objectivity.
In general...
> If we get a notable female villain in ST4 or Picard's show, preferably one that doesn't have too much make up, Antje Traue (faora in Man of Steel) plays her.
> The legendary Kim Cattrall nude on the Enterprise set pics are released.
incels did nothing wrong you attention slut
I'm half way through but my neck is killing me so I am going to take a break until some other time to complete my mission.
can an incel even BE a whitekinght?
>t. butthurt op
DS9 and VOY in hd
gross & grossmanpilled
Thanks champ, you earned the rest
/StaTre/ is woke and hip to urban culture, yo. /trek/ is Alt-Right and /stg/ is blackpilled.
Very well. My right hand is killing me.
>tfw there's a /trek/ civil war when STD season 3 hasn't even started.
There is a big one coming up for another day. I am gonna have to split it up into parts otherwise the quality will suffer a lot. Big HD rendered space battle intermingled with HD film. Looks great.
based webm-guy
My armies shall lay waste to my enemies and make souncloud remixes of the lamentations of their women.
u wot m8?
Bash is the Jean D'Arc of /trek/, taking on the established order.
Not really
Name a more chad alpha scene in the history of Trek
God talks to me and appears to me as the Catboy from Miraculous Ladybug.
If anyone wants the bluray rip to watch it's up on and comes in at a bit under 7GB.
Have fun guys.
i cant hear what he says
those are girl hips
Is your brother typing for you?
why would you use a proxy of rarbg?
UK blocks access. Stupid cucked country. But yeah if you don't need it use or whatever it is now.
We shall meet at the tings of jupiter!
Discovery class
they were too cheap to CGI in new phaser blasts which is why it switches to standard def out of nowhere
*ting ting ting*
Ahem! I would just like to say...
Fuck spoonies
Fuck changeling fucking shits
Fuck Picard
Still my favorite Enterprise.
that's pretty shitty
What was on that ferengi freighter?
Ezri > Jadzia
where is tng theme from?
>no tits
strong pass, champ
It's not a proper remastering like CBS Digital would do like they did for TNG.
Hopefully they see there IS enough interest in it, though.
They're both 10s you gigantic faggot.
You dream, general.
eat my dich, bro
I don't want the gay AIDS from some faggot who doesn't think Ezri and Kira are goddesses
>no tits
>whiny bitch
you must be kirazy.
they wrote an original theme for TNG but it sounded cheesy as hell
so gene had them just go with the motion picture march
The Trill dots and that smile just get me. Who says she was whiny? She was expressive.
Computer load Space Station 13 in the year 2125. Equip all the clowns with a spray bottle of space lube. Disengage safety protocols.
it's a fanfare
Shitcurity vs Red shirts
Who would win?
this happened. could it have aired today?
CBS just announced a Rumpastitskin solo series.
I don't think so.
Hi 229
The Wil Wheaton thread has better discussion than this general
who's 229?
complaint pants
Hi newfag
>SJWs reeeee
I suppose, if you go for that sort of thing.
I'm playing with my constitution class dong while marathoning Ray Donovan and Denise Crosby is in it. Despite what /trek/ says, Tasha's still got it.
why can't you be a normal general
Because you and your kind ruined it. Now be a good ladyboy and post the laughing Ro.
>Hey, user, why don't you come join us and have a drink?
what do?
Sit down, obviously.
>Sure thing boys, what are we all having?
Liev Schreiber is a pedophile.
Wheaton's not gonna show up in the Picard show, is he?
>what a tripfag thinks when they post
Fir me it's Ezri Dax.
It was originally a Leprechaun until Colm Meaney objected.
honestly, he was right to
(((hollywood))) gets away with a lot of stereotyping of the irish
I'd still hit it.
what's that thing on her face?
Not really
dont judge
beauty mark
treksta trestg
CBS offers to give you free reign over a Trek series BUT you have to fuck current year Jennifer Lien.
Would you?
She deserved it, can't rape the willing
keep in mind I believe the age of consent should be 13 for women and 18 for men
What about Jake's girlfriend, the Dabo girl
Any real fan would.
>Up the Long Ladder
>Fair Haven
>Spirit Folk
>butthurt potato
Why did Gene hate the Irish? What did they do to him?
He was based
No true Irishman watches Star Trek
what was gene's ethnicity anyway? was he English and that's why, deep down, he hated the Irish?
He was Jew
>The legendary Kim Cattrall nude on the Enterprise set pics are released.
Nimoy destroyed the negatives. Ironic, as he went into nude photography later on.
That's not ironic at all.
>Riker, his belly wide
post some riker fatfics
but who did he vote for?
Seconding this
just gotta get back to those southern jungles on bajor
>the absolute state of whatever this general is called now
It makes me very sad knowing we're never gonna get a DS9 remastered blu-ray :( , best I can find are dvd rips and they are serviable, but they don't compare to this.
w-why is he filming her?
>kira got a uniform
>seven never did
seven wore one in the holodeck, you can say it was just experimenting what it would be like to be normal but they could have given her a field commission
I'm sure she'd be able to absorb the information required to at least start officer training in an afternoon
t. user who can't trek with the big dogs
>jungles on bajor
Yo dawg, tha's raycis
this is amazing. i wouldn't believe it to be possible before seeing it myself. you would think there wouldn't be enough information to get that end result.
Excuse me, why does God need a /trek/ thread?
This might be my favorite OC
If I can't read something from the thumbnail I don't click it
you don't know anything about those jungles
I've never read a single one of those "alien gf" memes
How embarrassing for you.
An' den dat nigga said "you don't know anything about those jungles." Muhfugga be straight trippin'!
>I would blow that creepy changeling out of the nearest air lock as soon as I could
if you knew about what happens in the southern jungles of bajor you wouldn't be joking
it's true what they say about never being able to really go home again
Why were there no black Bajorans?
For those who don't know:
What Trek chart should I make next? Be reasonable
Garak, Q, Rom, Dukat, Lwaxana, Guinan and Jett Reno aren't main cast members.
you racist
rank your charts
chart your ranks
I deleted most of my charts after the DSC season 2 finale
Why are you lying to me?
>AR-558 in HD
Dick status: muh
downloading documentary now
I wanted to start fresh for the Picard premiere which I THOUGHT was going to be late 2019 but now that we're waiting until next fucking year I'm just starting over and making new ones.
Spelling it that way is a meme
>Enterprise under JJ Trek
Please stop posting them.
I don't like the way you type random words in all caps. People who do that are usually unbalanced individuals.
Today I shall remind them
star trek
What am I looking at here?
A last gen meme from before the tripfag wars.
i remember bashirfag
he was a good friend
>tfw got into ancient Mesopotamian history and mythos because of TNG
>Not a single modern translation matches the excerpt that Picard quotes from Darmok
I've never felt so betrayed.
No True Treksman
Superior translations have been developed by the 24th century.
>Not doing your own translation
Fucking pleb
Did you all see the cast of Discovery singing?
Shit, wrong link. Here's the full version.
It leaves a lot out, but it really is a better translation. My only problem is that Picard refers to Enkidu as his companion when the correct translation is brother.
I wish.
For me it's the equivalent of female Morn. No back talk and a good drinking buddy.
Jake was 12 she was like 28. What did they mean by this?
A Scanner Darkly stole from Star Trek: Voyeger
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH but seriously what was the deal with the documentary having nothing but obvious LGBTQP fans giving opinions in the freak booth? You would think they wouldn't have but 1 maybe 2 and then the rest be regular nerds, because LGBTQP only makes up a fraction of a percent of our society and shouldn't be catered to in any way, at least not by any industry that wants to make money.
I look back fondly on those days, when conversations about warp mechanics or arguments about post-scarcity economics would extend through multiple threads. Those truly were blessed times.
>Deep Space 9
>make money
user, I...
Post-scarcity would destroy the natural tendency towards competition in an evolutionary system.
Eventually, someone stronger and more powerful will come along and topple utopia.
Also, see the episode "Prototype" from Star Trek: Voyager.
The episode's concept revolves around AI/robotics/automation leading to a situation where the machine learning led to them destroying their creators and being locked into a seemingly endless battle between the two versions of robots that represented two separate factions on the planet.
There never will be post-scarcity, at least not amongst humans.
Trying too hard.
wil wheaton is watching this thread
I wish William Shatner would tell me what he thinks of my charts.
Shut up Wesley!
pretty rad if true
>Enterprise, TNG, and Defiant bridge under JJ bridge
Kill yourself 25 times
Tilly is cute and I bet her red pubes are bountiful
I'm not trans lol
>t. nostalgiafag
You're a transhuman FREAK!
Atleast you're right about the Enterprise-E bridge
Like the borg?
Jadzia Dax is more than just 'ok'. And Kira is god tier.
Jadzia gets too much hate, but her early episodes and the first two-three seasons of her are particularly not good. Not bad but at best just filler.
Kira is a good character but hardly God tier by any stretch. Her stories never really stray too far from the whole feisty little terrorist trying to make it after being raped by Cardies. I liked her character arc though.
All I see are people salivating over Jadzia. I've never seen a scene of her that I actually LIKED.
Ezri is best girl
ezri a SHIT
tobin a BEST ^_^
>The ovens and the partitioned chimney? We made it up.
>Choose your waifu edition (now in HD)
/r/ing HD
They hired an acting coach at the beginning of DS9 for her. TF was hot, but not a good actress.
She did her best acting as a Klingon's sloppy sevenths.
Would you believe the actress was 18 when they filmed that?
Like a weird creep!
Damn, I mean, she's hot but she looks way older than 18 in that Trekisode
I'd love to. Kirk is my favorite Captain and Enterprise, while flawed, is very interesting.
>JJ Abrams thought Benedict Cabbagepatch was an acceptable replacement for this.
I kinda like the JJ films. They're not as fucking pretentious and cornball as the prior ones. Breath of fresh air.
ehhe well memed my friend
He can violate my prime directive any time
Everyone is gay for Riker
We know it's you, bash.
>more facebook memes
Fat Rikerfagging is a time-honored /trek/ tradition.
is /trek/ dead?
>the one and only time that the Klingons ever came off as terrifying warriors was in a fucking Voyager episode
Still baffled.
join us for some TNG
>tfw no Klingon gf
Voyager is based
What do Klingon girls smell like?
join us for some trek fun
do you have the ds9 doc?
/trek/ died the moment Discovery premiered.