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>Now that my pussy has been used up like a deli ham sandwich, I'm ready to settle.


Let me guess, the same post repeated 100 times about muh society, how
>haha, roastie wants to settle down
and everyone patting each other in the back like a bunch of m*llennials.

this is why I don't date, it has nothing to do with me being physically repulsive and having no personality


God bless you user, for keeping your dick fresh and pure and out of bagina, and strokin it every day for suppleness.
One day that perfect pure Aryan cutie will descend like a Valkyrie to save you.
No regrets.

I'm 25 and i'm never going to settle down, i'm gonna drink myself to death, and to hell with the whores and the betas who do that shit.

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Women are the only deperciating asset that increases in price over time.

You can fuck them in the ass when they are 19 if you are hot but when she has jowels she wants you to have a whole fucking house just so you get a yearly blowjob

How the fuck are men ok with this?

You can turn a housewife into a ho but you can’t turn a ho into a housewife. Once a slut always a slut. They aren’t built to stay committed or raise children. Women hate the concept of family

>now that I've spent my entire 20s shitposting on the internet and playing video games, I'm ready for a momm- I mean, wife

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this but unironically

helIo reddit
the left can't meme


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>Yea Forums - Twitter screencaps

lol I can feel how offended you are from here.

>whores spend their youth banging a thousand guys
>incels spend their youth on the internet
>both end up incapable of bonding with other people because of how they grew up
>all act smug about how they totally chose this life
>end up killing themselves in their early 40s

Non-chads are pitiful.

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There's billions of normalfags who dont post on Yea Forums and the amount of beta dudes who arent here is higher than the amount that are.

Every single girl that I knew back in high school that acted like a whore in those days is now a married housewife. It's fucking unreal.

Because they’re people and not an object incel

Lmao, alright kids I gotta get back to work now. Try not to bugger each other while I’m gone

cope incel

>”Oh no, I can’t enjoy my life, so I’ll tell others exactly how to live and insult them if they don’t “
No one’s fault you’re socially inept losers that couldn’t get pussy and drink in college. Your wanting to control women is starting to sound like (((them))). Wake the fuck up, retards.

piss off npc

The notion that not even perma-virgins want them offends the living fuck out of them


find an austic younger womyn with decent height genetics and have a psychically superior offspring, and dont worry about autism, its a made made illness. Ive seen people cure autism.

>when being a whiteknight and a contrarian combine
So much death... What can men do against such reckless hate?

is this the COPE thread?

>Your wanting to control women is starting to sound like (((them))). Wake the fuck up, retards.
But that's the opposite of what happened
(((them))) let women off the leash to sell them wine, birth control, shitty romantic movies, and SSRIs
WE wanted them to be happy.

kek'd and checked

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Kek, the best shit on Yea Forums is when virgins shit on other virgins like they are better than them. You'll get laid one day faggot (if your lucky).

Women aren't human.

user, are you a faggot? legit question.

repeat after me

The biggest redpill is that if you stop focusing your energy on attracting and dealing with women you become much more efficient than the hordes of thirsty betas

..and in your 30's you get to pick a woman 10 years younger than you if you play it right.

>It's fucking unreal.
No it isn't, that's how the world works.
It's just Yea Forums, for some reason, has gone from self aware weirdos to the fedora tippers that this place used to mock.
People on Yea Forums and social media in general suffer from something I call "illuminatism" which is this belief that they have some kind of control over the world, even though they are nobodies.
A lot of people on the internet act like this, and yet they all get surprised when they leave their homes and see that the world doesn't give a shit about them.

People on the internet need a dose of real life before they end up losing their minds over the worldview they've gotten from internet posts written by stupid lunatics.

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I love this stuff, it makes me happy knowing women will be as unhappy as us when they get older, it's the circle of liiiiiife. CIIIIIIRCLE.

nice television and film thread and thank you for reminding me about this one sided bullshit i'm going through again for the third fucking time. someone just end my beta life please

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sure is Television & Film in here

We get it, you're mad others don't ascribe the same moral values to fucking that you do

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>..and in your 30's you get to pick a woman 10 years younger than you if you play it right.
If you aren't fat, you have money and you aren't autistic.

But the real question here is do you, user, think you have some sort of control? Do you believe yourself above the "common folk" that post here? Please answer honestly.


hmmm wonder why this guy doesn't get laid

>Every single girl that I knew back in high school that acted like a whore in those days is now a married housewife
I bet some incels are mad as hell for this

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>happiness is only what I dictate, no one else is allowed to experiment to see what makes them happy
If a women likes to crochet, are you going to berate her for that too? Or just what you see as degenerate, by your own moral standards?
Except I’ve gotten poon and completely 180d my incel ideology. It’s obvious the ones that haven’t are the bitter ones creating threads like this.

>kek all these virgins amiright?
>MOM! where's my fleshlight?

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I'm serious, are you gay? do you find vaginas ugly?

That's not how it works.
Women and men are not on equal footing when it comes to entering sexual relationships. Morals has nothing to do with it. Ensuring mate-bonding does.

Above common folk?
Above millennials who talk endlessly about muh society on the internet?
I don't believe I am superior, I know I am.

Is this the incel thread?


Exactly, this is why I have installed a virus that wires all my money to a computer-generated Pakistani address if I visit Yea Forums after 2025

>Except I’ve gotten poon and completely 180d my incel ideology.

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>Crocheting is EXACTLY the same thing as becoming a fraternity's cum dumpster

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>muh dick

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Check, check, check. Somehow im still here.

I mean, men do the same
You live life to the fullest through your 20's and settle down at 30

Nope, it's a bitter old roastie defence force thread lead by angry virgins that want to be contrarian and put women on a pedestal. :)

Because you aren't trying to get a girlfriend.
That's the thing, people here think that if they check a few boxes a girlfriend will be delivered to their door.

This sort of behaviour is unacceptable. I hope we'll get a big ol' cultural reset. It's more likely than you think. Either changing demographics or existing people finally saying "enough"

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not an argument

ITT as always: Incels who think that calling other incels incels makes them chad and that if they do it enough times women will be tricked into seeing them this way

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So you do think you are above everyone here? Kek. Why is always these threads that bring out the real tools? You see someone shitting on women and get angry? Dumb incel.

Just because you wasted your 20s, you're mad that other people didn't?

>all he can do is ctrl c, arrow, ctrl v, post le laugh image
Obviously they’re not the same, retard. That wasn’t the point I was making. Why do you get to decide for everyone that sex is a sacred and valuable thing?

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This honestly. It's actually sad.

Yeah but usually by the time a well adjusted man hits his 30s he has something to offer, stability, money, a home. Most women in their 30s are just looking to set up shop in an established mans life with nothing of their own to offer

Good riddance, fucking whore.

Why are you getting so angry? Jesus. Can't you see you have issues? Somebody expresses preferences for non whores and you go off the rails like this?

ITT: incels acting smug towards other smug incels, all of them thinking they have a plan to "get out of this" but never acting on it, which means they will never change.

Much like whores, you all wasted your 20s, you will NEVER recover what's the happiest period in everyones lives.

How many women have you personally had penis in vagina sex with?

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okay NPC

Becuase they are garbage, robots know their own flaws, incels have a retarded sense of selfworth and can't understand why society sees them as the lowest human form, you will never find an incel that doesn't believe he is "smarter than average, but underachiver". They all started as "nice guys" and developed into retards that can't see they are just boring and petty people no one wants around, they have no reason to improve, after all other incels tell them they are just "enlighted" and society is the one that is wrong.

zoomer detected

Can you post the one about the "freezing my eggs/failure rate" next senpai

Only faggy weeaboo who idealize women get mad at this kind of shit.

>All he can do is pretend he's gotten laid and try to lord it over other people on the internet.
Don't you think at some point you've crossed the line from shitposting to being truly pathetic? Throw more energy into the real world and you can get that magical pussy m8, then you might loosen up and turn into less of a faggot. Cheers!

>tfw chad who doesnt care for women and calls others incels so they can rise above the lie they live

Thinking like this is why you're sexually frustrated. Let other people do their own thing, and if you don't want to date them, then don't. Stop acting like your way of life is somehow better because your rapist priest said so.

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r/datingoverthirty might be the saddest place on the internet

Y'know, it's not that I wouldn't date an older chick, it's that I know she's hopped on at least twenty cocks before she got to that age, and not being able to keep doing it like younger girls can is what's really making her upset.

Not even angry, lmao, just pointing out gaping flaws in your incel mindset.
I’m 18 retard, and I got pussy before you. Lmao.

Men do the same shit, whore around and then settle.

Only to whore around some more on the side. So easy on the women-bashing alright.

>bruh all women are whores it just be like it is
okay NPC

>But I'M not like that
every. single. time.

They don't idealize women, they idealize pussy, they don't see other humans as people.

None of them have, you stupid millennials.
This sudden surge of people saying
is nothing but panicking, aging millennials trying to pretend there's still time to fix themselves, but the truth is you are all old hags who have wasted their youth and you are now starting to get wrinkles, balding and getting fatter.

People over the age of 30 are fucking useless, the meat of your life is between the age of 13 to late 20s, 30s and after is the epilogue.

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>all women are whores because some post this stuṕid shit on twitter
You literally have brain damage.

I'm not responsible for NPC behaviour

"Party" and "Crazy shit" could be anything. Sure, she may of had a few cocktails from time to time, but crazy shit could of been playing Halo with buddies really late or kissing a guy on the lips after a good date. For all you guys know, she is a virgin. Lay off her.

Women are overwhelmingly more likely to dump a husband they see as worthless, rather than the other way around.