What did CN mean with these characters?

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Another time...btw both characters were heavely effeminated.

Him creeped me out especailly the first episode when it possesed Bubbles octopus doll
The red guy was just an ass




Red guy was often the King and Queen

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>btw both characters were heavely effeminated
yeah they are literally gay devils


>character named Him
>it's actually a her

trannies are literally satan

it would be so funny to see them make out lmao

yo guys that was my friend kyle typing this not me dont tell anyone ok

why are these particularly c&c so seldom discussed anyway

i guess c&c was just a cleaner ren and stimpy but ppg is very much its own unique entity

>They're the kings and queens of this network and they know it!

What did Scrappy mean by this?

Attached: King and queens.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Him is male.

The Red Guy was the best, basically carried Cow and Chicken on his big ass

Was Him based on wh40k?

The red guy was often a character that was both the king... and queen of something

He was better in I.M. Weasel

I.M. Weasel was better in general

i dont know, but cow and chicken was oddly sexual, even as a kid i picked up on it. like how cow especially acted very erotic. it was weird.

Isn't the cow and chicken guy named Devlin?

i just saw Him as a creepy villain as a kid, now i can plainly see that it's a tranny pedo freak

that orthodontist episode was kinda scary


Well HIM is scariest PPG villain. I think making him gay/crossdresser/tranny was the right choice, making him even more uncanny. But it is not like it was never tried before.

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two shows that aired at the same time both had gay red devil character. just a weird coincidence?

no thats harvey birdman guy

red guy was based

Him had a creepy voice

whoa, are they saying that the satanic gay mafia runs cartoon network?

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Which one?

Cartoon Network*

how did you get that EDIT function? do you have a Yea Forums pass?

Him always sounded scary in his introduction. Also the name, “him”. Just creepy to me in all ways

It means that "gender bending" is born from the Devil and is therefore inherently evil.

>that post apocalyptic Power Puff episode where the girls time travel to the future and Him has taken over

Pretty dark for a kids episode

Is Him the best depiction of the devil? I imagine he would be a total faggot.

nope thats Rear Admiral Floyd

It would make sense to make the show about females with super powers have its most powerful and scary villain be some perversion of femininity. Nothing about HIM is right

based and checked

That was so fucked up. Even stranger was the girls had done nothing to really deserve all the abuse they got in that episode besides not understanding they could travel at relative speeds. HIM just took advantage of a random situation because he really is just evil

Was that episode banned or something? I only learned about it years later when people around these parts bring it up. Still haven't seen it desu

You ever notice that the Red Guy from Cow and Chicken is basically Dr. Pretorius from Bride of Frankenstein?

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can I watch Bride of Frankenstein without seeing any of the previous movies in the series?

Thinking about the "Cow and Chicken" now feels like a fever dream. Probably one of the most bizarre things I've seen on public tv. Has anybody complained about it when it started airing in USA?

The only one before Bride is Frankenstein, and yeah you can. The events of Frankenstein are recapped in the first 5 or so minutes

>Has anybody complained about it when it started airing in USA?
i'm sure someone did, but many of the shows around that time were pretty wild

That trannies are crazy, degenerate and satan like. True to current times.


How did they get away with this?

I remember that.
Dont get me started on their fucking parents.
Absurdist show.

Between that episode and COMMIES REEEEE one, I don't even know what went through the writers' minds.

That was scary af.
Not to mention the buff Him

Red Guy was named "Ass Crack (bundifora)" in my country dub, his voice was very gay

the show was ahead of the time
I though It was some dumb bland kid show at first
but some episodes were nice
personally I like the one where an average Joe just loose it and decide to be a bad guy

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How did this racist show get on television?

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baboon was so based. fuck weasel lmao

All the women that worked on this episode regretted it later in life because it was about real equality

>remember kids
>adopt communism

I remember watching this episode when it aired, then never ever again

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holy shit. now THAT is what i call based and redpilled

Cow and chicken was such a garbage show.

I.M. Weasel (Micheal Dorn)

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it was a different time

here it is btw
thanks internet

But the lesson was communism=evil.

What do you have to say about their parents? I'm genuinely curious

i did not know that


What's wrong with social justice? Justice is in the name.

yes, but so is JUST

Characters with effeminate traits were once considered absurdly comical.

i never realized these shows had kinda based commentary on society

The part where he summons the elder spirit things kind of creeped me out.