ITT: Saddest moments on television
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ITT: Saddest moments on television
I'll start:
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I laugh every single time
Did they forget this was hillary clinton?
How did she go from scummy ny senator to feminist power icon with the same crowd of people who want to "smash the system"?
>On the Saturday after the election, I turned on Saturday Night Live and watched Kate McKinnon open the show with her impression of me one more time. She sat at a grand piano and played "Hallelujah," the hauntingly beautiful song by Leonard Cohen, who had died a few days before. As she sang, it seemed like she was fighting back tears. Listening, so was I.
– Hillary Clinton, What Happened (page 31)
the most disgusting part of this was using leonard cohens image and music to shill a political agenda. right after he died. its disgusting.
Where's the jokes?
A good comedian knows when to be somber
>the go to "idk what to post" meme
That week was incredible
>yep, that's me. you're probably wondering how...
>hauntingly beautiful
I swear nobody actually listens to the lyrics of that song. Just because it's got the word Hallelujah in it they think it's some sort of gospel song about redemption.
Because the average liberal is a moron who outsources their critical thinking to media personalities
so brave . . .
>those edits at the apollo or with the laugh track
Best vids on YouTube for the two days they lasted.
That's nothing m8
wow SNL isn't funny....
Here's one that's still up:
> You with her, or what?
Damn Jaxx is so confident. When are Jaxx and Sportz-gurl gonna hook up?
Kate is really hot
kate is not hot
the best part is after that Dan goes to beat the shit outta the dude and goes to jail and the cops are like you did the right thing but we gotta take you in and he eats a bucket of kfc in the patrol car
>hauntingly beautiful
Pure soi
yeah huh
Why can't zoomer incels stop thinking about Hillary Clinton?
>trump gets elected
>country getting browner by the day
>more money to niggers
>more money to jews
>jewish pedophile trafficker with ties to trump, the clintons and numberous others dies under mysterious circumstances, no investigation will happen
>fights with sweden over freeing nigger rapper
>does nothing about literal white genocide in south africa
I cry evry tiem ;_;
This video proves everything! Scary really how ready they are to just clap and agree
>Hurr Durr Trump is an Israelite shill
You realize Trump's lived in New York his whole life? He knows how Jews work, so cutting off funding to Israel is career suicide. He's not gonna go up there and say
>I'm cucking these k-words
Like you spergs will. He has to be more subtle
>I'm Iron Man, vote for Clinton
>is a moron who outsources their critical thinking to media personalities
SNL wasn't this mopey when 9/11 happened. They're so fucking pretentious
>muh 4D chess
please stop.
These are the people who think they would win the civil war against right-wing gun nuts! I hate Republicans but it's stuff like this that makes really fucking hate Democrats
He was a jew though so it was probably written into his will
You're the same type of faggot who said Trump will never win. By the year 2020 I guarantee not a single penny will be sent to the Jews
They were probably extra butthurt because they "gave him a platform" during the primaries and weren't sufficiently nasty enough to him early on.
I'm one of the people who shilled for him all over the internet for a year and a half
Oh no
>her son
Gets me every time.
What a ridiculous statement.
It's amazing how he's done such a good job of captivating stupid people.
Imagine celebrating a rich person ruling over you, or being sad that another rich person didn't get the chance.
Normiecons can be just as bad but it's undeniable that to be a liberal means to have never questioned anything you were told by the education system or popular media. People who have changed their minds politically most often began as liberals by default then went to something more. The opposite is extremely rare
Please make the cringe stop
to put this into context:
They had Donald Trump as the host of SNL, as part of his election campaign.
And then top it with having this grandstanding bullshit.
Just the utter hypocrisy and bullshit. It triggers me every fuckin time.
How far up their own asses can they be is beyond me.
And then they call themselves a light, yet hilarious comedy show
Btw they continue to be as funny as waiting your turn at the dentist
Hows autism treating you anyways? You might as well just join stormfront at this point. Only inbred white people vote trump. Top kek.
It was fun while it lasted but yeah who cares who wins next year
He's only winning their Trust user, read Art of the Deal
Neolibs, user. They're the kind of people who will ignore all the fucked up shit that happened under Obama but then scream at Trump over doing the same shit (although admittedly slightly worse). Idpol has poisoned the american liberal identity.
lol you just proved you are a normiecon
people didn't like Hillary because she was a shit candidate, it had nothing to do with her gender or muh sexism
See Tulsi Gabbard for how to be a good female politician
Well, user? What IS it about? Pretty sure everyone knows it's about a jaded love life.
The sad thing is this was ghostwritten and Clinton has been floating in a narcotic and alcohol haze since October of 2015.
ITT Retarded Republicans with no educations trying to explain how their lack of education or life experience = GOODER
In what way?
i would rather be a republican and have no education than be educated and a liberal
I think that you think that screenshot shows Trump in a bad light.
I doesn't.
this is the best video ever
"NO! Wait! I have information on Jeffrey Epstein and my husba..."
wouldn't happen to have that webm where merkel has a fit?
i know its not related but it always gives me the giggles
slab of meat
I'd rather be a liberal that rejects idpol because it fucking ruined America
Well it has overt references to fucking in it.
says the guy who wants to let in millions of uneducated immigrants
>no educations
>paying to spend 3 years being lectured about how whiteness and masculinity are original sin but you can make penance by slicing off your nutsack and joining the DSA
Stop dude, he bent the knee. The only way to go back is if he nuked the West bank himself
She shouldn’t have kept pushing him, she said she knew she should have stopped nagging but didn’t. Now she won’t nag anymore. Problem solved
the comments on the video make me think there might be hope for us as an intelligent species just yet.
You do realize most Republicans are neolibs as well, right?
>2 years younger than Trump
>can't even walk on her own
And she was expected to lead a country? Democucks are genuinely retarded.
Yes, and? Sexual activity is usually an aspect of love. Lots of songs have references to fucking. It's stupid to think of it as a holy song or anything similar but it is a pretty poignant song.
most republicans are jeb bush tier not ebin memebers
You really just shit on yourself I don't even need to respond to that POLtard.
Too retarded to respond to since Bernie wants stiff regulations for the border.
I have a 4 year education in lib arts and I'm pro white anti third wave feminist.
>Hates blacks and females so much you OWN THE LIBS by refusing to get an education that opens the doors to the highest paying jobs in the country
Why so many white people?
>that butchering of the chorus
why do singers insist on changing the final note of the chorus from the original? It sounds so flat and off, the only reason they do it is to sound different and special when in actual fact they sound fucking retarded.
They vary in shades from neolib and neocon. You can just flip my statement around and the same holds true. Rules for me but not for ye
Party members yes but not the average supporter
>liberal arts
>literally the most useless degree of all time
Serve me my burger and stfu. CHOP CHOP!
>opens the doors to the highest paying jobs in the country
Post your paycheck
I am a business owner working from home who has 5 days off per week.
Hows your cope coming along?
>Too retarded to respond to since Bernie wants stiff regulations for the border.
DSA types are screaming that Obama's border enforcement policy was fascist, in this climate no Dem contender is going to get near the nomination saying anything short of "open borders are good".
No contest.
that was funny speeding through that paris tunnel and bumping her merc anons , no worries I dont think anything happened was loaded at the time
I'm probably wrong but I'm going to guess you're working in some sort of STEM field that's being outsourced to streetshitters
You dont need a degree to own a business you fucking retard. You just confirmed that your "degree" is useless.
2017 was noting but an endless hole of cringe from the pathetic Left. SAD!
Really a strong cope there.
Computer Info Systems with a master's in Cybersecurity. I work for the government and make six figures.
You're right, user. The world doesn't need poets, critics, curators, and preservationists. We don't need educators who invigorate in us a love of our culture or interest in our history.
more songs like this please
>poets of the struggle for black liberation
>critics of whiteness
>curators of queer art
>preservationists of the hidden history of gender nonconformity
What you said but unironically.
>You're right, user. The world doesn't need poets, critics, curators, and preservationists. We don't need educators who invigorate in us a love of our culture or interest in our history.
>poets, critics, curators, and preservationists.
but they are all revisionist lib retards sjw zoomer feminazis cunts
Slam poetry which has no rhyme, rhythm or structure. Just ranting about social justice issues with a determined intensity
Analysing 90s Eritrean romance films through a queer Marxist framework
Menstrual artwork exhibitions
>and preservationists
I don't even know what you're getting at with this once since historic buildings are being demolished and/or renovated all the time and it's almost always an initiative spearheaded by some university educated liberal
Are you saying this as a republican, or a democrat?
Because your average modern democrat doesn't give a fuck about any of that shit.
I love jews so fucking much.
and historical statues ripped down
This one?
Pajeet the streetshitter owns a liquor store. He's a business owner just like you! Congrats on the degree.
>average modern democrat
is clinton loving cunt
You're right, anons. Anyone who ever comes out of academia is just a woke hipster who peddles the WRONG THINGS. I hope you realize woke twitter says the same shit except calls academics TERFs and problematic.
>are you saying this as SIDE I LIKE or SIDE I DON'T LIKE? I need to know whether to agree or not
This has nothing to do with petty amerimutt tribalism.
yeah man those democrats sure love history what with them destroying and defacing it haha yeah
>woke twitter says the same shit except calls academics TERFs and problematic.
Really post them plz
they would get chased off twatter by the brainwashed marxist rabid sjw anti-fa mob
The world had poets and musicians before we had massive government overreach. All of those arts grants get abused. If your art is meaningful or valuable people will pay for it. The only people that pay for feminist interpretive dance and women queefing paint out of their vaginas are government employees spending your money. Get fucked by a rake.
>create a more centralized free market through reduction of taxes across the board and tariffs
>bring whites out of unemployment/reduce opiod epidemic in white communities by reducing outsourcing and driving up labor demand in rural America
>get out of unnecessary costly wars
>focus on illegal immigration, which actually disaffects minorities the most
>provided the most funding to historically black colleges/universities
>anti-pc culture
Honestly, unless you're a radical leftist or racist national socialist - why wouldn't you vote for Trump?
>Academia has collapsed so far I'm supposed to root for TERFs
How about no.
Im a bong socialist and this is so Correct .
If you dont fit in their clique agendas you lose .
Point to one time I defended democrats. You're just making yourself look like a retard by saying "b-but democrats!" as if every single person who recognizes the unsung merit of the liberal arts is part of this boogeyman you've made in your head. Most people don't like the two heads of the establishment, user.
The fucking sweetheart of radical twitter, contrapoints, made an 8 minute long video about how academia sucks. If you want specific tweets, here
How did anything I say imply government overreach? You're being a super dense tribalistic faggot for assuming I'm some evil establishment demtard.
this an Boris
>thinking that "Arts" literally means paintings and shit
The state of the right is comedy heaven for high brow libs
I hate Trump now but you fags are somehow worse. I'm for whoever gets us more shit like what OP posted.
>How did anything I say imply government overreach?
The liberal arts implies a huge amount of government support whether through grants or through financing the education sector.
>>focus on illegal immigration
By breaking every record for their numbers?
By importing more legal pajeets and beaners to camp internship jobs for white kids?
You're making both "extreme" positions look a lot better than whatever you're peddling.
I have this creeping suspicion that Trump will retrospectively be remembered as one of the better presidents
What a fun day this was when this happened. Definitely my top 2016 campaign moment.
That's the point of liberalism though
>the world doesn't need poets
You're correct, it doesn't.
It REALLY doesn't.
The ones that matter don't get a degree in lib arts and you're well aware of it.
Lincoln was called an ignorant ape creature in his day.
But seriously You name this when its not even relevant to modern marxist social media views now , we Need proper distant Revolution on the Hateful shilled jew coin , that funds these anarchist sunbmersive groups.
Not a few old lectururers relising they Fucked up modern society
Its sad how stupid they think normal people are. Dont get me wrong there are a lot of dumb people but this is insane to think people would actually based their political opinions on what you say because you played a superhero in a movie
And we never would have heard about it if it wasn't for a private citizen recording it. All of the secret service, all of the press would have pretended it never happened.
>Why was Hillary lead away from the 911 memorial ceremony?
>Oh she just got a little overheated. It's a Yea Forums conspiracy that she's in bad health.
>the forced nigger “””music””” 2/3 of the way in that doesn’t even mesh with the song
Of course
He personally broke those records? Like he went out of his way to make it worse? So tired of this argument. Also, please name a candidate who would actively protest legal immigration. Especially when there's increased labor demand. I'll wait.
>The state of the right is comedy heaven for high brow libs
and yet they somehow fail at that comedy completely.
I mean if you take something as intrinsically hilarious as
>US president Donald Trump
and make comedy sketches about it that are painfully unfunny, then you clearly should not be a comedian. Go be a spokesperson for some charity organization or something
Also, the nigger rapper is half Jewish. So mystery solved.
Im a bong old fag Artist who lecturered at Oxford , cant say more or doxx self .
>this is a fucking "comedy" show
you see this shit republicans tried to pull under Obama. this is why democrats can do whatever we want CARTE BLANCH
people watch SNL? That shit has been unfunny since forever. I legit can't think of a time where I enjoyed watching SNL and i'm 32.
You're right. Painting used to be king of the visual arts. It's been so thoroughly destroyed that it's an appendix to them now.
You people are laughing, but it's the glee of gurgling corprophages. Your high brows are hydrocephalic.
You sound like a faggot.
I don't get it
Member when the onion was funny?
This but unironically. We need to create a society focused only on innovation
Or how about we invented screens and video you absolute virgin
I used say Respect Peoples opinions , not as Fact , Now if so many screeech an reee its Fact =fake news .
Muttland is heading too another Civil War very soon next 5 years
Highbrows, everyone.
Nothing of Value will Ever be Created now ,
Guess who said it and google wont help you
Why is it the only threads that get replies on Yea Forums are cringy incels seething about liberals, women, or minorities?
Explain why Nazi is bad kid ?
Its the new sjw libtards view kek
she lost.
poor Jeb!
An this t.Plebbitor tard going home to get upvotes , stop being t.shitbag an stick around so we can rip you a another new asshole lel, can predict he getting his jew shilled jannie deleting this now
>five-minute loop of clips from YouTube in a loop with distorted audio
>It's like I'm an apprentice to Doré!
You're an animal shitting in the ruins of a civilization you can't even recognize.
Hourly reminder that Donald J. Trump is the current President of the United States of America.
>it was her turn
when is Jeb! turn?
I was being facetious, my boomer friend.
Just so you know, "sjw libtards" = "nazi" is just about the dumbest take you could possibly have. At least call them commies or something.
it's their only means of daily validation
if it wasn't for the internet most of these losers would have kys'd by now
Jeb posting was best posting.
I'm convinced people who say this haven't been laid in half a decade.
More edits like this please
>"sjw libtards" = "nazi"
Glad someone is still here !
the stalinist marxism , commies or communism was a very weak failed society cos some Pigs were ALWAYS Better than others , Animal Farm .
True Democracy is Based no country has it in the modern world .
The guy who said
Nothing of Value will Ever be Created now ,
was Nero Roman Diety an it was Not true but we had a very long 600 years in the dark ages
this thread is gay. please stop
Oh no he doesn't get it
cos clintons kill all
I hurt myself today is my personal favourite
wew that projecting
Trump literally beat the Avengers
>no investigation will happen
But an investigation is going on right now. Why do you lie user?
SNL is pure cringe
SNL has been unfunny for decades. Not sure how it still makes money.
its the sjw tv they need to watch an gawp at mouth breathing to feel they attacked trump some how , desperate cunts
Trump > Thanos
the camera guy has a gun pointed at the singers, they all got Epstein'd
Probably the gayest post I've read here all year
>Diva Dunham not even in the same room with those poors
I never understood the strategy of appealing to people who are too young to vote. The left does the same thing here in Australia and they keep losing elections
the continued existence of TV shows like SNL only solidifies my opinion that the average IQ range is closer to 50-90 and not 70-130
gettin 404'd soon buddays
imagine getting to tug on those titties while you're hauling her into the van haha
I thought this was satire on those videos where they get a bunch of famous people to get in on some activism thing at first, what was with the angle on this
not really
>Because the average voter is a moron who outsources their critical thinking to media personalities
Because if you appeal to the youth, you win the culture. Who cares about elections when you can win the very paradigm in which those votes are cast? I don't know much about Australia, but has liberals losing elections turned back the clock significantly in culture? I doubt it. It hasn't here in the US. So I'll bet your country is suffering from the same liberal virus as the rest of ours. Candace Owens talks about this. The left is in a bigger fight which is why they are successful. It's also why they are afraid of us.
It was a really good show but I've always thought roseanne was a pretty meh actor.
legit fucking insane, this guy makes Alex Jones seem tame
>implying she’s not leading the pack
You know what though, huge respect for the DNC for leaving this video up, and its comment section. Or maybe they are actually too stupid to know how to remove it, haha I mean the Russians won't allow them too haha
Literally every president from now on will act just like Trump, I mean maybe with less insults or whatever but yeah we're getting multiple rallies per year by Joe Biden and he's going to talk shit to McConnell and the GOP on occasion for the sweet likes and retweets.
I also think Trump moved us forward on how much monkeying around we can do with the Fed policy and economic warfare.
this is how presidents are supposed to act and did act. PC culture is a result of "Good Times build Weak Men" so you'll so all the blind altruism by retards and accepting things based on repetition rather than evidence
>Kavanaugh Rape Kavanaugh Rape Kavanaugh Rape Kavanaugh Rape Kavanaugh Rape
It was a tribute to him, autist.
Thank you dear leader!
What a tremendous cunt.
>Trump over doing the same shit (although admittedly slightly worse)
you're right, because american culture doesnt exist and hasn't since 1913
Was this image made unironically?
Enjoy your kuru, cunts.
The funny is that RDJ all but came out as a Conservative in an interview, referencing his time in PMITA prison on drug charges, and how he's not really allowed to say anything about it in liberal Hollywood, but you don't go through an experience like that and still believe all people and races are equal.
No, only /pol/cels have that much autism.
Based Dolan watching out for the black folks
>In 2009 Downey conveyed his politically rightward drift to N.Y. Times reporter David Carr.
>“I have a really interesting political point of view, and it’s not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here, but you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal. You can’t. I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educational for me and has informed my proclivities and politics ever since.”
I'm a Republican first and foremost because I am taxed 34% and receive basically nothing from my government for it. Certainly not quality roads.
Project more.
Money is everything; fuck cash grabbers, fuck gun grabbers and fuck you.
God you're retarded
Sure, buddy.
>John Goodman grabbing his jacket to go after the guy at the end
Fucking chills man
He handled this like a champ and someone managed to make himself look like the hero for cheating on his wife.
Needs this at the end.
I like how the left stopped giving a fuck about Kavanaugh completely after he got confirmed.
Holy shit, was that Mandy Moore? WHY???
>Wanna work for the government but also like drugs
Most of the people good at those things didn’t waste money on a degree in that shit
>comments are about how good her singing voice is
Are they all tone deaf?
she is a DYKE. what a waste of white genes.
um no sweaty cnn told me obama didn't have any scandals except a tan suit