ITT: Films men will never understand

ITT: Films men will never understand

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> dude Scorsese in Brazil

Tropa de Elite is better

Pure kino that men understand

exbf hated this one

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Why wouldn't men understand it? All the main characters are males

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i liked this film very much.
when I was a teenage boy I've also been doing these romantic creative stuff for girls but they never liked it. I got so frustrated that eventually I stopped giving a fuck and started treating females like shit. turned out they liked it. still this movie gives me fond memories

Are you retarded? I quite liked this movie.

Fuck off OP.

I bet more men than women enjoy City of God.

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women dont do anything unique, the majority at least, so subtitles are a turn off like a manlet

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Hey, anons, listen to this. Watch out. OP shakes their ass before laying a big one.

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I would've shot the obnoxious crying boy instead of the girl 2bh

I honestly I've tried 4 fucking times to watch this movie and I actually have no fucking idea whats going on. Some one explain it to me

>live in a world where nothing is handed to you
>have to work your way up and constantly compete with
These are predominantly male experiences.

I just don't get comments like this.
It's just seems so oddly asinine to assume something like that, as if it's just a repetition of a meme void of any self-awareness.

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It's an unacknowledged prequel to Planet of the Apes. Also newspaper reporters in Brazil are pedos.

Did you even watch the movie? Fucking roastie. This movie is largely about gangs in the favela. It has almost no love story at all.

Haha, I get it. It's a city of God, not a city of men. Good one OP.

That mole. So fucking accurate, I know somebody like this, just doesn't have the green highlight

probably has a tiny penis lol

>Also newspaper reporters in Brazil are pedos.
>shitposts that here
