Hidden Goyim

Everyone's always surprised when they learn certain celebrities are Jewish, but what about the reverse? Has anybody ever been surprised to learn that actors you swore were Chosen People turned out to be gentiles?

Pic related, Alex Rocco is renowned for playing Jewish stereotypes on screen, but as the name suggests he was Italian - Catholic for most of his life but he converted to Ba'hai later in life.

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I always thought he was Italian

But italians are jewish niggers

Danny Thomas, founder of St. Jude's Children Hospital, also frequently portrayed Jews on screen, but he was a Lebanese Catholic

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he looks like an eggplant

This bignosed kike is actually from a Catholic family

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My teacher once told me I could play a Jew in plays because I have a big nose

American actor Zachary Levi is actually ethnically Welsh.

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When I first watched Some Like It Hot, I thought Jack Lemmon was Jewish and Tony Curtis wasn't, but it turned out Tony Curtis was originally named Bernard Schwartz and Jack Lemmon was as Irish as they come.

Despite his last name, the fact he looks like Spielburg's brother, and that his most famous work is directing Fiddler on the Roof (arguably the most famous piece of Jewish fiction), Norman Jewison is in fact a white Protestant

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doesn't look jewish at all

I could have sworn Kristen Schaal was Jewish, was surprised to find out she wasn't. Made me like her without the Jew hangup. Was a good day.

wtf, Levi is a jewish surname
but it's actually his second name

Don Adams, famous for playing Maxwell Smart in Get Smart and voicing Inspector Gadget in the cartoon, was born to a Jewish father and a Spanish mother; he was raised Catholic while his brother was raised Jewish.

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>Jim Levenstein
>Darren Silverman
>lol actually I'm Sicilian

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He is amazing doing Greene here, but you can spot a specific moment in the "I TALKED TO BARZINI" scene in which a movement of the hand betrays he is italian. And Coppola paid particular attention in instructing him, but it happens.
Not a bige deal, I have friends that start to move the hand like italians when interacting too long with then. I remember chinese and french and slavs doing the usual "what" movement, to my amusement.

forgot pic

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In the OC; Ryan Atwood the Jew was played by Benjamin Mackenzie the goyim. Seth Cohen who technically was a goy (mother was not a Jew) is played by Adam Brody, a legit Jew. GOYCEPTION.

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lol was about to post him

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Woah...he's actually NOT Jewish?

F. Murray Abraham is half Italian and half Assyrian, and is Syriac Orthodox Christian.

I've noticed it's harder to find this phenomenon with female actors

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No wonder he didn't get any roles after Woody Allen discovered he wasn't Jewish.

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sicilians and jews are pretty close genetically

>he was Italian

Turns out you can swap em pretty easily.

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most ethnicities of the Mediterranean are more or less genetically identical

>When Woody Allen cast Jason Biggs, he was under the impression that Biggs was Jewish. During filming, Allen began talking to Biggs about the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Biggs did not know what to say and told Allen that he was in fact a Catholic. Allen said at the Venice Film Festival, "I saw him in that pie movie (American Pie (1999)) and I thought he was a Jew."



>he tricked the arch-jew of all time
fuckin kek my sides, why doesn't /pol/ use these people as their deep cover operatives

Probably because there aren't as many Jewish-looking actresses in the first place.

not really no

>it's harder to find this phenomenon with female actors

...nevermind, she has an italian surname but he's half jewish

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>Driver was born in San Diego, California, the son of Nancy Wright (née Sneedham), a paralegal, and Joe Douglas Driver. Driver was raised Baptist; he had a religious upbringing and sang in the choir at church.

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>it’s real

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they used to be THE merchants

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BASED AF, now SNEEDposting can legitimately be done in any NuWars thread and its on topic so janniefags cant do anything

I for sure thought Lady Gaga was a heeb.

Sicilians are basicly Italians who are also raped by niggers and not only by all the barbarians around the europe

He plays a Jew in every other film he does

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phenotypes are very similar if you've lived all over the mediterranean

Could‘ve sworn Gleason was from the tribe

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Probably should have realized she wasn't when you look at her body. How many Jews in Hollywood do you see who don't have big Khazar Milkers?

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Ben McKenzie is part Jewish

Lol proof?

t. abraham silberberg

This is a thread where jews try to hide their ethnics with some religious labels. Even saying that people with names like Schlomo Mc Levistein are not jewish, but x religion.

oof marone
