>becomes Liverpools new CHRISTIAN hope after SALAH'S islamic reign in Liverpool
Becomes Liverpools new CHRISTIAN hope after SALAH'S islamic reign in Liverpool
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Unironically needs to start over salah right now.
He also scores in big games consistently too
Lol I remember reading some liverpool supporters wishing to become a Real/Farca for africans and arabs. Truly despicable people
I hate this faggot so much its unreal
based and Christpilled
Salah got destroyed in the african cup.
Salah is overrated anyway , djota is a super sub and can't play full matches
You are now aware that the Chairman (CEO) of Liverpool is an American Jew.
>people hating my man Jota on Yea Forums
Perhaps you can explain what's wrong with being Jewish?
Who woulda thunk thathe t people who bloodthirstily hijacked the central banks of the world, effectively printing their tribe as much as they need, would also control everything?
>owner of Liverpool
>owner of Manchester United
>owner of Tottenham Hotspur
>chairman (CEO) of Liverpool
>owner of Chelsea
did I miss anyone, EPL?
Stay on topic.
Go back to /pol/
>108 times
Dunno, kike. Must be just everyone else with the problem.
Eat shit, marrano.
Maybe Jewish people are just really smart and have a culture of a strong work ethic and a desire to do well socially and financially
Reminder that hitler was a drug addicted, cross dressing sperge who blew his own brains out
And jota is based
lol tf are you talking about you schizo
oh and let's not forget this one as well >eu-football.info
He's absolutely wank at everything but poaching. Nothing but a ''White'' Origi
le tap in man
Holy fuck why are the Israeli Yea Forums posters so fuckin annoying, trying to push ADL propaganda on here
annoyed much? :^)
All our scorers today were Muslim and fasting alhumdulliah
yes a little to be quite frank Baruch, how about talking about the actual football instead
Why do you lie edomite? John W. Henry is the owner of Liverpool. Your boy is just the court yuhudim.
>chairman (CEO) of Liverpool
i never said he was the owner you mong
check out this
whatever, canaanite
But Origi is based
Virgin slurs, eh?
Who's the amalekite lady you keep posting?
beats Shatvia, San Marino and Hungary? and its u21? you may have well posted webms of Zahavi doing roulettes or smthn baka, wasted my time
his Palesti- I mean Mizrachi arranged marriage wife
Also explain why there are blacks in Israel yet you bomb the white blond blue-eyed aryan Palestinians
>Refaeli was born and raised in Hod HaSharon, Israel, to a secular Jewish family.[17]
>Her parents were both born in Israel, and her grandparents were immigrants from Europe and of Sephardic Jewish (Italian-Jewish) and Ashkenazi Jewish (Lithuanian-Jewish and Polish-Jewish) descent.[17]
>Her grandparents were Holocaust survivors.[19]
Don't check out this then
Aye, the peasants that has been feeding humanity were just lazy slobs, some jew who schemed his way into the kings court and polished up jewels and issued banknotrd were the real hard workers all along, fuck eating and surviving and all that shit, let us all be jews and watch humanity die off in 5 years.
bro this is from 2013, you were probably born that year
aight suit yourself
crystal palace
go back to r*ddit, vermin
but let me guess, when it's white people succeeding it's "white privilege", right?
Sudanese buy-ins?
and Palestine's NT is still ranked way lower than Israel's in the FIFA ELO
how come
>did I miss anyone, EPL?
>crystal palace
>owners of EPL's Crystal Palace
Jewish & Jewish
>Posting another based Leo roastie
Yikes, Leo DiChadprio broke that bitch, she never recovered
who is this little dyke?
she is literally married to an Israeli billionaire named Adi Ezra, and has 3 children with that Jewish fellow
hmmm, when ngubus get imported by jewish billionaires it doesn't warrant an answer but when based true gigachads with actual ancestry play they're considered "Sudanese" buy-ins?
Also Israel got booted out of AFC and now they play in UEFA, the FIFA ranking has a higher multiplier for UEFA nations than AFC ones, thats why Japan is lower ranked than Wales despite Japan consistently doing better in AFC than Wales, its simple Baruch
So this is what black jewish people look like? They look uncanny
well they say they're black jewish people, even the Israeli Supreme Court doesn't even think that they're jewish, so they live in ghettos worse than Gaza kwab
Catholicism is unironically good for the soul.
Bar Rfaeli is an Israeli supermodel who's known worldwide for dating DiCaprio for a while and for hosting the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, Israel
also, see these
user, i think you may like her a little too much
You sure mate?'
Not to mention this:
Israel was one of the founding members of the AFC (Asian Football Confederation) following its own independence in 1948 (prior to that it played under the banner of the "British Mandate of Palestine).[10] After the 1974 Asian Games in Iran, and Israel's 0–1 tense loss to Iran in the finals,[11] Kuwait and other Muslim and Arab countries refused to play them. Following this, they were expelled from the confederation and spent a few years trying to qualify from such continental bodies as the OFC (Oceania) before officially joining UEFA (Europe).[12]
What I said:
>Israel got booted out of AFC
What you said:
>they [Israel] were expelled from the confederation
okay, so whats the problem, echa
Keep in mind that Pic related a whole differnet competition, similar to the Olympic Games and its football branch.
>Asian Games
This is Olympics for Asia but fair enough I guess
fuck sakes, even back then they were still better than Israel kwab
I am going to be in Porto for a week in May. I need advice for
1.Where can I play pick up football games? Are there indoor futsal courts or populat parks where people are playing?
2.Isn't there a portuguese website where I can get an escort? let me know
Yeah, as someone who lives in Porto, I would like to know the answers to these questions as well
1. i dont know
2. >psp.pt
Where's Israel and where's the rest of MENA including Iran?