How long do you think the boys of Rogue Squadron made fun of Luke for this?

How long do you think the boys of Rogue Squadron made fun of Luke for this?

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What was the point of this scene? It's weird, borderline diaperfag, homoerotic imagery.

Empire Strikes Back is the most psychological movie in the saga. This scene is supposed to show Luke’s cold maternal birth. He later has a test where he must face his own father where they fight with phallic objects. Luke loses his penis (lightsaber) to his father and falls out another vaginal shaft to the atmosphere of Bespin, showing his maturity of becoming his own man and rebirth.

I agree that the bacta tank is some womb/baby imagery, and getting his hand cut off could be read as symbolic castration, even at a stretch I'll agree that the bespin tube thing Luke falls out of could be a rebirth, but castration doesn't make you a man. Quite the opposite in fact.

Also you're a faggot for taking freudian analysis seriously.

The point of this scene was to show a twink in a diaper, ensuring generations of children will grow up to become childish homosexual virginal incel nerds. Star Wars is fucking gay.

wasn't all this shit thrown in there because hammil fucked his mug up in a car crash?

He was forced to give up his idea of masculinity (his father’s lightsaber) and had to finally learn how to become his own person, instead of living in his father’s shadow like he had all his life. It is there, you just have to tinker with it.

And I don’t take Freudian analysis seriously but I do find it fun lol.

This scene literally turned me into a diaper fag.

Good goy

Yes, the Wampa attack was put in to give story justification for Hamil's motorcycle crash scars. The thing is, this is fucking science-fantasy. Literally anything goes, so the Bacta tank is unnecessary. Luke could have been healed up with some space bandaids slapped on his face or some shite.
Instead we got (((Hollywood))) homoerotica with pedo-overtones.
If I seem mad, it's because I grew up with this shit. My mom forced Star Wars on me because she thought Mark Hamil was cute, and I ended up isolated and with social problems, partly because of Star Wars. My mom was mildly pedo herself.
That theory is logically valid, you could read that into Star Wars, but it doesn't make it good. I fucking hate Empire Strikes Back because Luke is symbolically infantalized (bacta scene), castrated, and cucked by Han (due to Lawrence Kasden's script which both put Han and Leia together and turned Leia into Luke's sister).
Luke basically gets shat on the entire movie, and he ends up as basically just a cuck in ROTJ. No, "reconciling with your father" is not a good end to his story. He should have just ended up with Leia at the end of 77 Star Wars, and that should have been the first and last movie.

See: the problems with this film

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Based retards turbo-analyzing space wizard movies

I honestly wonder if gay boys were jerking themselves off to that scene the same way straights were jacking off to Leia in that metal bikini. Not to mention all of those homoerotic shots of Luke’s arms on Dagobah.

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>Lawrence Kasden's script which both put Han and Leia together and turned Leia into Luke's sister
Making Leia Luke's sister was Lucas' idea.

>Not to mention all of those homoerotic shots of Luke’s arms on Dagobah.

Is that Mark?

He's packing!

>and I ended up isolated and with social problems
we can tell

>I honestly wonder if gay boys were jerking themselves off to that scene
No. Luke is not an attractive man by gay standards, not even prior to his accident.
There really isn't much eye candy in Star Wars for gay men, so I don't understand all the outrage about this scene.
Starship Troopers on the other hand is borderline gay soft porn. I fapped so many times to the scene where Rico gets corporal punishment in my younger years.

A rubber stunt penis that is

It is but this picture of him makes me think he either stuffed or had a chub. His dick looks tiny here.

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As a gay, I disagree. Mark Hamil is pretty cute.

Debateable, but I guess young Anakin was also George's idea, so maybe he is just a gay pedo too.

It's irresponsible, or downright malicious to make movies like this; or at the very least to show them to kids.

That or the Emperor’s Throne Room was just very cold.

Not really. It's stated in the official making of book for Return of the Jedi that it was Lucas' idea.

Hamill is just hanging it all out there, huh. Scrotum and all.

I'm not buying it. A lot of "official" star wars history is George retconning things to make himself look like a genius who had this whole master plan, when really he got lucky with the first one and then got a bunch of help when studios realized they had a cash cow on its hands. George didn't even know if 77 would be a success or not, so the whole thing was a lot more "flying by the seat of their pants" than George would like you to believe.

I think at least as long as the Roughnecks made fun of Rico for this. Sorry for postage stamp size.

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>Did 9 months in prison last year
>May 4th Star Wars marathon comes on and everybody watches it
>"Would you guys rather fuck a young Mark Hamill or an old Carrie Fisher?"
>Hear a lot of "Young Mark for sure!"

But sadly no one got raped during my entire stay.

Go figure.

wow did it work or did it work

wtf first time I see this

Here is a pic of Mark Hamill in a speedo just for you.

Am a fag. Can confirm, used to jerk it to Luke when I was younger.

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The book doesn't make it out to be a part of his master plan or anything like that. He originally wanted Luke's sister to be a separate character, but came up with the Leia twist only when writing RotJ.

I guess, whatever, but I still see that as a post-Kasden/ESB change. Leia wasn't intended to be Luke's sister, and Kasden is largely responsible for cucking Luke.

I hate Star Wars.

>dad/beach boy Mark
meh ... he was most attractive in the first one. ESB has some nice scenes, but a shame about the accident.

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I honestly think he is his hottest in Empire. Looks more rugged and manly but still soft. A twink that could put up a fight (but would still lose).

Attached: suggestiveluke.png (1001x793, 1.3M)

>there are people ITT that would deny ESB was gay pandering

nice trips. and yea it worked apparently.

how can i achieve this?

why'd they put him in a diaper? is it so his poopoo doesn't float around in the tank

Probably the most socially acceptable way would be to wear a speedo to a sensory deprivation tank.
You fag.

he always looked like a simpleton lost on his way to the village

Or just young.