French ads are erotic and try to inject cinematography

>french ads are erotic and try to inject cinematography
what're the ads like in your country?

Attached: 1562017737412.jpg (299x400, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>try to inject cinematography

>try to inject cinematography

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>try to inject cinematography

>try to inject cinematography

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>try to inject cinematography

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>inject cinematography
why don't they snort it like real men? fucking pussies

Good, now I'll have to spend hours watching blowjob videos to find one where the girl or the twink will look up slightly confused and embarrassed before sucking a dick so I can jack off.

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Attached: 1565397842203.webm (586x596, 2.92M)

>try to inject cinematography

Attached: 1556543705083.png (671x519, 146K)

>LOL vagina
>LOL penis
>LOL semen

>also germany
>"we are very mature and sex is normal"

My man

oly fuck muh dick


i've always mistaken that image at first glance to show some sort of satisfied expression on his face, which goes well with the OP image here

this but unironically

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>the poster above the paki
pottery, really

canada btw

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lmao I love that esl OP still hasn’t responded out of complete humiliation.

Patrician's taste.

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this makes me want to smoke
what the fuck i love smoking

there's no greater pleasure than a twink's lips

this girl is perfect

I always told myself I'd never go further than smoking cinematography. That didn't last long.

“To smoke is to be tobbacco’s slave”
I’m glad high school French paid off

we had this gigantic reebok poster all over the city a couple of years ago

Attached: rebook.png (648x782, 724K)

>try to inject cinematography
>inject cinematography


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See, I know this is true from experience.

ntm pd hon hon hon

>try to inject cinematography

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I don't speak French and I could infer that from the image alone


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things are looking grim fellas

Attached: if you only knew.jpg (1024x768, 70K)

>inject cinematography
don't use google translate Pierre, sometimes it spits out nonsense.


literally this

i'm swedish, our ads are condescending and try to make it seem like you're an undesirable of some sort if you don't consume [somewhat environmentally conscious product no.11231245]

is that ezra miller?

no way this is real

>his face
>mfw i just noticed the adam's apple
I thought that was a girl the whole time

what the fuck?

Oh, your ads are like your people.

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pretty much yeah. you can market anything in my country as being environmentally conscious and 30 year old faggots who live in the city and ride an electric bike to their high paying job will buy it

I know saying this cliche but this looks straight out of Dystopian satire

That's fake

Imagine actually living in a place that plasters these up.

Have sex

>decide to watch watch french movie
>its family on vacation in spain or something
>teenage daughter loose virginity to some chad there
>family return back to france
>daughter start posting prostitute adds online lie she is 18
>basically start fucking bunch of old guys
>she dosent even need the money just do it because my exploration and sexuality
dafuq was this shit

what's your problem dude? what a messed up thing to tell anyone, even ironically, to kill themselves. are you asking for a ban?

i agreed with you user until you went fag


shut up..

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Qu'ont ils voulu dire avec cette image?

Are there any such videos as that? Sounds awful specific.

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I regret looking at that image.

Absolutely Patrician tastes.

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The donkey's name is Bimbo and he survived. They had a kickstarter for his medical Bill's and it raised a good amount.

There is good in the world, you just don't hear about it as much since it gets less clicks and views.

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Reminds me of that video by The Onion - the one where the government release a new anti-smoking ad campaign directed at young boys telling them that smoking's gay - the slogan is something along the lines of:" Don't do fags"



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>Australia, in a small town
>Most tv adverts are cheap ass shit with terrible songs promoting some shit you'd only want situationally like car tires
>Super Amart and Harvey Norman ads literally shout at you with sale ads year round if you don't mute ads every ad break
>Companies somehow get away with varying volume to always be louder than the show
This is why we hamstring our family's crappy internet bandwidth by streaming all our shit now.

>what're the ads like in your country?

thats actually based

>literally never talk about it to such a degree that your children are std riddled 13 year old pregnancies and most sex is unhealthy and abusive
>we are mature


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Onion spoofs now look like sane media. How things got so fucked up in 10 years.

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Check'd and based as fuck.

You spend a few decades praising the mentally ill as brave and powerful instead of locking them in mental asylums.

Take off the little faggot and I adopt your fetish.

gross, fuck off faggot

Where are my WMBF ads?

Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

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>Companies somehow get away with varying volume to always be louder than the show
The volume is the same, they just increase the dynamic range

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That was genuinely good, but are panty vending machines well known enough in your country for the masses to pick up the reference?

UK ads: patronising, smug women dominating men, lots of fat ugly bitches of various colours being “real,” black people massively over represented in everything despite making up about 2% of the entire UK.

For me it's Sweden.

Attached: ad.jpg (1076x1920, 206K)

Why does Sweden love niggers so much? What happened, why did this whole thing take over sweden so hard?

make him you babybitch /pol/cuck. you can't do shit. i'll kiss boys in front of you and you'll fukkin cry. try somethin lil straightie i'll kick your head off and you'll go to jail. try nothin and whine on the_rebbit later, i don't give a shit geek

I cant even imagine a way to spin this as racist... wtf is that comment section?!

Oh look, a barely coherent faggot. Brain damage is a terrible thing.

can't believe i read all that

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I understood everything but I'm half a fag myself so idk

Well I got the threats of violence, but that's generally a given with the mentally unstable.

It's funny because those are like the most stable relationships.

In other news, I think I've seen one BMWF couple with kids IRL so far. I'm 39.

hmu with some links senpai

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it aint a threat it's a promise. keep your meltdowns to walmart dig? if any of you 1488 McLovins square up when i'm tongue kissing a sissy r9k trap you'll be seein stars before i knocks her screws loose, on JEHOVAH bitch

Not realistic. White men are the highest rated males in the sex market, and black women are (by a considerable margin) the least rated females.

Someone will have that graph, jamie pull that shit up.

Who is the model?

Google Natalia F on for nudes of this semen demon

hard cringe

cuhh ima yeet your cringe up ya azz so that YOU will be the one saying Yaw. on fleek!

Then why does it hurt my ears user?


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Holy fuck is that real?

Jews finding an easy opportunity to destroy a white country user. This one was easier to flood than the others compared to something like Vienna. It's all part of the plan

The joke that Asian women are getting off on white man musk is obviously racist. Clearly the absurdity of the situation isn't meant to elicit humor, but instead be a scathing indictment of the Japanese and their numerous perversions.

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No idea on that one, but I've seen worse real ones.

London is a dystopian hell hole.


My grillfriend said every time she sees a BMWF couple part of her feels happy for them but then the other part of her gets intensely mad.

Probably the funniest thing I've ever heard a woman say.

Because there is more energy in the sound wave due to the increase in dynamic range

is that elyse?

But the West like Japanese perversions

Oldie, but a goodie:

Give me the quick rundown

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Based twitter screencap posters making the world better place.

based ESL retard

try to inject cinematography

>trying to greentext

bro it's 2019 you don't have to pretend anymore

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good looks family

this tickle peepee
ironically the model probably had to suck a dick to get the job in that ad

No, but even if people don't know it, the very obvious smog filled industry city does the trick and it still makes people laugh

she's so obviously in front of it. How hard is it to photoshop that

Londoner here. This is fake

>or the twink
fucking degenerate

That's true. It does work on a few levels.

That famous Cheerios ad with the mixed girl had a WMBF couple, and I saw another commercial about brace or some shit which also had that kind of couple. Maybe you aren’t looking hard enough.


We had picture related when in was in primary school in Australia

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>It's only smellz... of freshly cooked potato chips
he doesn't say that unfortunately

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But why the fuck would anybody stab a poor old donkey?

This reminds me about a true story I once read in the local newspaper, some young kid got caught smoking, and then he got blackmailed by some older kid to suck his dick or else he was going to tell his parents he was smoking.

Thank you for your service

is it really, though?

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Yyyyeeeeahhhh boy make him your smokepig

>That famous Cheerios ad with the mixed girl had a WMBF couple
no it wasn't

>what're the ads like in your country?

Attached: make your choice.jpg (635x889, 84K)

Not gonna lie, that's neat body paint

>try to inject cinematography

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>french ad
hand isnt black

not sure i trust you

Is that a guy or girl?

They think it was a group of immigrant kids doing some kind of gang initiation. The donkey who got stabbed was really friendly with people and approached them instead of shying away like the others in the pen.

I'm glad he didn't die and I hope those little faggots get what they have coming.

Does it matter?

>and try to inject cinematography

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is this a man or woman i still can't tell

I unironically love this country, maybe going to live there soon. Fuck cold climate

stop believing random infographics you see on Yea Forums



>That famous Cheerios ad with the mixed girl had a WMBF couple
No, it was a black man and a white woman. Same as everything else.

What the fuck.

In an ideal world the lives of migrant niggers would be placed below donkeys.

if you cant tell thats a guy, there's no hope for you

a men, look at the neck


and the rest of the face

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That boy is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

>Not posting the other two

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fake ad but funny

clearly not as good

Don't mess with the chef

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>for 25 years

Holy shit I had no clue donkeys could get that old

So this is how capeshitters themselves?

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Back to Discord faggot.

based androgynous appreciator

>Holy shit I had no clue donkeys could get that old
It's not uncommon for horses to reach 30.

Inject... cinematography...

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