It was weird seeing Summer Glau show up in Wu Assassins. I thought she had retired

It was weird seeing Summer Glau show up in Wu Assassins. I thought she had retired.

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If anything, she looks hotter now than she did back in the day

fortunately she's not hitting the Wall just yet, she may have a career after all

Still a qt.

she looks like an old wrinkly bag in OP

Netflix is cancelled

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she was never cute

>I thought she had retired.
she retires shows, not the other way round.


fuck you homo, not my fault your waifu looks like a 45 year old leatherface

>why does that 45 year old woman look 45.
so you're a brainlet as well as a pedo. good work.

>facial wasting due to aging (depleting subcutaneous fat in the face and less collagen)
>not hitting the wall

Yeah, and if she looks like she's 45 she's hit the wall full force, no survivors

Looked it up, She's only 38

you incels need to get out and see what the average 45 year old woman like, shes in the top 1%.

Id still wife Summer for the purpose of having and raising god-fearing children.

take an autism pill and rethink your life.

How many Summerless episodes before I get to the good stuff?

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no doubt man

most 32+ year old women look like menopausal hags

based blind user

Seh waas in SCC what does tV think of thati!

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She is in episode 8 or 9

shit show btw

she looks like the psychic from poltergeist

Actually makes a hot milf, didn't expect this

So what? you understand the concept of the wall, right? You're basically saying "ah but this maggot-infested corpse isn't nearly as decayed as those other ones".

>using the le wall meme unironically
Memes have rotted your brain

It's true though, especially in this case. her face is melting, jowls are sagging, rings under eyes..
hell, she even removed her mole in a poor attempt to not look busted anymore but it was too little, too late.

t. 25 year old post wall roastie

>Wu Assassins

Is this show any good? I like martial arts and Iko Uwais so I thought about watching but it looks kinda normie tier.

It's objectively terrible but I had fun watching it anyways.

Yeah, just a concidence that female fertility is directly related to age

she looks like a 50 year old chinese brothel owner
haha i imagine

>Seh waas in SCC what does tV think of thati!
Everyone already knows this you, illiterate moron.

Well, at least you can be sure this show will get one season and that's a wrap.

You've already seen it so tell me do you think her role will grow next season?



quick question lads, I need to know before jacking oof to her

are her nipples pink of brown?

Never thought I'd say this but I miss glauposting