Why are there never any threads on this kino here?

Why are there never any threads on this kino here?

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not worth watching past episode 1

what makes you say that?

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Because season 2 was shit. One of the biggest drops in quality in Tv history

You could've already seen that the show was all premise halfway through season 1. It was obvious that the creators were incompetent and had no clue where to go with it. But everyone was blinded by their le sci-fi boner and epic piano covers.
Me? I saw through that shit right away.

S2 burn all the good shit that show had

Remember when they had to stop production halfway through filming season 1 because they realized five episodes in that they had no idea where the plot was going and had to rewrite all the scripts? The warning signs were there before it even premiered.

Season 1 felt like a huge waste of time, didn't even bother with 2.

Anthony Hopkins and his vague little dialogues got old fast.

Yeah, I really liked it and then a couple episodes into season 2 just completely lost interest. Don’t even remember why desu.

S1 was good, S2 was a giant waste of time. Hell even their big deal with Shogunworld was unironically filler. They did that show dirty, I'm not watching S3.

Season 1 was pretty good
Season 2 sucked
Season 3 looks worse, is Ed Harris even part of the regular cast for it? The bitch squad seems to have taken over, good example of retarded feminazi controlled media.

Pic related was the only good episode in season 2.

I still haven't bothered to watch the season 2 finale. Not going to bother with season 3.

it was only good till they revealed who the man in black is

Don't ya all retards still didn't figured how all the shows work? They sell idea, a premise or a concept of a show and after that it's just down the road. If they sold it and it's succesful, has own fanbase, why bother? Why bother hiring good writers? directors? actors? It won't sell it again itself.

Name at least one good show that ended well and not went to shit?

S1 was good until episode 6 then all the ai debacle promises fell under and even the western setting became irrelevant

Twin Peaks

There's a drop in quality but season 1 was enjoyable all the way through.

That’s not what happened though. Originally the plan was for a one-off miniseries, young William’s story and nothing else. HBO HATED that idea because they knew game of thrones was ending and they needed a prestige series to bridge them until they were able to get more game of thrones out. So HBO halted production and demanded a full season as well as a five season bible, all in the “convoluted” style of inception. The production crew hated this, hence why everything outside of jimmi simpson’s character arc is absolutely awful.

You could've said Liam McPoyle and saved me the google search.

>writer writes character as “mongoloid”
>female casting director doesn’t know what this means and hires an Asian for the role
>the character is introduced as not even knowing how soap works

You can’t make this shit up.

Fuck your sitcom, fuck you.

I agree but it only barely manage to stay decent at the end and maybe just because of the twist and turns dishonest narrative.

Mongoloid is asian, same as negroid is black


I like how you typed out that post and solved captcha challenges to look stupid.

Try actually looking up the definition of mongoloid.

>writer writes character as “mongoloid”
>female casting director doesn’t know what this means and hires an Asian for the role

Is the twist that this poster doesn't know what mongoloid means

I don't know what to tell you, it was fine. Considering the trash this board eats up, the final stretch of season 1 was fun.

>mongols aren't asian
tell that to china

it's different

it was shit from the start

Mongol and mongoloid aren't the same thing, idiot. You have google, use it

Try actually looking up the definition, my mongoloid chums.

okay why

Attached: mongol.png (423x133, 5K)

Keep reading.

Season 1 ended and I had a ton of optimism about the show. It was kino through and through. Season 2 ended and now I seriously doubt the showrunners, I feel like Season 3 either proves itself spectacularly like Season 1 or it's another dud and I drop the show for good.

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>Main meaning is "asian" by the Oxford dictionary
>b-but my slang

Keep reading.
that is not the original definition of the word, but one created later by the PC crowd

because after season 1 the show gets really shitty

Mongoloid was not coined as slang. It was a medical term first.

Read an anthropology book, retard.

Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid are anthroplogic classifications.

Not before the 90s they weren’t.

I like how this thread is downies trying to argue “mongoloid” only ever meant “Asian people.”

this is retarded logic. it doesnt matter how many viewers you get if you cant hold them.

>season 2

>Name at least one good show that ended well and not went to shit?
Mad Men

Shakespeare dad was great

I have read books from the XIX century and that's how they classified them. The pejorative meaning could be as old or not so much but that doesn't mean it was an academic one.

>ended well
>series has three seasons
Also the end, the whole episode, of season 2 was perfect

It was literally used in the medical community as a diagnosis before “Down’s syndrome” was classified.

But hey, keep getting triggered by facts. Also be sure to ignore the part about how the character we’re talking about was introduced with dialogue indicating he didn’t know how soap worked.

Season 2 had some pure diamond moments in a mound of shit. Particular shout out to the Native American episode and Wills father-in-laws time loop episode. Pure kino.

Both of us and the defintions are correct. The problem being that is not considered correct to use that term since two decades ago. So can you blame the director for thinking nobody would dare to use that term with that denotation?

Also I'm pretty sure asian don't wash themselves.

Have you noticed how only tasteless retard and shills use this term unironically?

>ya all

Say "y'all" so I can ignore you

Man, you’re really determined to be as stupid as possible.

The point is the character was written as a literal retard, but because the writer described him as “mongoloid,” the female casting director hired an asian, instead of a downie, because she didn’t know what the term actually means.

>b-b-but they ch-changed the definition to something no one ever used!!
Doesn’t matter.

>Don't ya all retards still didn't figured how all the shows work?

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So which character are we talking about? I don't remember being a chink retard, not even in shogun world.

I am from a non-English speaking country, and that's what mongoloid has always meant for us, "Mongoloid race"="Asian". I find it unlikely that the word meant "retard" exclusively up until the PC 90s, regardless of its slang meaning.

>This actually aired on television
>It's even worse with sound

Attached: cheerleading.webm (512x384, 1.95M)

The guy who helped the murderous sociopathic rebellious prostitute ai escape for no fucking reason. She literally sliced his coworkers throat and left him to die, and he was barely fazed.

The incredibly dumb asian tech who gave Maeve god-mode was originally written as “mongoloid.” It made the news when people found this out. But you wouldn’t know about that, as you’ve been here all summer.

actually garbage

Found the frustrated Marvel capeshitter lmao. Back to your fatsuits and anus jokes, tastelet

Everyone finds it hard to believe PC culture exists. But it does. Also you should seriously question the accuracy of your ESL education. A Mongolian, for instance, would never call themselves “mongoloid.” Just as a Chinese person would never call themselves “mongoloid.”

Fact of the matter is, before Down’s syndrome was determined to be chromosomal, the medical term for the condition was “mongoloid.” One is the theories was the condition was atavistic.

>he says, when capeshitters commonly call their garbage “kino.”

The term has no meaning, my incredibly dimwitted/triggered friend

How can a cuck mongoloid literally code?

Bruh i'm from Denmark, and here "mongoloid" and "mongolian" are interchangable. It's means asian people/mongols, but is also a slur for calling someone retarded. It's both.


Usage of the term was basically non-existent until it became a medical diagnosis for a condition that came to be associated with mental retardation. Both usages are considered offensive for this reason.

He didn’t really. He just moved some stats around.

Took him literal weeks to get a bird in sleep mode to fly. He's really just a glorified janitor.

But he got paid

Because it got way too strong on the WOMYN POWER in Season 2 and everyone stopped watching. Every single strong male character ended up cucked. MIB/William, Bernard, Ford, they all got made to look like fools by the women. Maeve's arc is the absolute worst case of this

>this kino
what did he mean by this?

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I stopped watching halfway through season 2. Pure garbage. Ought to have just left it at 1 season. The robots rebel, MIB gets his dream come true of real life and death stakes, semi-ambiguous ending.

Ever watch the show Heroes?

A little late to the thread, but you should really watch the director breakdown the scene if you liked the episode.
I thought it was the best episode of the season for sure.


Season 2 killed the show.

lawl you just got butthurt because someone replied to you and didnt agree

because it sucked

because season 2 exists

it turned to shit and wasted a perfectly serviceable premise in season 1.

to put it simply, "robots rising up and getting revenge for humanities mistreatment" is boring.

With the way westworld is presently heading it's going to be basically an FX or syfy Original like Dollhouse or "Caprica".

Had they kept it something a little more "different" like idk: made it basically more like "production drama" like "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" or whatever combined with genre-fiction following tourists that would've been more interesting.

Maybe having Dolores and the Uprising occurring in like season 3-5 or something. The main goal being "slow burn".

>production-drama that's about how interactive stories are written, bugs, etc, the inter-personal drama between the writing staff, executives, designers, artists/etc.
>more shit like Sizemore getting disappointed that guests are basically cutting off his characters monologues and making a mess of his stories.
>more frightening bugs and weird shit going on when hosts go haywire.
>with plots following guests as they enjoy the park that isn't just about "how the guests are the real monsters"/cynical circlejerks.

>basically the 1st season should've been overall quite comfy, with things being fairly "normal" with most of the sinister stuff being relegated to "hints" and subtlety

Since it’s “Nolan” they think it needs twist after twist after twist. The problem is all the twists are obvious.

Season 1 was shit too though.

it would be a far more interesting show than Westworld actually was, as it would have a reason to keep watching it beyond a few seasons due to all the actually interesting characters not being killed off.

>spend tons of time talking about how the robots are just robots running on programmed loops
>dedicate tons of time to the robots taking to each other
>even make fun of how the robots spend most of their time talking to each other

The show is absolute garbage.

the problem is that all the twists come too early or aren't the right kind of twists that a show expected to last for like 5 seasons should have.

they've basically blown their load all over everything too soon, and it effects their ability to get life out of the plot.

What turned people away from it was the failure to deliver what the audience really wanted - the shrink ray.

the shrink ray would've been the best fucking twist simply because it would've pissed the most people off

But don’t you want to watch and see the shocking reveal at how Delos actually makes their money or find out what the true nature of hosts will be?!?!

I've heard rumors that this was one of the plans before the miniseries was approved.

but that would've been too boring/not-epic enough for HBO so that was scrapped, and then the miniseries was forced to be re-written to be a full on series.

so basically there's a whole shitshow when it comes to the plot.

I don't get what any of that shit is or means, it's basically just a bunch of dumb pseud stuff that sounds deeper than it actually is, and which more or less undermines itself.

So neither the stupid or the intelligent like the show. That’s pretty fucking gangster. It’s too dumb for even a philosophy 101 student and too smart for people who don’t like subtitles because they don’t watch movies to read.

I want to enjoy this show and i even watched the s3 trailer tonight but it was such a fuckin chore i gave up halfway through s1. The fact there are 20 minute videos on youtube explaining the plot means its garbage.