Other urls found in this thread:
>Has a million sponsorships
>No sponsors for anti blister cream/socks
Literally don't care still want to provide infinite sexual pleasure to her.
how do you get this job?
How is this slut still #12 in the world
Post her foot
>More excuses
1 grand slam win = 2000 ranking points = top 20 virtually guaranteed for 1 year
there's something about her face that's very unsettling
Why doesn't she just fucking take 6 months off.
Going out like a bitch in round 1 against every 500 ranked Jana, Clarice and Daria is hurting her brand more than just being out of the spotlight a few months.
The copious amount of black semen she has ingested, gives her affirmative action privleges
she's a 10/10, something an Italian never comes in contact with
Don't think she feels the same about you tho
/spee/ loses again
What did she mean by THAT?
TOE BROS........
Imagine having that flag and talking shit about our people's women
Need video of this
It's just a burrito.
This is what happens when you spend your time on BBC and have hip problems the next day
>Safe and effective...
the tie was a success for her and her team mates.
clearly going to be strong on clay, both this year and in her career.
Stuttgart is a likely win.
awww cute
I can't blame you
could she pass as a local in mexico?
I thought she was mexican the first time I saw her.
because then she wouldn't have any excuses when she loses to every 500 rank
Why does she have massive chronic blister probems but no other player does? Maybe they do but I've never heard of it, especially not to this extent.
>billie jean cup
Emma Cuckitini
Emma's skin is softer and more delicate than the average female skin, especially on the soles of her feets.
Can confirm, have nuzzled her feets
Because, ugly as it is to say of a young lady, she is not mature enough to accept responsibility for her defeats and attributes them to xyz injury every week.
her asian nose is smaller/flatter than ours but other than that sure
She isn't Mexican?
She's English
khaby is honorary white
>ywn hug, comfort and console Emma as she cries in your embrace about mean instagram comments after another early and embarassing slam exit
why even live
Binge practice struggling to get back into form. There was an article about her before the Aus open talking about 12 hour regimes before the tournament which is clearly too much.
> her yt boyfriend when the BLACK BVLL arrives
How come that's not a problem for any other pro tennis player?
No chill
>muh next tournament
..heh... my girl emlingz just needs more time for her feet to heal ...heh
Emma Cucktini
apparently we're going to apply to host the finals, which if successful would mean we automatically qualify for it, making this tie against the Czechs redundant. or to put it another way, "even when we lose, we win".
Can't get nail fungus with no nails
I don't think I've ever heard anyone try to claim that Italy doesn't have 10/10 women. You can say a lot about Italy but that...well, I've just never heard it before. Interesting take.
put a bandaid on it or just wear socks like literally everyone else in the world lmao
Where is this from? Totally different to her public image lol
>you now remember the rare pic emma accidentally posted on instagram and deleted 1 minute later
any feet pics?
The kid is not her son
not since losing all her toes
He looks like Mason Mount
Mid tier desu
this video is from 3 years ago
>emma still wearing her cross