WTF I thought the South were the good guys. Why did you lie to me Yea Forums?

WTF I thought the South were the good guys. Why did you lie to me Yea Forums?

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The North are the good guys

Despite what Hollywood says, Evil wins most of the time.

no they weren't.

>start war with southern states because they won't pay the taxes you put on them but say its about slavery
>being a good guy

pick one

North Korea is the good guys

>Starting a war to avoid paying taxes and claiming that it was about something else to make you the good guys
Burgers have been doing this since 1776

As far as I remember this only concentrated on the eastern front of the war and was pretty skewed because of that one professor who appeared in every episode. I'd have liked to have a more thorough and impartial documentary as it's damn interesting.

wtf I need a good/bad guy narrative because I'm a child

taxation is theft

>southern states explicitly say they're seceding because of their belief in slavery
>hicks in the south still say it wasn't about slavery

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Good job you don't have taxes any more then

>southern states explicitly say they're seceding because of their belief in slavery
>hicks in the south still say it wasn't about slavery

>start war with southern states because they won't pay the taxes you put on them but say its about slavery
>rewrite history to make it true
great job guys this is constructive

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What point are you trying to make?

theyre just saying their "own truths" without proving any of it, and doing so smuuuugggggglllyy

That ur gay lol


the Nigs should be happier they living the Amerimutt Dream every blessed day

it literally says that you can leave the union if they become tyrants moron

it was an illegal war by northerners who were afraid of losing their investments in trade and access to southern shipping routes

And people say this guy makes "serious history documentaries". Jesus fucking Christ

Why? They thought they were fighting to preserve the union but they were actually fighting for (((Lincoln's agenda))).

Based. God bless my homeland, Texas

they were allowed to secede and then they immediately attacked a Union convoy

Read a book you fucking retard

>Lincoln: Ok, America, we're going to outlaw slavery. We shouldn't enslave people, that's bad. We'll come up with a plan to transition out of it over the next 50 years

>"Mom, he just destroyed my argument! What do I do?"
>"I'm gonna tell him to read a book, mom!"

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It was over the topic of slavery but directly about the federal government's overreach. No one fought the Revolutionary War over taxes, but the concept of their overreach that happened to involve taxes.

>Ken burns

>year 1860
>owning slaves
get with the times grandpa

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As a southerner, I think slavery was a huge mistake. Sure, we made some easy money, but look at the cost. Imagine America today if it wasn't filled with niggers

there's a lesson to be learned there about illegal latinos who do agricultural labor but nobody will see it

This is the real history of the Civil War.

Attached: DinosaursanstheCivilWar.png (1188x1188, 1.29M)

>if they became tyrants

but they didn't

why have right-winger/facists ALWAYS lost?

>Good guys

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What do you expect when they're busy managing all the PoC? They don't have time for school.

I think when a normie imagines slavery, they imagine every white family had some negro they kept locked up in the shed to clean the house and make dinner when in reality only the top 1% owned slaves and in fact, slavery was terrible for the working class (i.e the majority) because slaves would do it for free.

They won the civil war

Slavery was still legal and practiced in the northern states until AFTER the civil war started, it was only abolished by Lincoln to boost morale and public opinion for his unjust and murderous war.

Deal with it liberal retards

>What do you expect when they're busy managing all the PoC? They don't have time for school.

what are you trying to say you third world faggot

Lincoln wanted to free the negro then deport them back to Africa. This was stopped when he was assassinated and his greedy successors saw the negro as a cheap source of manpower and as a demographic they have been easily manipulated since. A pitty Lincoln did not live return the Negro home, I think it would have worked out best for both our races.

>Lincoln's unjust war
The South seceded before Lincoln was inaugurated and had attacked the Union afterwards.

What are you trying to say? Who are you quoting?

The Confederacy used that rhetoric to convince the farm boys they needed to join the southern big government and kill their brothers from the northern big government. The southerners in power were literally only interested in maintaining the status quo of slavery, refused to modernize their economy, and knew they were up against the wall. You've fallen for the same tricks they used to get 300,000 17 year old farm boys to march to their deaths.
>t. Georgian who lives a few hundred feet from a battlefield where ancestors from my mother's side fought ancestors from my father's side

so? there are no rules to warfare

and I noticed you ignored how slavery was only abolished after the war was underway

>Be a Southerner
>Fly Confederate flag on house
>Wear clothes with Confederate flag
>Paint Confederate flag on car roof
>Confederate flag is the flag of treason against the Union
>Claim to be the only real Americans

The Confederacy and the Nazis lost their respective wars. No coincidence.

>Lincoln's unjust war
>there are no rules to warfare

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