HoH: Tommy
Noms: Bimbo, Cliff, Christie
Veto: Tommy
Previously on /bb/: wakey wakey
HoH: Tommy
Noms: Bimbo, Cliff, Christie
Veto: Tommy
Previously on /bb/: wakey wakey
it's official: this season had the biggest twist flops
First season?
>kemi doesnt want to hang out with wypipo
what time does tommy get to btfo america?
Christie and Tommy knew each other first and then she met his aunt, not the other way around. They were childhood friends, then his aunt scooped her up as soon as she turned of age.
who gives a fuck
lmao why was scottie there
she's a full-fledged racist
david schwimmer is there too
david is so based.
hope he fucks a lot of groupies and half the vets
tryna get some pusy
oy vey the goyim know...
i was going to say that
This season wouldn't be such a shit show if Mistie and Tommy didn't know each other.
Jackson needs this punishment. Let's see him navigate a whole melon with this cone on.
nah, I've watched every season. it feels like those twists sucked but at least somewhat worked like even the saboteur felt more effective than camp minorities, whacktivities, and field trip combined. only Jackson has benefited from anything
youre right, itd be even worse than it already id
he would just lay down and told others to pour them onto him. not a single piece would be wasted.
without the threat of the diamond veto, cliff never would have renomed bella and the entire game would be radically different right now
thank you fieldtrip for making anal and christie games even stronger
>implying he couldn't have been strongarmed even without it
>ywn watch cone-of-shame snackson being manually fed an entire watermelon by bog
what would snackson and bog's kids look like?
literal Ken dolls with the amount of plastic in Bog
bog can't have children due to menopause. She's really 45.
what did Pop tell her /bb/?
Did it hurt when he stuck that up Nick's ass?
kat's gone, yeah?
the obvious choice
veto ceremony?
>mfw we both picked comic sans
yours is better though desu
now its perfect
kek i forgot about this one
What will tommy do?
suck nicks cock
show uncensored picture
here senpai
kat eviction week
how does kat save herself?
just sit and do nothing? pretty sure shes sitting comfee
by voting out jackson last week
get cliff to self destruct
What does everyone think about Tommy and Christie actually being childhood friends?
oh yeah, jack would have saved her, and tommy for sure wouldn't have put her up ;^)
what a great strategist you are
warn anal that she's going to fuck Jack in the jury house
less than zero fucks
bog is losing her mind
this season was supposed to have nicole and victor, bayleigh and swaggy
i give zero fucks
would've bought herself a lot of good faith with a tommy HOH. thats for sure. but yeah, she is going home because of that vote. k thanks bye
I got a 3-day ban the night of the CBB2 premiere for posting it in the thread despite it being spoilered
no it wasnt stop pretending like evel dick or thse retards on that friend simulator podcast had any kind of insider knowledge
>first HoH has two people hanging from each log instead of individual logs
really makes you think
>she is going home because of that vote
no she isn't, you moron.
nobody cares about it. she is going to jury because he's still obsessed about the fact he thinks they know each other, because he's bestie is in the house and he thinks it's the same shit there. she's also going, because her side couldn't win one of 2 competitions, retard
best big brother was when the doctor was on in
hahaha big brother is shite haha
nice, it's better cropped
that vote proved to them that they are a trio you fucking moron. kat railed against jackson for how many fucking weeks. she had close ties to tommy and christie and could've folded in with them ez pz if she was willing to let go of jackson/holly. you are the tard tard and so is kat.
won't someone please think of the advertisers!
holly head still hurts from getting hit from the shelf yesterday
I think that someone in their community was molesting children to have so many gays
oh, yeas, guess the rest of the house is a trio with them too, right?
> she had close ties to tommy and christie
no she fucking didn't
it's good to know you are not watching feeds at all
pls go on the show, so you can do exactly what others want you to, without ever thinking what's better for you.
What are you talking about they do that kind of wacky shit on Day 1 every single season
christie and tommy actually thought bimbo is with them but then she did her
>im not gonna vote emotional rant
and became target #1
Nicole doesn't know what Roosevelt Island is, and she lives about 30 minutes away from NYC.
they thought she's a retard who they can control, like anyone in the house.
she was never in their alliance and they never had her back. you are an absolute muppet that should just stop posting.
if one of her people won hoh this week, she had a clear way to f2 with the shooters almost completely done.
leaving jack in the game would be the most moronic thing anyone could have done. it would just solidify 5 people that wouldn't go against each other and kill your game.
please do not reply
yea this obviously she shouldn't have kept jack
you don't know the future when you play the game, everybody.
>if one of her people won hoh this week, she had a clear way to f2
no shit moron. you asked how does kat save herself this week. she cant. she is done. she made her shot and it missed. go sterilize yourself
They just talked about it in the house.
Main reason Tommy gunning for Kat is because he himself was the main force to try and flip the vote against her.
>she was never in their alliance and they never had her back.
>was literally going to be the 7th member of the alliance and be in the final 3
>whines about jackson making her cry yet still votes for him to stay in the house
pls go back
no i didn't. and your arguments were pure retardation.
she still has multiple ways to save her ass. there is a lot of days left. she just needs to work on nicole
seek medical help and by that, i mean euthanasia.
she was never going to be a 7th member.
they were offering that to everybody.
>Nicole to Cliff and Jess: Can this stay between us...among us, I should say
Bitch that was such an unnecessary adjustment.
seriously go back
actually it doesnt. they made them swing in pairs on CBB2 first comp
where? to watch feeds, since you obvously do not?
no thanks, i'm watching tennis
nugget and jess concerned with holly's mental state LOL
Most often, the first Head of Household competition will require HouseGuests to participate either in pairs or in teams.[97] While the fourth, fifth, and eighth seasons had the HouseGuests competing in pairs,[98] the sixth, seventh, eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth editions all saw HouseGuests competing as part of a group
jackson is pretty much the reason bimbo is getting evicted
What are you talking about?
nicole, jess and cliff were in the BY saying she has unstable outbursts and question her character
christie chewing
shutup christie go back to eating
tommy gay dancing in the hoh
I have never seen a bigger retard than Nicole.
Sis, bog, and fat jess are all feed aids
fuck them
i did. just look at this moron that thought bimbo should have saved jack
bimbo is totally safe. she just needs to work on getting nicoles vote.
I'm starting to think an editor of big brother is lurking /bb/
Too many of our memes are making the broadcast
1. Nick's YO SIS veto pick done the same way again
2. The goat VETO they had a vote with glowing eyes like people have been doing to snackson all season
3. They randomly included shower hair Kat in last night's ep
I swear there was one other thing that seemed odd (I think it was during the goat veto episode) but I forgot it
why the FUCK would nicole safe kat over cliff
it makes no sense
specially now that literally 2 days ago kat fucked nicole over
haha yes i love watching christie talk and eat on the feeds, i love watching tommy dance and be disingenuous. cliff dancing and blathering incessantly in fun to watch. nicole rubber necking and sipping on her straw is gold. nick perving on everyone is one of the best things i have ever seen on the feeds and then theres that guy who eats a lot of watermelon and lays in bed all day, incredible
the one with the big fake tits im sort of indifferent too
christie accidently revealed she lived close to tommy
cliff made a joke that you guys know each other and they both laughed and quickly switched the subject
also nick wants to visit them with his bike
you know the DR has been planting seeds of people knowing each other and suggesting it. they have cover though because jackson already outed kat and bog so they probably all just assume its those 2 instead
>3. They randomly included shower hair Kat in last night's ep
>thinking they wont include all the le wacky Kat moments they can in their attempt to shill her for afp
now kiss and make up
>almost got evicted week 1
>almost got evicted in her allies hoh prejury
>gets evicted after not voting out jackson
she should be lucky she lasted so long
i thought she was doing well up until jessicas HOH. she got too cocky and got a bit of HOHitis
I agree, I thought the same thing last year. I don’t remember the exact specifics but I know something convinced me at some point
imagine if there was a male version of jess
who would publically say he wants to get every female out
and whenever a female says anything, he calls it a lie
would be bretty based
jess continuing her kitchen talk with analyse. she is getting more out of her boking than she did last night when she was allowed to talk
big jess and bimbo in the RV
nicole feet
Why do people like Nicole? Is it because they say as the loser they truly are? Nicole is the definition of failure.
sleep tight anal
havnt seen anyone sit in the horse saddle all season
jess tells kat she wants to work with sis.. kats face lol
>kat: man holly this morning was being a bitch
did kat just get naked from the waist down?
jess doesnt see christie voting bimbo out lol
>dear jack,
pretty sure jess is just blowing smoke whenever she speaks to bimbo now. everyone convo jess has had with christie / anal / cliff / nicole has been throwing holly / jackson / bimbo utb
Which one of these is the aunt again?
Jessica is lucky that half of the house is super liberal and doesn't want to evict a Puerto Rican.
You should feel bad for making this post.
with $500k in plastic surgery she can be a 6
shame you only get half that
That's not Holly.
quarky and hogg discussing the best path forward is with christie tommy anal
wow the deal is actually gonna happen?
i think the nick 6 is actually going to happen.
Did Hogg and Q give their F2 a name yet?
>anal wanted the final 6 deal to come from cliff
>cliff is gonna offer them the final 6 deal
dumb and dumber
max hardcore extreme teens 2
lol cliff didnt even hesitate he practically dove into nicks lap
nice legs
>cliff: i would do that deal in a heartbeat
lets go!
cliff said bimbo jumped to jackson and holly after the pov ceremony and showed her loyalty is with them
he's in
If this works, Hogg and Q are safe for next 2 weeks.
Snack or Holly wins HOH: Tommy & Misty go up
Misty or Nick wins HOH: Snack & Holly go up
They should be safe through F7.
did she put ice in her chocolate milk
Yes, like a true Patrician.
>yfw Big Jess wins HoH and nominates quarky
Nicole would have loved pre slop BB. She'd jump on being a Have Not.
if nick wins HoH hes putting up the fatty, thats what hes been preaching for at least a week, wouldnt be surprised if nicole went up as a pawn to try and get jess out either
>we know you are a man of your word and when you shake on something you mean it
>yeah, i'll shake on that 100%
>never shook on it
Big Jess would nominate Nick and Tommy because of muh feminism.
nick telling anal
gays are women
>its a jackson plays an amazing game and drags analyse to f2 but loses because christie, kat, quirky, and jess all vote muh feminism muh female winner
cam 2 - fag dancing, old man with tits, 250 lb woman in bikini
now christie
tommy wants to take anal to the end
christie wants to take anal to the end
cliff wants to take anal to the end
nick wants to take anal in the anal
males lost this season when they let jess get to f2
nick wants final 3 with tommy and anal
Fuck off and die mate
to jury*
What the fuck is this even going to die? Buy them a week or two? They're fucked.
boot order
I honestly think the only way jackson or nick wins is if they're sitting next to each other
>Libtard hates Trumptard
why does his twitter profile picture look like a shitty standup comedy special on netflix with a name like "Jason Roy: Sometimes All You Can Do Is Laugh"
It gets them to F7. Cliff thinks the double is next week and this is a good play to get through that. He doesn't know that Grodner shifted up the schedule.
jason roy's 30th birthday tomorrow
cliff playing bug brother
sorry jason, tommy is based
>people actually thought that the season will become fluid and interesting
>production pets just replace 2 dangerous players in their 6 person alliance with 2 goats and go back to steamrolling
Oh wow, F7. They get slightly more pay before the boot.
is there even gonna be a double this year?
the more nicole loses the deeper she goes in the game
At f7 you can comp beast your way to the end. It's mostly mental at that point. If they play their cards right it will be:
With this lineup, Hogg should run the table.
Too bad Hogg is outmatched in both areas.
They don't need it if there's no CC2.0
Knowing Grodner, there's going to be some gay ass reset or some other stupid twist because she loves twists and the double.
Hogg is a PE, you have to have at least an 130 IQ just to get through both tests and he went through school before all the PC BS happened so his degree is legit.
Yes they will have the late-game double instead of the mid-game and late-game double.
That means F7 down to F5 in the blink of an eye, then F4 goes when the feeds are down, then we have our F3.
they usually do a "special live eviction episode" at F4 before the finale, like on a sunday or wednesday
looks like im cancelling the old hick and the retard because they wanna hang with the cool kids
lets go jackson and holly, they are the underdogs!
Yea that's exactly what I was referring to, when they take the feeds down for roughly 24 hours or whatever it is, for the special eviction episode.
want to hang with the cool kids? they're playing this strategically.
which one are the cool kids?
If this is their play this week, then Hogg and Q would want Holly and Snacks to win HOH next week to take care of Misty for them.
This wouldn't be the first time that a cock has been this close to his face.
>a daring synthesis of le shiggy chickatello
it's 2019, so the gays, the ethnic and the woke molestor
>you guys, this letter just got slipped under the door...
nicole's face when she realized anal still has to wear the bird costume until friday lol
cliff really over selling it by saying her eggs are good LOL
fucking kek
he really going after it
jesus christ cliff get out of anals ass already
He's OTB, he needs all the votes.
i know im just messing. they made a deal and desu he has been kinda hanging out with her for her entire punishment and they even played pranks together earlier in the season. he genuinely likes her but knows theres just not much there lol
jess would look pretty hot right now if she was 100lbs lighter
>takes Nicole to F2
>reddit in flames
>quarkyfags on suicidewatch
>twitter initiates racewar
can't wait
There's a real lack of milk this season.
they did a good job analyzing the america vote thing
they blaming it all on the vote flip day
anal said it would have been tommy and jack
cliff said him and nicole were probably behind her and hes correct
if you won big brother would you buy your jury votes snacks at disney?
would be kino desu
underrated post
is that the type of gf 500k brings you?
I'd sneak snacks in for them.
If Anal wins this season over Quarky, Grodner and the jury may need to go into hiding.
bring them cookies to dunk in all that milk
does bimbo know she is going yet or ? she seems pretty calm
IDK if I could sneak all the snacks Snackson would need. How do you fit a whole watermelon into your backpack?
No, she thinks she has Snacks, Holly, Jess, and Nick's vote.
were the cams on jackson and bog when he dropped her on her head?
>does bimbo know she is going yet
not yet probably tomorrow
yeah but it was like when he smashed her head into the metal bar in the RV. all you saw was holly clutch her head in agony afterwards
said no one ever
you gotta pre-cut it. I’m not sure how many you could fit in there, even that way, though.
mistie and quarky talking about kat / holly / bimbo
>tfw you are running the house again
except for me in the post you replied to
i love smug christie
that grey square shutter looking area on the wall behind nicole
is that where the tunnel to the kitchen goes?
it looks like it
Fags watching other fags the thread. Have sex
Is Tommy gonna save Christie? That's a shame.
yeah, never noticed anything like that there in previous seasons, must be.
kat is going to sniff out the new deal and tell jess about it who will in turn confront nicole and cliff
already did
anal and christie are going to tell her they keeping her to prevent that actually
showfag get out. You must watch at least 4 hours of feeds a day to post here
He already did. Stop being a dumb fuck and read the thread. It’s not fucking hard
what's she thinking about?
holy shit analyse
how it the hell does she function
is this a shoop?
>Jack... dick... nick..
Jack and Big Dick.
>Nick... jacked... dick...?
they put bog through concussion protocol
>cams switch
i prefer the real anal.
i said, the real anal.
>ywn trip acid with sis
they telling the deal to tommy
>tommy still wants the 6
tommy really wants holly
anal doesnt want to be the person to take out jackson
i think tommy is gonna shut down the deal
Tommy doesn't get a say. Mistie will fist him into submission.
Who would Jackson put up
Christie and sis?
Christie and tommy?
christie and nicole
it hurts bros
How does she keep getting less and less attractive?
They've only been in there a few weeks
tommy really scared of cliff going far, saying he could win the game
I love Kat!
And get Nicole sent?
Are you retarded or are you gonna reply with a “Misted lol”
jess kat cooking kat in the hammock
she wilkl never acknowledge your existence
if i meet any former bb houseguest i can kiss ass enough that they acknowledge my existence
mike boogie remembers me who else in /bb/ can claim that
i memed with ian irl bro
he said hes gonna tell both of them they are pawns
really dumb but whatever
Who hasn't?
It's okay, I love lots of people.
max dawson invited reddit (including me!) to the survivor: worlds apart wrap party
i hung with malcolm, joe, mike, rodney, dan, will, shirin, carolyn, tyler, joaquin, missy & baylor
didnt talk to any of the cute girls because insecurities
rodney was the coolest, dan foley was a good dude also
reality contestants are pretty chill if you arent weird with them
hi moo
jess finally waking up kek
seems like a good opportunity to restate my desire to CUM ON RACHEL AT THE BEACH
not gonna lie bro thats fucking cringe
hi Ian :)
I just want to hang out with the bros at Splash Mountain like old times.
too bad that you got drunk and started to ask girls to touch your dick
you are missed on rhap
I memed with Frank on twitter about emilio estevez because he peed next to him one time at the kentucky derby
I saw Matt from BB19 once at the Phoenix airport but I didn't say anything to him.
new thread
good move