Other urls found in this thread:
it wont have duel of the fates or battle of the heroes
This is just desperate at this point.
It's just fanservice, that doesn't mean it'll have time travel.
It's also more proof that John Williams can't come up with anything original anymore.
Serious question, was there a single memorable track on either Force Awakens or Last Jedi?
Does this mean Rey really is Shmi and Sheev raped her to make Anakin?
>they even brought back darth vader and palpatine
The mouse is desperate indeed
More likely he's just phoning it in because he doesn't give a fuck anymore. Which I don't blame him for
It's clear that Disney has dropped their outrage farming tactic for Star Wars, either because of Jar Jar Abrams or because they know they fucked up with the franchise.
When TFA first came out he had an interview where he briefly mentioned he was working in batches as the filming went along, rather than having a finished product and making the score over the course of a few weeks.
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the reason they were so bland and poorly fitting was because the original scene the music was meant for got gutted and reworked after the music was composed.
They don't see it as themselves fucking up. They see it as the fans "not getting it" or "not appreciating it."
how do you know that
Because only Russian nazi incel trolls like the prequels
Obvious desperation tactic. Not time travel.
If this is true, Disney deserves to fucking go under.
They're making even more?
It's not really the producers fault for just following their jewish instincts, but how can incels and redditors still swallow down this massive log of shit every year?
I wonder how their going to fair after episode 9 considering how much this sequel trilogy and the two spinoff movies have relayed on nostalgia because the nostalgia is going to dry eventually
I mean like by the end of this next film they will better much be out of human OT to reuse
Correct me if I’m wrong but I have also heard there is talk about how younger people don’t really care about these newer films
Oh God no.
Kylo Renn has a memorable cue in TFA
It will, along with all the iconic prequel songs. And every media outlet will remark that these songs have never accompanied such brilliant scenes as in TROS before
Cap this post
No. Though if you listen to the soundtracks in isolation,TFA is actually pretty decent (don't know about TLJ). They just used the music horribly for some reason
>when star wars was still full of wonder
>was there a single memorable track on either Force Awakens
Rey's Theme keeps coming up, but I can barely remember it 4 years later.
Why fight it?
Ham fisted Time Travel is someone even normalfags unrelentingly shit on.
Doing so after such an obvious fuck up as TLJ will be the admission they've refused to say out loud.
>Star Trek '09
>Episode IX
Why the fuck is Abrams obsessed with time travel?
>Remember that thing?!
>I remember it too!
they had a story to tell back then, actually giving the composers something to work with thematically
>Why the fuck is (((Abrams))) obsessed with time travel?
Because he's a Jew. Jews are obsessed with chronological alteration because it fits within their cultural revisionist agenda and they want to apply that to real life in order to make everyone one singular race and reform their own version of "Yahweh." It could also be because he's a hack and realizes that Rian wrote him into a corner & time travel is an admittance to finding an easy way out.
>Jews are obsessed with chronological alteration because it fits within their cultural revisionist agenda
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Fucking idiot.
The chinks are the Jews of East Asia, and you don't even realize it. Cry more, Western Kike.
Star Wars died years ago. The shambolic bloat-thing is wearing the skin of Star Wars as a disguise.
I remember the Kylo Ren/FO theme
Not that i can remember
Kojima did it better
i got you bro
He's 87 already. I won't blame him.
There really is going to be fucking time travel, isnt it?
How does this confirm time travel?
Recording usually goes for several days straight. Because Williams is ancient and because he's a celebrity he has the leeway to record on and off over a long period of time. On Last Jedi I think it stretched over a period of a year. Writing notes on a paper doesn't seem like "hard work" but it's very mentally-straining and time consuming and John has always been meticulous about his schedule: at least two minutes of music per day, even if it's a bad day when he's not feeling up to it.
Plus there's the problem you mentioned. Modern composers have tons of underpaid assistants to generate multiple versions of a cue on the computer, to both give the director options and also because the picture is constantly being re-cut. It's sadly common to go to the recording stage and find out that the music you wrote suddenly doesn't match the newest picture version. Williams probably doesn't even know how to use a computer so he's 40 or 50 years behind the modern music scoring process. So working in batches also allows him to revise cues he's already done as the picture changes.
because it contains themes of characters who are already dead
As a whole they're nowhere near as good as the soundtracks for the original 6 films, but I really like these tracks:
>what are force ghosts
>what are flashbacks
>what are characters referring to old events
Reys theme is pretty good
>what are force ghosts
No every dead main character was force sensitive
>what are flashbacks
Flashbacks of what? Shit we've already seen? lmao
>what are characters referring to old events
No reason to play a theme
Do you understand how leitmotifs work? It stands to good reason that each character will make an appearance if each theme will be present.
the circle is now complete.
or its just john williams running out of material so he's rehashing old themes (again)
Themes are for 8th grade book reports.
The problem is, these tracks sound like derivations from other movies John Williams worked on or just remixes of preexisting tracks. The Canto Bight and Ahch-To themes sound like something ripped directly from Harry Potter. March of the Resistance sounds vaguely similar to Indiana Jones. It's just like what said; Williams just doesn't have an ounce of originality left like he used to. At least with the Prequels and Originals, they struck a chord that identified their music as distinctly Star Wars. The Sequels, however, seem to suffer from general blandless that devolves into an identity crisis of sound.
>The Spark
Most of that track is forgettable except for its ending.
>We will never get to see expanded universe Luke in live-action
It hurts so bad.
Why did Rian give us Jake Skywalker? Why?
>Every theme I've ever heard!!!
Rey’s theme is the only decent thing ever made for this fucking sequel trilogy. I don’t blame John Williams since he probably thought Rey would be something else before the final versions came in. The amount of effort he put into it shows. The last Jedi is just him not caring, there’s not a single track that stands out. Even the prequels have some decent tracks
It's going to be End Game.
They cant think of a proper ending to it that would feel satisfying so they just run through everything people liked from the prior films so that basedboys cum in their fucking pants with "i know what that IS!!!"
Then Disney should understand that if the fans "don't get it", it's Disney's fault
When i think of the OT I immediatly think of the Imperial March. For the prequels its Duel of the Fates. I cannot think of a single original track from the sequels that stands out.
I like this one.
If I buy a movie ticket to listen to John Williams but not support Disney Wars, is that ok?
It's not like originality was his strength. His two most famous themes, SW and Superman are almost the same.
>everybody says Rey's theme is great
>listen to it
>it's shit
Why do this to me?
If they believed that, they would push the prequels on everything.
Dual of fates doesn't deserve this
Kotor is still safe. They won't do kotor.
I'm looking forward to Ramin Djawadi scoring DB Weiss and David Benioff's new trilogy consisting of Star Wars X, XI and XII.
>Star Wars EPX
>the New New Republic falls to yet another clone of Sheev’s empire
>the Empire will always survive in some shape or form
>the Jedi failure cycle continues forever
Sheev always wins baby
i saw the video. don is clearly and old guy doesn't really know the series too much and referred to "darth" and "the phantom" themes. he probably saw a bunch of the old themes like in the last jedi plus a bit more and thinks it's every single one. most of the fans don't even realize qui gon had a theme.
No you fucking retard, they're for Wagnerian operas. That was the point.
I mean, yes, but restating a theme isn't the same as recycling.
It's going down the Marvel comics route: Nothing matters since time travel is possible.
>there is a track titled Fun with Finn and Rose
rehashing themes is repackaging old stuff as a new theme, this is playing the same themes again
Well that just reeks of desperation, just reusing every track from the entire franchise's history.
>it's a clip show
>buy the IP for 4 billion
>throw out 40 years of lore and lucas episode 7-9 outlines
>dont plan anything out
>push human centric postmodern politics in the galaxy far far away
>make shit up as you go along ruining everything in the process
why do these people have jobs?
why are they not punished and wont suffer any consequences for fucking up this bad?
>track isn't fun
TOR already raped KOTOR
It's actually Disney's master plan to redeem George Lucas in the eyes of prequel haters, by making a trilogy far worse than George Lucas ever could.
ooooh hopefully there will be the Love Theme from ep 2
or them fucking it up on purpose as a final fuck you to george for being hollywoods opposing force all these decades
I hope you're being genuine. That song's dope
They're fairly different. They also were written within a year of one another.
I'd argue the Harry Potter (Hedwig's) theme, Jaws, and Indiana Jones are equally iconic and all quite distinct.
Is there any single recorded instance where this worked?
Except Endgame had justification for the time travel, Thanos destroyed the Stones, so they have to travel to different MCU movies to get the Stones, and the movies they choose are based on the character’s knowledge of their previous encounters with the Stones.
how do you expect anything to be good when they make these movies so fast??
The OT and PT took three years each for every movie.
In the last 4 years they released 4 movies and will release a 5th one this year.
That's three movies in six years, versus five movies in four years.
No, and if anyone says Reys theme then kill yourself
Rey's theme is an unused Harry Potter track
Just listen to it, it sounds far more like HP than SW. Williams phoned it in.
>tfw the official MGS theme couldn't be played in this part because of copyright lawsuits
What a fucking faggot way to end the series, fuck suits.
Reminder that MGS3 pachinko
I hate quads of truth
I don't remember any, so no.
goddamn it
The Spark
Bravo Disney
I don't care what anyone says about MGS4, it definitely has a ton of dumb stupid shit that just doesn't work but when it does, you get absolute kino like this whole scene.
Just you guys wait for the sequel-sequel trilogy written by David Benioff, where Liquid Snoke pops up to seduce Rey's black daughter.
John Williams brother literally confirm Duel of Fates in the video. Retard.
The force is female because the force is Rei making the whole series work.
Why did he shill for TFA?
Holy shit I literally can't remember one
Hahaha fuck please. I want the franchise to hit a brick wall.
The most memorable track from TLJ:
star wars is dead
He is 87. It is very likely he has very little energy to get into the fast paced schedule of modern movie making anymore.
>No reason to play a theme
No, it's completely ridiculous to play the theme that was present during an older event as an audio callback that compliments the visual callback.
No. And there's no logical reason why it would, either. It's the online equivalent of throwing salt over your shoulder to repel the devil. Even on the off chance you had found a real 50 center, why would his own employers penalize him for merely encountering a copypasta, which would be a normal occurrence in the course of his work? It makes no sense at all.
>tfw John Williams doesn't understand what's going on in the Sequel Trilogy so he made a bunch of bland themes and now he's recycling all his SW work
What a sad way to end his career.
>TFW One of the single biggest brands of all time has been so thoroughly destroyed that the fucking composer who made one of the most iconic scores of all time has admitted to phoning it in and recycling old material because he just doesnt give a fuck anymore
My god, it took less than a decade to kill Star Wars
Very interesting thank you.
Fuck man that is beautiful
>I will pretend I don't remember any track because I need to fit in with Yea Forums so bad, but also if anyone says they remember the track I remember then DIE
Seems incredibly desperate. They know Rian and Last Jedi killed their easy cash cow, and this all seems like a giant backpedal to salvage whatever holdouts of super fanatics that still remain.
What will happen when Episode IX brings in less cash than Solo?
the only decent track is march of the resistance
Am I wrong or does it sound a lot like the confederacy motif?
I was amazed when I found out that TLJ had original material aside from the drowned out Canto Bight theme. The Fathier's theme is new, but it doesn't stick at all.
FO fanfare and Rey's Theme from TFA are memorable.
ding ding ding
You're probably right and my coming days are ruined until at least the middle of next year.
It will be snippets in the "force flashes" scene.
Kylo's theme is aight.
Even the Spiderman from Raimi?!!!!
>duel of the fates
Sign me the fuck up
Fanserv finally got to me anons
Nop there's no a single memorable track in Nu Wars, just think about that, the franchise know for having the one of the best soundtrack now doesn't have any even the fucking avengers have 2
Rey theme is literally fucking harry potter, pathetic
I would bet this was going to be D&D's trilogy but who knows if that's even happening now. I fucking hope it's not.
yes it's sound like when Qui gon and Obi wan arrives to Naboo and the Federation is landing, Nu Wars tracks are just remixes or variations
March of the Resistance sounds like the Nazi theme from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
More like he could but they dont want him to. Really it's not his fault.
why the fuck do people always name the same boring star wars tracks
this is the actual best track from episode i
>there are heroes on both sides
It actually did sound ridiculous when Snoke paused for the Imperial March to play when he berated Kylo for not living up to his expectations as the new Vader.
They need something to hold on
It is the most memorable new piece of music in TFA. The Jedi Steps is great too, but it's part of a medley with Binary Sunset and Rey's Theme.
>It's actually Disney's master plan
More like George dabbing on the OTards/Disney and Kathelyn
rian is an idiot who's never had a talented composer and has no appreciation for what the score can add to a scene.
>he said darth vader so you play the theme
the melodramatic pause only makes it worse
>even the fucking avengers have 2
Are you referring to the theme and the one piece that appears in Cap America winter soldier when he visits the museum?
>"redeem" the prequels
>by completely devaluing both them and the OT with the new narrative
these are memorable tracks the Rey theme is a harry potter unused song and it's not even good just listening to these tracks you can imagine what's happening in scene with Rey theme at most you can see harry arriving to Howgards in the boat
I would put money on it being slightly profitable out of context (meaning only looking at budget vs money generated by the movie) but that isn't anywhere near enough when it costed so much to acquire the rights to. Not to mention the opportunity cost to tying up those resources in a project with a mediocre payoff
People claiming this is good are deluded. Not surprised this was a deleted track. It's weak and not memorable. It still strongly sounds like something from HP too.
The time travel in Endgame was a coward retreat, they didn't needed it until they made Thanos destroy the gems in the same movie
The credits to Winter Soldier were the first time I noticed Captain America having a theme in the MCU.
With Thor it was clear from the beginning, Ride To The Observatory and A New King are fantastic, Iron Man got Can You Dig It in 3. The general theme for Ragnarok is great, too. Even in DEVO format.
It's still the most memorable new composition from TFA. That's not a high bar to clear and it doesn't stack up to Lucas' Star Wars' scores.
>The time travel in Endgame was a coward retreat, they didn't needed it until they made Thanos destroy the gems in the same movie
Thanos was wounded from Infinity War though, there really wasn't much more to do with him in his current state than what they did at the beginning of Endgame: Execute him.
I was talking about the Avengers theme and the one for Thanos youtube.com
It reminds me of the background music that plays on Alderaan in the TOR mmo.
It doesn't really sound like a character's theme. More like generic fantasy background track to listen to while questing.
even videogames had a better soundtrack than Nu Wars
>holy shit I still have to do one more movie
>fuck this, I'm just going to do all the old stuff again
Three reason the NuWars soundtracks suck (in order of most significant):
1) The movies suck and he is not inspired to create anything really great for them.
2) The process of writing for these films was completely different. In the past he would work with Lucas, discussing what kind of music they want in each scene, how the themes would used to tell the story, etc. Now they just tell him to write tunes and we'll just edit it together later and hope it works.
3) Williams is old and past his prime
This. It reeks of desperation.
george lucas actually wrote all of the original star wars music
Rey's theme is confirmed to literally be left-over shit from Harry Potter.
>There are retards STILL latching on to RLM nonsense
We already know the plot. Almost the entire thing has leaked. This will obviously be related to the "flash fights" concept we've known about for literally months. Stop being retarded.
Rey's theme is fucking garbage, stop spouting this shitty meme.
What if the leaks aren't accurate?
Is John Williams washed up or did the (((mouse))) start interfering with his compositions? Or both?
>durr Rey theme so guud~
Sounds like a fucking background boring tune, not something a character would have. So I guess it fits her, garbage and underwhelming kek
Everything which has come out subsequent to those leaks has matched with what the leaks said, including concept art and the trailer (including Palpatine's return). The leaks are coming from sources which are actually close to the film's production, whereas RLM are just some guys who watched a trailer. There's no reason to believe the speculations of the latter, and no reason as of now to doubt the former.
Kylo's theme is actually really good and iconic in its own right.
Even his theme in Major Key is better than anything else in the ST.
Everything else is dog shit. Especially Rey's theme.
Based Rey's Theme triggering incels
They already had a triumphant snippet of Kylo's theme in the teaser trailer. I wouldn't be surprised if he does get a "Light SIde" theme in TROS.
It's such a shame. The old Star Wars OSTs were genuinely fantastic music, and legitimately revived a dying orchestral scene in America in the 70's. Star Wars led people to truly great music and I'm afraid the new trilogy won't do that.
I'm a woman and you will never have sex with your dogshit cuckfu Rey. You will have to watch her get railed by Darth Chad Ben instead because he's the only man in the Galaxy that would go near her stanky ass and it's only because he is literally mentally ill. Enjoy.
It's honestly the shittiest them a character has ever had in SW. Unironically. I love how Rey is so fucking garbage, her "popularity" is literally just people forcing memes. She has no real fans or anything people really like about her.
>Kylo gets two themes and is the true protag of the ST
>Rey gets an underwhelming meme theme and is a nobody
lol keep crying Reyshits.
Desperate waifufag incels are the only people who like Rey though. Try again.
>t. Rey
Wash your ass.
Darth maul with robot legs became a technician and dedicated his life to developing a time travel device powered by sith energy.
Rey has to capture the energy of the emporer that is in a mysterious forest and put it into a space thermos and then bring it to darth maul so they can turn back time.
The space travel messes up because of the emporer's evil intent and forces them to have to jump between all the events of prior movies to make it to the right time period where they can stop the empire at the beginning.
It finally culminates in darth maul betraying them and fighting side by side with the physical emobidment of the emperor against Rey and Kylo Ren.
Rey isn't even popular either lmao. How embarrassing.
lol nope Maul is dead and it's canon
Reycucks have lost control of the situation
3 Reycucks confirmed dead; death toll expected to rise
>people care more about a fucking robot ball than Rey or Finn
How could something that sounds so bland even get nominated for a fucking oscar?
meanwhile the Kylo fangirls are busy ironically shitposting about their murder husband because he's the only ST character people actually care about
I want to fuck daisy
They are going to retcon Rei into being the reason everything happened in the prequels and original trilogy aren't they? She's gonna be the one saving the day behind the scenes.
funny thing is no one is gonna see it besides that guy from the webm with the pink cheeks. Guys like those that will slurp what ever shit disney shits out.
what if she is actually a Willes?
Disney still floating fucktons of rumors by paying off shills on youtube and across the net to drum up excitement for their fuck up?
Still pissed that they let JJ talk them into trying to remove the OT cast and replace it and the entire thing with his unbelievably deeply retarded bullshit so he can get himself a piece of the pie rather then old georgie boy?
You guys know that there are millions of force awakens toys still unsold and and that they are sitting in a giant fucking warehouse right now? Right besides all of the unsold last jedi, solo, and rogue one stuff?
That I SHIT YOU NOT this shit is DIRECTLY responsible for the death of Toys R' Us?
its actually sad the only kids I see that like rey are in staged social media pictures.
Because he'd spent so long watching the prequels that this seemed infinitely better at the time.
His Plinkett video was not so friendly towards it
will disney send people to theaters to buy bags of tickets like before?
Based quads. Yes, they won't let the Solo fiasco happen again.
user. You know good and goddamn well.
This. His TFA video was still weak af and more of a general response to the genre he created. It was easier to focus on that because there were still two movies coming out which could go into vastly different directions. Difficult to learn hard on one side then.
He basically ripped TLJ apart. He was being friendly about it because they have a lot of industry connections now (low tier, but still) and can't shit on these movies anymore like they used to.
user, no one likes kylo ren.
Any "popularity" the guy has is paid for pr by disney and maybe the actor's people.
Best part?
One of the rumors Disney's people is floating is that the completely uncharismatic ass faced slob is apparently going to put on darth vader's costume.
Oh lord I hope they go with this one.
I really hope that Diz gets a good buzz from the fake rumors aka story ideas they are floating/JJ decides to go hard on his ridiculous time travel fixes erreything bullshit.
I want both star wars and trek to burn.
Maybe well get good sci-fi now. Sci-fi that comes from the frustrated talented geeks out there who want to create somethign to fill the void.
can't they just go back to the prequels?
do a mystery thing like with the senator.
do some light saber battles
throw some battles and gladiator fights, show off some cool warrior, do a space battle close up showing the designs of space ships and battle effects, show stuff getting blown up, have a betrayal/redemption and a grand stand. Thats all it takes to make a star wars movie. Its too late now though TFA never got the kids and casual audiences attention and TLJ was the killing blow.
To be fair I think he's just lost his touch, it happens to composers all the time especially when they hit Williams' age. Obviously doesn't help when he's given such limited material to be inspired by, the prequels at least had a plethora of insane shit to work with.
funny how over time most directors and people in the industry actually talk about how good the prequels were and how everyone after the prequels pretty much copied lucas and his style. Then you look at TFA and they followed that boomers advice on how to make a good star wars movie and it fell on its face.
Did the Live action Lion King debacle make a billion yet?
Money, stupid.
ya they have the money to do it. And the stock loss of a bad movie is worse than just buying their own tickets.
Time travel is what a hack writer would use as a last resort, when he can't find a decent story.
>n-no one likes kylo ren it's all fake!
>i h-hope they do make everything about Rey in the end! I-ironically of course.
Keep coping cuck. Your turdfu will never be relevant or popular. Reycucks are pathetic kek
She cleans up real good. Fantastic tits mouthful tits, and when she's not all anorexic and inoffensibly flat and shit the ass is PHAT and round and goddamn.
And I've always wanted to dick down a british bird who's vaguely legal.
But...you know. She's reu.
Keep dreaming, Reyshitter. Daisy herself said she's not the lead in this trilogy hahahahaha cope more
God Rey is so ugly..any girl in rey cosplay looks way bettter. What was Kathleen kennedy thinking.
Kids love Kylo Ren.
That she's not the main character anyway, so who cares if they cast a literal who probably.
She has that hot-as-hell androgynous look. I'd fuck her up the ass while grabbing them A cups.
Dude he soft balled TFA because he was getting fat sacks and he wanted to lick JJ Abrams ass.
He shitted on TLJ because they needed a movie to be so bad that it makes JJ's absolutely retarded goddamend bullshit and disney's fucktardation look BRILLIANT in comparison. Also to clear the pallet of all of the absolutely stupid bullshit that Abrams did and finish the job of killing the OT while keeping his own hands clean.
The complete and utter fuck up of pure motherfucking profit that was the SW thing could not be kept under wraps by disney. BR could not pretend that they were just poor innocent victims in this because a lot of things came to light recently and they are being shown as talentless hitmen for greeddy retards.
Kylo Ren and Rey's themes? Honestly, I can't think of anything else.
Oh my god.
We all every single fucking person here can see what you are.
Take your bullshit back to fucking youtube and twitter and where ever.
Or I will personally call your ass out.
No. They know Kathleen Kennedy fucked up the franchise. They are trying to patch the ship without firing her publically so they don't look like sexists. Once this round of the shit show us over she will quietly go away next year.
I like the piano when Rey was sledding down the sand dune.
the salt planet thing was so stupid only thing dumber was crashing a space ship into another one at the speed of sound to save a guy from suicide charing another ship and then kissing a guy who is not interested in you in the end and wanted to fuck rey.
They're literally having Rey butt-in on every duel in the OT. Screenshot this.
That was a good moment.
But they are. Park entrance numbers are way down and Summer is almost over.
Spend another Billion building a star wars theme park
nobody goes
It's over.
We all know that Disney was approached by JJ to do what he did for star trek and cut out Lucas.
Problem is that ST is a dumpster fire across the board and no one NO ONE likes it.
They can't even do fake outrage or get the "anti-woke" people to help direct and control the hatred for the new franchise.
Even doing a full on assassination of the franchise with TLJ and throwing people like the chubby asian girl who can apparently suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch if rumor is to be believed is going to protect Disney from their initial fuck up with JJ.
There are still TFA toys sitting on shelves in dollar stores today. The vast majority of which are in "the warehouse" right now.
Basically. They will probably use time portals like in the cartoon to pop in and out of different times and events we saw before. The ultimate memberbarries. It will all culminate in the first order being defeated before it ever got off the ground and the 3 planets they destroyed never being attacked. Hell I bet they will go so far as to make it so Kylo was never tempted by snoke so he continued to train with Luke and never became evil.
Oh yeah.
Their investors are out for blood and Iger's ass is in the fire right now.
Like he fucked up so bad that his life in real danger.
But it’s worse than the prequels
Theme music can be technically great, but if it doesn't fit the mood of the scene then it falls flat.
Because of this, the best tracks IMHO are from the original. Because Whenever I hear them I can close my eyes and see scenes from the movies'
> Main Title - A title Scrawl
> Throne Room and End Title - The medal presentation
> The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - Vader walking down a smokey corridor
Which leads me to my favorite, which may not be technically superior, but it conjures up an iconic setting.
Prequels were good. They generated lots of money and kept the star wars hype. Plinkett type boomers hated it but they have shit tier opinions.
Based Kylo.
Based Kylofans.
Wrong and very blue-pilled
>Like he fucked up so bad that his life in real danger.
user, if they use time travel, then SW is absolutely dead.
Also, no one likes KR even as a villian and they quite honestly can't pay the audience to give a damn about any of these retards in Disney's debacle.
>triggered Reycuck
>Oh my god.
>I will personally
does anyone like how ever since George sold off star wars to disney it united millennial and zoomers against the boomers who said the OT is better than the prequels?
cope some more incel
>His Plinkett video was not so friendly towards it
They spent half the video on ring theory and didn’t give it half the bashing.
>no one likes these characters, b-but especially Kylo!
Go to bed already, fat Reycel.
Link to those leaks, kind user?
TPM was a huge letdown, but it's still kino despite stilted dialogue, questionable editing, and Jar Jar. The music was also amazing. AotC seemed to be better, yet it was a mirage, some cool moments, but otherwise worthless, whereas RotS is superior to AotC, but can't compete with TPM.
tl;dr a letdown SW movis is still a SW movie, while the sequels are AIDS with a SW sticker on them.
>Rey's theme
Boring and forgettable. Sounds like bg music.
I miss her
I'm dead serious.
I know you're getting paid to do this but.
You can stop now.
It's obvious to everyone what you're doing.
how many billions can disney throw at shit before it starts hurting it?
>They don't see it as themselves fucking up.
They obviously see it that way, shit people like Abrams or Johnson or the tards at Lucasfilms doesnt.
There's a reason they are using Sidious and now this as a bait for the oldfags who abandoned the franchise.
It's already hurting.
Disney is being raked over the coals in the media.
Worse yet, they are fucking up/letting them fuck up the marvel movies.
You know the thing that does nothing but print pure fucking cash that they own outright?
>The entire movie is going to be a recap / flashback of the "amazing moments of the series" or something gay like that.
Its going to be Hollywood Studios recap movie
The only obvious thing here is how cucked you are, Reyturd.
Well Sideious having almost god like powers and having to use time travel to stop him would be interesting. But Marvel already did it and it felt cheap. Beat him at his best not with gimmicks.
This is honestly really pathetic and desperate. The Force Flashes are just a lazy and contrived way to provide fanservice to OT and PT fags and you losers will probably eat it up, too. They will most likely play the themes when they are "flashing" between different places.
It sounds like it's just going to be "fanservice: the movie" How sad.
They better at least do right by Kylo.
It wasnt rape. Palpatine is actually Kylo who travelled to the past. They tried to get together one last time, and thats how Anakin was conceived. Then Kylo had another of his schizophrenic mood swings, became 100% evil and sent them both to the past. Ray lost her momeries and was left to die in a desert planet.
>Kylo and Rey have an intimate and cool bond that serves the story and the characters and their relationship
>let's just turn it into some fanservice thing that has no real purpose
lmao JJ is a hack
>implying anyone in this thread is going to give Disney any money ever again
Maybe the redditors are so weak willed that they will go see it
>Kylo is Palpatine
holy fuck lmao
You already see people in these threads saying they will see it "if x shows up". You braindead fanboys who love fanservice so much are not any better than the SJW shills you hate. Neither of you give a fuck about storytelling or characterization. Just go play with your toys.
I can envision the entire asteroid chase scene in my head shot for shot scene for scene from just listening to the music, down to when the music does a light twirl at the end as the falcon shoots up and then down calmly into the cave to hide
Kylos sword is stupid and killed Jedi Combat.
And it makes Snoke into Plagays retroactively
And every Skywalker is now their own great-grandfather
More like she and Kylo fuck and she gets pregnant before the final battle. Then when they go to face off against Palpatine he tries to mess with their babby (little unborn Ani) in Rey's womb. Kylo dies to protect her and babby and Rey is sent back in time, the trauma over losing Kylo causes her to lose her memories.
But it was Rian who both baited Reylo super super hard and "subverted" it in his own movie.
>Reyshitter still seething
>it was Rian
>subverted it
lmao at your life
Don't worry, they will get their happy ending. JJ will give it to them because they are his Prince and Princess afterall.
So am I. His company has tried to undermine real families with horribly evil propaganda, so the idea of him on the run afraid amuses me. His fucking life is not in danger, though, so it's ok.
he's 187 years old man ...
This is your new Sith Lord
JJ, like everything in his life, only prepared a small path to kyloxray romance, along with a dozen of alternative ways. Because "muh mystery boxes"
Rian is the one who "developed" it
JJ did interviews where he said there would be a lovestory in the ST and that it was the most important thing to him.
Just listening to his commentaries about Kylo and Rey make it obvious it's them. Especially since he and Kasdan made the entire premise of the story centered on the two people of the new generation: Kylo and Rey. TFA title refers to both of them.
JJ also said that he wanted to go about the love story in a different way though and that fits Reylo to a T. Even Rian said something similar that it wasn't a 1:1 to something like Han and Leia.
did she suck dicks to get the role? I need to know. link me to some rumors.
>things only develop in the second movie of a trilogy
Thanks, Captain Obvious. JJ did his damnedest to sow the seeds for Reylo so that they could be developed. He even made sure to friendzone Finn at the end of TFA so the audience wouldn't get any ideas.
Yeah, Reylo is a love story that is actually developed and drawn out over all 3 movies.
Leia and Han and Anakin and Padme were very in your face with them making out all the time.
Funnily, Reylo has more chemistry and believable relationship than either Han/Leia or Anakin/Padme. I guess that's what happens when you actually care about the romance and aren't just using it as a background thing or a plot device.
So are Rey and Kylo supposed to be Jaina and Jacen or Bastilla and Revan?
Yeah, but Rian killed it. How can you see JJ salvaging that shit?
>Funnily, Reylo has more chemistry and believable relationship than either Han/Leia or Anakin/Padme
As low as a bar that is, I disagree. It’s as much chemistry as you’d expect from Twilight.
Rey and Kylo are Rey and Kylo. Your faves aren't canon anymore.
Why’s snape with griffith?
>Rian killed it
In you delusional brain. He even said that the entire point was to get Rey and Kylo to a point so that you want to know what happens next between them and now they are "very complicated enemies" Translation: they want to get married but have to fight each other.
They keep using the "it's complicated" thing at Celebration, too. The TROS is very Reylo-centric, moreso than it ever has been.
You're wrong and have autism.
*The TROS marketing is very Reylo-centric
omg he's so tall and dreamy~ uwu
>entire premise of TLJ was getting inside Kylo's head more
>the main takeaway of the movie is supposed to be that they caught feelings for each other and you want to see what happens next between them
>b-but the trilogy is not about their romance!
I know BB8 is Poe's droid, but do the two actually hang out that much in the movies? BB8 is with Rey and Finn all through TFA, and I can't remember what he was doing in TLJ.
Yeah but it was horribly executed and in the last 30 minutes Kylo had another of his fits, tried to murder rey, his mom, and everyone else for no reason
BB-8 was clearly supposed to be Rey's droid seeing as there is concept art with her and BB on Jakku and Poe was supposed to die in the opening of TFA. They can say he's Poe's droid all they want, he is just supposed to be the mascot that you associate with Rey. They just try really hard to shoehorn Poe into everything because Oscar cried about not wanting to be killed off, but it never works.
>horribly executed
>wahh kylo did what kylo always does
You realize he murded his own dad in front of her and she gave no fucks and wanted to give him her virginity anyway, right? No one cares, Leia and Rey still love him and you just have to deal with it, nerd.
>for no reason
Stay triggered, fat ugly incel.
user, they spit in the face of the old loser star wars people and worse failed to create even mediocre new characters and stories.
Do you think anyone fucking cares about sidious? Seriously?
I know that they are OT baiting. They called hte movie the rise of the skywalkers or something.
Han and Leia's son is that ass faced cock sucking retard kylo ren.
Han died POORLY
Leia is dead IRL
Luke...luke was just...done bad.
They NEVER had the original three appear on screen together
Disney litterally slit the throat of the golden goose.
They had nothing but pure profit in their hands my nigga.
It's going to be shakey cam everything shiney nonsense isn't it?
Look Abrams has his talents, but he also has a style that's weak as shit and has no place in anhything with anything resembling a story with some type of depth.
He fucked it up.
No brakes on the Disney rape train.
No actually.
He barely talked to him and it was obvious that poe was supposed to be luke the hotshot pilot.
Rey and bb8 was just...retarded. SHE CAN SPEAK DROID DONTCHA KNOW!!
Fin and the little robot?
They had the most genuine chemistry of any two people in the entire fucking first movie.
And there's a reason why they are hard pushing finn and rey as frands adn poe and bb8 and frands...even though the former barely spent any quality time together and the latter didn't even interact with each other much in the last two movies.
The scene were bb8 gives finn the thumbs up is probably the best scene either character have had in the enitre misbegotten franchise and he and the robot should have been the new dynamic duo. It made perfect sense from a marketing perspective.
Um, that's Ben with Rey in Padme's wedding dress.
>inb4 episode 9 is just one giant clip show
I'm pretty sure it is seeing as they even reference Ben in some of these.
If it makes you feel any better, some asshole blasted those dresses out to space. It is still foreshadowing Leia getting a granddaughter and I like to think Padme's wedding dress is safe.
>Still better than episode 8
Yeah and I also heard the Donner Superman theme in Justice League, literally the best superhero theme ever made, but it didn't stop the film from being shit
The final battle between Rey and Kylo will be set to Yub Nub.
If the Clone Wars happened why we still got B2s?
No, that was their damage control angle. They know well and good that Kathy Kennedy fucked it all up and that's why she's out
Ben Kenobi?
anyone got that screencap of that frame from episode 9's trailer that confirms that ANH Star Destroyers are in it?
Are those Super Battle Droids? Were they reprogrammed to serve the New Republic?
The only song from nuwars I remember is the bounty hunters theme from Solo
No, her son Ben.
Naboo and Endor represent important points/things in her life and Ben represents the point after that.
>Severus Snape and Daenerys
>user please send this to William's for inspiration
Duh duh duhnunununuh
Duh duh duhnunununuh
Duh nunuh nununuh nuuuuuuuhhh
Hump hump, Humphumphump
Dick tish tish shopoboom tish tish
dun nuh nuh, nut butt dununnuh
Dun huh huh reeeeeeee huh huh nununuh
Pooooooopppppeeeeeee dooodeeedooo
Dick tish sh shit sh sh dick tish.
So kino it hurts.
All this proves is that the REAL Star Wars fans are not on Twitter.