Say something nice about this character

Say something nice about this character.

Attached: who.png (1242x1721, 2.34M)

Imagine the sex.

He existed.

You could throat fuck snoke without even using his mouth. So that is cool.

Did they reveal how he got so fucked up?

Andy Serkis delivered his lines pretty well.

He had blue eyes.

Which film had the better character design for Snoke?

Attached: snoke tfa vs tlj.jpg (1413x633, 104K)

Why the fuck did they change shit in a movie that takes place literally a second after the other?

Cool robe, cool ring, cool ship.

Because in proper lighting the TFA Snoke looks like a big baby. Just look at OP's pic, that's the old design.

he looks ugliar than a rotting corpse

Yeah but they should’ve thought about that during TFA. Once it’s established, it shouldn’t change. Same with Kylo’s scar.

he didn't take up much of the screentime

wasn't she in endgame?

They're inconsistent in their own films, shit's funny as fuck

He rocked the fuck outta the Goldmember coat

Who's that?

He's white, nice blue eyes.

Reminds me of Thanos' design changing twice in the MCU, and also The Emperor's recasting between ESB and RotJ.

Literally who?

If I fuck Snoke in his gaping head vagina, can I get him pregnant?

hardly even a character

>They're inconsistent in their own films
Not just in character design, but in motivations as well.
>TFA Snoke: "I must complete Kylo Ren's training!"
>TLJ Snoke: "lulz get lost, stupid kid in mask!"
There was nothing going for this villain and he ultimately proved to be pointless since there's no consistency in this fucking trilogy.

In TFA, he looked more alien.
In TLJ, he looks like a deformed Hugh Hefner.

He cute.

Same with luke
>TFA Luke: Here R2D2, here's part of a puzzle for finding me in case of an emergency
>TLJ Luke: Oh, no I came here to die
Why the fuck would TLJ Luke even leave a map?

I do not have enough information to formulate an opinion.

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i loved goldmember

he has beautiful eyes and his dick probably looks like his throat so thats a plus

>1 off

Attached: dubsman.jpg (295x368, 11K)


This all because Kathleen Kennedy said "yes" to everything that was suggested to her and the Story Group. There was no clear planning from the beginning and no overarching story flow, despite what JJ claims. Even Rian partially confirmed this when he mentioned finishing the draft for TLJ before TFA wrapped up filming and how much TFA clashed with his initial ideas. The reshoots, time travel leaks, and JJ saying "Fuck it" affirms that TRoS is desperate damage control, literally Lucasfilm admitting that they fucked up the narrative cohesion of this saga.

Attached: zed98.jpg (600x600, 48K)

whats funny is, even if TRoS was miraculously the greatest Star Wars thing ever created, it would still be part of an objectively shit trilogy and people are still so disenfranchised from TLJ that they just don't care anymore.

nice step up

He had lots of potenital. Too bad Rian killed him off early.

Why does he have so many vaginas on his face/neck??

At least he spoke truth in his last words, I think was Ryan shitting on Jew, this trilogy was so full of shit, no wonder a woman orginazed all this crap.

I want his comfy pajamas.

He could’ve been cool but we’ll never know

What character?

They forgot.

He did a good job reenacting the last scene of Return of the Jedi.