Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think this happened. I think she made the whole scenario up to try to say "see I did receive consequences! I've taken my licks. I'm one of the good ones again, lets all move on now"
Basically defusing the one thing everyone brings up whenever she tries to inject her idiotic junior-high opinions into the national discourse
Lemme guess she’s gonna pretend she’s white to the media
>us white people blah blah blah
And then face zero ramifications for this, jews don’t suffer any consequences for their actions
>complaining about the outrage culture she has been contributing to for half a decade because it suddenly works out bad for her
Funny how people switch up
She's aged poorly.
If only I had shoulders that wide.
Bad guess.
>Silverman criticized “cancel culture” and how easy it is for those in the public eye to have their careers destroyed over one mistake or one misspoken word which could be construed as offensive, a phenomenon which she dubbed “righteousness porn” and said is primarily driven by the left. “I think it’s really scary and it’s a very odd thing that it’s invaded the left primarily and the right will mimic it,” she said.
>Silverman had already apologized for the blackface incident multiple times, even as far back as 2015 when she called it her most “regrettable joke.” She also told GQ Magazine last year that she does not stand by it. “I’m horrified by it, and I can’t erase it. I can only be changed by it and move on,” she said at the time. She also told the magazine that it was “liberal-bubble stuff” where she “actually thought it was dealing with racism by using racism.”
>“It’s like, if you’re not on board, if you say the wrong thing, if you had a tweet once, everyone is, like, throwing the first stone… It’s so odd. It’s a perversion. It’s really, ‘Look how righteous I am and now I’m going to press refresh all day long to see how many likes I get in my righteousness.’”
“It was like, I’m playing a character, and I know this is wrong, so I can say it. I’m clearly liberal. That was such liberal-bubble stuff, where I actually thought it was dealing with racism by using racism.
“I don’t get joy in that any more. It makes me feel yucky. All I can say is that I’m not that person any more.”
In 2015, she called it her most “regrettable joke”, yet said criticism of the image was based on a lack of information.
“There’s a still of me on Twitter in blackface and it’s totally out of context and I tweeted it when Twitter was new and the people who followed me watched that show and it was from that show,” she said. “Now it’s forever there and it looks … it’s totally racist out of context and I regret that.”
Well, she is a woman
The canceler got cancelled.
She used the N word with a hard R
>“Now it’s forever there and it looks … it’s totally racist out of context and I regret that.”
Who jews a jew??
Answer : another jew
Are they really pretending that they didn't know about those pictures when they hired her? Really?
Pics? I bet it wasn't even that bad.
Nah he's right. She only cares when it impacts her. She has no issue with hopping on the dox train for others to ruin their lives.
Just another shifty kike getting her just dessert.
its only her face and no outfit or anything ted dansons was much worse I mean he did it at a roast
this fucking awful whore is the most hypocritical cunt i have ever seen
she's been on the "cancel culture" side shitting on her former comedian friends for this exact kind of bullshit but when it happens to her its a bad thing... FUCK OFF
>Wrinkly hands
ew, no
ted danson did it and he still got work on CSI
Didn't we JUST have this thread? Fucking redditor newfag scum
She criticized it because she knew it could directly effect her. She actually did try to ruin someone with a false accusation of sexism, so it's not like the concept bothers her.
Why do these retards facilitate """cancel culture""" at every opportunity but suddenly when it bites them in the ass it's a problem?
It's the same faggot samefagging replies
>Silverman did not name the film but discussed “cancel culture” with Simmons, saying that the current climate had left her feeling fearful. “I think it’s really scary and it’s a very odd thing that it’s invaded the left primarily"
>“It’s like, if you’re not on board, if you say the wrong thing, if you had a tweet once, everyone is, like, throwing the first stone,” she continued. “It’s so odd. It’s a perversion. It’s really, ‘Look how righteous I am and now I’m going to press refresh all day long to see how many likes I get in my righteousness.’”
What cucks. Even Disney didn't seem to care about it.
its obviously sarcastic and not a realistic blackface which would have been waaaay more racist.
This is just silly.
When I was a kid I swam in ponds and rubbed mud on my whole body to look black....is this racist aswell?
Is it time for /ourjew/ to make a comeback?
>is this racist aswell?
Are you perceived as being white? Then yes. Everything you do or have ever done is racist.
I really hope so let her and Mel make up and make kino
What? LIke the way hands are?
Context doesn't matter in a witch hunt.
>is this racist aswell?
That depends on whether or not you vote republican
How the fuck is blackface even racist? Christ niggers are so god damned sensitive.
"Ohhh the sun shines on my old Kentucky hoooome~"
>"see I did receive consequences! I've taken my licks. I'm one of the good ones again, lets all move on now"
Nope, she has outlived her usefulness. She will never reach near the prominence she once had.
Beetlejuice 2 when?
>not a realistic blackface
What does that mean? Like RDJ in Tropic Thunder? Blackface isn't supposed to be realistic, it's meant to be a caricature. Fucking zoomers.
He was married with Whoopie Goldberg until in some unfortunate party he got too drunk and started to tell nigger jokes.
>constantly mocks and bashes the Catholic Church and Jesus Christ
>can't handle don't Aussie bants
Is the exemplifical of a seething buttmad hypocritical Jew?
I would agree with this.
Not too bad for 48
Like that documentary guy who #metoo'd himself before someone came forward
the most mind-boggling thing is that he was married to a qt girl and had an affair with whoopie fucking goldberg life is a meme
uh... have you seen her shower pics?
Tell me when he starts lying
sarah silverman is an annoying kike whore but this is literally a televised bit, who cares? i was expecting some shady, off the books, super racist selfie of a get up complete with a slice of watermelon and a KFC bucket hat for a halloween costume
Bet she gives good whoopi.
She used to be friends with Gavin McInnes.
He got plenty of flak for it at the time though. And it happened like 25 years ago. Everybody knows about it.
I'm not saying it will work, I'm saying that's what she's trying to do
Are you stupid? She talks about in the article about how dumb cancel culture is. Did you read the article?
Just have Schnapp play Lydia's son. also this picture is just adorable
Once again the Jews overreach and everything backfires.
Jews never stay punished.
Even after Polanski dies, they'll canonize him like they did Trumbo, who you can't tell me wasn't a jew. He wrote the screenplay for fucking Exodus.
>ywn be hugged by Winona Laura Horowitz
>ywn have a gf like Lydia Deetz, Veronica Sawyer, Kim Boggs or Lelania Pierce
>ywn have a mother as loving and caring as Joyce Byers
>ywn cuddle with Winona
I'm fucking tired of all the politics diversity and drama
suggest a comfy 80s/90s movie
80s/90s movies are problematic and you are a bad person for liking them
The Goonies
wrong. you might not like her, but she was basically the only person to defend Louis CK
watch Heathers
You're wrong, literally just making shit up because your brain has rotted away from listening to teenagers and bitter incels on /pol/ so now everything has to confirm your bias even if it's not true
Right? She’s built like fucking Bluto.
When did people forget the words Reap what you sow?
>doing blackface in the currentyear+2
what was she even thinking, i could understand if it was 2010 or before...
>you're wrong because /pol/, incel
There's evidence in this thread of her trying to cancel people.
>open thread
>not a single jpeg of her sexy curvy body all wet and steaming in the shower
Christ what an embarassment
What if it's both?
It’s that whole “liberal bubble” thing she talks about. She’s not wrong, but she’s so utterly devoid of self-awareness and introspection that she’s oblivious to how it all applies to her as well. That’s the mindset that an overwhelming number of them hold. They’re inherently incapable of perceiving their own hypocrisy.
My man.
>Retard jokes
>Gets an Oscar nomination for it
>becomes a beloved childrens superhero
How did he get away with it?
Did he write the script?
Because that’s not RDJ in blackface, it’s Kirk Lazarus as Sergeant Lincoln Osiris. In blackface. It’s the difference between playing abracist and actually being one.
These are the same people that salivate over the thought of Trump saying the word
the fact that she got fired for a bit is fucking ridiculous.
One of Kurt Cobain's favorite bands lol
Name one good role she's every had, that wasn't voice acting.
It was literally a different time a lot has changed in 10 years.
This infuriates me. She has been doing this shit for years, while the right was called racists for not subscribing to PC culture.
>tfw Jews and (((Al Jolson))) originally created blackface in film about jews and blackface and tried to shift the blame onto whites once it became unacceptable
hoist by their own petard
>rightwing individual gets fired
>leftwing individual gets fired
>How the fuck is blackface even racist
A Fox News anchor got fired for asking that question
Yeah? Your point?
Except that she had no motivation to,
No one is attacking her, her social standing is the same as ever, and she's not known for attention grabbing bullshit outside of standard comedian nonsense.
More like, I have a theory that's fun to believe in: the post
She just posted tits on Instagram the other day. She looks awesome for 50.
so is he technically marvels first black superhero
An entire episode of the Sarah silverware program was in blackface. Idk how she got away with it even then lol
She was all for cancel culture at one point though
this. There's no admission of guilt. There's no expression of understanding that cancel culture itself is wrong. What she's saying shows she still thinks canceling problematic individuals is good, but she's bemoaning the fact that someone other than Hollywood Jews has any say in who is problematic.
there's no contradiction here
>does blackface gag
>the entire joke is predicated on how wrong and bad it is to do blackface
>the whole point is that it is bad and wrong and tasteless
>some executive or something: "this is bad and wrong and tasteless"
Why do you keep posting this in every thread? It's too late for that. Everything is politics now, and the people who made it this way are starting to regret it
>wanting justice is hypocritical because you if you don't want bad things to happen to people, that includes not wanting them to happen to the people who cause them
didn't you know, portraying a character that is a racist buffoon is actually LITERALLY racist. We need to cancel the estate of the old lady who said "up yours, nigger" in Blazing Saddles.
She's a vile yet fuckable jewess.
they don't make 'em like that no more
she's jewish so it's ok!
based strawman
Texas chainsaw massacre 1-4
She calls it a "perversion" when it's done to people on the left. Pretty much acknowledging that it's a weapon only to be used on conservatives.
I'm sure she would have eventually realized her mistake.
>I'm fucking tired of all the politics diversity and drama
>suggest a comfy 80s/90s movie
Night of the Comet (1984)
what potential condition would make you actually agree with it
>It's too late for that. Everything is politics now
So he can't be tired of it? Think before you type.
God, what a wretch she is
Good looks doesn't mask a rotten soul
what a fucking asshole
who hurt you
What character was she playing at the time?
Her "remorse" is solely based on her lie hurting "the movement", not that she actually has any sense that she did anything wrong beyond making a "mistake"
smug jewess
a selfish narcissistic woman-child.
How did Iron Man's dad get away with it?
>To Al, I truly am sorry to bring you into this
She seems to imply that the "mistake" was using his real name, not making up the story in the first place.
But Jews can't be racist! They're a discriminated minority. What is this antisemitic bullshit?
>What the answer should be
It's a period piece and people are able to put context to situations like this.
>What the answer really is
SJWs don't watch Mad Men because it's a sexist muhsuhgynistic male power fantasy!
Raimi had his back.
We live in a krayzy world. Jews jewing Jews.
She didn’t make up the story. It really happened. The problem is she was a guest spot, which aren’t paid (yet got ten bucks for ride money).
>“Their morals, their code; it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see- I'll show you. When the chips are down these, uh, civilized people? They'll eat each other. See I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve.”
Literally no fucking sign of that
Jews cant help but to Jew. Its in their DNA. If a Jew was the last human on earth they would Jew themself.
Those were just regular jokes that happened to contain nigger stories.
Based Jokester dropping the truth bombs.
She knew it was guest spot. She made up a story where it wasn't and the owner belittled her for wanting equal pay to a man.
Yes, I said it was a guest spot. It happened 15 years ago and she was asked on the spot. It’s safe to assume she just forgot that detail, especially given she was paid (guest spots don’t get paid).
Jews are white too dumbfuck..Judaism is a religion and not a race.
This was in a satirical bit it seems. So, was it Cernovich and his pedo possi, who dug it up and told the bosses, that it was serious again ?
IG took them down.
some good ol' great disorder in small honkong
the left has made it very clear they will accept no rationalization or context that makes any possible perceived "-ism" okay.
racist jews are a hoax anons, stop it
>I once lost a job on a movie because I was once a bad person
>no, I won't tell you WHICH movie, but I definitely lost a job over it
>I was yucky back then, but I'm better now
post it
Thats what you get whitey
>This was in a satirical bit it seems
In what universe does context matter? Racism is racism and if you're a racist you're literally a racist forever. Forgiveness is only for those who are pure and who aren't racist.
It doesn't matter who "dug it up", if it existed at all then it's enough for her to be killed for being a Nazi.
Sort of like that time she went on Twitter and posted a rant about how she once got paid half the money a man did for doing the same time on the same stage at the same comedy club.
Except the owner of the club came out and told her that she literally wasn't scheduled to perform, showed up and asked to be put on and he did as a favor, and she got paid a little bit as a courtesy, she wasn't paid what the dude was because he was actually booked to perform by the club and she was not.
This is now a Janeane Garofalo thread!
tits and neck moles match
he's so gay
wait thats aid medicine in the pill box ewww
Aliens. Nobody gave a good fuck about casting or the potentially racist anti-immigrant narrative. Now - "Aliens?!" WTF are you REALLY trying to say with this obviously militaristic approach toward something that doesn't look like you??? Jesus you fucking bigots etc....
whos he ?
fugly horrible body 1/10
It's not safe to assume that. She didn't say that she screwed up the details. She said she shouldn't have used his name. That's very different than "I forgot what happened".
wtf I understand blackface is problematic now thanks pol
The stupid thing is that the show where this blackface was featured was actually quite good.
Harvey Weinstein is a jew, retard.
and that an hero jew guy
Wtf, I hate cancel culture now that it happened to me!
What the hell is this body type?
>wait thats aid medicine in the pill box ewww
t. AIDS nigger
>Sarah has been denied entry to a tennis club, supposedly because she is Jewish, and argues with a man that claims being black is harder than being Jewish. Sarah tries to prove him wrong by putting on blackface. Meanwhile, Brian and Steve buy and smoke medical marijuana.
Original air date: October 17, 2007
This is now a thread, where we try to look at good old movies (80/90/00) from a perspective of a typical twitter retard with blue checkmark.
My turn. Indiana Jones franchise.
Another entitled white man attempts to colonize and terrorise brave people of color. This monster is even cruel enough to take a young boy from his family. This is Trump's America.
Cool it with the anti-semetic remarks.
He robbed a bank when he grew up.
Gotta start lifting and eating.
I smell this image
Oh yes.
I'd go to jail for that.
IKR? That white savior complex in Temple of Doom. The exotification, othering, and orientalisation of Asian cultures. Just no.
My vote for worst 80s movie is pic related. The use of trans bodies for comedy is unacceptable in any era. Just think of how triggered the closeted trans people of the day must have felt when their identity was mocked for cheap laughs.
We should dig up the producers and directors and burn them like a dead monks in 1920s Spain. Except that would be desecrating a Jewish cemetery.
SJW would largely approve of Indianna Jones because the enemies were nazis. Temple of Doom would get a lot of shit and Indy's womanizing would get criticized but other than that (and maybe some of the arabs that get shot) it wouldn't set off too many alarm bells.
Friday the 13th would get a ton of shit for violence against women, slut shaming, and making mental illness out to be a monstrosity.
>doctor you newfag
Given the /pol/ chimpout Dover midsummer thefts probably go nuts over Wicker Man
Imagine Porkys , Risky Business, 9/half weeks all banned
Over midsommar*
t. Dr. AIDS nigger
TFW you can't escape from your shitty world, with you waifu and alienbro, inside a fucking flying fortress to defend The Frontier against Xur and the Kodan Armada.
Fuck this gay Earth.
>imagine that niggers can be doctors
Cries out in pain, etc
I don't have to imagine. This guy is the only in-network oncologist approved by my HMO.
jews running hollywood artificially overrun it with black actors, directors, and more diversity quotas. can't get a job themselves now.
As a black man I'll admit I do find this shit a little offensive, it still wouldn't stop me from pounding her ass though. Sex can heal all wounds.
10/10 would worship
She said she purposely gained weight for this role to look more like a "real" women and has said she is going to do more full frontal nudity in the future to show the other end of the spectrum when she is at her most fit.
fucking lol
you're thirsty sarah silverman is old as fuck
She knows all the racists and right wingers who harass her on Twitter are going to see this. What's going through her head where she wants them to see her naked?
The Hudsucker Proxy, underrated Coen movie.
>You know, for kids!
after reading the article, I agree. It's made up shit possibly to cover other stuff that may come up in the future
>with you waifu
reminder she cucked him behind his back
>Why would an attention whore want people to see pics of her?
Gee, I'm stumped.
>cucked him behind his back
Reminder, to be cucked he has to know and agree to accept it. Words have meanings for a reason, retard.
Disney sure did have some trippy ass movies back in the 80's /90's
Can of Worms
What ever this movie is
Why do (((mods))) fear the truth
Good. I love when these people eat each other.
>no Dave Chappelle
Zoomers, I swear to God.
They delete/ban way more often for anti semitism than racism these days. I can say nigger all day and be fine, but call (((them))) out and insta ban
Cry more tranny
>Night of the Comet (1984)
Saw the trailer, looks like a fun movie, thanks user
>he doesnt know the most uppity jewess have massive white blonde goy nazi fetishes
we're literally beasts of burden to them
can the kike bitch suck trump to redeem .. lts memes
What? Are trannies notorious for being anti semitic?
Based BBC bull telling it like it is, politics be damned
She looked 22 up until she was 36 and she still looks good for her age.
>Reminder, to be cucked he has to know and agree to accept it.
no it doesn't, you goddamn cuck. Stop watching cuckold porn, it's corrupting your brain.
Yeah, that's cuckold, not cuck, genius.
inb4 cuck is short for cuckold. Whatever, grandad, memes don't care for dictionaries.
I'd still hate-fuck that vile jewess.
>jewess milf with class a zettai ryoiki
Yep, true jewfu fans know she even openly spoke on Howard Stern that she hated having to grow out her bush for that movie because she's normally shaved bare
cuz he is literally too based, like father like son
i always knew she was hot, i can't believe some people's brain function like this: she is X race, so i don't like her. Makes me laugh
I actually like the Sarah Silverman program. It's one of the most politically incorrect shows I've ever seen and the style of humor works for me.
maybe this jewish refrigerator can find a job at seven eleven sticking mountain dew cans up her rancid twat to cool them off
there's only 60 percent of her cerebral cortex left and of that 30 percent is dedicated to sucking cock
maybe if she was hoping to focus on granny porn
>she hated having to grow out her bush
what a fucking pleb, droppred that bitch
We did it, Reddit!
why do you wanna eat hairy jew twat? the hair gets in the way
Nice. Good to see another incel nazi racist get BTFO.
Why do you want to eat a twat with no pubes? It'll be like eating a prepube... oh. I'll shut up now.
Because I don't want the hair getting in the way while I tongue that kosher goodness. I just said that.
Why doesn't comedy central get shit for airing it then?
>completely misses the joke
You're German, aren't you?
>“It’s like, if you’re not on board, if you say the wrong thing, if you had a tweet once, everyone is, like, throwing the first stone,” she continued. “It’s so odd. It’s a perversion. It’s really, ‘Look how righteous I am and now I’m going to press refresh all day long to see how many likes I get in my righteousness.’”
how oblivious are these retards?
because of black fragility and the fragile black ego being indulged by the media and sjws
Yeah how else would I get Jew girls to fuck me?
monster from darksouls
Fuck that kike bitch.
that's karl malone...what's the problem?
>tfw its summer and the darkies are gay
She deserves it for looking like such shit, not even committing to the red lips
Go look up one of her nude pictures, and try to type that again without puking. Literally every ounce of flesh is sagging on her thirty years before it should be
>thinks like an animal
checks out
New season of Attack On Titan is looking good.
Anons, i just unearthed some old photo of Bruce Willis. We need to destroy his career, like, right fucking now!
This is rich coming from her. I swear she has the IQ of a brick
I am enjoying see kikes get kiked lately. Nice one, universe.
Very strange considering Rob from Always Sunny did black face a couple times now and even said the N word on his show and got a new show with Apple TV, and his wife also did blackface & had a show on FOX.
It's simply because Sarah never toed the line.
Historical context.
Look up the history of black face
>i always knew she was hot
Look up her nudes that show more than she wants you dingus she's built like a fucking brick shithouse.
Everything's always been politics you fucking moron, you finally just got old enough to realize it.
This, peep Big Trouble in Little China
I never understood why blacks go crazy for white women
Good, she deserved it, she called for peoples firing "especially Rossane" when her hitler gag came out.
She called for firings over the black face thing and people called her a hypocrit, and looky looky, she got canned for it.
I didn't know Aaron and Christina has the same height
Everything's relative. Have you seen black women?
It's seen as "trading up" and something of a forbidden fruit as well. "If you get a white women, you're at the top".
>its been on YouTube for several years now
Nice excuse to reneg on a contract
Mainstream American politics might have convinced you otherwise but if you want a look into hell look at justbewhite, demand is still sky high
>50 years old
Jesus time flies. Cant believe she the age of a grandmother now, all i can remember is her young.
You just admitted to ban evasion.
>how she got away with it.
It was around 2005, the height of the Howard Stern "shock-jock" years.
Even Stern is trying to backpedal away from some of the (hilarious) stuff he did then.
>She said she purposely
Yeah. Right
based black man
The lad believes she gained weight in her bone structure my dude no reaction image is gonna convince someone like that
I thought that was Mike Pence.
I preferred the story she told when she was almost-raped and grinded on during a sex scene. Would love to ID that movie.
I remember when it was happening, even then I thought it was in bad taste. The majority of consumers are oblivious to what is actually good.
Speaking of blackface, remember when jimmy kimmel did it too? And jimmy fallen? And Darrell Hammond and billy crystal, and Fred armason
Is that the black panther?
why is she still so hot
Same fucking story with Louis CK. Everyone love's being in a lynch mob until the mob runs out of people to lynch and still have some rope left over.
Around the same time they were told about "the right side of history." I wonder how man of Stalin's inner circle felt with great confidence they were on the right side of history, or even the right side of socialism. I imagine some of them even believed it when they were face down in a ditch about to be shot.
kek, good shit user
>You just remember what ol' Jack Burton says at a time like this: "Yessir, the check is in the mail!"
I think it's more status symbol than forbidden fruit at this point. It even explains the divorce rate of black male white female marriages. What does a rich man do when his Mercedes starts giving him too many problems? He trades that shit in for a newer model.
Sarah is a unicorn. I've never dated a funny chick. Even tried fat ones since the rumor was they had personality. Naw they were just fat. I even turned to PUA books to help me. FuckanA. Found one that lists places to meet Sarah like bitches. Now I stalk open mic nights.
nah she was fired because she's annoying and not the least bit funny
have sex
I'm pretty sure those 'unrealistic' caricatures are considered more racist than 'realistic' blackface by our/the clownworld, otherwise RDjr's life and career would have been ended after Tropic Thunder.
The fact that any of this is even considered racist at all is fucking hilarious to me, though. Our society is so weak and pathetic. We've literally forgotten what racism is. Now we're punishing comedy and imagined/hate crimes.
>Fat chicks having personality
>Just fat
Basically this. Either they're super accommodating to the point of annoyance or just massively passive aggressive
>jewish """""""humour""""""""
Why is Tyler so based?
honestly funny but she said 10+ things that would get a goy/male in trouble and have their life ruined, not just nigger. she such a fucking hypocrite cunt
formerly funny