I miss him bros

I miss him bros

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inb4 triggered poltards

He molested millions..

Gordon Ramsay Uncharted is pretty kino if you haven't checked it out yet.

cucked to death
can’t think of a more fitting way to go for that dude

Literally babby's first travelogue guide and responsible for all the terrible entry level food documentaries on Netflix.

Did he really commit suicide in prison or was it an assassination?

>people did a bad job copying him so its his fault

That’s epstein you fucking retard

I..miss him daddyos

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Alton Brown is still the most kino celeb chef.

the thing I found most grating about him, and fuck there were a lot of things, was way he contrasted breathless reverence towards shitty brown people street food vs. shitty white people street food. He was so taken with the exoticism and yet manages to be so arrogant about the whole thing, using 3rd world poverty to show you how he's better than first world proles

Meanwhile you have someone like Andrew Zimmern that seems to have boundless respect for anyone and everyone, and treats hillbillies eating BBQ off white buns the same as Burmese street stall vendors, or Sardinian shephards making maggoty cheese.

OP's pic is Epstein, fag

Im going to put this show on my backlog, thanks

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I think bourdain didn't learn the right lessons as an addict because it's part of what made him so successful. He thought he knew what true suffering was but never hit the bottom as hard as zimmern did. Zimmern's knowledge was hard won and genuine. He is a real person. Bourdain was acting until the moment he realized who he really was and tied that noose. That said, I still love no reservations

guy Fieri is pretty cool guy as well despite everyone goofing on him

like you wouldnt fucking believe buddy

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So edgy!

>being butthurt over a bourdain meme

go be a fag somewhere else.

Too much of a smug cunt for my tastes

It's just not very funny m8

it was pretty funny maybe your just emotional about him being dead still?

bourdain was a faggot kill yourself like your hero you piece of shit

Zim Zam is /ourguy/

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Can anyone redpill me on Zimmern's background?

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Former homeless heroin addict

I remember catching one of his episodes on tv once. Was in the Middle East, Arabs were preparing some goat. Brought a live one out, showed the entirety of them sawing off it’s head. No reaction at all, not even a comment to the camera. Weird guy.

You're full of shit, he had many many positive encounters with poor whites on his show and clearly had no bias against them.

He goes to Scotland and loves fried sausage and haggis, he goes to iceland and loves their meme pickled fish and stuff, he even goes to the south in america and hangs out and has fun with hillbillies.

You're just a filthy liar.

In what way? Should he have been disturbed by that? It's kinda cool to see on tv if you're not familiar with butchering of animals, and really it speaks for itself.

I think you’re just a psychopath.

And as for poor people in say india or thailand having a more interesting food culture than poor non-specific white people in america, sorry sweetie, but they just do, by a LONG way.

Do you eat meat?


So butthurt!

Yes I do, but you’re the one who thinks we should see a goat being inhumanely butchered as it screams on television regularly.



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>never seen this show
>put on a couple episodes recently
>within minutes he’s already joking about killing himself

FFS he was crying for help

Do you eat factory farmed chicken, or pork?
I don't. I only eat free range.

here’s why you’ve never seen him smile

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He’s only been dead for like two days, you sick pedo fuck

He jokes about killing himself surprisingly often it's scary/sad to watch now.

The Iran one is the best.

Yea I was really taken back at first. I’ll look for that episode, thanks

Guy Fieri is respectful but he's got a retarded palate, the man won't eat eggs!

... to save billions.

They closed down my favorite brewpub so that asshat could review it, next day I talked with one of the waitresses, who told me Fierrie's assistant got his coffee order wrong and he flipped out on her yelling n shit.

who's torturing animals now cocksucker?

Why do so many redditors love this pedo?

He's waiting for you. Go to him user.

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Damn you are retarded.

It’s Anthony you dumb fuck

andrew zimmerman is the biggest dork living.

RIP in peace Jeffery! If only we could all be so lucky as to have a Sex Island.

Exactly, /ourguy/.

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Yeah this. He was only prickish about places like NYC etc. I was watching the ep about Berlin and I couldn't stand half the people he was talking to and I'm pretty sure he felt the same but he didn't give into it.


>advocates for genocide

Epstein had a freaky fucking smile. Trump chad af as always

>tfw Bizarre Foods and Ramsay's new show on NatGeo don't fill the void

I just want higher brow travel and food kino bros....

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The fact he got suicided just to switch his body with pedo guy is depressive as fuck.

Just watch the old shows. So damn good

Also, old Lonely Planet/Globe Trekker is great.

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I've seen a couple India Globe Trekker videos. I'll try looking through the whole channel.

They literally killed Anthony and kept him in a freezer in case Epstein needed a body double
Looks like that was a good investment!

Yes but what do they need Epstein for?

Kids ain't gonna diddle themselves

he was great in chitty chitty bang bang as the childcaptcher

joker smile til hilary hung him


Exactly Prince Andrew with his family yesterday to pray for forgiveness , family intervention time , like he would fuck his fugly own daughters kek

Jannies shut this thread is sick considering Moots m8 died a few days ago .

Me too, user. I met him a few times and he was a really nice, funny, genuine guy. I can't even finish watching the episodes on my DVR because it still hurts.

Uh yeah, welcome to 4channel sweetie.

I watch one episode of whatever Zimmern show was called.
he went to a little stick shack and asked the poor people living there to make him some food. We see the man of the house get to work along with his wife both very old. They explain that they would normal save the food for later as they don’t have much. After their done cooking he sits down takes one bite and talks about how disgusting it was and that it defeated him. Both husband and wife seem confused by as he leaves having taken a bite. Don’t get me wrong the whole show was about strange food and odd tasting shit but I didn’t have much respect the man after that.

i'm da jokah baybee

Should I know who this is? Never heard of him before he killed himself, but now he's an epic meme for some reason.

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I saw in some interview he was talking about some unaired footage from an african country where he was offered the foreskin of a child which was considered a high honor in their culture. He didn't want to take it but didn't want to be rude but thankfully the village chieften agressivly snatedched from the person offering it and ate it.

Yeah if only his conniving cunt of a wife hadn't murdered him.

I too remember the Baltimore episode

At least that couple was probably compensated well enough to be able to buy food for a month.