>Nazi mans bad lmao
Nazi mans bad lmao
Is this a tarankike 'kino'?
He was, he sold out his side to protect his own interest. You always kill a traitor before an enemy
>villain is bad because... he's american
what did Tarantino mean by this?
>Nazis aren’t bad
Yea Forums will be contrarian about anything
his deal with the kikes was completely out of character and i suspect only done so they could have the 'jews very cool nazi very bad' ending
Ever heard of the Holodomor, Dresden or Hiroshima? The Nazis were the good guys.
Nations meant nothing to him, he was only interested in himself.
He is in essence as close to evil as a human is capable of.
Well, it's true...
kys commie
kys nigger
Tragedies don’t outweigh each other.
show me a evil nazi and ill show some dead arabs droned by obongo
This. Tarantino thought the retarded swastika in your forehead thing was so good he had to completely force the plot to do tat to Landa and ruined the movie in the process.
>muh dresden
just don't bomb other countries lol
I wish we had a perpetual Dresden against you guys that believe this garbage.
>only interested in yourself
cuckhold mentality
which film?
Problem Child 2
the nazis are literally only disliked because of the holocaust
he did THE SAME SHIT with Dr. Schultz in Django not wanting to shake hands and then he did it again with big black dingus in that other movie with Kurt Russel.
three times in a fucking row he writes characters doing shit that goes completely against their established personality.
Quenchin Fartatino is a hack. He only ever made three good movies; Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and Reservoir Dogs. After that he went completely full retard, getting high on his ego trip, smelling his own farts.
>kill a literal hitler
>still a nazi
One good deed can't undo a lifetime of evil.
just because other countries did evil things doesn't make the nazis any less evil
Pulp fiction
>Um ackshually the nazis were the good guys
It's a Tarantula's kinographia pura.
Inglorious Basterds.
Landa showed distain for his role in the war. So when it came to being the "hero" of the war, planting the dynamite up with Hitler, it was to save his skin. Not very hard to understand when Landa years prior was boasting about how he loved being a detective. But as the years go by he couldn't hide his homosexuality. He felt conflicted with finding enemies of the state, Jews, while being a homosexual himself.
I don't like the handshaking with Shultz because him killing Candie could have lead to Django and Broomhilda being killed. The big black dingus scene is more so like The Great Silence. Kill someone in self defense, and you're good. Not out of character.
>post history
t. Reddit
>e-everyone was doing it! s-so our uniquely sinister genocide is okay!!
good goy
Did they really have skulls on their hats?
Yes, where the fuck have you been?
The worst part of this film is Brad Pitt's accent.
This face carving was ripped off from a japanese zombie film
And for invading and occupying all their neighbors you absolute mong
how can one genocide be more sinister than another?
>the Nazis were in Hiroshima
Called a Totenkopf it was used by german and prussian soldiers long before the Nazi's. In Nazi Germany it was a reminder that they would sacrifice themselves for the motherland.
>kellen NATzees
The same ways any crime could be more sinister than another
>that believe this garbage.
So Dresden bombings didn't happen?
a crime can range from a street mugging to tying someone up and torturing them to death in your basement
a genocide can range from a genocide to... a genocide?
>Landa showed distain for his role in the war.
>But as the years go by he couldn't hide his homosexuality.
>while being a homosexual himself.
>this entire fucking post
I meant people that believe the Nazis were the good guys should be firebombed like the people in Dresden were.
Let's be fair here, noone would think of an incel genocide as something bad.
>right wingers:
>just because I'm right wing doesn't mean I'm a nazi
>also right wingers:
>let me tell you AGAIN how a 10 year old movie that portray nazis as bad continues to hurt my feelings to this day
Based Inglourious Basterds, making rightards SEETH after all these years.
It's very obvious Landa is a homosexual. Why would he SPECIFICALLY ask to spare the Nazi driver's life at the end? Landa and him were running away together. Stop watching movies if you can't watch simple aspects like this. Landa is a homosexual, why do you think he let Shosanna go??? He was done. Tired. Over the Nazi shit. His character arch is trying to redeem his bad actions while doing evil shit still. Running away like the Nazis did do.
And starting the biggest war in human history.
Street mugging a teenager for a fix is more sinister than mugging a yuppie to feed your kid
Building industrial infrastructure for collecting and executing "underpeople" is more sinister than a famine that hasnt even been fully declared man made
>Quenchin Fartatino
Fucking kek
the nazis did dresden every fucking day in the east
Hiroshima was horrible but stopped the war.
Dresden was a retaliation for continuous bombing. There are cities in europe leveled by Germany, stop whining.
Commies are as bad as nazi, wow big news! You should both be shot onn sight.
Nazi planned oppression and extermination on an unprecedented scale barring, surprise surprise, commies. You are shit, you will always be shit and no historical revisionism is going to fix that.
Don't conflate me with boomer conservatives, tranny.
>that hasnt even been fully declared man made
Well if it wasn't intentional then it wasn't a genocide. If it was, then I don't really see how a different method of killing millions makes something more "sinister".
For a second I thought you were serious. This is good shit.
Woah hes based
Trust me, I don't. Boomer conservatives don't get their feelings hurt over movies.
You’re just a worse more autistic and sociopathic version of MAGA boomers
I'm actually very serious. What's hard to understand right now? Everything I said is in the movie...have you not seen it?
If you have more than a high school level of understanding about WWII and you don't hate whites, it becomes obvious that the UK and US should have never involved themselves.
You yourself listed it as genocide
No other genocide in history has been as planned, measured, and designed. Not to mention how it was sustained for years
I also dont unserstand why you're trying to insist that the holocaust was just as bad as other contemporary genocides, because even if it was that still wouldnt absolve nazis
holy shit
You know what, I'm just going to say it.
Nazis are bad.
yes, several times. you are projecting your own closeted and suppressed faggotry onto a movie character.
if you are really serious I'm lmaoing@your life
Nah, I’m glad they came in and kicked disgusting Nazis out of France and eventually out of power.
I'm not that user, I just don't think the holocaust deserves such special treatment above all other genocides.
>No other genocide in history has been as planned, measured, and designed
Right okay so it's just semantics about the word sinister I guess. Yeah that makes it creepier I guess, but I don't think it in any way makes it any worse.
Tell me why would Landa make a pardon for the driver's life at the end of the film? He is specifically angry at them killing the driver. Landa himself is very flamboyant and eccentric.
How was Dresden Hiroshima or holodomor a genocide at All?
Germany declared war on the US two days after Pearl Harbor. What should America have done?
again, not that user
>No other genocide in history has been as planned, measured, and designed. Not to mention how it was sustained for years
Denying the holocaust is pretty edgy and gay. I bet you get that from images on pol with no sources
>other groups being bad means the nazis couldn't have also been bad
The absolute state of /pol/ logic
>germany started wwii
Was it a clever commentary on how the WW2 fiction genre has devolved into sadistic revenge porn, or is Tarantino just that stupid?
>start a war that turns half or Europe into ruins and kills tens of millions of people
Yeah, such good guys amirite.
jumping to conclusion from being displeased that his driver was killed to him being a homofaggot is something else. also flamboyant is not the term you are looking for.
the pol reality warp is so strong that this is a controversial statement over there (and here by extension)
yup, hitler started wwii with his rampant expansionism and by breaching agreement after agreement that he wouldn't take any more land, poland was the last straw
>broo he just wanted the polish corridor and then he was going to stop, honest
I mean, Churchill pretty much started the war.
>UK and France are allied with poland
>Germany invades poland
So you are saying they shouldn't have gotten involved and just break their alliance with poland?
Breaking treaties and promises was the nazis thing, not UK's
daily reminder the holocaust is a hoax
And that the war was started by Chruchill
UK being at war with japan was probably a bigger motivation since there is very little cooperation between Nazi Germany and Japan. You could even call them enemies because the Germans helped the Chinese and Japan did everything to avoid war with the ussr after getting being defeated at Khalkhin Gol.
are you actually this stupid or just dishonest?
you guys acting like Germany should just be allowed to invade other countries without some kind of response are stupid as shit either way
You are a lost cause. Seriously. Why would Landa make a deal specially for that man's life? It's the same man that was the "more than capable radio operator" Landa passively says "..named..uhhh..Herman..".
Again...why would Landa switch sides at the very end, make a deal to be free with one man along his side? Explain if it was intentional Landa is a homosexual.
"You can spend the rest of your PECKER SUCKIN LIFE in Nantucket." Says Aldo before carving the Swastika on his forehead.
>using the same sopranos memes instead of actual arguments
The pol state of mind.... whack
Eh. Who cares about Poland. It wasn't worth the blitz.
>War starts with Germany invading Poland
>i-it was Churchill's f-fault!!!!!
the bastards aren't the good guys. The are just sadist who want revenge.
But does Tarantino know that, or is he an idiot who accidentally made his heroes bigger scumbags than the Germans?
Alright, user. Unironically for a sec, the Germans were just practicing their right to self-determination. The Sudetenland was historically German, and filled with German people. They had every right to push the French out of the Rhineland. Memel was Prussian, and full of German people, and the same is true of the Danzig corridor.
If you think about it objectively, look at this map, and tell me who looks like they're trying to "take over the world"? Blue or green? Danzig is so small you can't even see it on this map, but the hypocritical British Empire, that controlled a quarter of the planet, and their buddy France, which controlled a quarter of the planet, had to save the world, right?
Why is it okay when the Allies do it? Why is it okay when Britain invades dozens of countries in Africa, populated by people who don't want them, dozens of states in India, occupied by people who don't want them, and even have places in South and Central America, as well as their holdings in Canada and Australia? But Germany wants some lands that are theirs by right, filled with their own people, but they're the evil ones? You're just brainwashed.
>deserved it
>deserved it
>deserved it
Poland was a natural part of Germany
absolutely based
seething tanny
>>Germany invades poland
Germany got its land and people back after the Treaty of Versailles cut them out of Germany. They were also forced to invade the Soviets before they launched their attack on Germany.
>alliance with poland
UK was only concerned about its empire and didn't want anyone to compete. This is why they were absolute dicks in the water.
Unironically mate, have sex.
>But Germany wants some lands that are theirs by right, filled with their own people, but they're the evil ones? You're just brainwashed.
Your statement is disturbingly ironic.
Where did I say British Imperialism was okay?
German imperialism aimed at land held by other European powers, Kaiser Wilhelm wanting what the French held. The collapse of Austria-Hungarian empire might have lead to some of the lines being drawn arbitrarily, but it doesn’t change that German expansionism had been a major factor among many for WW1 so their claims on Germanic people out of their borders weren’t going to be met with positivity.
It’s fair to say punitive measures in Germany post WW1 clearly paved way for fascism, but the Nazis were still monsters.
Look how uncomfortable you are with information that goes against your conditioning.
>the Holocaust was a hoax made up by kikes to besmirch the good name der Fürer. Hitler-sama would never do something so foul as genocide against an entire ethnic group, but the kikes are tricky, cunning and manipulative and must be extermi- er.. deported?
Hitler was a homosexual, but preached against degeneracy. HAHA.
It's only war crimes if you lose.
>nazis: right is might, the victorious have every right to spit on the graves of their enemies for all time
>also nazis: n-no right isn't m-might when we lose ;_;
>I’m not anti-Semitic, I simply believe that the kikes are uniquely evil and detrimental to the wellbeing of the white race and they should be completely culled from the gene pool
actually the nazis were the good guys in the film, based Quentin
Says who?
Nice argument
All imperialism is "okay". All land on earth was taken by force at some point. That's just how it goes.
Movie is actually a subtle redpill. Shows:
What whores women are
How the kikes justify any violence against "anti-Semites"
How lacking in morals allied command was
Humanizes most of the Nazi soldiers
Associates interracial mating with people suffering from traumatic stress/mental illness
>Why is it okay when the Allies do it?
It isn’t. History isn’t black and white, but most sane people agree that National Socialism is a shitty failed ideology.
>kikes are detrimental to the wellbeing of the white race
This is 100% true.
It’s a WWII exploitation film. It took people’s natural propensity toward national pride and schadenfreude and exploited it. It is by no means a commentary on any of the things you listed. Go watch a Tarantino interview, literally any Tarantino interview, then come back and tell me you think the man is in any way capable of that degree of subtlety
Oh gee whiz, mister Nazi brah. I guess that settles that.
Oh he's obviously not intended that. But for anyone with a functioning mind, many of these ideas should pop up.
Maybe you're just seeing the things you want, as opposed to what's there.
>Maybe you're just seeing the things you want, as opposed to what's there.
I'd redirect the same response to you