Main character is really smart, because...... he's really smart

>main character is really smart, because...... he's really smart

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That's how it works in real life OP. Intelligence is genetic.

He was smart because of the elitist system of the empire so he's got the best genes which he ironically was opposed of

OP is a dipshit, because.... he's a dipshit

Reinhard being a hypocrite is a major part of his character

Reinhard is a prodigy among stagnant aristos who's aware his talent won't be inherited by his descendants. What separates him from his subordinates is the ability to lead.
If the emperor hadn't wanted to fuck his big sister, he and Kircheis would've stayed in their hovels forever.

>smart people in the movie never do anything smart

At least Reinhard had some disease where he died in his 20s so he wasn't perfect.
Yang was literally a genius and got a qt boy maid

He was poisoned by Emil

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That’s not Julian

The entire point of the fucking story is that Reinhard is the ubermench.

Hol Up, wasn't he born after the abolishment inferior genes exclusion act, which led to his inherited illness?

Yang bled out in a hallway on his way to a peace conference

I never watched LotGH. Could they beat the Abh empire?

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That shit was over 500 years before the story took place.

intelligence is not genetic

t mutt

t. aboriginal niggerfaggot

there is no data-backed evidence to suggest that intelligence is based on genetics rather than upbringing

you have failed

>main character starts making stupid mistakes... because the plot demands it

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neither is height, just eat your wheaties and anyone can be 7ft tall

Niggers adopted in to wealthy white families are still 80 iq subhumans

if you're going to make an argument as stupid as that you might as well suggest any opinion or preference you have is predisposed by genetics as well

Reinhard was a low class noble and didn't get many benefits compared to the real nobles which is why he hated them, also the emperor taking his sister

>make it so publishing data counter to claim is political and social suicide
>declare claim proven because lack of published data

Maybe he should have included a /s mister redditfag

No. Humanity in LoGH has been technologically stagnant for centuries and the Empire/FPA combined control a fraction of the galaxy, also their ftl is shit-tier which is part of why they've covered such little space.

>it's le conspiracy bro!!!!!
>it's them against me!!!!

imagine being so insecure in your beliefs and incompetent to even argue them with any kind of proper basis

Geez.. there's a lot of racists here! No wonder the sadsacks obsessed with this cartoon are racist buffoons, lmao.

>family full of generations of dipshits that completely squandered their wealth/power
>inherited his intelligence

My sources say you're a niggerfaggot, please link me a reputable study that has been published proving my sources wrong, otherwise you're just trolling

if there's so much evidence for your claim it should be pretty easy for you to recite it, no? it would sure be less embarrassing than what you're doing now

Fuck off incel

Imagine being a creationist.

Have a pity (you)

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>mom look I replied to everyone!

U mad bro?

>/pol/ faggot gets challenged to prove or make an actual argument for literally anything
>"u-u-ur gay...."
LMAO no wonder no one takes you pathetic freaks seriously

Wolfgang Mittermeyer is a manlet and will always be inferior to the chad Bittenfeld and his Ubermensch Black Lancers.

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Why do leftoids hate this anime so much