When did it jumped the shark?
When did it jumped the shark?
it was never good
I contest that it was solid all the way up to The Gang Squashes Their Beefs with a few rare highlights after like The Gang Group Dates and Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs.
Many people say that season 7 was the last good season but for me it got almost unwatchable at season 12. Season 13 was total shit except for like one episode. It didn't even feel like Sunny at all.
Or contend it, rather
I wouldn't say it jumped the shark, rather it stopped having it's original charm.
I stopped watching at season 8. That being said I still go back and watch the first 1-4 seasons sometimes.
Mac coming out of the closet.
I'm aware of the decline of the series but this season was the first one I would never watch again. Like Jesus Christ either an episodes preachy, unfunny, or both. I think the only time I laughed was Dennis freaking out because that's always funny.
I quit watching at season 7.
Honestly they need to stop now, just like south park they've ran out of steam. Mac and charlie beating up kids was kino though but the rest was either god awful or just really middle of the road
I agree, the dude who plays Dennis is sick of it hence why he's barely in it and the rest of just trying to make it work and it doesn't, too much liberal bullshit thrown in instead of jokes. Also the beating kids scene was edgy as fuck. It took me minute to realize the was from reaper and tucker and Dale. He lost some weight
I started watching live with season 3. I think 7 was the last fully great season. 8 and 9 had some very good but also bad eps. 10 was the last one I watched live and I thought it sucked overall. It’s not just the concepts, the execution is off. For example the Gang Beats Boggs was a great premise but very lackluster.
I saw bits and pieces of 11 and 12 and some were OK but some were just bad. My friends claim it’s still good and we would be watching but no one is laughing...
It’s like David Lynch’s character on the tonight show arc of Louie: “Where’s the funny?”
I haven’t seen a single episode of season 13
Escape room and sexual harassment episodes were alright
It was Mac's dance in the last season. There's no competion. Keep in mind that jumping the shark isn't just the moment a begins to degrade. It's not just the first bad episode or the first weak season. It's this:
>Jumping the shark is the moment when something that was once popular that no longer warrants the attention it previously received makes an attempt at publicity, which only serves to highlight its irrelevance.
Mac's dance is exactly that. This was the show's first major attempt at publicity since they brought Devito onto the cast. This was them trying to win an Emmy or at least look 'woke' in the process. It just so happened that the show had already degenerated to the point where the season that led up to this episode was host to some of the least funny and outright shittiest episodes they've ever made. And the episode itself was no different. It wasn't funny at all. The serious tone of the dance was completely out of tone with the rest of the show. It only served to shine a spotlight on how far the mighty have fallen that they need to resort to pretentious bullshit like this in order to stay relevent.
It wasn't the first bad episode, but it was the first to make me cringe, not at the characters themselves, but at the person playing the character (and writing the show).
That episode at night time.
>came in second for Guardians
>came in second for Jurassic World
>network show cancelled
>latest movie cancelled by president trump
>stuck playing a character you hate for the rest of your life
What did the cruel hand of fate mean by this?
Maybe cause hes a bad person
>Well, the impetus was twofold. I wanted to do something with my character in regards to his sexuality, something that wasn’t just played for jokes but that would resonate emotionally, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure what that would be. We didn’t want it to seem pandering or off-tone or off-brand or just un-Sunny. So, how do we find a way in which it feels like you’re still watching the same show and yet we’re addressing something that is so important to our culture right now?
Basically they're no longer interested in being funny. I think most of them see the show as the reason they never became breakout movie stars, so they're trying to atone for any offenses they may have caused. They've already apologized a few times for the "tranny" thing.
Remember that episode when the gang attempted to get an emmy and just decided to spit at them because they were content. Guess the show runners aren't ok with that one anymore.
What a joke
AP Bio is actually getting a season 3 and it's a lot better than the worth critics give it, mostly because it's mean spirited
It jumped the shark when Mac came out as gay. They jumped again when he got buff. The character has three jokes and he threw two of them in the trash.
The show should be over at this point
>Mac came out
>Charlie got the Waitress
>Dennis regained some semblance of humanity and became the straight man of the group, has a child
There is literally nothing more to do. Watching current Sunny is like aimlessly running around the open world of a game you already completed.
Na there were a lot of great episodes last season, in fact I'd say it was one of the best in a while but that last episode really pulled the rug out. You could argue that the ultimate joke is that the only way Mac can express his homosexuality is by sensually dancing with a hot woman, but they don't even play it like that and I don't think they intended to on any level. It is the worst episode of Sunny by a wide margin and really not a cool move by them.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. The attempt at a serious dramatic moment is fatal here.
I would say season 12 is just when it collapsed. Season 13 was worse but 12 was the first one where it just didn't have the same quality of episodes. It was so lacking in great, standout episodes compared to previous seasons. Even the best episode of season 12 I don't think I'd even put in the top 20 best episodes of Sunny.
I just want the show to end now with the gang walking into the bar and suddenly finding Frank's dead body just lying in the middle of the floor after he has a heart attack or something in the middle of the night. And then they play a final game of CharDee MacDennis to decide who has to deal with that.
When the new writing staff got to indulge their fantasies of neutering Dennis and giving Charlie his dream girl.
the last handful of episodes where they didn't all look like they hate being there