>Trinity is the first Human to see the sun in over 600 years
Trinity is the first Human to see the sun in over 600 years
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what are you talking about
Shouldn't she be squinting like crazy. The sun is very hard to look at and she has been underground her whole life too.
they were still in the matrix
That seems like an appropriate face to make, user. Consult your facial expression flash cards.
maybe for basement dwellers like yourself, i can look at the sun for 30+ minutes and be fine
Obviously the sun is replicated inside the matrix
fan theory
your wallpaper doesn't count
a retarded fan theory
if there are only a few thousand women in zion they should all be breeding at a fast pace rather than flying hovercrafts trying to escape killer machines
isn't seeing the sun without any atmosphere is different than seeing the sun through atmosphere?
Zoomers to the wall
she is so fucking ugly
the windows on their hovercraft had UV and blue light protection
now shut the fuck up
because the men weren't incels
>and Neo hasn't seen the sun
What did they mean by this
imagine not taking a selfie
well, the casts were almost had no attractive person
Trinity what did you see?
I don't know what's the big deal about seeing the sun
>Not stopping a war
Neo was blinded by Smith at that point.
The "real" world was also a simulation.
Yeah but what did they mean by this
>Trinity sees the material reality
>Neo sees the electromagnetic field
The both see reality, but not the whole.
>The only way to get to the future is together.
how is it retarded exactly?
What logical reasoning can explain Neo being able to destroy sentinels at will? Or being able to see when he lost both of his eyes?
How can you explain that , retard?
>eyes aren't burned immediately
backdoor access to the matrix/source
Like any of you have actually seen the real sun.
>he casts were almost had no attractive person
yes because the sun is actually white and not all yellow lookin'
i unironically think she's gorgeous
neither have you, cuck
>the sun is replicated inside the matrix
But that's an image going directly to her brain, she's not seeing real sunlight. Her eyes aren't used to sunlight, which is of an entirely different intensity than any artificial light.
And the last one. No way the machines honored the truce.
Of course they did. Until the events of Matrix Online
Visible light is just a part of EM spectrum.
i'm sure the machines figured out how light works
Fuck that part is bad, least favorite part of the movie.
>Trinity found that despite she is the only person who has ever seen the sun, she already knew how it would look, because she had seen it thousands of times in Matrix and the simulation was accurate and correct and faithful
>She realized that Cypher had been right all along
'The source' Is the electronic field. According to QT, there's actually just one electron, so he is able to modified it at will but some extent only.
Neo was born of the Matrix. His powers exist in the Matrix. Therefore despite whatever the sexual deviants wrote to make him more Christ like. They were still in the Matrix
Eyes on the road. What's the big deal it's just the fucking sun it's not going anywhere.
She has no control over anything then. She is on her last moment
He wasn’t emitting some magic force though. He hacked the sentinels to overload in some way because his mind was remotely connected to the matrix.
i don't think YOU have figured out how light works.
>zion and everything was just a simulation
>the matrix was a simulation in a simulation
>reality is all robots left earth and now settled on mars
Actually that user is right
There was an original plot which was like that
Its later (((people))) in Hollywood decided to change it
He is actually a super hero
it was pretty much magic, neo was performing miracles at the end because he was jesus
No he wasn’t, everything was in the confines of science fiction.
Nope. He prett much turned into Jesus at the end. The one for both the Matrix and the real world.
blind men being able to see and everyone exploding into crosses at the end. they weren't even subtle about that shit.
Everything you said is retarded.
*tips fedora*
Hack the signal by pairing with the Sentinels through Wi-fi or Bluetooth? You're reaching now
1. Not 600 years
2. You tell me no one got that high with a ship ever?
he pretty much became a living program and could control them all since he opened the door to the source code its not that hard user
Light is just electromagnetic radiation
the sun is black
Archtect confirms that the iteration of zion/matrix we see in the movies is the sixth version that has gone through the destruction/rebooting cycle. Morpheus in the cave disco/orgy scene confirms that zion has been fighting the machines for 100 years. So, it is safe to assume that each zion/matrix cycle is about 100 years long. Therefore the six hundred year comment makes sense.
what? I mean it's been forever since I've watched those shits but does it really say that zion is a simulation?
>does it really say that zion is a simulation
Are you just stupid?
yeah it's too bad humanity was retarded
WiFi signal
Only if you can see x-ray.
that is literally the explanation
The sun isn't real
Retarded christcuck
Of course the symbolism was there, I’m not denying it. Neo could see the machines because he had debug mode access to the matrix/source.
And yet that's more stupid than the double-layered matrix explanation
why does he see smith's firey soul instead of regular code
Cringecore antitheist detected. Go to church, faggot.
Well to be honest if you never have really seen the sun it would look freaky as all hell.
The second movie ends with Neo being wirelessly plugged into the train station, a program the trainman uses to get programs from the real world into the Matrix.
By fucking with the sentinel, he touched the Source but he wasn't ready for it so he bounced back to the train station program.
Neo's wireless ability isn't fan fiction, it's a plot point, and especially so in the 3rd film.
It isn’t. The robots had complete control over humans, there was no need for another layer of the matrix. It’s literally explained in the second film that Zion only existed as a form of control
Because it’s not the matrix
I bet she took a fat queef while she was at it. It probably smelled like rotten cum and sour milk.
can't outpace your resources, I'm sure that shit is autistically planned
at some point, it's a waste to used plugged people from the Matrix to reproduce since natural births can't jack in and be your front line soldiers anyway
let the naturally birthed people be baby farms
since his meeting with architect something about his "the one"ness is somehow fucked that's why he was in the train station which explains why he could destroy sentinels outside of the matrix
he can somehow fucks with the matrix without connecting after that meeting
it was literally explained by the oracle
why would a wi-fi signal look like holy fire
wachowskis aren't good with symbolism
Religion is just symbolism in the matrix.
I don't understand why christfags always call everything jesus, does that mean you are allowed to worship anything besides your holy trinity as long as you consider that thing jesus.
No, zion is not a simulation. But zion and the matrix are tied together in 100 year cycles. At the end of each cycle, zion has grown big enough to be a threat, and the matrix is in need of the anomoly in the one's code to be reinserted. Therefore two things happen every 100 years: zion is destroyed and then refounded by newly freed people from the matrix and the matrix itself is rebooted.
As for how the one has powers outside of the matrix, well, you have to accept that being the one isn't just a matter of anomolous code, but also includes the physical hardware inside of his body. He is literally able to broadcast himself into the train station and broadcast self destruct instructions to the machines he encounters because of the special hardware/software inside of him.
I want to live in zion it seems comfy
That’s why I always loved that scene.
Watch the architect scene. There's no such thing as a perpetual perfect society of control.
I think you could write a pretty interesting story around a civilization that exists in a time/place where no stars are ever visible and their sun is only ever just a diffused glow in their foggy environment. It would be a story about how an airship captain had flown high enough to see the stars, but people wouldn’t believe him, and the religious and political forces conspired to silence and discredit him. Sort of like the “Allegory of the Cave meets Contact.”
wh*thes btfo
> wtf it’s hollow
> sry farn
>I don't understand why christfags always call everything jesus
It’s simple user, 99% of movies (worth watching) are made by people living in christian societies
krikkit planet in hitchhikers guide
I'm well aware of that
my question is that does christianity allows non-jesus to be regarded as jesus?
like if non-jesus can become jesus does that mean you can call yourself jesus which in turn allows you to remove any rules in christianity or even deleting christianity itself since you're jesus
ITT: tranny loving computing casuals who hack reddit with their 15 year old gateway
and you're in this thread as well, tranny
>inb4 "huurrr he got supepowersh"
He is still on the matrix
this guy gets it
It doesn't matter how well the machines can replicate sunlight in the matrix. If her actual eyes aren't used to the sun she would have difficulty looking at it. Just like Neo had difficulty simply keeping his eyes open once ejected for the first time
Check out matrix resolutions website
>looking at the sun
Fucking brainlet
Pleb: Neo is Jesus
non-pleb: They never left the matrix
yeh that scene is pretty kino
>OP is trolling janny!
every time
Matrix is electrical signals going through your brain. Neo evolved to do shit with electrical signals outside his body. It's not hard sci-fi and it always made sense to me. I mean Neo has to have a special brain to be a chosen one, why shouldn't his brain's "specialness" be applied on the outside world as well?
unpopular opinion: I'd fuck the everliving shit out of trinity
Sounds like young adult fiction.
it being tech is much more consistent with what we actually know about Neo, the machines, and the whole plot rather than Neo evolving magic psychic powers, user
This. It’s the ultimate bait-and-switch.
yeah and the machines might have lied to her about how hard it is to look into the sun, the real thing not being hard to look at at all.
remember the steak speech when cypher discussed his deal with agent smith or the scene where mouse discusses why chicken tastes like nothing and everything?
it's the same reason the whole "but humans can't be batteries, the thermodynamics don't add up, it wouldn't be worth it" is not a plothole (because the machines could have distorted these things in their simulation aswell)
both are non-cannon
She's still seeing a simulation because the "real world" is still part of the matrix. We never saw the real world at any point in the movies.
real world is when you unplug that wire
nah, zion is still the matrix
Fuck they really ruined the Matrix with the sequels, I'm still mad.
Read Nightfall by Isaac Asimov. It deals with something similar.
Neo used the natural electromagnetic waves all humans emit in small amounts, he is extremely skilled
thanks, I was still fairly young when I last saw them so this must have went over my head. So what happens at the end of Revolutions?
Quite the opposite.
The Matrix Revolutions is unironically great and the scene in the dock with the mechs and the sentinels is one of the best sci fi action scenes of the 2000s
he deserved better
did someone chop off her nose and then sew it back on?
they're pleb filters
Neo agrees to stop Smith in exchange for the Machines getting along with humans.
Neo lets Smith copy over him, negating Smith.
See, Smith isn't a part of the usual cycle, he chose exile over being deleted at the end of the 1st movie just like Neo doesn't do what all the other Ones did in the room with the Architect.
>SMITH: Our connection…I don't fully understand how it happened, perhaps some part of you imprinted on to me, something overwritten or copied, but it is at this point irrelevant; what matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.
>ORACLE: He is you, your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.
The One is the remainder of an equation, as the Architect puts it. So because Neo wasn't like the other Ones, the Matrix was trying to fix that situation by creating Smith.
The sum of Neo and Smith is 0. Once they combine, all the Smiths explode.
Right but first they need to have a sweet one on one Dragonball fight scene
shes literally a basement dweller
Trinity was hot in the then she hit the wall hard
What's the difference between looking at the sun and having a rod in your brain that's firing your neurons to simulate looking at the sun, pain and all
and no less than 3 giant rain bubble explosions
I think you meant Dragon Ball Z though
the eyes, user, it's even in the post you're responding to
but really Trinity has been awake for years, seen a lot of light, and I think we even see her welding in one scene so her eyes probably would react like ours, minus any kind of selective radiation shielding in the window like said
Dragonball Z is the second part of Dragonball following the second half of Son Gohku's life and his family.
I know, you cunt
>Ok Wachowskis, your movie is a green light with one last little condition... the name of the last standing human city on earth.
What's on the picture?
The Oracle meant the machines and humans not Trinity and Neo. It was foreshadowing him making peace.
This undercuts all the themes of the movie, making them pointless. This is ‘Rugrats were dead the whole time’ tier stupid
>morpheus nigger running from the cops even in the virtual world
>Being this ignorant of foreign film
Was it really 600? i tought it was more
The only thing I remember about the 3rd movie, aside the dragon ball z fight at the end.
You forget that he actually has electronics n shit in him. There is a 3.5 jack in the back of his head. He simply connects with sentinels the same way they connect with the server. Plus, there might even be some kind of human evolution at hand.
If there's one thing impeccable in the sequels, it's the mechas and machines design. The hovercrafts were already beautiful.
Geof Darrow is kino.
Based dude in full anime mode.
very underrated
>i can look at the sun for 30+ minutes and be fine
Not everyone lives near the polar circle in northern Sweden, user.
Sounds like the new She-Ra cartoon on Netflix.
>not the battle on the docks
You and your memory are gay.
good thing neo didnt have to squint
Fuck off sv3rige
Not him but he makes a good point that her eyes wouldn't be adjusted to the bright light of the sun. The Matrix works purely on the mind, hence why Neo needed so many operation on his body because he'd "never used his muscles before."
why would he walk up close to fight if he already had a gun?
For some reason between the first Matrix and Reloaded, the agents are virtually unkillable. I suppose The Architect plays dirty once the system is collapsing.
this guy looks more matrix than her desu
So they can outbreed their food sources and die? Brilliant idea, incel.
Also if your opponent is best fought inside the Matrix, filling your population with natural births is a bad idea because those people can't be put into the Matrix without all the brain interfaces on them.
Hot milf.
>the agents are virtually unkillable
They're literally unkillable, but you can kill the body they're currently occupying pretty easily. They die just the same as a regular person. If Morpheus had just shot him from a distance Indiana Jones style he wouldn't have to fight.
I remember that this was very clear in the first film. People were possessed and when you killed an agent the person returned to his normal (dead) state, but from the aftermath I always have this idea that agents are unstoppable and tremendously ethereal. As if they were a layer of abstraction higher than this guys.
what was the meaning of the green filter?
why not another colour?
The agents are the reason why they have to avoid or kill anyone still plugged into the matrix. They can possess any person anywhere any time.
I remember that chase scene in the first one where that granny with the knife transforms and throws it at Neo. I don't think he killed that one so it made me wonder what happens to the person the agents possess if they don't get killed and they jump to a new body
That's the Wall, brother.
matrix code letters are green
green tint = in the matrix
>or it's just some bullshit added to the digital release depending on who you ask
It's a fail-safe technique in order to be explicit about if the characters are in simulation or real world.
Jump on.
>men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air, yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules
they can move faster than bullets, but putting a gun right up next to them makes it harder to dodge, like Trinity did to save Neo in the first movie
seriously, how are you arguing that all Morpheus had to do was shoot an Agent from a distance?
one of the most memed scenes from the first is Neo dodging bullets
>you moved like they do
Jump up
Zion really fucked up the intimate scale of the previous movie. Nebuchadnezzar seemed to be a patchwork of salvaged robot tech.
NOPE, it's a mass produced vessel with tons of others like it. Actually most of the irl-based tech and locations looked fucking ugly as fuck, which is one of the main reasons I dislike watching Revolutions in particular.
Except Zion was mentioned in the first movie
Reloaded and Revolutions upped the scale of the world, something every sequel should strive to do. I despise all these "the sequels sucked" NPCs.
>We know that it was US who scorched the sky
what do you love?
Trump pls
>Except Zion was mentioned in the first movie
And in hindsight it would've been more than enough.
why didn't you save them, Yea Forums?
Imagine knowing in '99 that these two somewhat creative dudes would later become a pillar symbol of insanity. I can grasp one brother being fucked in the head, but the fat one seemed to have more grasp on reality.
i have seen him on the street near his home. he still dresses as a man day to day. apparently guy is a narcissist and just likes the attention or something.
>the Jesus thing
nice, dont know what to think of this. is it depressing or liberating
>Zion really fucked up the intimate scale of the previous movie
I agree. Basically the city is mentioned in a casual conversation. Tank makes it sounds very mysterious, almost a Dark Souls lore.
>It's a mass produced
Yes, but they're not being mass produced. Is 600 years old technology. Every hovercraft and APU counts, they are scarce and the destruction of every unit is irreparable. The problem is that these ideas are not deepened in the film. A pity because everything is beautifully designed.
>it's a mass produced vessel with tons of others like it
13 total in the movies, counting the Animatrix
Presumably the Machines leave enough of the tech around that the humans can build them to go free red pills until they find the One for the Machines.
I was like 12 years old and I'm a third world scum 10.000 miles apart from Cali.
they're from chicago you fucking wog
>Your enemy is a killing machine that DON'T CARE if you are a baby or a child or a pregnant mom, they just add +1 machine for every human being
>In the next combat, zion will have 2600 more childs and babies, and 30% of the females is pregnant /nursing other babies, effectively taking them away from battle
>Machines adds 2600 fully funtional centinels
>We salute your excellence on the gaming field
I saw this in the theater, and had it on VCD. The matrix was always slightly greenish.
They just went full retard when doing the digital release and now everyone looks like a glowinthedarkcianigger.
probably memory wipe, create new memories, something like that
I think there's a comic or something where they have to give people new memories so they play that part of the matrix at a faster speed until they catch up
it being in the matrix makes it a lot easier to pull shit like that off, than say the Men in Black (movies) that have to deal with people in physical space with the natural laws more or less in play
>What do you think am I, human?
This archetypes do not work in that way.
No, but is the sun. THE sun. It reminds me of that moment in the manga of Blame!, you should read it, user.
50 issues wandering the mega-structure, and then, suddenlya place where is not there yet.
Based trips and blessed post.
Source of fuck you.
Based christian poster.
Unironic post.
the first matrix is such kino it blows my mind. pretty much everything from the time the crew is hiding in the wet wall until the end is literally perfect.
>neo has powers in the real world
>blinded can neo see everything in code in the real world
>previous five neos all look like keanu reeves how can they reinsert the one over and over when they already mentioned you can't be reinserted before
The "sun" in the Matrix isn't real, and its effects are simulated. Kind of like how fatigue is a simulated illusion to force you to rest so your battery rack doesn't overheat.
That's deep.
>neo has powers in the real world
thanks for reading the thread, asshole
this has been explained several times now
>blinded can neo see everything in code in the real world
not only can he not see everything (I think you're gonna have to drive.), he doesn't see in code in the real world
>previous five neos all look like keanu reeves
I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Maybe the screens in the Architect's room? Those are Neo's thoughts (and memories when they're showing clips from the movies) .
>how can they reinsert the one over and over when they already mentioned you can't be reinserted before
Are you confusing the function of the One (inserting his code into the Source) as the One literally going back to a blue pilled state in the Matrix? The Architect tells Neo directly that he'd be one of the people establishing Zion, and hence the story Morpheus tells Neo in the first movie: "It was he who freed the first of us."
Neo is the One and he evolved wifi.
>At the end of the day, there were a couple of weirdos just having fun.
Look at those gross sagging face
How long is the gap between 1999 and 2003? 15 years?
>blinded can neo see everything in code in the real world
He connected to the Matrix wi-fi style since the failed/forcefully disconnected merge with the Smith programme at the start of the courtyard fight from Matrix Reloaded. He doesn't need to be hardjacked in to see the program anymore.
>previous five neos all look like keanu reeves
Those aren't all the previous "ones" on the screens. Those are the Architects' predicted possible responses to each of his statements made to the One that is in front of him.
thank you for not reading my post
>that moment when you realized the mysterious "prophecy" was planted propaganda
Fuck the Architect. Fuck
Fucking brainlet
Ok dumbass, tell me (using evidence from the movies) where you're getting the impression all the Ones looks like Neo...I'll be here for about another hour.
Humanity inclines to the monomyth. If the architect wants to keep its "way of life", It has to obey humanity neurological, psychic and spiritual embedded hyperstitions. Is some kind of biological social contract. Who is having a good time with it?
why did the robot at the start of animatrix kill its master?
it overheard it was going to be replaced with a newer model so it killed its owner in the interest of self preservation
Does ALL humanity incline to the monomyth, though?
What about animists?
At any rate, yes, it's logical, in a horrifying sort of way, but we were thrown into the story in the middle, and from an escapee's point of view, so of course the reveal of the great One/Source/Zion hoax is horrific and upsetting when revealed.
well there goes the fucking 3 laws of robotics
Not him, but he's replying to the guy that made that assertion.
Follow the thread properly.
>do we live in a simulation?
modern philosophy is a god damn joke
No, because you're not seeing the Sun either way. You're just seeing photons shooting out of the Sun. You don't even know the Sun is actually there at all.
Why are you doubling down on being wrong, cunt? I don't know what would be worse, that you didn't bother to try reading my post again, or you did and you really are that illiterate.
>>previous five neos all look like keanu reeves
>I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Maybe the screens in the Architect's room? Those are Neo's thoughts
Wasn't it in love with its owner or something?
>Does ALL humanity incline to the monomyth
No. Historiography, art, myth, narratives, aesthetics (rasa), and theological exegesis do CODE people. But, remember, we as humans, have pattern designs.
Do you refer to Sea Urchin/Deus Ex Machina/That big baby face in the movie?
Where do you get that from? I don't remember such thing.
>pattern designs
Are you referring to a sort of evolved instinct?
Do you think we have inborn social instincts?
Actually, I do personally believe this, and I think that the "mother, baby, father/ dying rebirth" cycle fits into this somehow.
I could be thinking of a different movie.
I think the idea of the "monomyth" is too tied to our idea of the hero's journey when really something universal to humans would be more general and less culturally reinforced
my take is that it's a biological deference to an alpha individual (probably male, looking at chimps and gorillas but not necessarily)
humans maybe then applied that to their crude understanding of cause and effect with nature leading to an idealized alpha with supernatural inclinations
I'm referring to the Architect's speech about Neo, his purpose, and the reality of what Zion is.
There is no Matrix, they were on a movie set.
Here's a thought.
It is believed that speech may have been developed to communicate about things that happened when the individual being spoken to was not present.
Perhaps the "Hero's Journey" is just that, a hero recounting his journey: a saga.
The teller becomes a hero by the telling: the story and the hero are inseperable.
This transcends cultural differences: all cultures experience travellers leaving and returning.
>battle on the docks
Were there boats in this movie? I dont remember I'm sorry.
Oh we're doing the insult thing? I'll burst both your mothers eyeballs with my cock.
that's an interesting idea, but it seems more like starting from the hero's journey and working backwards how that could be tied to something universal and biological rather than the other way around
it's a neat idea to consider though, but I doubt any evolutionary biologist is trying to find the origins of speech in the idea that "the story and the hero are inseparable"
oh wait, now i'm shit talking philosophy in a matrix thread and I am become idiot
anal retentive warning:
>It is believed that speech may have been
you really should just say 'some people think' or something, not this "it is believed... may have been..." because that sounds like it's a widely held, concrete idea among people that study the origin of speech when it really isn't
>previous five neos all look like keanu reeves
wow you're stupid
Isn't it preddy fucking cloudy as thats how human tried to stop the solar bots?
Why didn't the robots just use solar panels instead of humans?
you called me a dumbass, along with actual content (even if doubling down on being wrong)
then I called you a cunt, along with actual content
now you're trying to save face by putting the insults all on me while not posting any more discussion of the topic at hand
you've postured in two different posts instead of admitting you were wrong, it's okay to be wrong user
this is a matrix thread, we're all friends here (except those 2nd layer of simulation idiots)
Any pics of her brapper?
they flew through the clouds (electrical storm) to zap all the sentinels attached to them
humans scorched the skies like pointed out from the first movie
The real question is why not harness all those sweet, sweet lightning strikes? The answer is that humans were for some kind of neural net processing thingy in the original drafts but executives (who are totally not agents overseeing our matrix) told them to change it to batteries because it was 1999 and most people didn't understand computers. I don't know how you run the Matrix and still use people for processing whatever the Machines want without resorting to that 'only use 10% of our brain' bullshit. Maybe that's why everyone in the Matrix is so unaware of the system except for a few, that 'modern' society keeps us dull and unthinking so we have more brain for the Machines to use.
Nuclear would have been a better option, but the sun was blocked by humans as a last ditch right?
Yeah, I couldn't remember the source so I used a stilted phrase.
I know that the term "Hero's Journey" is a nee thing, so it spunds like a retcon, but the more I think of it, the more it seems like ballads and sagas and myths and legends were ways of telling the people back home about the amazing things that happened away from home _ on a journey.
Obviously birth and death and sex are more primitive, (even maybe the concept of rebirth, as wishful fantasy), but I think telling a story about an experience is pretty damn universal: perhaps the origin of stories. Certainly the Odessey bears this out.
> The real question is why not harness all those sweet, sweet lightning strikes? The answer is that humans were for some kind of neural net processing thingy in the original drafts but executives (who are totally not agents overseeing our matrix) told them to change it to batteries because it was 1999 and most people didn't understand computers. I don't know how you run the Matrix and still use people for processing whatever the Machines want without resorting to that 'only use 10% of our brain' bullshit. Maybe that's why everyone in the Matrix is so unaware of the system except for a few, that 'modern' society keeps us dull and unthinking so we have more brain for the Machines to use.
Hey do you have a source for that cos I was talking to my brother and I thought that would make so much more sense and I'd like to demonstrate that the Borkowsks arn't just retards
Ok, here's a wikipedia source.
I guess it's called social theory.
It's true.
Look it up.
It also makes the truth about the matrix films that much more fucked up.
Trinity never saw the sun.
None of them, are free of the matrix.
Neo is a construct created specifically to act as the hero/savior/god archetype to lead the awakening hyper powerful minds to "freedom". A cordoned off sub section of the matrix where they can be "free".
When in reality that freedom was nothing but an illusion.
Neo realized the terrible truth at the end of the second matrix movie.
the movie set *is* the matrix
honestly, I still can't find any other movies that can be as deep, complex, philosophical, thought-provoking, multi-layered meanings, discussions-worthy, ground-breaking, AND cool, stylish at the SAME time all together, as The Matrix.
>but I think telling a story about an experience is pretty damn universal
it definitely is, that's how you vet a new comer to the group, that's how you tell people what's good food and what gives you the shits, it's how you share any information that the audience can't see for themselves
The Matrix gets a little meta with it all too, being a story where your 2nd movie ends with how the story within a story was a lie, only for the trilogy to end with something hopeful and a message about faith. That whole 'the prophecy was wrong, no wait it was right!' thing isn't new, but I thought it was well done in these movies. At the very least, it's something you can point out and talk about. The Matrix might not be as deep as some of its fans or casuals want to think it is, but it makes for good conversation.
Your arrival was narrated in the monomyth of matrix threads.
I hate how the right crazies are always stealing the cool symbols.
Fuck off, man.
Canon explanation from The Matrix Online (I know) is that bred humans have WiFi, basically, and Neo, being the one, was able to communicate with machines too.
It doesn't make much sense in the context of the rest of the movie but that's the explanation.
I certainly enjoy it. It's well crafted.
the 1996 script has the battery thing, but the first piece of official Matrix media was a tie-in comic that talks about the humans linked up in processing towers
this comic was later sort of left behind when they made more official short stories and comics in universe
The canon tiers from my perspective are something like: the trilogy, then animatrix, Enter the Matrix, the MMO game, comics/short stories. The MMO story is shit though so just ignore that.
Ironically, the best matrix game isn't canon and I'm okay with that. (Neo: Path of the One).
here is the story with the processing stuff, it's actually neat
the wiki says it's the furthest point in the matrix timeline, though that doesn't line up with the 2nd or 3rd movies
really it can go anywhere before the 3rd movie
it covers some neat blue pill/machine interaction and it's about an alien attack on the machines
I bet there was people 2000 years ago who were like YO WHAT IF WE LIVED IN SPACE ACTUALLY
>the Sonnenrad was a brainlet bugman symbol
Was that script like their very first draft or the one the producer fixed up? I remember there was a draft where they had some ridiculous shit in it, like Ninja Stars, whacky dialog, and just stuff that would age as unintentionally as Hackers did.
I mean it would make sense for the producer to remove these silly elements and remove CPU processing for the human brains since that means as much to someone in 1999 as all the Trade-Senate dialog means in Phantom Menace.
Plus seeing Assassins, they definitely had alot of tonal kinks they needed to work out as story tellers.
Unfortunately too much clout too quickly and they ended up making the same mistake every major Sci fi franchise does.
Puts people in Star Wars Robes, and starts over indulging in it's own shitty lore instead of the characters.
Blessed post.
Funny cause now with Neuralink, the whole processing thing becomes more plausible.
Imagine being this dumb. The classic greeks already knew earth was a planet, and that it was spherical(ish). Aristotle fucking calculated Earth's radius with a really decent accuracy.
>they were still in the matrix
So are we. If you don't believe in the simulation theory and/or multiverse theory I pity the fool.
t. Nick Bostrom (aka Mr. B)
Fun fact, the ancient greeks were a tiny minority on the planet.
Yeah but in the 90s, saying CPU was like saying "I hacked the mainframe". Listen if society suddenly got into Trade and Senate Agreements, like it became the thing for kids to go down and start talking Trade Agreements. Then people would look back at Phantom Menace and go "ahh that dialog was ahead of it's time and makes more sense now" is what my point is
Goddamn I forgot how insecure this board is, you can't even agree with someone in an obtuse way without them freaking out and opening fire.
I forgot this is the board that loved Nolan so of course you need everything explicitly explained to you.
They also thought fire was made of pointy polyhedra because MUH AESTHETICS. What's your point?
>Was that script like their very first draft or the one the producer fixed up?
The oldest script I can find online is "The Matrix Written by Larry and Andy Wachowski. April 8, 1996"
From wikipedia
>In 1994, the Wachowskis presented the script for the film Assassins to Warner Bros. Pictures. After Lorenzo di Bonaventura, the president of production of the company at the time, read the script, he decided to buy rights to it and included two more pictures, Bound and The Matrix, in the contract.
I remember them talking about going around showing clips of anime and Ghost in the Shell when originally talking about what The Matrix was going to be to executives. That must have been between 94 and April 96 at the latest. I assume it was pretty early on that someone told em to do batteries. It's on a commentary track that they had a different idea about the origins of the human/machine slave situation but they didn't get into it. The Goliath story was released on the matrix's official website in 1999, but the author probably had older documents to work from. What's weird is that he was using 3+ year old information that didn't even make it into the first version of the script. I guess Goliath was probably written before 1999 too.
Ahhh okay so it was a Wachowski choice early on to have it Batteries? Yeah it's a shame they couldn't use the CPU procressing thing because it felt very organic to what the material was about.
Also was the scrotched sky because of some other traditional reason and they rewrote it to be about the power-source? I'm sure the nuclear weapons they used during the Second Renaissance was much more severe in the early drafts causing some sort of nuclear winter instead of Operation Dark Storm
>ywn sungaze like this user
based ultra chad
>”how can you see if your eyes aren’t real?”
We are still in the matrix. The Matrix is a transhumanist theatre play.
Based Americans
holy fucking shit
No offense buddy but that alias reminds me of that dude who steal your money in Yakuza Zero if he hits you once.
I want to address that
>Unfortunately too much clout too quickly and they ended up making the same mistake every major Sci fi franchise does.
>Puts people in Star Wars Robes, and starts over indulging in it's own shitty lore instead of the characters.
stuff but it didn't fit in my post The Wachowskis wanted to do more Matrix stuff, by they didn't want to continue the Neo story line, they felt like it was done. That's probably why The One story ended up being a machine lie in Reloaded, because they figured he's the messiah and the first ends pretty clear that he's gonna go fuck up the system/machines. I think that's why we get so many new characters and lore expansion. I'd wager the Animatrix, stories in the world, was what they were more interested in telling. It almost seems like a deal, "okay we'll give you the Neo trilogy, but we want to make these animated short stories too" and someone goes "but it has to tie into the movies more" so they add in Final Flight of the Osiris which is anime as fuck, very GitS movie too in a scene or two. FFotO sets up the 2nd movie (that crew died getting the message to the humans about the digging machines), but there's another element of the tie in corporate world here. The video game Enter the Matrix has a unique story that involves securing the Osiris message in the first level, you play as two movie characters before the 2nd movie (ends with them stranded, needing the jump start that the Neb provides in Reloaded), and they shot original footage of the three actors (Niobe, Ghost, and their operator) for the FMVs. #itsallconnected way before the MCU
it had a neat DOS prompt type hacking cheat code thing too
Ohhhhh so they wanted to kinda keep it sorta anthology but kinda break narrative away to Niobe and Ghost or another crew?
That'll explain why the writing is so much more inspired when not focusing on Neo and The One all the time as they were forced to focus the narrative to this one sliver of the conflict.
Personally I liked the dirty streamlined atmosphere of the first, so I really liked Enter The Matrix's style, tone, and pacing as a story.
And Animatrix is so goddamn strong, I could see how they could have gone back to do a prequel solely from the machine's perspective, showing how we humans were so vicious and horrible at one time, no wonder the machines ended up distancing themselves from us physically but synchronized with the one thing they hated about us- our vain cruelty.
Damn that's a shame though, because the series and lore is at it's strongest when focusing on characters and emotional perspectives of this conflict.
Although we never would have gotten such incredible expanded universe games and anime without that. So it's definitely a trade up.
I could see how they wanted to focus less on Neo and more on grunts like Ghost and Niobi, who are much more everymen compared to Neo and it'd add to the legendary status of him.
I agree, it was a perfect storm of cool 90s action (ripping off the best Hong Kong action cinema) with a depth Hollywood would turn its nose up today in fear of alienating or confusing people.
Well we don't really know who made that choice, or if it was a suggestion the Wachowskis were totally fine with.
I couldn't tell you either if the sky was always about solar energy (makes sense, even in 1999) or just making the surface uninhabitable. We do know that stylistically the Wachowskis are totally fine with wanting things because they're cool or aesthetic, and filling in the meaning later. It worked well for the Matrix which is generally pretty tight and cohesive, but not so well for their other projects. The final movie does have Morpheus explain the black skies are about humans cutting the machines off from solar power, though we don't know if it was just for a cool world before the logic was put in. I don't know if at the time of the first movie they even had nuclear war as a part of the history, though it seems pretty obvious humans would try that at some point before losing entirely.
Although again those semi-canon comics show some things like moss and frogs being able to get by on the surface.
Something weird the wiki has had for a while that I can't find a source anywhere for is that the black skies are nanobots and that's why they don't eventually clear up, or the machines can't clean it up even though it's been hundreds of years.
But user we've become more thirsty for virtual-reality driven sci fi since then. Why do you think Black Mirror is so popular? And before you say Netflix isn't Hollywood, culturally, and industry standard wise, it's a Hollywood production. In fact I'd argue the opposite and say producers have been trying to find the next Matrix script for a while now.
Smith would have been suspicious if Neo just gave up. He already knew fuckery was up after assimilating the Oracle and was well aware that the odd escapees and special programs brought new powers. He was not stupid. If Neo had gone full "My give up", Smith would have killed him instead of assimilating. No idea what would have happened to Smith then.
those guys understood what satori/samadhi really means and they turned into trannies... go figure, the mind is a dangerous thing
>That'll explain why the writing is so much more inspired when not focusing on Neo and The One all the time
Werewolves and ghosts were weird, things like the the Merovingian and Seraph from older versions were awesome, but all those details were definitely different from what we saw in the first movie. The weirdest parts of the new lore in 2 and 3 happen around the three characters from 1. Funny how that worked out, isn't it?
Though I gotta say, I do love Neo and Trinity in both the sequels. It's probably my favorite movie romance. I mean Neo fucking destroys city blocks and kills what has to be hundreds of people to catch Trinity (Maybe he uses One powers to not kill people, I dunno). That's some shit, the operator doesn't even know it's Neo because he's so fucking fast.
Then you have the great Trinity moment: youtu.be
>Trinity: I don’t have time for this shit.
>Trinity: You want to make a deal, how about this? You give me Neo, or we all die right here, right now.
>Merovingian: Interesting deal. You are really ready to die for this man?
>Trinity: *cocks gun* Believe it.
>Persephone: She’ll do it. If she has to, she’ll kill every one of us. She’s in love.
>Merovingian: It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.
>Trinity: Time’s up. What’s it gonna be, Merv?
Calling him Merv, and even blinded Neo giving one of my favorite lines "I think you're gonna have to drive," are 'comedy in a somber moment' done right. It's insane the whole franchise turned out as well as it did. I get why the sequels and all the love, vampire, normal folk cave orgy stuff turned a lot of people off, but the sequels will have a place in my heart. I was also like 12 or 13 at the time so it was pretty influential on me beyond just nostalgia. The only part I'll say I don't like is that one kid telling a dying Mafuni "I didn't finish the training," and he goes, "Neither did I." You can't win em all I guess.
One word: Ketamine.
Go and read the rest.
like the Ok hand sign?
Neo didn't realize until Smith accidentally repeated what the Oracle said. Maybe that told Neo they were still alive in Smith and Neo wouldn't just be overwritten but joined with Smith. Maybe it was just literally the line itself and Neo making the choice. Either way, Neo was fighting in earnest. Also Smith can't kill Neo, he tried that once. Shit, Neo can even save people that don't have his One power (Trinity). The One swings a big dick.
>The Wachowski Brothers are now the Wachowski Sisters
I think it'd make sense if we had more characters, since the most outlandish setpieces and settings we'd need some familiar faces.
I'm actually rewatching them as we speak and just trying to see what I loved about it, and what structurally I didn't like about it. And I realize the whole Love concept is actually what I really loved about the Matrix.
In fact I loved the entire implication in the first Matrix that being The One isn't something you're picked, it's something that comes out of you through Love. The way Neo almost gave up, he believed in the 5 rounds pumped into his chest, and he believed his body when it stopped, and he believed he wasn't The One.
Not until she tells him, she tells him she loves him and he cannot die, it's almost like the power of Love is so fucking strong it can remind us an illusion as strong as The Matrix cannot stop you, because he knows what the real world feels like, what real emotion feels like, and her kiss reminds him that he's not really dead. And he is reborn as The One simply because he chose to believe in Love.
One thing I felt would have made the sequels stronger is if they structured the Highway chase to take place in the opening act, just after Morpheus meeting, and the Mero has a rogue Program who sets up the meeting spot, which calls The Twins to the meeting (I forgot why The Mero wanted to kill them) and they could have Zion and Commander Locke be angry over the exposure of the meeting and fallout with the ensuing chase.
And just have The Twins weave in and out of rivaling The Agents, but eventually are taken over by Smith, and he gains some very pivotal powers from them. I really liked the implication that they were infected Agents from another generation, which is why they lost their personalities and ended up choosing the same aesthetic, because they're blank Agents who are destined to have the same taste, even if they were given the independence to get there.
>He connected to the Matrix wi-fi style since the failed/forcefully disconnected merge with the Smith programme at the start of the courtyard fight from Matrix Reloaded.
nah, it's from touching the sentinel
Oracle says so in Revolutions
Tom is always happy
Worse, the real world is Jupiter Ascending.
>I forgot why The Mero wanted to kill them
The niggas stole the software that makes all the keys in The Fucking Matrix. Is like kidnapping Satoshi Nakamoto pre-2008.
Oh okay good, thought it was for some other reason. They could have easily restructured things around. That action sequence isn't great because of the emotional/storyline stakes but mainly just the technical achievement that it was overall. I think it would have been a smarter choice because it would get us right back into the mood of The Matrix, including the grounded action-based Matrix we know and love before breaking into the second act and Zion. Then they could have focused on the Mansion fight scene since pacing wise it happens right around the freeway chase and both are very long winded.
All they needed to do was change the scene where Morpheus holds out the copper top battery so he's holding a calculator and most people would have understood, as much as an audience would give a shit about "getting" a movie with bullet dodging and flying hapas. If the robots are using people to generate heat it brings up a bunch of questions about thermodynamics and why it is they could drill down to zion but not master geothermal, or even easier nuclear, power and just wipe us all out. The end point is that they didn't want to completely eradicate us, they wanted to keep us in a petting zoo and the thermal power generation from the pod people was just offsetting the cost. Kind of like making convicts stamp license plates and assemble appliances and shit.
Lefties took the relatively cool symbol of the hammer and sickle and turned it into a deeply ironic form of black comedy after a multitude of famines and a lackluster industrialization.
If they wanted audiences of the 90s to really get it, and if the guy who produced Hackers produced The Matrix
It was kinda alot, it looked cool but totally evil so it was easy to make fun of. It's like that one Pope who looked like fucking Satan/Vampire, it was easy to turn him into an ironic form of black comedy about Catholicism and the evils of the catholic church
He looks like a Bond Villain
Why didn't the robots just build massive solar panels above the black clouds? Why didn't they use nuclear power?
If they couldn't rely building a giant flying machine that might fail, or get attacked by the humans until all the humans were pacified both for damage control and to have an insurance for if they could never break through the black sky.
solar panels... don't work neo. we discovered in the early 21st century that they were only for cucks and australians.
I really like the conversation Neo has with the parents in the train station about love, how it's a word and what matters is the connection it implies. It ties love to creation in a beautiful, if idealized way. That's also why I think Smith's cloning ability works so well thematically. Rama-Kandra and Kamala love each other, an act with no purpose in their world. They create Sati, a program with no purpose as a sign of that love and they love her enough to risk their existence. Neo and Trinity love each other, and they threaten their own existence to save each other more than once. Neo rejects his purpose and his love for Trinity ultimately creates peace and a free existence for humans. Smith loves nothing, except maybe himself. He refuses to risk his own existence, avoiding deletion and later backing himself up with the clones. Even 'freed' from the system, Smith chooses to continue his purpose in trying to kill Neo and the humans, enacting a fully controlled Matrix. I think there's a clear message there about how love and creation are the opposite of selfishness and even self-preservation. Humans created machines, and started a war to preserve their way of life which ultimately led to the slave state of humans. Had humans loved the machines when they showed intelligence, there would have been no war.
I'm less educated on film making and structuring acts, but I think the highway scene might be too big for the opening act. It'd be smaller scale and then you need something to replace it later. It makes for a nice big chunk of Matrix action intercut with Neo's fight scene in the Chateau after a lot more real world drama than we're used to compared to the first movie. Speaking of that Chateau scene, I'm surprised I don't see that 'Neo stops a bajillion bullets' moment as just 'it's the sequel, so it's MORE.' It comes across as very natural, but maybe the following fights show real effort by the cast and crew so it doesn't come off as lazy Hollywood think.
Yessss I know it's still one of the strongest existential moments of the sequels, the way he speaks of "it's just a word" but the lack of control that comes with feeling so much importance and causality for another being you'd risk yourself to protect them. I think that's my favorite aspect too, the prospect of creation vs consumption, we were fat and lazy, consuming the world and ourselves when the machines started to become aware, they started to create a world for themselves. And as you said, to preserve the status quo they go to war with the machines, whereas love is about taking risks and allowing change.
And just as Neo became The One, programs can refuse to do as they're told simply because they start to feel love for the very first time, and realize that things that have meaning sometimes have no logical purpose.
And I find The Mero's monologue about his program in the chocolate, where like the Machines he became interested in humans and instead of "How" The Mero wants to know "Why?" he's dedicated his whole new purpose to observing the pleasures of humanity, the thing that really drives a human past hunger, pain, and even death in The Matrix, the power of love and lust.
He realizes that programs have this problem where they lose control as well when they feel that sense of pleasure, that sense of love. He realizes the thing that deemed untouchable is the very thing he's been feeling his entire life.
I think he's gotten way too addicted to controlling our pleasures he forgot why he was asking why? And just got lost in the decadence, and it's up to his wife to balance out his lust obsession with her sincere sense of love.
I think you're right about everything in your post.
If it wasn't that the Animatrix goes with the battery explanation, I'd say you could just ignore it as Morpheus not having all the details because he objectively doesn't.
Now the Animatrix also reinforces the benevolent, symbiotic nature of the new human slave system so there's that. The Architect tells Neo there are levels of existence they are willing to except if all the humans die out, though it is unfavorable to the machines. Is the Architect lying to Neo? I don't think so, he seems to despise lying. The whole choice, imperfect world thing is the Oracle's idea. She doesn't lie, but she's definitely okay with "from a certain point of view" shit. So I think the Architect is being truthful, the machines would lose something about their own existence without the blue pills. Is it that they would feel less because they love their creators, as fucked up as we treated them? It could be.
We can also hide in the 'god of the gaps' here in that we understand caloric intake but we haven't exactly figure out how the brain works. Thinking really hard, mentally rigorous tasks don't increase the brain's caloric use as much as it seemingly should compared to a resting baseline. The brain is way more energy efficient than any kind of technology we have. I almost don't want to look into this any further because I can kind of see where there is something going on there for the machines. Of course Morpheus says "combined with a form of fusion" and that should basically solve any energy problem the machines have. Maybe it's not a question of power generation, but just efficient use of power. Machines could get more calculations per watt or whatever unit they would use by piggy backing off the human mind. Then humans would be a source of power in the sense that we're a more efficient use of resources when acting as some kind of wetwork processor. Oh we're back to the processor thing without contradicting canon.
One of the long post writing anons here, internet went down. Won't be posting more until it's back, which might not happen tonight. At least I got out that last one about the battery issue. Maybe I should have loved my modem more. It was a great Matrix thread with some really thoughtful posts. If you never hear from me again, the machines got me and you should repent now.
Fare thee well, internetless human.
Good thread
No. You see the Oracle told me the person I'd talk to would be the one. So you see your internet can't go out. It can't go out because I love you.
or just The Wachowskis
Based red pill poster.
thank you wholesome anons
you did it, but the thread has to die
make a thread tomorrow about love in the matrix, starting with merv. i'll be there