The "Fandom Menace" is just a group of YouTubers profiting on the hate we have for Neu-Wars and all things woke.
I agree with a lot of what they say, but they're pandering so fucking hard for those $hekels, makes me cringe.
The "Fandom Menace" is just a group of YouTubers profiting on the hate we have for Neu-Wars and all things woke.
I agree with a lot of what they say, but they're pandering so fucking hard for those $hekels, makes me cringe.
never even heard of that shit which makes me think you are a shill
What rock have you been sleeping under, m'eight?
You talking about that dork geeks and gamers? Yeah hes a faggot. Mauler is an autist but i dont think hes doing for the monet. He legit hates those things. That wolf ghy was funny though but he died out about a year ago. Overrall youtube for films is really shit. Id still rather have to watch a geeks and gamers video than fucking moviebob.
Geeks + Gamers
Comic Book Artist
etc etc
Good for them. Fuck Star Wars. I hope they make more money than Disney.
>people are making money creating videos people like
Good for those Youtubers. Too bad Disney can't do the same with Star Wars.
a nerd would pay money for some eceleb to acknowledge his existence
I used to like WCB back when they were doing the Toys R Us videos and showing Star Wars toys piling up on the shelves.
Now every video is just some mutt reading one or two clickbait articles verbatim
and a couple of black dudes that I forget their channel names
I at first liked her then realized she is a self absorbed bitch just like any other thot on the interbutt.
>and a couple of black dudes that I forget their channel names
The Lonely Banter
he's actually funny
So like RedLetterMedia?
they don't do live stuff with tipjars and shit like that
I, too, enjoy going on high traffic websites like here, to post about people I don't like, who make money off views. I make sure to specify where, exactly, their content is found, and usually post their logo as well. I find that that really shows 'em
You can't comment on anything on /fourchin/ without being called a shill
I'm afraid you're mistaken, you can comment on a wide variety of things without being called a shill, as everyone is doing at this time in a lot of other threads. You're likely to be called a shill if you behave very much like one, though.
Doomcock is great. I've always wondered why he doesn't have more subscribers.
I completely agree with you, Doomcock is fucking based.
Though I know for a fact that the quartering shills himself shamelessly on Yea Forums, so if he’s attached this makes it all the more likely to be self promotion.
Because you can only listen to someone whine for so long until it's eats what's left of your soul
and i cant take anyone seriously that adored guardians of the galaxy as much as he does
you can't shill on 4chin cos we're all poorfags
This is why I exclusively get my Star Wars kahntanht from Star Wars Theory(& Thor Skywalker when I'm super bored). No pandering just a love for Tha Wahs, I had to staph watching Jenny Nicholson when she went full retard.
There are two types of people that never pay for anything, user.
Poor people that can’t afford to, and rich people who don’t see why they should. It’s generally why they stay rich.
>can you believe those BASEDBOYS with their movies and their video games
>they are PATHETIC
>so glad I'm not like that
It's so phony it makes me sick. When you're uploading 5 videos a day where all you do is read an article and throw some anti-sjw slant on it, all you're doing is pandering.
Post body
>NuWars is so shit some people successfully profited out of its demise
LMAOing at disney shills
It’s a classic tale of YouTube. It used to be mocking creationists, then Islam,
then religion in general, then feminists, but the faces stay the same.
There’s always a cabal of four or five people pandering to the audience of the week, their orbiters who want those patreon shekels/attention, and one or two people with a genuine ability of some kind.
Someone like Mauler, who can weaponise his autism, will be making videos until he simply gets bored, but the rest will just burn out, do something retarded or start stabbing each other in the back for drama.
It always happens.
You know how I know you're a disney shill faggot? because you don't talk about all those pro-disney channel. Like your other faggot friends itt. You're just triggered Disney's monopoly doesn't extend to Youtube entirely. You know you have SW main sub on reddit and their sw leaks sub too where you'll just be with disney cock suckers.
Yeah when they start eating the weakest members you know things are gonna get interesting real quick
Eat your lithium faggot
Fuck off Hambly.
Get drunk and try to start another fight with that lazy Cromwell dodger again.