I have to admit you Boomers have good taste

I have to admit you Boomers have good taste.
I watched Robocop yesterday and it was fucking great
I'm going to watch Predator this saturday, what am I in for?

Attached: predator_1987_turkey_original_film_art_2000x.jpg (1605x2287, 720K)

a good movie.

Nothing less than the greatest movie of all time.

Reddit loves it.

An hour and twenty minutes of pure male testosterone. It's fun.

still haven't seen the new Predator. I-I just can't

Commando was ok but predator was great

Attached: 1565622944006.jpg (2500x3333, 2.03M)

arnold’s best film
prove it

Dude the new predator is unbelievably fucking stupid, I mean I knew it would be from the trailer but I watched it anyway for the gore and it was just jaw dropping how awful it was

I doubt it. Theres a joke at the expense of faggots in it

>Despite having many tributes that would make a SJW seethe, ts enjoyable, therefore I must hate it and compare it to our antithesis, yet equally popular website, Reddit. Am I cool for doing so? Can I have pusy?

Fuck off

Seeing what real men used to be, pre-onions.

This scene would never make it today

Attached: you son of a bitch.jpg (1280x800, 42K)

A fake action flick that's actually horror. Watch closely how they bait you with all the clichés and then slowly deconstruct it.

It was so bad it's hilarious. Didn't regret the ticket fee.

It's a comedy. Watch it with that in mind, and you won't be shocked.

watch this next zoomer it has great replay value

Attached: total_recall.jpg (1010x1500, 175K)

Maybe if they made the black arm bigger

Maybe after predator but I'm more interested in watching Starship troopers and die hard

Boring for today's standarts.Robocop holds up really well though since it's a movie made by smart people, Predator is dumb action flick but ''macho'' and ''old school''

The greatest movie of al-FUCK

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. If they took the worst parts of both AvP movies and crammed them together, it would be better than nu predator. It fails as a comedy too.

t. slack-jawed faggot

Die Hard is one of the best action films ever, enjoy that one.
Objectively wrong

>but I'm more interested in watching Starship troopers
don't watch starship until you've seen robocop and total recall go in order for verhoeven

Attached: robocop.jpg (182x268, 19K)

Then don't watch it. Stop being part of the problem

Iv'e already watched Robocop (loved it) alright I'll watch total recall

This is bait

>Boring for today's standarts
Today's standards are capeshit / CGI PG13 schlocks. What was your point again?

Make sure you watch Big Trouble in Little China too.

It's already on my watchlist anyways so I will get to it eventually

>watching movies from back when movies were still good, for the first time
I envy you