what is they're most confusing movie you ever seened?
I watch all the youtube clips on this and still none idea what the f is go on
what is they're most confusing movie you ever seened?
I watch all the youtube clips on this and still none idea what the f is go on
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what is they're most confusing movie you ever sneed?
Upstream color was hard to grasp on
this movie is not about getting all the timelines, lad. That's not the point.
what is the point of it then?
What was all the shit with the shotgun and the party?
Matrix II
>the marivingin plot
>the architect
>the keymaster
>the twins
had no idea wtf was going on or what was happening
Schindler's List. It was just so utterly unbelievable and horrible, kinda hard to wrap my head around it.
Once they started the loop it would never end and they would never be free of it. It spiraled out of their control immediately.
is it any good? better o worse than PRIMER
>what is they're most confusing movie you ever seened?
what's going on is, he messed about with time travel for a week and he caused so much shit that he decides to stalk his past self to make sure he can't build the time machine
but he still builds it then more
then hes in the warehouse in france running it as a business
so what you said makes no sense
much worse than primer it was psued garbage
>the marivingin plot
it's been awhile I can't really remember the exact plot but basically he was an old program that existed since the very beginning of the matrix, he even witnessed the first the one up till current the one (neo)
in the neo era he was already collected all the old programs who were going to be deleted but they refused
>the architect
he basically just explaining on how he created the matrix and anticipated the coming the one
>the keymaster
>the twins
old programs
garbage explanation
if it makes sense within the films then the filmis garbage
how would old programs exist
The only confusing bit is that there's three Aarons mostly because the budget only allowed for a black hoodie and that single bit of exposition was very mumbly.
The hard drive was partitioned so it wasn't formatted correctly. There were also some older programs on USB lying around.
this is realy lame-o user
The point is a time travel film for time travel's sake and exhibits the sheer impossibility of something like ever not spinning wildly out of control from the word go.
The Granger incident for example is so fucked up and out of the blue that our two protags can't even begin to contemplate how that would've even happened or ever even be sure. This isn't even fully resolved since Aaron collapsed a box through the safeguard box.
It's letting the genie out of the bottle.
>france running it as a business
are u retarded, he just ran away and got a new job abroad, since he was the double.
the twins are like all the henchmen the Merovingian has they come from a obsolete version of the matrix
keymaker is a program made to open the door for the one in prophecy aka neo
These guys are wright, u dont need to go into autistic detail about exactly what happens when the movie works thematically.
>I watch all the youtube clips on this and still none idea what the f is go on
I think it'd be perfect for a remake there's just so much there but ends too early to explore any of it. It's almost like a series pilot.
But no. Based Shane seems like he hates directing and really against the idea of crowdfunding for some reason even though that would be the only way he could ever have full control.
>how would old programs exist
there existed more than one matrix in the past, there were at least 5 matrices before the current matrix we saw in the movies (neo era)
old programs were programs that existed in the old matrices just like smith which is a program in the current matrix
watch the movie with an explanation like this (thisisbarry.com
Pause and rewind as necessary, you should be able to get it after the one viewing (except for the intentionally unexplained bits)