Tarintino movies have this weird effect where they feel really short even though they're extremely long

Tarintino movies have this weird effect where they feel really short even though they're extremely long.

How does he always manage to accomplish this? Is this some kind of deliberate psychological trick?

Attached: Quentin-Tarantino.jpg (757x504, 79K)

I think it's just the pacing of his films, he's always keeping the plot moving.

He has good pacing and can make dialogue seem really natural even though people might talk as eccentric as his characters, it keeps your attention.

He's very good at making entertaining films. Still not a huge fan of his.

Reminder that if you paid money to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood or promoted it in any way, you're supporting the denigration of a Hong Kong icon to the benefit of the CCP. Anyone who supports this movie is a shill for the chicoms and an enemy to the free movement of Hong Kong.

Attached: brad-pitt-mike-moh-bruce-lee-2-1.jpg (1024x683, 102K)

When it works it works but when it doesn't it doesn't. Pulp Fiction only has a tiny lull with the date but as a result of all the cutting it's hard to even remember what scenes comes after what but it also erases any semblance of sub text if he bothered.

But then there's shit like Django, that only seems as long as it is because he can't be decisive, and build the character up just to shoot his way out of the corner for no reason.

>Pulp Fiction has no subtext
I bet you think you sound smart.

Get over it, Shannon.

Was this an accurate depiction of bruce lee?

A lot of his sequences are shot like self-contained short movies so watching the complete film is more like marathoning a tv series with 20 minute episodes.

It's cuz they make you fall asleep. ONCE put me to sleep both times I tried to watch it.

it's a trick known as "enjoying the movie and not squirming in your seat waiting for the film to end"

He writes in the style of a playwright where the movie is basically a relatively short collection of very long scenes

he plagiarizes everything good about better movies and autistically works them into his own contrived shit, that's why it's so entertaining

One more reason to like this film
Fuck Hong Kong

>Tarintino movies have this weird effect where they feel really short even though they're extremely long.
maybe if you're an easily impressed pleb

He had a fantastic editor who passed away right before django, which is why his last movies have felt a little janky pacing wise.

I was literally just thinking this last week. I was Kill Bill one and two, and the whole 5 hour experience felt like a 2 hour movie.

But this is how Bruce Lee behaved. In his films he always played stoic, calm and collected characters while in real life he was boastful as fuck, cocky to the point of arrogance, but he was likeable and charming and his stunt work was brilliant so everyone believed all the talk.

>they feel really short even though they're extremely long



yikes, big yikes...pretty embarrassing

Sounds like a personal problem. It's a household term even outside of a tv and movie board.

you're not kill bill, you fucking aborted retard

time feels short when you're having fun


Tarantino movies have this effect where it feels like I'm watching a sick fantasy made by a sex pervert.