Pic related is getting a Amazon Prime original series

Pic related is getting a Amazon Prime original series.

2 seasons are currently greenlit each with 6 one hour long episodes. Season 1 will be a prequel to the video game with season 2 more or less adapting the games events

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It'll be shit, but if I keep my expectations low, it might meet them and I won't be so disappointed

Amazon is being smarter lately by tackling things with established fanbases. You can do totally original stuff as well but first you need something to bring people in.

Mind got blown when I finally watched Johnny Mnemonic.

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I'm down for Bioshock kino.

no its not faggot you posted this same thread yesterday

That wasn't me im just stealing his thread

Infinite came out in 2013, and Levine has done dick-shit since. I'm guessing he wanted some dough and Amazon is always ready to buy an established property.



so the game known for its atmosphere and settings is being adapted into a show that will adapt none of that in its first season? wow

Wait for a nigger Elizabeth for infinity
She will be a daughter of one of the vox populi niggas

That's not even what the game is called

>Another thing I loved is getting destroyed

How do you think they'll ruin it? (((Diversity))) casting? Or blatant slanted left political writing?

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If The Boys and Tick is anything to go by, Amazon has a very good track record of staying faithful to source material and leaving out real life social politics

>Andrew Ryan wanted a society where scientists and artists could work freely without censorship, and people of all colors and genders could live in harmony

The game is already somewhat political. What if they cast Moner as the little girl?

Well OP is making up bullshit so it’s not get destroyed just yet. Give it another 5 years

It's bioshok you homo.

You also couldn't be a welfare leech.
He hated parasites.

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The game is already completely based on the failures of a libertarian society

The second one was about collectivism/gomunism.
The third one was shit.

It could be great if done right. I loved all three games. Infinite, while some people hated it, is actually my favorite

That's my point. They're gonna fuck it up with ultra liberal politics. Which is not what Andrew Ryan had in mind.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

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user I hate to burst your bubble but Andrew Ryan was not the hero of Bioshock

Here's your protagonist bro!

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>in today's episode of the right getting upset at their imagination, we have... a possible Bioshock series!

Columbia was awesome. The story and gameplay didn't do it justice.

>thinking Andrew Ryan was intelligent or even well-intended
He lacked foresight and when the natural flow of power in his city would've displaced him, he chose to retain power and completely fuck up Rapture. I think Fontaine would've fucked it up worse but the whole point was that UTOPIAS CAN'T EXIST because humans.

Was he?

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Kek. This

Yea Forums loves to pretend they dont get outraged for the sake of it, and they are completely justified in every little thing they are upset about, but then every time a new adaptation is announced the threads are full of "Woah I bet they are going to have a BLACK guy, wouldn't that be bad!?! Or what if there is a WOMAN in this series!!""
It's hilarious

No. He was one of the antagonists.

Just because you post poorly made images of his quotes over a background doesn't make him a hero

I liked the story but i agree on the gameplay. Felt like they dumbed it down from previous games

I'd rather get outraged now and then proved wrong later, than stay hopeful now and then get outraged later. Nigger

>there is no welfare, everyone has to stand for themselves
>there also happen to be no niggers

>"Woah I bet they are going to have a BLACK guy, wouldn't that be bad!?! Or what if there is a WOMAN in this series!!""

That's because everything that gets an "adaptation" or a remake 10 years after the fact get this sort of treatment. You wanna have diverse project? How about make your own James Bond or whatever the flavor of the day is? Rather then destroy an already established product with your politics?

I dont mind diversity or even political overtones as long as its subtle and makes you ponder and not being shoved down my throat which is never the case. The left doesn't seem to grasp the concept of being subtle. They end up making Characters with no character and are basically walking stereotypes, and in my eyes that's racist.

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>The left doesn't seem to grasp the concept of being subtle. They end up making Characters with no character and are basically walking stereotypes


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I'm just glad they're allowing smaller seasons than the newly established 13 ep structure

It doesn't exist you stupid twitter checkmark

Okay but you are ruining a perfectly good thread with your paranoia.

You can fume quietly on your own time

I don't even disagree with you, but who does it help to turn every single thread about an upcoming movie or series into a politics one?

Isn't that pretty much what he wanted though, he was fine with Asians and shit showing up.

Based honestly

Yes, there were though, and there was welfare. There were projects style apartments and Atlas rose to power using welfare.

Will they keep the sucking life force out of the big daddies in the movie? I mean how else will the protag get powers?

Your misremembering shit

I know we're all super racist here but that legit looks good

You've hit it over the head with that one son.

Shitty low rent apartments that cost two nickels a month to maintain because their so bad isn’t projects. It’s a slum not a project and yes there is a difference.

It was free housing for the homeless. Replay the game. Atlus says it was one of the reasons he was easily able to get the masses on his side

Ranting irl will get you blacklisted or worse by many people so people just don’t bother. They have to let it out somewhere and what is a better place than an eggplant farming advice forum

>>The game is already completely based on the failures of a libertarian society
Not really. It is merely an interesting setting for an independent city in 1960. The failure of Rapture comes from jackasses getting high on turbo steroids, it could have been any form of government and faced the same fate.
>b-but stronk nanny state would have 'regulated' it and magic, magic it would have worked
Ryan actually compromised all his principles and went full retard dealing with Atlas and Adam with the nationalization of an entire industry.
Any political subtext in the first bioshock is really of secondary relevance to the plot. Not the same in the second and third where it goes into full retard.

Rant about politics on the politics board

Or keep it to yourself until it's no longer a hypothetical

>another flop based on a vidya

are there retards working on the studios or it's another loundry scam?

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Why can't they just fund Vin to make more Riddick shit or something before he gets too old and fat instead.

what was the last one?

The left doesn't have characters. They have lecturers.

She cute

Is there any proof of this OP?

If they actually picked up the political plot from 3 that they completely gutted I wouldn't be mad

I hope Eleanor gets set up with a black love interest in Season 2

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I hope it doesn't straight up adapt the games. I think the best idea for adapting video games is to have a story set in the same universe. They shouldn't try to redo the same experience players had. That story was already told in that format. The fans already have experienced it the way it was originally intended. Especially with something known for its setting like Bioshock, side stories are the way to go.

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