It's another "Truman gets more distrustful of his own conscience...

It's another "Truman gets more distrustful of his own conscience, divided between his animalistic survival instincts in the modern world and the strive for the ethical existence representative of the said modern world he partakes in, along with his failing struggle to connect with other humans and feel a sense of belonging despite his acchievements, large friend circle, loving family and relationship" episode!

Attached: jim-carrey-truman-show.jpg (2700x1800, 3.25M)

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have sex

Do you think Chris would let him grow too intellectual?

Reminder that if this happened in real life, the studio would have sued Truman for profits they lost because of his departure and he would have to work that money off by doing the only job a guy with his resume can land: playing himself in the show.

Are you being random or is this a common thought pattern?
You scarily hit the nail on the head.
I literally spent my entire weekend thinking about this and had conversations with a friend about that exact topic being my current existential crisis.
If I'm Truman, say my name.

learn to read

They should make a Truman Show mimic, but this time let him develop absolute awakening and become a monk and nothing the producer do can stimulate emotional response from him

Already happened in Japan.

Why not a big brother deal, but with like 10 babies raised in a false town?

Let Truman read an article about Buddhism and get enlightened and sit under a bodi tree and Chris send his most pornographic actress to seduce him to no avail

>It's a Truman had a dream about his ex and now can't stop thinking about her episode

You can always tell because he spends the next 2 days in bed phonepostig on that weird meme website he loves so much.

No one would watch it after he decided to stay. The only way forward is to follow him on the outside

>better known as Nasubi (なすび, "Eggplant"), is a Japanese comedian.

faggot retard

OP please answer me. I'm getting paranoid.
If you've not been carted away and silenced for almost breaking the illusion, let me know.

>it's a Truman is feeling extremely lonely so he gets drunk and jerks off to pics of girls he used to know in High School on Facebook and even tries to message know asking if he she wants to hook up episode
This is like the 4th rerun this month

Don't worry Truman show was outdated and didn't catch up with anything about Internet.

>Truman discovers an ancient Norse mask in a river and receives strange powers

>it's a Truman watches a Jim Carrey movie and spends the rest of the day questioning why anyone would like such a talentless goof.

>Truman starts posting on /x/ and summoning tulpas and demons
>They run amok in his town and the producers dont know what to do

Attached: 0D96CBB9-8C05-4994-BEF5-C12E9FD28449.jpg (214x317, 10K)

Truman, now shaved his own head and wears a robe, sits in lotus position.
Chris orders Meryl to hold a baby in front of Truman.
Truman says: "This Truman you seek has never been."
Chris tells Meryl to say: "But Truman, this is your daughter. She has been born!"
Truman raises his palm and says in parable:"Once there was a conman defrauding a rich man. The conman asked for money and promised the rich man a wife. He took the money and told the rich man he had found him a pretty wife in another town. The rich man was happy. The next day the conman told him his wife died. The rich man was sad. Now don't you think the rich man is stupid?"

Attached: 4FD1FBDB-C1F3-47A3-B484-397E6CC47141.gif (473x800, 10K)

When he puts on the mask, the producer sedates him and sends in his green-faced stunt doubles. When he wakes up he sees the chaos left behind

>Truman gets drunk and shoots at phonebooks with a .22 in his basement episode

Attached: 1564757482923.png (952x717, 471K)

>It’s a Truman breaks his nieces hymen while giving her an aggressive horsey ride on his knee episode.

H-how do you present this scene and make the audience know what happened in this scene?

>acchievements, large friend circle, loving family and relationship

Chris gets angry and orders a trained elephant to fake a mad aggression and charged at Truman.
Truman, believing everything he sees is an illusion, raises his palm and made "gesture of fearlessness".
Chris, having no other ways, stops the elephant right before Truman gets tramped.