Dees (19.6.120) def Giants (7.11.53)
Bloos V Port @ MCG 1:40PM
Dons V Freo @ Marvel 4:40PM
Hawks V Cats @ MCG 3:20PM
With the Dees now 5-0, can Port maintain their form and go 0-5?
Dees (19.6.120) def Giants (7.11.53)
Bloos V Port @ MCG 1:40PM
Dons V Freo @ Marvel 4:40PM
Hawks V Cats @ MCG 3:20PM
With the Dees now 5-0, can Port maintain their form and go 0-5?
Best on Ground starting now lads
>Tonight's attendance is 20,791
james hird looming bros
Basedbane lads
and thats why DABLOOS are my shoe in of the week
>another game that should have been a muscular 80+ point victory ends up a pedestrian
some early pearlers on best on ground lads
would get a few yous on here
it's the passover sabbath, i wouldn't expect the dees to have a high attendance tonight, not even if the mcg were within melbourne's eruv
any crowGODs nesting in?
lololol the plebbit mods are enforcing the “umpire limerick” rule
you can only comment about umps with rhymes
this is how SOI their sub is
caaw caaw
Reporting in, feeling good. Looks like >we will be a top 15 team again.
Razor ray is gayzer gay
lost two close games, one due to tex evasion
i'm thinking flag
It has been a relatively easy schedule so far though, to be fair. I'd be absolutely chuffed if >we somehow and miraculously make the 8.
any dumb cunts in?
>tex evasion
would love to trade dud grundy and dud rowell in supercoach but I get like 19 injuries a week
there was an ump who wouldn't budge
so toby greene gave him a nudge
he walked at the ump
and gave him a bump
and now /afl/ holds a grudge
pretty good actually
reddit would ban you anyway
there once was an ump with lady parts
whom gil tried to have capture our hearts
not to be a snob
but she was bad at her job
and now /afl/ wants to smell her farts
there once was a man named taylor
who thought miscegenation was a failure
he called a spade a spade
so a debt must be paid
to a long nosed fellow from mid-Eurasia
there once was a guy named tex walker
who seemed to be quite a shit talker
he stated it blunt
said "hit the black cunt"
and now he's booed in every quarter
>wordsmiths on /alf/
we Yea Forums now
I havent watched footy in a few years. How are my bombers doing? Also fuck Hawthorne bunch of bitches
errr..... uhhhhh.....
They're going into tomozs match 1-3.
I'm sorry
>Also fuck Hawthorn bunch of bitches
just want to fuck the nothing special girl 2bh
so you're copping a root from an /alf/ sperg? well that's nothing special
Kek so they never recovered after the ban for doping. Damn shame.
I only like Essendon because of a video I watched of the line in the sand brawl. That was my intro to footy.Had no clue about the doping I just knew that Hawthorne was dirty as hell in that game and I had to pick a side
nice lad
that line in the sand era was the last time essendon were good. they haven't won a game in a finals series since 2004
prozzies on you then
turns the stomach
how are people this fucked up
he says this in the community in which josh and dollpedo post
KEK, why are plebbitors fine with being treated like absolute children. NOOOO HE SAID THE UMPIRING IS SHIT NOT IN LIMERICK FORM BANNN HIMM!
Yikes. If I remember right they were really good the year they were banned from the playoffs. Just shows that cheating always catches up to you
Id let dollcunt raw dog me before ever posting a fucking poem to vent about shit umpiring
I want them to know they are faggots and I am laughing at them.
she blows the whistle
everyone knows she is wrong
eleni glouftsis
It's a side effect of too much America. Get rid of it before it's too late
President Macron said American-imported "woke culture" is "racializing" France
Not only does it radicalize you it makes you retarded at the same time
when you begin to accept that people like Ghislane Maxwell were reddit powerusers and "newsbreakers" to craft and direct narrative and public opinion with comped mods ans botnet socket accounts it's easier to understand how the cattle have been molded
would watch ronnie and the other ronnie (penaldo) but gym looms I guess
Never employ an ump who is a girl
Lest you allow shit decisions unfurl
Women never know when to whistle blow
They cannot tell a handball from a throw
If one of their calls you should inspect
A 50 will be called for umpire respect
Should you lightly place hands in one's back
You can be certain the ball will backtrack
Holding the ball or holding the man
Too similar in name to understand
The laws of the game are at her will
"Incorrect disposal" she says so shrill
Never employ a woman official
Her knowledge will be superficial
These people should kill themselves
should post these there
imagine the cope
>the gws
>mostly 10 syllable lines
>consistent rhyme scheme
pretty good desu